Poll: Would you vote for a presidential candidate who is an alcoholic?

(See the thread title) would you?

  • Fuuuu... No

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • Why not?

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters
I voted for a recovering alcoholic - twice. And would do so again. A practicing alcoholic or pot head, etc., no. I am by no means a Hillary supporter in any regard, but I have seen no evidence that she is alcoholic. So that particular disqualification is not a factor in my decision not to vote for her. As for Trump, he does not drink at all so it is not a factor with him either.
I work at a hospital where I'm often called by nursing to keep drunks and drug addicts from hurting anyone, including themselves. Having spent thousands of hours over the years talking with these people, I've learned most are good people with a kind heart.

Hillary is a different story. I think she has a serious problem she isn't willing to admit.
I'm convinced she has a serious problem with alcohol. I'm also surprised this hasn't come up before.

This is an issue we'll soon be seeing on the news. I'm ready to make that happen.

Stay tuned. :)

Few people realize the amount of character and courage that it takes for an alcoholic or drug addict to get sober and stay sober. It requires a heroic effort and deep personal insight and I have the greatest admiration for those able to accomplish it. But the truth is also that getting sober does not make an honest person of a dishonest one, and will not correct character flaws or personal instincts in anybody, or transform what is evil into saintliness. I agree Hillary Clinton has some deep seated psychology that prevents her from seeing the destructiveness of what she does, nor does she seem to have any conscience about it.
I agree with much of what you said. I also think it would be a horrible idea to elect anyone who has an addiction to any drug. That includes alcohol.

Well once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic or once an addict, always an addict. But those wise enough and strong enough to abstain from the substance that addicted them are just as competent and trustworthy as they would have been without the addiction. Sometimes more so. The wise, however, know the difference between those who have broken the addiction's hold on them, and those who have not.
If they'll tell me I can keep my guns, sure.
Ohh.. What about a drunk who thinks you'll be safer without a gun?

The sad part about this thread is that Donald Trump of course doesn't drink alcohol.

Because of course he 'relates' to the common man.

And can't blame alcohol for any of his stupidity- its all his.

So we have two candidates- neither of whom are alcoholics who are running for President.

One of them drinks socially- like the vast majority of people.
One of them doesn't drink at all- like a small minority of people.

Who would you vote for- the social drinker- or the abstainer?

Yeah...none alcoholics are always challenging others to a drinking contest.
I voted for a recovering alcoholic - twice. And would do so again. A practicing alcoholic or pot head, etc., no. I am by no means a Hillary supporter in any regard, but I have seen no evidence that she is alcoholic. So that particular disqualification is not a factor in my decision not to vote for her. As for Trump, he does not drink at all so it is not a factor with him either.
I work at a hospital where I'm often called by nursing to keep drunks and drug addicts from hurting anyone, including themselves. Having spent thousands of hours over the years talking with these people, I've learned most are good people with a kind heart.

Hillary is a different story. I think she has a serious problem she isn't willing to admit.
I'm convinced she has a serious problem with alcohol. I'm also surprised this hasn't come up before.

This is an issue we'll soon be seeing on the news. I'm ready to make that happen.

Stay tuned. :)

Few people realize the amount of character and courage that it takes for an alcoholic or drug addict to get sober and stay sober. It requires a heroic effort and deep personal insight and I have the greatest admiration for those able to accomplish it. But the truth is also that getting sober does not make an honest person of a dishonest one, and will not correct character flaws or personal instincts in anybody, or transform what is evil into saintliness. I agree Hillary Clinton has some deep seated psychology that prevents her from seeing the destructiveness of what she does, nor does she seem to have any conscience about it.
I agree with much of what you said. I also think it would be a horrible idea to elect anyone who has an addiction to any drug. That includes alcohol.

Well once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic or once an addict, always an addict. But those wise enough and strong enough to abstain from the substance that addicted them are just as competent and trustworthy as they would have been without the addiction. Sometimes more so. The wise, however, know the difference between those who have broken the addiction's hold on them, and those who have not.
I agree about the dificulity of overcoming an addiction. That isn't what this thread is about.

Hillary is a presidential candidate who I think has an addiction to alcohol. I think that because of the numerous pics and stories we've seen and heard.
I voted for a recovering alcoholic - twice. And would do so again. A practicing alcoholic or pot head, etc., no. I am by no means a Hillary supporter in any regard, but I have seen no evidence that she is alcoholic. So that particular disqualification is not a factor in my decision not to vote for her. As for Trump, he does not drink at all so it is not a factor with him either.
I work at a hospital where I'm often called by nursing to keep drunks and drug addicts from hurting anyone, including themselves. Having spent thousands of hours over the years talking with these people, I've learned most are good people with a kind heart.

Hillary is a different story. I think she has a serious problem she isn't willing to admit.
I'm convinced she has a serious problem with alcohol. I'm also surprised this hasn't come up before.

This is an issue we'll soon be seeing on the news. I'm ready to make that happen.

Stay tuned. :)

Few people realize the amount of character and courage that it takes for an alcoholic or drug addict to get sober and stay sober. It requires a heroic effort and deep personal insight and I have the greatest admiration for those able to accomplish it. But the truth is also that getting sober does not make an honest person of a dishonest one, and will not correct character flaws or personal instincts in anybody, or transform what is evil into saintliness. I agree Hillary Clinton has some deep seated psychology that prevents her from seeing the destructiveness of what she does, nor does she seem to have any conscience about it.
I agree with much of what you said. I also think it would be a horrible idea to elect anyone who has an addiction to any drug. That includes alcohol.

Well once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic or once an addict, always an addict. But those wise enough and strong enough to abstain from the substance that addicted them are just as competent and trustworthy as they would have been without the addiction. Sometimes more so. The wise, however, know the difference between those who have broken the addiction's hold on them, and those who have not.
I agree about the dificulity of overcoming an addiction. That isn't what this thread is about.

Hillary is a presidential candidate who I think has an addiction to alcohol. I think that because of the numerous pics and stories we've seen and heard.

She'd fit in well with the founders then.
I voted for a recovering alcoholic - twice. And would do so again. A practicing alcoholic or pot head, etc., no. I am by no means a Hillary supporter in any regard, but I have seen no evidence that she is alcoholic. So that particular disqualification is not a factor in my decision not to vote for her. As for Trump, he does not drink at all so it is not a factor with him either.
I work at a hospital where I'm often called by nursing to keep drunks and drug addicts from hurting anyone, including themselves. Having spent thousands of hours over the years talking with these people, I've learned most are good people with a kind heart.

Hillary is a different story. I think she has a serious problem she isn't willing to admit.
I'm convinced she has a serious problem with alcohol. I'm also surprised this hasn't come up before.

This is an issue we'll soon be seeing on the news. I'm ready to make that happen.

Stay tuned. :)

Few people realize the amount of character and courage that it takes for an alcoholic or drug addict to get sober and stay sober. It requires a heroic effort and deep personal insight and I have the greatest admiration for those able to accomplish it. But the truth is also that getting sober does not make an honest person of a dishonest one, and will not correct character flaws or personal instincts in anybody, or transform what is evil into saintliness. I agree Hillary Clinton has some deep seated psychology that prevents her from seeing the destructiveness of what she does, nor does she seem to have any conscience about it.
I agree with much of what you said. I also think it would be a horrible idea to elect anyone who has an addiction to any drug. That includes alcohol.

Well once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic or once an addict, always an addict. But those wise enough and strong enough to abstain from the substance that addicted them are just as competent and trustworthy as they would have been without the addiction. Sometimes more so. The wise, however, know the difference between those who have broken the addiction's hold on them, and those who have not.
I agree about the dificulity of overcoming an addiction. That isn't what this thread is about.

Hillary is a presidential candidate who I think has an addiction to alcohol. I think that because of the numerous pics and stories we've seen and heard.

I don't know. I have a pretty good instinct about these things and I don't see it. But I have been wrong before too.
The stupidity of most conservatives is exceeded only by their desperation, this thread being one of many ridiculous examples.
The stupidity of most conservatives is exceeded only by their desperation, this thread being one of many ridiculous examples.
It's stupid to question her drinking habits? It's stupid to ask about her possibly being an alcoholic?
Is this something you really think we should ignore?
The stupidity of most conservatives is exceeded only by their desperation, this thread being one of many ridiculous examples.
It's stupid to question her drinking habits? It's stupid to ask about her possibly being an alcoholic?
Is this something you really think we should ignore?

As I recall there was a LOT said about George W. Bush's drinking, lots of slurs and insults involved with it, lots of adjectives like boozer and drunk etc. even though he was up front about his former alcoholism and he has been sober for decades.

But there's no double standard. Nope. None. Doesn't exist. Apparently.
The stupidity of most conservatives is exceeded only by their desperation, this thread being one of many ridiculous examples.

The stupidity of most conservatives is exceeded only by their desperation, this thread being one of many ridiculous examples.
It's stupid to question her drinking habits? It's stupid to ask about her possibly being an alcoholic?
Is this something you really think we should ignore?

As I recall there was a LOT said about George W. Bush's drinking, lots of slurs and insults involved with it, lots of adjectives like boozer and drunk etc. even though he was up front about his former alcoholism and he has been sober for decades.

But there's no double standard. Nope. None. Doesn't exist. Apparently.
Alcoholism is a treatable problem.

This thread is about a woman, who could very well be an alcoholic, making important decisions.
I voted for a recovering alcoholic - twice. And would do so again. A practicing alcoholic or pot head, etc., no. I am by no means a Hillary supporter in any regard, but I have seen no evidence that she is alcoholic. So that particular disqualification is not a factor in my decision not to vote for her. As for Trump, he does not drink at all so it is not a factor with him either.
I work at a hospital where I'm often called by nursing to keep drunks and drug addicts from hurting anyone, including themselves. Having spent thousands of hours over the years talking with these people, I've learned most are good people with a kind heart.

Hillary is a different story. I think she has a serious problem she isn't willing to admit.
I'm convinced she has a serious problem with alcohol. I'm also surprised this hasn't come up before.

This is an issue we'll soon be seeing on the news. I'm ready to make that happen.

Stay tuned. :)
I bet they give her some speed and valium to get her through the debate tomorrow. She'll be all wide-eyed and smiling.
I think Hillary is an active alcoholic. The woman isn't fit to make any important decisions.

There... I said it.
The woman is a drunk. It explains why she's always fucking up.

Hillary has never been anything more than a pampered woman who knows nothing about the working people.
The stupidity of most conservatives is exceeded only by their desperation, this thread being one of many ridiculous examples.
It's stupid to question her drinking habits? It's stupid to ask about her possibly being an alcoholic?
Is this something you really think we should ignore?

As I recall there was a LOT said about George W. Bush's drinking, lots of slurs and insults involved with it, lots of adjectives like boozer and drunk etc. even though he was up front about his former alcoholism and he has been sober for decades.

But there's no double standard. Nope. None. Doesn't exist. Apparently.

Nope, I don't recall that at all. Actually very much the opposite, that Shrub got a good deal of respect, from myself included, for having kicked that habit. Meanwhile we have these swirling internet myths about (apparently) Hillary drinking alcohol on the basis of ---- absolutely nothing but a myth some internet wag just made up.

Hillary is a presidential candidate who I think has an addiction to alcohol. I think that because of the numerous pics and stories we've seen and heard.

It's stupid to question her drinking habits? It's stupid to ask about her possibly being an alcoholic?

This thread is about a woman, who could very well be an alcoholic, making important decisions.

Notice --- all from the same poster. Trying to plant a seed. I didn't even know what the point was supposed to be for this thread, but then I really don't follow internet mythology.

So yeah, I agree there's no double standard, in full sarcasm.
Y'all are forgetting Johnson.

I brought up LBJ and Nixon at the beginning of the thread, noting that neither is running and asking what the point was.

Never got an answer.

There's also Grant, IIRC...

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