Poor Donald, poor poor Donald...the new leader of the Klan

I always wondered why the pointy hats?
It's part of the Democrat heritage......perhaps someone from your side can explain it to you.........

After the Bush's, you red fucks would have voted for a roach sac filled to the brink....:banana:...which speaks volume about GOP fucks in the white house, keep the good work up, kid:banana:
I always wondered why the pointy hats?
It's part of the Democrat heritage......perhaps someone from your side can explain it to you.........

After the Bush's, you red fucks would have voted for a roach sac filled to the brink....:banana:...which speaks volume about GOP fucks in the white house, keep the good work up, kid:banana:
Embrace your heritage.........it is yours just like the racism today is yours........
I know if this man had a chance, he'd do remix, because for the remainder of his life, his long hard legacy of sucess in the business world is forever shattered......I will never watch anything he promotes, sells or endorce. I hope it becomes a global protest, there's only so many hicks that can support this bitch, the rest of us will not!! Blame protesters all you want, the leader of the Klan deserves this and more...yes, the beast has AWAKEN ON BOTH SIDES, KEEP THAT IN MIND!!
Whatever he is, he is not the head of the KKK.

sheldon cooper no.gif
I know if this man had a chance, he'd do remix, because for the remainder of his life, his long hard legacy of sucess in the business world is forever shattered......I will never watch anything he promotes, sells or endorce. I hope it becomes a global protest, there's only so many hicks that can support this bitch, the rest of us will not!! Blame protesters all you want, the leader of the Klan deserves this and more...yes, the beast has AWAKEN ON BOTH SIDES, KEEP THAT IN MIND!!
Where would you dregs of society be without the KKK to blame for your stupidity?
Listen, we're talkin southerners, where ignorance was rampent back in teh day....ever watch to kill a mockin bird, that's the south's dems and still are today.
Did you ever wonder how Atticus Finch became such a rabid racist in the second book? He learned his lesson. You cannot be nice to black people. They have to be treated like poisonous snakes all the time.

The KKK was almost dead and gone. Now its the fastest growing organization in the country. Deservedly so too.
I know if this man had a chance, he'd do remix, because for the remainder of his life, his long hard legacy of sucess in the business world is forever shattered......I will never watch anything he promotes, sells or endorce. I hope it becomes a global protest, there's only so many hicks that can support this bitch, the rest of us will not!! Blame protesters all you want, the leader of the Klan deserves this and more...yes, the beast has AWAKEN ON BOTH SIDES, KEEP THAT IN MIND!!
The Klan is irrelevant . Has been for years. Why you trying to give them power?
this place is such a bore anymore. the left has run it into the ground over their stupid obsession with Trump. I'm going to go play a video game. more exciting
And the socks and trolls that are allowed free reign . So sad. But oh well...
I know if this man had a chance, he'd do remix, because for the remainder of his life, his long hard legacy of sucess in the business world is forever shattered......I will never watch anything he promotes, sells or endorce. I hope it becomes a global protest, there's only so many hicks that can support this bitch, the rest of us will not!! Blame protesters all you want, the leader of the Klan deserves this and more...yes, the beast has AWAKEN ON BOTH SIDES, KEEP THAT IN MIND!!
The Klan is irrelevant . Has been for years. Why you trying to give them power?
Because he wants it to be 1950 all over again.
I know if this man had a chance, he'd do remix, because for the remainder of his life, his long hard legacy of sucess in the business world is forever shattered......I will never watch anything he promotes, sells or endorce. I hope it becomes a global protest, there's only so many hicks that can support this bitch, the rest of us will not!! Blame protesters all you want, the leader of the Klan deserves this and more...yes, the beast has AWAKEN ON BOTH SIDES, KEEP THAT IN MIND!!
The Klan is irrelevant . Has been for years. Why you trying to give them power?
Because he wants it to be 1950 all over again.
They have no legitimate causes so they have to make shit up.
I know if this man had a chance, he'd do remix, because for the remainder of his life, his long hard legacy of sucess in the business world is forever shattered......I will never watch anything he promotes, sells or endorce. I hope it becomes a global protest, there's only so many hicks that can support this bitch, the rest of us will not!! Blame protesters all you want, the leader of the Klan deserves this and more...yes, the beast has AWAKEN ON BOTH SIDES, KEEP THAT IN MIND!!

The kkk was the terrorist arm of the democrat party......twit....Donald may be a lot of things but he isn't a racist.....the racists are still in the democrat party.....
this place is such a bore anymore. the left has run it into the ground over their stupid obsession with Trump. I'm going to go play a video game. more exciting
And the socks and trolls that are allowed free reign . So sad. But oh well...

that too. I've been fighting that for awhile now. I got sick and tired of them, so I brought it out into the open for all the members to see. I didn't want to hurt the board, as it's been like a home away from home for me being on here since 2004. but they took on the wrong person to fXXK with. oops

Actually it was founded in 1865, and not by "Democrats". In 1865 in Tennessee there effectively were no "Democrats". They couldn't even vote.

Other than getting the entire thing wrong, at least you spelled the word "since" correctly. Baby steps.

A twofer!

Whelp ---- this is why I keep this handy. For the morons who think history comes from Googly Image generated memes:

The original House version:
  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
  • >>> ALL SOUTHERNERS: 7-97 (6.7%--93.3%)
(Note "Northerners" for this purpose means "the rest of the country not in the South")
  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94 – 6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85 – 15%)
  • >>> ALL NORTHERNERS: 283-33 (89.6%--11.4%)
The Senate version:
  • Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%)
  • Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)
  • ALL SOUTHERNERS: 1--21 (4.5%--95.5%)
  • ALL NORTHERNERS: 72--6 (92.3%--7.7%)

Yes, there is a party pattern in that each line shows more support from the D side than the R side. But again, 94 versus 85 on one side is not significant.

But 96 on one side versus 92 on the other side?? NOW you got some polarization. BIG time.

The numbers don't lie; your pattern is clearly there but it's regional, not political. And regional, once again for you slow readers who can't think of a point on your own and crutch on Googly Image Bullshit, means cultural.

You take the numbers from the North -- both Dems and Repubs are for it.
You take the numbers from the South -- both Dems and Repubs are agin' it.
It's truly bipartisan in both directions. (!)

And to think people bitch about "gridlock".

Canard obliterated. /offtopic
I know if this man had a chance, he'd do remix, because for the remainder of his life, his long hard legacy of sucess in the business world is forever shattered......I will never watch anything he promotes, sells or endorce. I hope it becomes a global protest, there's only so many hicks that can support this bitch, the rest of us will not!! Blame protesters all you want, the leader of the Klan deserves this and more...yes, the beast has AWAKEN ON BOTH SIDES, KEEP THAT IN MIND!!

The Trump Klansmen got pepper sprayed tonight.

Interesting that Trump considered the thing tonight a rally. All he did was ramble on as he always does, attempting to cause a riot.

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