POLL: Who is ready to go to war with Russia?

Funny that Obama told Russia to stay out of Ukraine and the very next day Russia sent in MAJOR military assets.

Obama's words are so valued overseas huh

During Bush's time in office China rolled Tibet and Russia Rolled Georgia.

And that doesn't say nothing about all the havoc caused in the middle east by Bush's Christian Crusade into Iraq.

So fucking what. Stay on topic and stop licking Obama's balls for once.

Stop being such a faggot. Your prison life is behind you.

And it's embarrassing, convict.
During Bush's time in office China rolled Tibet and Russia Rolled Georgia.

And that doesn't say nothing about all the havoc caused in the middle east by Bush's Christian Crusade into Iraq.

So fucking what. Stay on topic and stop licking Obama's balls for once.

Stop being such a faggot. Your prison life is behind you.

And it's embarrassing, convict.

No, what's embarrassing is the fact that you will never measure the merit of Obama's actions based simply on their value. You always have to measure him against someone else. It's as if he is not worthy to stand and be judged on his own.

Embarrassing indeed
McCain and Lindsy Graham want to invade Syria, Egypt, and Iran. They're so concerned about those people. What's different about about the Ukraine to them? You know they're gonna rag on Obama no matter what he does.

My question was about Russia and none of those men has ever suggested invading any of those countries and as I just pointed out in another post any order to go to war with any country comes from the Commander in Chief which is Obama not a Senator.

You are a perfect example of an ignorant con. I can't believe you don't know about McCain singing, "bomb bomb bomb Iran."

It was a joke that was blown way out of proportion by a comedy parody. Gosh you liberals will believe just about anything.

McCain jokes about bombing Iran - politics - Decision '08 - John McCain News | NBC News
Just curious.

Are you sad that Mommar Gaddafi, who planned and financed the murder of over 100 Americans on a flight over Lockerbie, is dead?

I'm happy to blame Obama for that. :D

And you're willing to attack W for doing the same thing for the Iraqi people. You have no standard other than supporting the Democrat in any issue.

Saddam Hussien wasn't even remotely involved in anything like that.

And for the Iraqi people? Hundreds of thousands were massacred because of NeoCon thirst for locking up middle eastern oil.

democrats and republicans authorized and funded the stupid invasion of Iraq. To blame it all on Bush just shows that you have no comprehension of what really happened.----------they are ALL resonsible
And you're willing to attack W for doing the same thing for the Iraqi people. You have no standard other than supporting the Democrat in any issue.

Saddam Hussien wasn't even remotely involved in anything like that.

And for the Iraqi people? Hundreds of thousands were massacred because of NeoCon thirst for locking up middle eastern oil.

democrats and republicans authorized and funded the stupid invasion of Iraq. To blame it all on Bush just shows that you have no comprehension of what really happened.----------they are ALL resonsible
Correct. How many times must it be repeated?
The US doesn't attack nuclear powers, too chicken. The US only attacks the weak, and even there, can't beat them.

Oh, we CAN but if we really 'took off the gloves,' so to speak, we'd likely no longer be viewed favorably by any decent peoples in the world.

Therefore we must fight asymmetric wars using tactics that result in less decisive victories than in symmetric warfare.

Asymmetric warfare is war between belligerents whose relative military power differs significantly, or whose strategy or tactics differ significantly.

Asymmetric warfare can describe a conflict in which the resources of two belligerents differ in essence and in the struggle, interact and attempt to exploit each other's characteristic weaknesses. Such struggles often involve strategies and tactics of unconventional warfare, the weaker combatants attempting to use strategy to offset deficiencies in quantity or quality.[1]

Such strategies may not necessarily be militarized.[2] This is in contrast to symmetric warfare, where two powers have similar military power and resources and rely on tactics that are similar overall, differing only in details and execution.

The term is frequently used to describe what is also called "guerrilla warfare", "insurgency", "terrorism", "counterinsurgency", and "counterterrorism", essentially violent conflict between a formal military and an informal, less equipped and supported, undermanned but resilient opponent.

Asymmetric warfare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Give more weapons to Islamic terrorists like Ronald Reagan did and let them fight the Russians for us. That is how a real leader would defeat Russia. It worked before without any consequences to America.

When you first dropped that turd of an idea i let it pass as a snark.

But now you are trying to get that shit log to fly and it won't.

It never will.

So, try something else.
My question was about Russia and none of those men has ever suggested invading any of those countries and as I just pointed out in another post any order to go to war with any country comes from the Commander in Chief which is Obama not a Senator.

You are a perfect example of an ignorant con. I can't believe you don't know about McCain singing, "bomb bomb bomb Iran."

Your the prefect example of clueless far left loon that was a dumb joke at a campaign event not a call for war.

Way to double down. Expose your ignorance, then double down with stupid.
I think that we should choose another target. I was thinking maybe attacking the Canary Islands, or maybe Bermuda....

It's no "we" really.

Conservatives would love us to go to war with Russia. So they could flock to Putin's side.
YOU are so full of SHIT...

He's still bitter because Putin owns Obama's bitch ass.

Don't you love how the Dumbocrats simultaneously make up that Republicans want to attack Russia to start a war and fight on the side of Russia because they love Putin at the same time? We're not talking intellectual elites here...
The US doesn't attack nuclear powers, too chicken. The US only attacks the weak, and even there, can't beat them.

Oh, we CAN but if we really 'took off the gloves,' so to speak, we'd likely no longer be viewed favorably by any decent peoples in the world.

Takes a real moron to suggest "taking off the gloves". Perfect reason for cons to be thrown out of power.
Sanctions and humanitarian relief aid.

Sarah Palina and her family can launch their own military campaign to save the Ukraine from the Bear. After all, she can see Russia from her house.
The US doesn't attack nuclear powers, too chicken. The US only attacks the weak, and even there, can't beat them.

Oh, we CAN but if we really 'took off the gloves,' so to speak, we'd likely no longer be viewed favorably by any decent peoples in the world.

Takes a real moron to suggest "taking off the gloves". Perfect reason for cons to be thrown out of power.

this whold thread is a red herring. we are not going to war with Russia over Ukraine.

Mods, move this to the rubber room, please
Sanctions and humanitarian relief aid.

Sarah Palina and her family can launch their own military campaign to save the Ukraine from the Bear. After all, she can see Russia from her house.

Sarah Palin is not Tina Fey. Sorry idiot, but Fey said that, not Palin.
We are not going to war with Russia over the Ukraine.

1. Obama does not have the balls
2. Its none of our fricken business
3. We didn't give a shit about our own people in Benghazi, why should we care about a bunch of ex-Russians?

I love your patriotism, backing your president. Syria, Egypt, Libya and Iraq was none of our business either.

Is that how 'patriotism' is defined in the US? Backing 'your' president right or wrong?

Imo the default attitude towards any politician is contempt and mistrust. Exceptionally, if the circumstances warrant, this can be shifted to grudging and wary approval.
well lets see if Obama backs up his tough talk. I mean he did give putin a stern warning
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Has one single person suggested going to war with Russia?

Well, yes. A lot of conservatives here are calling Obama a wimp for not threatening Russia with war. Some of them are doing it on this thread. That's the point of the thread, how such chickenhawks are very gung-ho, so long as someone else will do the dying.

Liberals, of course, weren't screaming that Bush was wimp for not threatening war over Georgia. As is usually the case, consistency points for the liberals, hypocrisy points for the conservatives.
Hey remember when Sarah Palin said if Obama is elected Russia will attack the Ukraine? Got to give her credit. she called it.

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