POLL: Who is ready to go to war with Russia?

Has one single person suggested going to war with Russia? Also you might consider not telling someone there will be severe cost to doing something if you have no intention of following through that is a lot like drawing a red ling and daring someone to cross it.

McCain and Lindsy Graham want to invade Syria, Egypt, and Iran. They're so concerned about those people. What's different about about the Ukraine to them? You know they're gonna rag on Obama no matter what he does.

My question was about Russia and none of those men has ever suggested invading any of those countries and as I just pointed out in another post any order to go to war with any country comes from the Commander in Chief which is Obama not a Senator.

You are a perfect example of an ignorant con. I can't believe you don't know about McCain singing, "bomb bomb bomb Iran."
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McCain and Lindsy Graham want to invade Syria, Egypt, and Iran. They're so concerned about those people. What's different about about the Ukraine to them? You know they're gonna rag on Obama no matter what he does.

My question was about Russia and none of those men has ever suggested invading any of those countries and as I just pointed out in another post any order to go to war with any country comes from the Commander in Chief which is Obama not a Senator.

You are a perfect example of an ignorant con. I can't believe you don't know about McCain singing, "bomb bomb bomb Iran."
However? McCain can SING all he wants...HE doesn't HAVE the authority, now does he?
We are not going to war with Russia over the Ukraine.

1. Obama does not have the balls
2. Its none of our fricken business
3. We didn't give a shit about our own people in Benghazi, why should we care about a bunch of ex-Russians?

I love your patriotism, backing your president. Syria, Egypt, Libya and Iraq was none of our business either.
But Obama asserts him (US) anyway...now WHY is that?
McCain and Lindsy Graham want to invade Syria, Egypt, and Iran. They're so concerned about those people. What's different about about the Ukraine to them? You know they're gonna rag on Obama no matter what he does.

My question was about Russia and none of those men has ever suggested invading any of those countries and as I just pointed out in another post any order to go to war with any country comes from the Commander in Chief which is Obama not a Senator.

You are a perfect example of an ignorant con. I can't believe you don't know about McCain singing, "bomb bomb bomb Iran."

Your the prefect example of clueless far left loon that was a dumb joke at a campaign event not a call for war.
We are not going to war with Russia over the Ukraine.

1. Obama does not have the balls
2. Its none of our fricken business
3. We didn't give a shit about our own people in Benghazi, why should we care about a bunch of ex-Russians?

I love your patriotism, backing your president. Syria, Egypt, Libya and Iraq was none of our business either.

Our only business in those countries was, and is, protecting american citizens who happen to be there.

I back the office of president, not the guy who currently occupies it.
Funny that Obama told Russia to stay out of Ukraine and the very next day Russia sent in MAJOR military assets.

Obama's words are so valued overseas huh
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There is no compelling interest to do anything more in the Ukraine (or Syria, Egypt, Libya) than send a sharply worded letter of disapproval, and then only because it is expected in diplomatic circles.

Just curious.

Are you sad that Mommar Gaddafi, who planned and financed the murder of over 100 Americans on a flight over Lockerbie, is dead?

I'm happy to blame Obama for that. :D
Funny that Obama told Russia to stay out of Ukraine and the very next day Russia sent in MAJOR military assets.

Obama's words are so valued overseas huh

During Bush's time in office China rolled Tibet and Russia Rolled Georgia.

And that doesn't say nothing about all the havoc caused in the middle east by Bush's Christian Crusade into Iraq.
We are not going to war with Russia over the Ukraine.

1. Obama does not have the balls
2. Its none of our fricken business
3. We didn't give a shit about our own people in Benghazi, why should we care about a bunch of ex-Russians?

I love your patriotism, backing your president. Syria, Egypt, Libya and Iraq was none of our business either.

Our only business in those countries was, and is, protecting american citizens who happen to be there.

I back the office of president, not the guy who currently occupies it.

Doesn't work like that.
There is no compelling interest to do anything more in the Ukraine (or Syria, Egypt, Libya) than send a sharply worded letter of disapproval, and then only because it is expected in diplomatic circles.

Just curious.

Are you sad that Mommar Gaddafi, who planned and financed the murder of over 100 Americans on a flight over Lockerbie, is dead?

I'm happy to blame Obama for that. :D

Sad? No. Generally indifferent? Yes.
It is what it is, he was a turd, he has been replaced by turds.

Which is something Gaddafi has in common with Bush and Obama, turds to be replaced by turds.
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There is no compelling interest to do anything more in the Ukraine (or Syria, Egypt, Libya) than send a sharply worded letter of disapproval, and then only because it is expected in diplomatic circles.

Just curious.

Are you sad that Mommar Gaddafi, who planned and financed the murder of over 100 Americans on a flight over Lockerbie, is dead?

I'm happy to blame Obama for that. :D

And you're willing to attack W for doing the same thing for the Iraqi people. You have no standard other than supporting the Democrat in any issue.
Funny that Obama told Russia to stay out of Ukraine and the very next day Russia sent in MAJOR military assets.

Obama's words are so valued overseas huh

During Bush's time in office China rolled Tibet and Russia Rolled Georgia.

And that doesn't say nothing about all the havoc caused in the middle east by Bush's Christian Crusade into Iraq.

So fucking what. Stay on topic and stop licking Obama's balls for once.
Give more weapons to Islamic terrorists like Ronald Reagan did and let them fight the Russians for us. That is how a real leader would defeat Russia. It worked before without any consequences to America.
War? what kind of nonsense is that? Obama and his cadre made it very clear, he has drawn a line in the sand, if violated, will result in major consequences, sounds a little like Neville Chamberlainish or Jimmy Carterish style diplomacy, all talk.
Ill advised to say anything unless one has the ability to walk the talk, so an armed response is not on the table.
Score remains Putin 1, Obama 0 with the ball in Putin's hand in overtime.
There is no compelling interest to do anything more in the Ukraine (or Syria, Egypt, Libya) than send a sharply worded letter of disapproval, and then only because it is expected in diplomatic circles.

Just curious.

Are you sad that Mommar Gaddafi, who planned and financed the murder of over 100 Americans on a flight over Lockerbie, is dead?

I'm happy to blame Obama for that. :D

And you're willing to attack W for doing the same thing for the Iraqi people. You have no standard other than supporting the Democrat in any issue.

Saddam Hussien wasn't even remotely involved in anything like that.

And for the Iraqi people? Hundreds of thousands were massacred because of NeoCon thirst for locking up middle eastern oil.
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