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Pope Calls For Civil Unions For Same-Sex Couples, In Major Departure From Vatican Doctrine

Voting for Bible bashers, abortion on demand promoters, and those who redefine marriage (as thought they are its creators) --- are "COMPATABLE with CHRISTIANITY"????????
Trump is certainly not perfect (who is). However, he cannot be hiding anything because the Democrats seem to know all about him. Both Kennedy and Clinton were womanizers. The Democrats want illegal aliens so they can get votes. The Democrats have no problem with abortion because it gets rid of unwanted babies who are mostly black. Review the statistics. They say Black Lives Matter! That is not what they said 50 years ago when Wallace was running for President! The Democrats had no problem closing churches due to the pandemic and yet they certainly sided with the protesters all huddled together in their cliques. So please, don't try to insult Christians over Trump. He is the least of America's problems. And in fact, he is the only President thoughtful enough to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to JERUSALEM. Mrs Clinton certainly wouldn't have done that, and in fact she did nothing to aid one of our embassies when it was attacked.

I believe anyone can change. I've seen people come to faith in CHRIST and completely get their lives turned around. I don't see any reason a former Democrat cannot become a Bible thumping conservative, as he or she finally sees the light and the handwriting on the wall. I did transpose this because I believe what I stated above may have been missed. I also believe the children at the border can be just as well served in their native land where missionaries travel to bring GOD's Gospel message. It isn't always about free handouts.
Trump is the ultimate anti-christian. Voting for him is like voting for Satan.
I think only Catholics should be allowed to marry. Fags, apostates, heathens, and, Protestant heretics should only get civil unions. Leave marriage to the one true faith of the followers of Jesus Christ.
You left out Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Taoist, Buddhists, JW's, LDS and primal religions etc. Or do they fall under the heathen umbrella?

Seriously though, it's a slippery slope. Full of land mines and traps.
So now even the pope believes that homosexuals should be able to marry. He says in a civil union which means he still doesn't advocate that homosexuals should be able to get married in a church but this endorsement is a step in the right direction.

How many natural kids can both partners bring into the world, when they are both women, or both men? They can make believe they are married but they can rub and rub but never achieve what God intended. This is the fallacy of the progs, to push immorality upon US so we can move away from our traditions.

Gay people have children all the time. Now you know.
That must mean that such are not 100% homosexual. GOD didn't make anyone that way. Sin is the corruptive force that distorts and manipulates truth to suit evil behavior, so that even some pope can be confused. Two men behaving badly together do not spawn children. And two women with their plastic accouterments cannot either. That is not to say that GOD intended everyone to marry, have sexual relations and procreate. However, our society screams "SEX, SEX, SEX!" ---- and if you feel uncomfortable then well ----- one must be peculiar.... This is the way secular ideology manipulates and distorts. And this is just another reason the world is in such a mess.
God made everything in the universe including people who are born gay. Gay people have children through sperm donors and surrogates... Now you know.
I actually know a girl who married another girl and they had three children between them using sperm donors. They are now divorced and she has married a man.
God does not approve
How arrogant of you to pretend that you know the mind of an omnipotent, unseen Supreme Being.

I've read His book....you should

Start here....

It only shows they have homosexuality's way back then, also in Moses's day according to scripture. They had pedophiles and incest along with it.

Duh dumbass and it was a sin then too.... think hard, it's why it's Biblical

I have zero use for Jew haters so go bother someone else

Since Moses and Paul said it was. Child the bible was wrote by men, lots of men.

So your saying God made mistakes.
You're mentally ill.

According to Christian zealots.
Jesus would have cast the demon out of you.
I think only Catholics should be allowed to marry. Fags, apostates, heathens, and, Protestant heretics should only get civil unions. Leave marriage to the one true faith of the followers of Jesus Christ.
You left out Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Taoist, Buddhists, JW's, LDS and primal religions etc. Or do they fall under the heathen umbrella?

Seriously though, it's a slippery slope. Full of land mines and traps.
Nope. They can get civil unions like the rest of the untermensch. lol.
I think only Catholics should be allowed to marry. Fags, apostates, heathens, and, Protestant heretics should only get civil unions. Leave marriage to the one true faith of the followers of Jesus Christ.
You left out Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Taoist, Buddhists, JW's, LDS and primal religions etc. Or do they fall under the heathen umbrella?

Seriously though, it's a slippery slope. Full of land mines and traps.
Nope. They can get civil unions like the rest of the untermensch. lol.
Now I have to look up untermensch. Note to self: never discuss anything with a librarian.
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Jesus never gave an opinion about gay marriage. So good for the pope.
He did talk about marriage though. And in that discussion - although some will no doubt disagree with my interpretation - he did mention that some were born homosexual.
Jesus never gave an opinion about gay marriage. So good for the pope.
He did talk about marriage though. And in that discussion - although some will no doubt disagree with my interpretation - he did mention that some were born homosexual.
I've never read any opinion from Jesus directly saying anything about gay or gay marriage. Can you provide the noble reference?;
Jesus never gave an opinion about gay marriage. So good for the pope.
He did talk about marriage though. And in that discussion - although some will no doubt disagree with my interpretation - he did mention that some were born homosexual.
I've never read any opinion from Jesus directly saying anything about gay or gay marriage. Can you provide the noble reference?;
He wasn't talking about gay marriage. He was talking about marriage. It actually started with a smart alecky pharisee trying to test him on the subject of divorce. That led into a conversation of marriage and a conversation of who shouldn't get married.

Matthew 19:1-12

Teaching About Divorce
1 Now when Jesus had finished these sayings, he went away from Galilee and entered the region of Judea beyond the Jordan. 2 And large crowds followed him, and he healed them there.

3 And Pharisees came up to him and tested him by asking, “Is it lawful to divorce one’s wife for any cause?” 4 He answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, 5 and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? 6 So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” 7 They said to him, “Why then did Moses command one to give a certificate of divorce and to send her away?” 8 He said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. 9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”

10 The disciples said to him, “If such is the case of a man with his wife, it is better not to marry.” 11 But he said to them, “Not everyone can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given. 12 For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.”
Jesus never gave an opinion about gay marriage. So good for the pope.
He did talk about marriage though. And in that discussion - although some will no doubt disagree with my interpretation - he did mention that some were born homosexual.
I think you are one of the most honest people that post here. So don't think I am trying to be negative. I just have never read anything that shows Jesus opinion on the topic only the old testament.
Jesus never gave an opinion about gay marriage. So good for the pope.
He did talk about marriage though. And in that discussion - although some will no doubt disagree with my interpretation - he did mention that some were born homosexual.
I think you are one of the most honest people that post here. So don't think I am trying to be negative. I just have never read anything that shows Jesus opinion on the topic only the old testament.
I didn't take it as a negative I understood that you were curious because you had never heard anyone say this before. Curiosity is a very good thing. One of the beauties of curiosity is that it avoids people having to make assumptions. You didn't assume I didn't have a reason for my statement. You investigated it. I like that. It shows that you are interested in learning. Don't change. That is a rare gift.

Thank you for the compliment. That means a lot to me. It really does. There's nothing special about me. I value objectivity. Sometimes I am and sometimes I am not but I am constantly striving to get better. I try to look at all sides before forming conclusions. So when I have formed my conclusion, it's usually for a good reason and I am able to articulate it.
I think only Catholics should be allowed to marry. Fags, apostates, heathens, and, Protestant heretics should only get civil unions. Leave marriage to the one true faith of the followers of Jesus Christ.
You left out Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Taoist, Buddhists, JW's, LDS and primal religions etc. Or do they fall under the heathen umbrella?

Seriously though, it's a slippery slope. Full of land mines and traps.
Nope. They can get civil unions like the rest of the untermensch. lol.
I am curious here... how do you feel about the Pope calling for civil unions?

Does it feel condescending to you in not a good way?

Because it seems to me that he wants it to be seen as a magnanimous gesture when in reality it's probably the opposite. He as much weight as Madonna in matters of civil unions. Whereas where he does have weight - the Catholic Church - the dogma remains the same.
I am curious here... how do you feel about the Pope calling for civil unions?

Does it feel condescending to you in not a good way?

Because it seems to me that he wants it to be seen as a magnanimous gesture when in reality it's probably the opposite. He as much weight as Madonna in matters of civil unions. Whereas where he does have weight - the Catholic Church - the dogma remains the same.

I don't view as patronizing at all. In fact, I found it to be a rather warm and welcoming gesture. I don't expect to see civil unions taking place anytime soon in St. Peter's Square, but it was a nice gesture nevertheless.
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I am curious here... how do you feel about the Pope calling for civil unions?

Does it feel condescending to you in not a good way?

Because it seems to me that he wants it to be seen as a magnanimous gesture when in reality it's probably the opposite. He as much weight as Madonna in matters of civil unions. Whereas where he does have weight - the Catholic Church - the dogma remains the same.

I don't view as patronizing at all. In fact, I found it to be a rather warm and welcoming gesture. I don't expect to see civil unions taking place anytime soon in St. Peter's Square, but it was nice gesture nevertheless.
I am glad you see it that way. I am not sure everyone will. I think he would be perfectly happy with civil unions in St. Peter's Square as long as they weren't marriages performed by the Church in St. Peter's Square.

Are you a Catholic?
I am curious here... how do you feel about the Pope calling for civil unions?

Does it feel condescending to you in not a good way?

Because it seems to me that he wants it to be seen as a magnanimous gesture when in reality it's probably the opposite. He as much weight as Madonna in matters of civil unions. Whereas where he does have weight - the Catholic Church - the dogma remains the same.

I don't view as patronizing at all. In fact, I found it to be a rather warm and welcoming gesture. I don't expect to see civil unions taking place anytime soon in St. Peter's Square, but it was nice gesture nevertheless.
I am glad you see it that way. I am not sure everyone will. I think he would be perfectly happy with civil unions in St. Peter's Square as long as they weren't marriages performed by the Church in St. Peter's Square.

Are you a Catholic?

No, I am not a Catholic anymore, but I still volunteer for my local parish often. I may have lost my faith, but I still think they are a force of good in this world and have many noble charitable endeavors that align with my beliefs.
I am curious here... how do you feel about the Pope calling for civil unions?

Does it feel condescending to you in not a good way?

Because it seems to me that he wants it to be seen as a magnanimous gesture when in reality it's probably the opposite. He as much weight as Madonna in matters of civil unions. Whereas where he does have weight - the Catholic Church - the dogma remains the same.

I don't view as patronizing at all. In fact, I found it to be a rather warm and welcoming gesture. I don't expect to see civil unions taking place anytime soon in St. Peter's Square, but it was nice gesture nevertheless.
I am glad you see it that way. I am not sure everyone will. I think he would be perfectly happy with civil unions in St. Peter's Square as long as they weren't marriages performed by the Church in St. Peter's Square.

Are you a Catholic?

No, I am not a Catholic anymore, but I still volunteer for my local parish often. I may have lost my faith, but I still think they are a force of good in this world and have many noble charitable endeavors that align with my beliefs.
I thought I could sense some of the Catholic guilt in you. Did I ever tell you about my friend Paul59?

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