POLL: Who is ready to go to war with Russia?

We are not going to war with Russia over the Ukraine.

1. Obama does not have the balls
2. Its none of our fricken business
3. We didn't give a shit about our own people in Benghazi, why should we care about a bunch of ex-Russians?

I love your patriotism, backing your president. Syria, Egypt, Libya and Iraq was none of our business either.
Forgot to ask you, do you seriously think John Kerry was a Vietnam war hero?
We are not going to war with Russia over the Ukraine.

1. Obama does not have the balls
2. Its none of our fricken business
3. We didn't give a shit about our own people in Benghazi, why should we care about a bunch of ex-Russians?

I love your patriotism, backing your president. Syria, Egypt, Libya and Iraq was none of our business either.
Forgot to ask you, do you seriously think John Kerry was a Vietnam war hero?

What a silly deflection, truly.
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Russia is Ok.


If you ask if we are ready to go to war with Iran?

Sweet Jesus, you bet we are.
Iran should have been turned into a parking lot decades ago.

you two are idiots. :tinfoil: There are plenty of anti-regime Iranians. There just aren't enough to mount a formidable rebellion. Gawd but rw'ers (you two specifically :eusa_shhh: ) are low-info morans :thup:

I should charge you low-info, Repub- voters for these mini Foreign policy lessons I give you.

what an ignoramus up there ^^^^^^^^ ....

God help us all....

and gives us patience ...not to insult and degrade and destroy.
hangover said:
Okay all you chicken hawks, let's see how many of you want to send others to fight another stupid war for the profit of the military industrial corporations.
I wonder if another staged event will be done to get the sheeple on thier side! (Like 9/11)
No one is ready to go to war. But war is upon us.

Maybe instead of insulting one another you should prepare for what's coming and unite.
I don't feel like being bombed and seeing the world in a world war. So no...Let's just let Russia have The Ukraine.

Sure. But there are ways to get at Russia short of war. Your Pres tried one last night. He talked at Putin for a whole HOUR. I mean could you face listening to Mr Obama reading from him autocue for such an extended period? Would you not withdraw from the Ukraine/your back yard to avoid the awful prospect of a repeat.
There is no compelling interest to do anything more in the Ukraine (or Syria, Egypt, Libya) than send a sharply worded letter of disapproval, and then only because it is expected in diplomatic circles.

Just curious.

Are you sad that Mommar Gaddafi, who planned and financed the murder of over 100 Americans on a flight over Lockerbie, is dead?

I'm happy to blame Obama for that. :D

They were both in the right place at the right time. Nothing more.
No one is ready to go to war. But war is upon us.

Maybe instead of insulting one another you should prepare for what's coming and unite.

My days of 'my country right or wrong' and 'we're in this together' are behind me. I shall scream "bullshit!" from the rooftops until hoarse and discourage as many young men as possible from placing their lives in the hands of a bunch of self serving thugs in thousand dollar suits playing 'who has the bigger cock'.
Ukraine is none of our business.

Like so many other places where we insinuate ourselves, I note.
Has one single person suggested going to war with Russia? Also you might consider not telling someone there will be severe cost to doing something if you have no intention of following through that is a lot like drawing a red ling and daring someone to cross it.

drawing a red line..., hummmm, that rings a bell, seems i heard or read somewhere a high ranking politician...., a president maybe, said this and backed away and cowardly says he didn’t draw the red line on Syria, the world did, does that ring a bell with anyone here ?

ooooh to hell with it all, let's just have another big party :up:
... :lmao:
If we were to go to war with any nation, it takes an act of congress. The President can call for a limited miitary action without Congressional approval, but very doubtful ANY President would send troops as a militart action against a major power without COngressional approval.

It's interesting how you used all the words from the post you were responding to, and yet didn't grasp the point or respond coherently to it. Congress can't attack anyone. They can declare war, they can fund the war, but only the ... wait for it ... commander in chief can actually order troops into combat.

kaz, please, for once, read the post and respond, not react to it.

Jake, please, for once, read the discussion and respond, not react to it.

Logically, no one can attack Russia without our President initiating it. That was the point. I get to address what I want to, not what you want me to.

And practically, no one is calling to attack Russia. This thread is just a BS discussion.
And practically, no one is calling to attack Russia.

A lot of conservatives are calling Obama a wimp for not threatening Russia with military action. To an honest person, that looks like a call to attack Russia. I mean, if you're not actually willing to attack, then the bluff is obvious and will be laughed at.

Those partisan BS artists call Obama a wimp for not threatening Russia, but try to hairsplit with claims that they don't actually want military action, they just want the president to threaten it. Don't start WW3, just bring us to the brink of starting WW3. And if the president doesn't act in such a criminally reckless manner, he's a wimp. But only if he's a Democrat.

That's why ODS sufferers should be ignored on every issue.
And practically, no one is calling to attack Russia.

A lot of conservatives are calling Obama a wimp for not threatening Russia with military action. To an honest person, that looks like a call to attack Russia. I mean, if you're not actually willing to attack, then the bluff is obvious and will be laughed at.

Those partisan BS artists call Obama a wimp for not threatening Russia, but try to hairsplit with claims that they don't actually want military action, they just want the president to threaten it. Don't start WW3, just bring us to the brink of starting WW3. And if the president doesn't act in such a criminally reckless manner, he's a wimp. But only if he's a Democrat.

That's why ODS sufferers should be ignored on every issue.

I've seen Republicans calling for sanctions and that sort of thing, but none calling for threatening military action. I just did a Google search, I'm not a lazy ass liberal who wants to be spoon feed, and couldn't find that either. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I can't find it. Do you know any names of Republicans calling for that?

And practically, no one is calling to attack Russia. This thread is just a BS discussion.

So all Obama haters who are bashing him over this Ukraine thing are essentially bashing the President for generally pursuing a policy they themselves agree with?

lol, classic ODS.
It won't come to that. Putin and Russia have already won in Ukraine. The Dear Leader and John Kerry are not in Putin's league. That was clearly shown on Syria. Putin is a Master Chess player. At best, the Dear Leader and John Kerry are mediocre Checker players. An inexperienced Community Organizer does not a good President make.
It won't come to that. Putin and Russia have already won in Ukraine. The Dear Leader and John Kerry are not in Putin's league. That was clearly shown on Syria. Putin is a Master Chess player. At best, the Dear Leader and John Kerry are mediocre Checker players. An inexperienced Community Organizer does not a good President make.
King Me!
All you war-mongering neocons funding the insurrection in the Ukraine, can go fuck yourselves!

You are perfect examples of bad American's.

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