Pompeo verbally assaulted an NPR reporter.

More spine than any pussy lib.

If the motherfucker had a spine, he'd testify.

If the motherfucker had a spine, he'd testify.

I agree, Schiff should testify this week.

There is no reason for Schiff to testify. Pompeo on the other hand...

There is no reason for Schiff to testify.

There is no reason for Schiff not to testify.
Why would Schiff testify?
He wasn’t there......Pompeo and Bolton were

More diversion from Republicans

Schitty lied about Eric Ciaramella. We need to know, with the lying little Schitt under oath, when he first met with KGB John Brennan and Eric Ciaramella to cook up the plan to entrap the president Did Schitt connect Ciaramella with Mark Zaid to fabricate the "whistleblower" complaint that you Stalinists are so desperate to cover up? What is the relationship of Schitt and Zaid? What is the connection to Joe Biden? Did Biden ask Brennan or Schitt to intervene on his behalf to scuttle inquiries into his corruption? Did Schitt conspire with the CIA to conduct espionage against the president of the United States? Did Schitt approve of the illegal embedding of intelligence assets in the executive branch, an act of treason, in advance, or was he brought in later? What role did Nancy Pelosi play?
If the motherfucker had a spine, he'd testify.

If the motherfucker had a spine, he'd testify.

I agree, Schiff should testify this week.

There is no reason for Schiff to testify. Pompeo on the other hand...

There is no reason for Schiff to testify.

There is no reason for Schiff not to testify.
Why would Schiff testify?
He wasn’t there......Pompeo and Bolton were

More diversion from Republicans

Schitty lied about Eric Ciaramella. We need to know, with the lying little Schitt under oath, when he first met with KGB John Brennan and Eric Ciaramella to cook up the plan to entrap the president Did Schitt connect Ciaramella with Mark Zaid to fabricate the "whistleblower" complaint that you Stalinists are so desperate to cover up? What is the relationship of Schitt and Zaid? What is the connection to Joe Biden? Did Biden ask Brennan or Schitt to intervene on his behalf to scuttle inquiries into his corruption? Did Schitt conspire with the CIA to conduct espionage against the president of the United States? Did Schitt approve of the illegal embedding of intelligence assets in the executive branch, an act of treason, in advance, or was he brought in later? What role did Nancy Pelosi play?

What makes you think you have any right to know any of that?
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Mary Louise Kelly asked Pompeo a reasonable question. Why should I be concerned about that behavior?

I find that hard to believe.

But you’ll believe that Trump “I have no obligation to be truthful to the media” administration?

Not sure what you mean by "believe". I am still hopeful for a good faith attempt at most of his policies, or at least confident that he is far better than the alternatives, who are actively hostile to me.

You believe Pompeo over Kelly?

Kelly is a good reporter. She has emails where she states to Pompeo’s staff that she would never take anything off the table in an interview. Pompeo is claiming Kelly agreed to not ask any questions about Ukraine. Pompeo doesn’t want to talk about Ukraine. He doesn’t want to talk about Yovanovich.

Even if we accept Pompeo’s version of events, I find it unacceptable that he can refuse any interview that asks him about topics of importance.

But I don’t accept Pompeo’s version of events because Kelly is a good reporter and has emails to back her up.

Yeah, I don't care. Reporters have less credibility than lawyers, mothers, or ex-wives at this point.

why do mothers have a low credibility in your world?
Take the blinders off and you will see so much more, IM2.
The last thing that the dems want to see in the trial is a Hunter Biden or the whistleblower as witnesses.
Nadler even said if it came to that he would vote for no witnesses. What the hell are the democrats hiding?
Of course, you really don't want to know that either.

The whistle blower should not be a witness - it's a violation of whistle blower laws and it will put an absolute chill on whistle blowers from the intelligence agencies not to mention put lives at risk. Just isn't a good step to take when all he reported has been indecently verified and those people can take and have taken the witness stand. Except for a handful that were refused.

Biden shouldn't be called as a witness because that is a deflection away from the issues and possibly harassment. IF there evidence of wrong doing by the Bidens, by all means conduct an investigation - it needs it's own investigation. No one would argue against it if the evidence warrants it.

LMAO the Biden's corruption is at the center of impeachment and the Biden's should not be called as witnesses? You are also forgetting Schiff said the whistleblower should be called as a witness.

Getting Eric Ciaramella on the stand would be interesting.

Agent Ciaramella, how long have you worked for the CIA? What are the laws regarding domestic spying? Is engaging in espionage against the president of the United States and act of treason? What is your relationship with KGB John Brennan? When did Adam Schitt cook up the whistleblower scam with you? Are you aware that lying on the whistleblower complaint is perjury? What is your relationship with Joe Biden? What is your relationship with Alexandra Chalupa?

What does any of this have to do with Trump’s attempted extortion of the Ukraine. You keep screaming about corrupt Democrats without a shred of evidence, no witnesses and no crimes.

But when a Republican is caught red handed and publicly admits to doing illegal corrupt acts, you fools pretend it never happened. Such hypocrisy.

You elected a criminal. And you knew he was a criminal when you elected him. Did you think there were no consequences? Did you think honest people wouldn’t notice or care?
Typical diversion tactics of Republicans

Look over there! Pay no attention to what is behind the curtain

Schitty is a material witness, FAR more important than Bolton.

Now Schitty has already lied under oath in the Senate, so technically the should already charge him with perjury.
Not sure what you mean by "believe". I am still hopeful for a good faith attempt at most of his policies, or at least confident that he is far better than the alternatives, who are actively hostile to me.

You believe Pompeo over Kelly?

Kelly is a good reporter. She has emails where she states to Pompeo’s staff that she would never take anything off the table in an interview. Pompeo is claiming Kelly agreed to not ask any questions about Ukraine. Pompeo doesn’t want to talk about Ukraine. He doesn’t want to talk about Yovanovich.

Even if we accept Pompeo’s version of events, I find it unacceptable that he can refuse any interview that asks him about topics of importance.

But I don’t accept Pompeo’s version of events because Kelly is a good reporter and has emails to back her up.

Yeah, I don't care. Reporters have less credibility than lawyers, mothers, or ex-wives at this point.

Hardly true. Trump attacks reporters because it makes it easier for his administration to get away with lying.

You’re helping.

Like I said, Kelly has emails to back her up.

Not sure why you keep bringing up Trump. Is he some Authority figure you defer to?

My point is MINE.

And it stands.

Reporters have less credibility than lawyers, mothers, or ex-wives at this point.

That’s what Trump (and a lot of other liars) have told you to believe. They say that so they can get away with lying and you’ll believe them over the people that expose their lies.

This bit, where you assume that I am a block of wood, with no self awareness of my own, is not endearing you or your side to me.

Nor is it making your case.
Pompeo might have been credible until he lied about Bangladesh.

No one should agree to talk to any of these people without a recording device. If you do, you run the risk of having them lie about you and the faithful will believe them.

You mean the reporters? No one should talk to a reporter, without having a recording device on?
No. No reporters should talk to Trump’s people without a recording device. Pompeo can now lie all he wants about what he said to her in his private room and Trump’s supporters will believe him no matter what.

I think we are well past that. No one cares about the details of this particular incident.

You have a war going on. THe media is on one side. The Administration is on the other. That is not the whole of the sides.

You are on one side. And you see US as your enemies.
I don’t see you as an enemy. This isn’t a battle. I just want people to be honest. Pompeo is lying. You’ve accepted his version of events because you’re taking sides.

This framing is dangerous because it can prevent you from seeing the fault in your own side.

I can completely see fault(s) on my own side. This particular one, I dont' care about, not even a little.

Your claim that this is not a battle is you either being disingenuous or naive.
You believe Pompeo over Kelly?

Kelly is a good reporter. She has emails where she states to Pompeo’s staff that she would never take anything off the table in an interview. Pompeo is claiming Kelly agreed to not ask any questions about Ukraine. Pompeo doesn’t want to talk about Ukraine. He doesn’t want to talk about Yovanovich.

Even if we accept Pompeo’s version of events, I find it unacceptable that he can refuse any interview that asks him about topics of importance.

But I don’t accept Pompeo’s version of events because Kelly is a good reporter and has emails to back her up.

Yeah, I don't care. Reporters have less credibility than lawyers, mothers, or ex-wives at this point.

Hardly true. Trump attacks reporters because it makes it easier for his administration to get away with lying.

You’re helping.

Like I said, Kelly has emails to back her up.

Not sure why you keep bringing up Trump. Is he some Authority figure you defer to?

My point is MINE.

And it stands.

Reporters have less credibility than lawyers, mothers, or ex-wives at this point.

That’s what Trump (and a lot of other liars) have told you to believe. They say that so they can get away with lying and you’ll believe them over the people that expose their lies.

This bit, where you assume that I am a block of wood, with no self awareness of my own, is not endearing you or your side to me.

Nor is it making your case.
Call it tough love. You already declared that you don’t care who is lying and who is telling the truth between Pompeo and Kelly.

In a way, that’s self aware, but not how you think.

Why don’t you care?
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Why hasnt Biden been arrested for money laundering?

Seems to be part of the whole "democrats are above the law" thing. Washington DC is like the Mafia with the democrats as the Gambino family. Why HASN'T Joe Biden been arrested for extortion? We have it on video. He BRAGS about it, he knows he is untouchable.

Trump runs the DoJ, does he not?
  • Thanks
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I find that hard to believe.

But you’ll believe that Trump “I have no obligation to be truthful to the media” administration?

Not sure what you mean by "believe". I am still hopeful for a good faith attempt at most of his policies, or at least confident that he is far better than the alternatives, who are actively hostile to me.

You believe Pompeo over Kelly?

Kelly is a good reporter. She has emails where she states to Pompeo’s staff that she would never take anything off the table in an interview. Pompeo is claiming Kelly agreed to not ask any questions about Ukraine. Pompeo doesn’t want to talk about Ukraine. He doesn’t want to talk about Yovanovich.

Even if we accept Pompeo’s version of events, I find it unacceptable that he can refuse any interview that asks him about topics of importance.

But I don’t accept Pompeo’s version of events because Kelly is a good reporter and has emails to back her up.

Yeah, I don't care. Reporters have less credibility than lawyers, mothers, or ex-wives at this point.

why do mothers have a low credibility in your world?

Because they are too invested in their children, for any words they say about them, to be credible.
If the motherfucker had a spine, he'd testify.

I agree, Schiff should testify this week.

There is no reason for Schiff to testify. Pompeo on the other hand...

There is no reason for Schiff to testify.

There is no reason for Schiff not to testify.
Why would Schiff testify?
He wasn’t there......Pompeo and Bolton were

More diversion from Republicans

Schitty lied about Eric Ciaramella. We need to know, with the lying little Schitt under oath, when he first met with KGB John Brennan and Eric Ciaramella to cook up the plan to entrap the president Did Schitt connect Ciaramella with Mark Zaid to fabricate the "whistleblower" complaint that you Stalinists are so desperate to cover up? What is the relationship of Schitt and Zaid? What is the connection to Joe Biden? Did Biden ask Brennan or Schitt to intervene on his behalf to scuttle inquiries into his corruption? Did Schitt conspire with the CIA to conduct espionage against the president of the United States? Did Schitt approve of the illegal embedding of intelligence assets in the executive branch, an act of treason, in advance, or was he brought in later? What role did Nancy Pelosi play?

What makes you think you have any right to know any of that?

Something you have never read and work every day to destroy.

No one should agree to talk to any of these people without a recording device. If you do, you run the risk of having them lie about you and the faithful will believe them.

You mean the reporters? No one should talk to a reporter, without having a recording device on?
No. No reporters should talk to Trump’s people without a recording device. Pompeo can now lie all he wants about what he said to her in his private room and Trump’s supporters will believe him no matter what.

I think we are well past that. No one cares about the details of this particular incident.

You have a war going on. THe media is on one side. The Administration is on the other. That is not the whole of the sides.

You are on one side. And you see US as your enemies.
I don’t see you as an enemy. This isn’t a battle. I just want people to be honest. Pompeo is lying. You’ve accepted his version of events because you’re taking sides.

This framing is dangerous because it can prevent you from seeing the fault in your own side.

I can completely see fault(s) on my own side. This particular one, I dont' care about, not even a little.

Your claim that this is not a battle is you either being disingenuous or naive.

Why don’t you care?
There is no reason for Schiff to testify. Pompeo on the other hand...

There is no reason for Schiff to testify.

There is no reason for Schiff not to testify.
Why would Schiff testify?
He wasn’t there......Pompeo and Bolton were

More diversion from Republicans

Schitty lied about Eric Ciaramella. We need to know, with the lying little Schitt under oath, when he first met with KGB John Brennan and Eric Ciaramella to cook up the plan to entrap the president Did Schitt connect Ciaramella with Mark Zaid to fabricate the "whistleblower" complaint that you Stalinists are so desperate to cover up? What is the relationship of Schitt and Zaid? What is the connection to Joe Biden? Did Biden ask Brennan or Schitt to intervene on his behalf to scuttle inquiries into his corruption? Did Schitt conspire with the CIA to conduct espionage against the president of the United States? Did Schitt approve of the illegal embedding of intelligence assets in the executive branch, an act of treason, in advance, or was he brought in later? What role did Nancy Pelosi play?

What makes you think you have any right to know any of that?

Something you have never read and work every day to destroy.

Read it. Good read. Didn’t take long.

It doesn’t answer the question.
Yeah, I don't care. Reporters have less credibility than lawyers, mothers, or ex-wives at this point.

Hardly true. Trump attacks reporters because it makes it easier for his administration to get away with lying.

You’re helping.

Like I said, Kelly has emails to back her up.

Not sure why you keep bringing up Trump. Is he some Authority figure you defer to?

My point is MINE.

And it stands.

Reporters have less credibility than lawyers, mothers, or ex-wives at this point.

That’s what Trump (and a lot of other liars) have told you to believe. They say that so they can get away with lying and you’ll believe them over the people that expose their lies.

This bit, where you assume that I am a block of wood, with no self awareness of my own, is not endearing you or your side to me.

Nor is it making your case.
Call it tough love. You already declared that you don’t care who is lying and who is telling the truth between Pompeo and Kelly.

In a way, that’s self aware, but not how you think.

Why don’t you care?

Because the issues are much bigger than this instance, or even the Ukraine.
I find that hard to believe.

But you’ll believe that Trump “I have no obligation to be truthful to the media” administration?

Not sure what you mean by "believe". I am still hopeful for a good faith attempt at most of his policies, or at least confident that he is far better than the alternatives, who are actively hostile to me.

You believe Pompeo over Kelly?

Kelly is a good reporter. She has emails where she states to Pompeo’s staff that she would never take anything off the table in an interview. Pompeo is claiming Kelly agreed to not ask any questions about Ukraine. Pompeo doesn’t want to talk about Ukraine. He doesn’t want to talk about Yovanovich.

Even if we accept Pompeo’s version of events, I find it unacceptable that he can refuse any interview that asks him about topics of importance.

But I don’t accept Pompeo’s version of events because Kelly is a good reporter and has emails to back her up.

Yeah, I don't care. Reporters have less credibility than lawyers, mothers, or ex-wives at this point.

why do mothers have a low credibility in your world?


Mah chile is an ANGEL, he din do nuffin.
Hardly true. Trump attacks reporters because it makes it easier for his administration to get away with lying.

You’re helping.

Like I said, Kelly has emails to back her up.

Not sure why you keep bringing up Trump. Is he some Authority figure you defer to?

My point is MINE.

And it stands.

Reporters have less credibility than lawyers, mothers, or ex-wives at this point.

That’s what Trump (and a lot of other liars) have told you to believe. They say that so they can get away with lying and you’ll believe them over the people that expose their lies.

This bit, where you assume that I am a block of wood, with no self awareness of my own, is not endearing you or your side to me.

Nor is it making your case.
Call it tough love. You already declared that you don’t care who is lying and who is telling the truth between Pompeo and Kelly.

In a way, that’s self aware, but not how you think.

Why don’t you care?

Because the issues are much bigger than this instance, or even the Ukraine.

Id say the credibility of the press is a pretty big issue.
Not sure why you keep bringing up Trump. Is he some Authority figure you defer to?

My point is MINE.

And it stands.

Reporters have less credibility than lawyers, mothers, or ex-wives at this point.

That’s what Trump (and a lot of other liars) have told you to believe. They say that so they can get away with lying and you’ll believe them over the people that expose their lies.

This bit, where you assume that I am a block of wood, with no self awareness of my own, is not endearing you or your side to me.

Nor is it making your case.
Call it tough love. You already declared that you don’t care who is lying and who is telling the truth between Pompeo and Kelly.

In a way, that’s self aware, but not how you think.

Why don’t you care?

Because the issues are much bigger than this instance, or even the Ukraine.

Id say the credibility of the press is a pretty big issue.

The Press has no credibility. If there is negative credibility, they have that.
Why hasnt Biden been arrested for money laundering?

Seems to be part of the whole "democrats are above the law" thing. Washington DC is like the Mafia with the democrats as the Gambino family. Why HASN'T Joe Biden been arrested for extortion? We have it on video. He BRAGS about it, he knows he is untouchable.

Trump runs the DoJ, does he not?

You Stalinists have shit yourselves over Trump asking Ukraine to honor treaty obligations, can you imagine if he has ordered, or even suggested that the DOJ investigate the democrats? :eek:
I didn’t realize the right wingnuts had such a low view of mothers.
There is no reason for Schiff to testify.

There is no reason for Schiff not to testify.
Why would Schiff testify?
He wasn’t there......Pompeo and Bolton were

More diversion from Republicans

Schitty lied about Eric Ciaramella. We need to know, with the lying little Schitt under oath, when he first met with KGB John Brennan and Eric Ciaramella to cook up the plan to entrap the president Did Schitt connect Ciaramella with Mark Zaid to fabricate the "whistleblower" complaint that you Stalinists are so desperate to cover up? What is the relationship of Schitt and Zaid? What is the connection to Joe Biden? Did Biden ask Brennan or Schitt to intervene on his behalf to scuttle inquiries into his corruption? Did Schitt conspire with the CIA to conduct espionage against the president of the United States? Did Schitt approve of the illegal embedding of intelligence assets in the executive branch, an act of treason, in advance, or was he brought in later? What role did Nancy Pelosi play?

What makes you think you have any right to know any of that?

Something you have never read and work every day to destroy.

Read it. Good read. Didn’t take long.

It doesn’t answer the question.

Adam Schitt is a material witness, the issues I illustrated are central to the case of attempting to remove the president of the United States. Is the defense to be denied exculpatory evidence in the Senate as they were in the house?

Don't answer, we know the answer is "if you can possibly get away with it."

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