Pompeo Ordered State Dept. Officials To Invent Reason For His Emergency Declaration In Saudi Arms Sale


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reportedly ordered officials at the State Department to come up with a rationale for his decision to declare an emergency last year that he used to bypass Congress in his billion-dollar arms sale to Saudi Arabia.

Four unnamed sources told CNN of Pompeo’s order, one of whom described the secretary of state’s attitude about the situation as “very Trumpian.”

“They seemed to have a game plan and it had to be justified,” a State department official said of the Trump administration’s push for the arms sale.

Will Trumpleheads believe this story? Of course not. They can't. They've spend years denying the truth. They're invested in it. Their whole belief system is based on it. If they begin to pull out bricks in the foundation the entire narrative collapses. So.............deny, deny, deny.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reportedly ordered officials at the State Department to come up with a rationale for his decision to declare an emergency last year that he used to bypass Congress in his billion-dollar arms sale to Saudi Arabia.

Four unnamed sources told CNN of Pompeo’s order, one of whom described the secretary of state’s attitude about the situation as “very Trumpian.”

“They seemed to have a game plan and it had to be justified,” a State department official said of the Trump administration’s push for the arms sale.

Will Trumpleheads believe this story? Of course not. They can't. They've spend years denying the truth. They're invested in it. Their whole belief system is based on it. If they begin to pull out bricks in the foundation the entire narrative collapses. So.............deny, deny, deny.

Four unnamed sources told CNN

four unnamed sources?

Might possibly have been Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Donald.

4 well known quacks.

'unnamed sources'

Let us know when they come out of the shadows,
four unnamed sources?
How awesome it must be for you to dismiss anything you want to because it doesn't fit the "Dear Leader is infallible" narrative. Articles are written all the time with unnamed sources. It doesn't mean they aren't credible. It means people understand there will be retribution if they go on the record.
from pompeo's letter:

"The United States is, and must remain, a reliable security partner to our allies and partners around the world. These partnerships are a cornerstone of our National Security Strategy, which this decision reaffirms. "

Gee, what a pile of horseshit. Couldn't they have squeezed in a few more mealy mouthed platitudes?
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reportedly ordered officials at the State Department to come up with a rationale for his decision to declare an emergency last year that he used to bypass Congress in his billion-dollar arms sale to Saudi Arabia.

Four unnamed sources told CNN of Pompeo’s order, one of whom described the secretary of state’s attitude about the situation as “very Trumpian.”

“They seemed to have a game plan and it had to be justified,” a State department official said of the Trump administration’s push for the arms sale.

Will Trumpleheads believe this story? Of course not. They can't. They've spend years denying the truth. They're invested in it. Their whole belief system is based on it. If they begin to pull out bricks in the foundation the entire narrative collapses. So.............deny, deny, deny.

Four unnamed sources told CNN

four unnamed sources?

Might possibly have been Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Donald.

4 well known quacks.

'unnamed sources'

Let us know when they come out of the shadows,

What was the emergency?
four unnamed sources?
How awesome it must be for you to dismiss anything you want to because it doesn't fit the "Dear Leader is infallible" narrative. Articles are written all the time with unnamed sources. It doesn't mean they aren't credible. It means people understand there will be retribution if they go on the record.

How awesome it must be for you to dismiss

I dismiss it because it because it can't be proven.

Why do you accept the word of people you have no clue about?

Is it just because it's something you want to hear?

Do you accept something just because the scriptwriters claim it happened?
In May of 2019 this “emergency declaration” was issued to get around Congress’ opposition. Congress sought to restrain military support to Saudi Arabia in wake of their bombing campaign and failing intervention in the Yemen Civil War since 2015, and after the Khashoggi dismemberment showed just how out-of-control and psychopathic MBS really was. The new increase in tensions finally resulted in September 2019 in the missile attack on Saudi oil installations — which finally had the desired effect of forcing Saudi Arabia to reconsider its adventurism. The U.S. has now even withdrawn its newly sent Patriot missile batteries from Saudi Arabia. The only ones who prospered from all this was Pompeo’s buddies in the military industrial complex.
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Some congressional committees were later briefed on the State Department’s internal deliberations at the time, according to aides, who said it was decided among the group that an emergency declaration was the easiest way to avoid a congressional vote. But through the official channels, lawmakers were in the dark about how exactly the Trump administration came to its decision to invoke emergency powers, including whether a legal analysis had been completed, the aides added.

That led a group of senators to introduce 22 joint resolutions last June to overturn the emergency authorities, led by Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.). The cohort included Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a Trump ally who has soured on the Saudis in recent years. At the time, the senators argued that the administration was deliberately ignoring longstanding precedents on consulting with Congress. All 22 measures ultimately passed both the House and Senate, but Trump vetoed them.


Why do you accept the word of people you have no clue about?
I accept that there is an editorial standard at reputable news agencies to which reporters are held. Getting stories wrong on occasion does not discount as inaccurate the vast majority of what is reported.

Most of all, the Liar-in-Chief's proclamation that anything that does not reflect favorably on him makes it "fake news" is the most deceitful and dangerous lie you Trumpleheads accept unfailingly.

"What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening." ―The Liar-in-Chief, 2018

That is the essential lie on which Trump's presidency rests.
If it fits the known facts - that is, if an emergency was declared when no apparent emergency existed, why wouldn't you believe there was hardcore rationalization at work?
CNN has 4 unnamed sources?

Fake News quoting imaginary sources. Sounds about right.

It's worse than that even.

Known Propagandist Troll - Berg
Posts from an activist site - Talking Points Memo
An article from a known fake news organization - CNN
With 4 Unknown or imaginary people - 4 anonymous sources.
It’s such a made up story that the made up IG was doing a made up investigation before they made up his dismissal and preventing him from accessing his made up office.
So folks think he was fired for investigating that Pompeo was using an employee to walk his dogs?
Why do you accept the word of people you have no clue about?
I accept that there is an editorial standard at reputable news agencies to which reporters are held. Getting stories wrong on occasion does not discount as inaccurate the vast majority of what is reported.

Most of all, the Liar-in-Chief's proclamation that anything that does not reflect favorably on him makes it "fake news" is the most deceitful and dangerous lie you Trumpleheads accept unfailingly.

"What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening." ―The Liar-in-Chief, 2018

That is the essential lie on which Trump's presidency rests.

What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening.
That is the message that Fake News is telling you -
And you are all in.

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