Polls prove Biden is off to a solid start!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
No question that Donald's botched response with the COVIDS and endless conspiracy theories/ chaos were his downfall. The Grand Old Party? The Do Nothing Party (DNP) is a better name. They spend all their time proving they have no ideas as they endlessly defend Seditionists and Q-Kooks ... :rolleyes-41:

President Joe Biden’s coronavirus rescue plan, and two of its key economic provisions, have broad support as Democrats try to push it through Congress, a poll released Wednesday found.​
More than two-thirds, or 68%, of Americans support the $1.9 trillion package, the Quinnipiac University survey showed. Only 24% of respondents oppose the measure.​
The $1,400 direct payments in the plan, a key sticking point as lawmakers negotiate legislation, are more popular than the overall proposal. The poll found 78% of Americans support the stimulus checks, and 18% oppose them.​
61% approve of a $15 minimum wage​

And a 61% job approval rating? Unheard of - Donald never even topped 50% on anything other than Rasmussen.
No question that Donald's botched response with the COVIDS and endless conspiracy theories/ chaos were his downfall. The Grand Old Party? The Do Nothing Party (DNP) is a better name. They spend all their time proving they have no ideas as they endlessly defend Seditionists and Q-Kooks ... :rolleyes-41:

President Joe Biden’s coronavirus rescue plan, and two of its key economic provisions, have broad support as Democrats try to push it through Congress, a poll released Wednesday found.​
More than two-thirds, or 68%, of Americans support the $1.9 trillion package, the Quinnipiac University survey showed. Only 24% of respondents oppose the measure.​
The $1,400 direct payments in the plan, a key sticking point as lawmakers negotiate legislation, are more popular than the overall proposal. The poll found 78% of Americans support the stimulus checks, and 18% oppose them.​
61% approve of a $15 minimum wage​

And a 61% job approval rating? Unheard of - Donald never even topped 50% on anything other than Rasmussen.

No question that Donald's botched response with the COVIDS and endless conspiracy theories/ chaos were his downfall. The Grand Old Party? The Do Nothing Party (DNP) is a better name. They spend all their time proving they have no ideas as they endlessly defend Seditionists and Q-Kooks ... :rolleyes-41:

President Joe Biden’s coronavirus rescue plan, and two of its key economic provisions, have broad support as Democrats try to push it through Congress, a poll released Wednesday found.​
More than two-thirds, or 68%, of Americans support the $1.9 trillion package, the Quinnipiac University survey showed. Only 24% of respondents oppose the measure.​
The $1,400 direct payments in the plan, a key sticking point as lawmakers negotiate legislation, are more popular than the overall proposal. The poll found 78% of Americans support the stimulus checks, and 18% oppose them.​
61% approve of a $15 minimum wage​

And a 61% job approval rating? Unheard of - Donald never even topped 50% on anything other than Rasmussen.

The poll found 78% of Americans support the stimulus checks, and 18% oppose them.

why not?

Every one loves free money.
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No question that Donald's botched response with the COVIDS and endless conspiracy theories/ chaos were his downfall. The Grand Old Party? The Do Nothing Party (DNP) is a better name. They spend all their time proving they have no ideas as they endlessly defend Seditionists and Q-Kooks ... :rolleyes-41:

President Joe Biden’s coronavirus rescue plan, and two of its key economic provisions, have broad support as Democrats try to push it through Congress, a poll released Wednesday found.​
More than two-thirds, or 68%, of Americans support the $1.9 trillion package, the Quinnipiac University survey showed. Only 24% of respondents oppose the measure.​
The $1,400 direct payments in the plan, a key sticking point as lawmakers negotiate legislation, are more popular than the overall proposal. The poll found 78% of Americans support the stimulus checks, and 18% oppose them.​
61% approve of a $15 minimum wage​

And a 61% job approval rating? Unheard of - Donald never even topped 50% on anything other than Rasmussen.
"At least some confidence" is not how you measure approval rating.
No question that Donald's botched response with the COVIDS and endless conspiracy theories/ chaos were his downfall. The Grand Old Party? The Do Nothing Party (DNP) is a better name. They spend all their time proving they have no ideas as they endlessly defend Seditionists and Q-Kooks ... :rolleyes-41:

President Joe Biden’s coronavirus rescue plan, and two of its key economic provisions, have broad support as Democrats try to push it through Congress, a poll released Wednesday found.​
More than two-thirds, or 68%, of Americans support the $1.9 trillion package, the Quinnipiac University survey showed. Only 24% of respondents oppose the measure.​
The $1,400 direct payments in the plan, a key sticking point as lawmakers negotiate legislation, are more popular than the overall proposal. The poll found 78% of Americans support the stimulus checks, and 18% oppose them.​
61% approve of a $15 minimum wage​

And a 61% job approval rating? Unheard of - Donald never even topped 50% on anything other than Rasmussen.

Let’s ask the ones who lost their Jobs due to the pipeline being shut down, oil and gas manufacturing plants, etc
Better yet, in a few years let’s ask the illegal immigrants who can now stay compete for Jobs with LEGAL U. S. Citizens
Off topic, but does anyone on the board have a BIOLOGICAL daughter or Grand daughter that excelled in sports? Joe had made it a law that TRANSGENDER MALES can compete with them . OOPS ! There goes that College
Biden became president just in time to take credit now that vaccines are available. Of course Trump had nothing to do with that.

You mean The Biden Vaccine? ;-)
Trump had nothing to do with Pfizer. Their initial financing came from Germany.
But Uncle Joe invoked the DPA (finally) to assist.
No question that Donald's botched response with the COVIDS and endless conspiracy theories/ chaos were his downfall. The Grand Old Party? The Do Nothing Party (DNP) is a better name. They spend all their time proving they have no ideas as they endlessly defend Seditionists and Q-Kooks ... :rolleyes-41:

President Joe Biden’s coronavirus rescue plan, and two of its key economic provisions, have broad support as Democrats try to push it through Congress, a poll released Wednesday found.​
More than two-thirds, or 68%, of Americans support the $1.9 trillion package, the Quinnipiac University survey showed. Only 24% of respondents oppose the measure.​
The $1,400 direct payments in the plan, a key sticking point as lawmakers negotiate legislation, are more popular than the overall proposal. The poll found 78% of Americans support the stimulus checks, and 18% oppose them.​
61% approve of a $15 minimum wage​

And a 61% job approval rating? Unheard of - Donald never even topped 50% on anything other than Rasmussen.
No embarrassing tweets, no patting himself on the back, no fantastical conspiracies, no personal attacks, no super spreader rallies to soothe his ego, no name-calling...

He's just trying and working to fix the mess.

Holy shit, what a relief. Even more than I expected.
Dr. Putz, the child sniffer....and all his boot lickers......

Those polls were proven inaccurate.

subsequent polls certified accurate prove Biden's approval rating the worst of any President in History.

It's should be called a "Disapproval Rating" instead

However, note that Biden's approval rating in the CCP politburo is indeed quite high.

Biden became president just in time to take credit now that vaccines are available. Of course Trump had nothing to do with that.

You mean The Biden Vaccine? ;-)
Trump had nothing to do with Pfizer. Their initial financing came from Germany.
But Uncle Joe invoked the DPA (finally) to assist.
Wow! Thanks for proving my point.
No question that Donald's botched response with the COVIDS and endless conspiracy theories/ chaos were his downfall. The Grand Old Party? The Do Nothing Party (DNP) is a better name. They spend all their time proving they have no ideas as they endlessly defend Seditionists and Q-Kooks ... :rolleyes-41:

President Joe Biden’s coronavirus rescue plan, and two of its key economic provisions, have broad support as Democrats try to push it through Congress, a poll released Wednesday found.​
More than two-thirds, or 68%, of Americans support the $1.9 trillion package, the Quinnipiac University survey showed. Only 24% of respondents oppose the measure.​
The $1,400 direct payments in the plan, a key sticking point as lawmakers negotiate legislation, are more popular than the overall proposal. The poll found 78% of Americans support the stimulus checks, and 18% oppose them.​
61% approve of a $15 minimum wage​

And a 61% job approval rating? Unheard of - Donald never even topped 50% on anything other than Rasmussen.

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship."

Alexander Fraser Tytler
Biden became president just in time to take credit now that vaccines are available. Of course Trump had nothing to do with that.

You mean The Biden Vaccine? ;-)
Trump had nothing to do with Pfizer. Their initial financing came from Germany.
But Uncle Joe invoked the DPA (finally) to assist.
Joe was in his basemwnt when the vaccines were produced.
Trump got rid of all the red tape which takes up to 5 years, and supplied Pfizer with the raw ingredients.

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