[POLL] Will we have universal health care in 80 years?

Do you think we'll have as many social programs as Sweden by 2100?

  • Yes, America is becoming more socialist all the time

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • No, never. Let's return to 1900

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Other, specify below

    Votes: 3 50.0%

  • Total voters

Otis Mayfield

Diamond Member
Sep 17, 2021
So in 1900, the average work week was 60 hours, 6 days a week.

By 1940, that was reduced to 40 hours per week for 5 days.

In 1900, there was no Social Security, unemployment insurance or welfare. You depended on your family.

1940, we had Social Security, Medicare would come later, unemployment insurance and other social programs.

Now with Obamacare, we have nearly universal health coverage.

Do you think we'll be like Sweden by 2100?

  • "Barnbidrag": Monetary support for children up to 16 (support also available for older students)
  • Universal health care
  • Free higher education
  • Elderly care in Sweden is the responsibility of the local municipalities. There are both retirement homes as well as home care, with home care on the rise.[citation needed]
  • "Föräldrapenning": Benefits to be able to be home from work to take care of their children for up to 480 days per child. It also includes special benefits to care about sick and disabled children.
  • "Bostadsbidrag": Housing allowances for anyone who otherwise can't afford housing.
  • "Sjukpenning", "Sjukersättning", "Aktivitetsersättning" and "Handikappersättning": Benefits if you are ill or disabled and can't work.
  • "Arbetslöshetsersättning": Benefits for unemployed (time limited to 300 days, five days a week, which means 60 weeks)
  • "Ålderspension", "Garantipension": Benefits for those who have retired.
  • "Försörjningsstöd": Benefits for anyone (and their children) who otherwise can't get a reasonable standard of living. This is given out purely on a need-basis and handled by each municipality's social service.[14]
And many more.
So in 1900, the average work week was 60 hours, 6 days a week.

By 1940, that was reduced to 40 hours per week for 5 days.

In 1900, there was no Social Security, unemployment insurance or welfare. You depended on your family.

1940, we had Social Security, Medicare would come later, unemployment insurance and other social programs.

Now with Obamacare, we have nearly universal health coverage.

Do you think we'll be like Sweden by 2100?

  • "Barnbidrag": Monetary support for children up to 16 (support also available for older students)
  • Universal health care
  • Free higher education
  • Elderly care in Sweden is the responsibility of the local municipalities. There are both retirement homes as well as home care, with home care on the rise.[citation needed]
  • "Föräldrapenning": Benefits to be able to be home from work to take care of their children for up to 480 days per child. It also includes special benefits to care about sick and disabled children.
  • "Bostadsbidrag": Housing allowances for anyone who otherwise can't afford housing.
  • "Sjukpenning", "Sjukersättning", "Aktivitetsersättning" and "Handikappersättning": Benefits if you are ill or disabled and can't work.
  • "Arbetslöshetsersättning": Benefits for unemployed (time limited to 300 days, five days a week, which means 60 weeks)
  • "Ålderspension", "Garantipension": Benefits for those who have retired.
  • "Försörjningsstöd": Benefits for anyone (and their children) who otherwise can't get a reasonable standard of living. This is given out purely on a need-basis and handled by each municipality's social service.[14]
And many more.
You depended on your family.
Thanks to Uncle Sugar, the family unit especially amongst blacks have been destroyed, thus causing extreme poverty and government reliance upon Uncle Sugar. The KKK couldnt do this much harm to the blacks, so the likes of Al Gore's father and Senator Robert Byrd found other ways to have them killed. Now we see 1000s of blacks being murdered by blacks in the inner cities, thanks to the Regressives that are in the government.
Universal healthcare would be impossible. What do we know about the typical diseases and ailment those beings on other planets are susceptible to? Maybe we should just worry about those diseases and ailments on this planet first.
Once the global technocratic police state is firmly in place, the establishment will be in charge of all "health care."

But, I would not classify it as health care as we know it. It will be. .. managed care. The state will make all the decisions on whether you suffer from illness and pain, or whether you will receive care, and when you shall die.

It will not matter how hard, or how long you work for, or in society anymore, nor will you be allowed to look for alternative treatments. Your health and your choices will no longer be your own. . . so? It will more or less, be death care.

Your life will belong to the establishment when the war against the people is complete.

“The Sovereignty of the United States resides in the people, not in the machines, and it's the people's to take back, if they so wish. The machines," said Paul, "have exceeded the personal sovereignty willingly surrendered to them by the American people for the good government. Machines and organization and pursuit of efficiency have robbed the American people of liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

― Kurt Vonnegut, Player Piano
So in 1900, the average work week was 60 hours, 6 days a week.

By 1940, that was reduced to 40 hours per week for 5 days.

In 1900, there was no Social Security, unemployment insurance or welfare. You depended on your family.

1940, we had Social Security, Medicare would come later, unemployment insurance and other social programs.

Now with Obamacare, we have nearly universal health coverage.

Do you think we'll be like Sweden by 2100?

  • "Barnbidrag": Monetary support for children up to 16 (support also available for older students)
  • Universal health care
  • Free higher education
  • Elderly care in Sweden is the responsibility of the local municipalities. There are both retirement homes as well as home care, with home care on the rise.[citation needed]
  • "Föräldrapenning": Benefits to be able to be home from work to take care of their children for up to 480 days per child. It also includes special benefits to care about sick and disabled children.
  • "Bostadsbidrag": Housing allowances for anyone who otherwise can't afford housing.
  • "Sjukpenning", "Sjukersättning", "Aktivitetsersättning" and "Handikappersättning": Benefits if you are ill or disabled and can't work.
  • "Arbetslöshetsersättning": Benefits for unemployed (time limited to 300 days, five days a week, which means 60 weeks)
  • "Ålderspension", "Garantipension": Benefits for those who have retired.
  • "Försörjningsstöd": Benefits for anyone (and their children) who otherwise can't get a reasonable standard of living. This is given out purely on a need-basis and handled by each municipality's social service.[14]
And many more.
Yes, but universal healthcare isn't "socialist", it's just common sense.
It doesn't matter what kind of healthcare we have.
Any way you cut it, WE are going to be the ones PAYING FOR IT, one way or the other.

For me personally, I would much prefer a blanket coverage over basic healthcare.
Anything considered not basic needs or non-elective surgery, would need to be paid by the person that wants said surgery or medical program.

So, I guess half and half.
It doesn't matter what kind of healthcare we have.
Any way you cut it, WE are going to be the ones PAYING FOR IT, one way or the other.

For me personally, I would much prefer a blanket coverage over basic healthcare.
Anything considered not basic needs or non-elective surgery, would need to be paid by the person that wants said surgery or medical program.

So, I guess half and half.
Of course if we stopped allowing illegal aliens to come across our southern borders and go to our emergency rooms where they get free coverage, then the costs would go way down....
Once the global technocratic police state is firmly in place, the establishment will be in charge of all "health care."

But, I would not classify it as health care as we know it. It will be. .. managed care. The state will make all the decisions on whether you suffer from illness and pain, or whether you will receive care, and when you shall die.

It will not matter how hard, or how long you work for, or in society anymore, nor will you be allowed to look for alternative treatments. Your health and your choices will no longer be your own. . . so? It will more or less, be death care.

Your life will belong to the establishment when the war against the people is complete.

“The Sovereignty of the United States resides in the people, not in the machines, and it's the people's to take back, if they so wish. The machines," said Paul, "have exceeded the personal sovereignty willingly surrendered to them by the American people for the good government. Machines and organization and pursuit of efficiency have robbed the American people of liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
― Kurt Vonnegut, Player Piano
We will be wards of the government. Medical care will be administered the way veterinary care is given to pets. We medicate them as we see fit and euthanize them when care gets too expensive or sickness is inconvenient.

Shitstain obama gave us his view of the future in Life of Julia. A woman that had no need of anyone in her life but the government.
Of course if we stopped allowing illegal aliens to come across our southern borders and go to our emergency rooms where they get free coverage, then the costs would go way down....
Of course, if we faithfully executed our own laws we would have no illegal problem or illegal underclass and would be generating revenue from foreign nationals wanting to try their luck in our markets.

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