Pope criticizes building walls to keep migrants out

Maybe he should check Italy's Immigration Policy, (they feed illegal aliens to the Lions) and then his native Argentina.
Most of the Liberal/Progressives I know that are for Open Borders (they call it Amnesty) live in Gated Communities.
Pope criticizes building walls to keep migrants out.

The Pope should mind his own business. ITMT, isn't the Vatican SURROUNDED by a wall? I bet they lock their doors at night as well. Let's start shipping all the Mexican immigrants to his place of living and see how long that door stays open!
This may be mean, but I hope the Pope is reading this tonight.
Pope criticizes building walls to keep migrants out

ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE, March 31 (Reuters) - Pope Francis said on Sunday that political leaders who want walls and other barriers to keep migrants out "will end up becoming prisoners of the walls they build".

The pope made his comments to reporters aboard the plane returning from Morocco in response to a question about migration in general and about U.S. President Donald Trump's threat to shut down the southern border with Mexico.

"Builders of walls, be they made of razor wire or bricks, will end up becoming prisoners of the walls they build," he said.

Francis, who did not mention Trump in his response, has sparred with the U.S. president before over migration, which was a theme of several questions on the plane as well as during the trip to Morocco.

Trump has declared a national emergency to justify redirecting money earmarked for the military to pay for his promised U.S.-Mexico border wall.

"I realize that with this problem (of migration), a government has a hot potato in its hands, but it must be resolved differently, humanely, not with razor wire," the Argentine-born pope said on the plane.

Pope criticizes building walls to keep migrants out

I was wondering if they have trouble with the Pope's plane or helicopter landing inside the walls of the Vatican.

Boy, I never thought that if Trump builds a wall, I would be a prisoner in this country! Good Grief, the sky is falling! And razor wire is fine. Just a friendly reminder that coming over that wall is illegal. So don't do it!

This is not the brightest Pope...
I was there last spring....he's so full of shit, those walls are like 50 feet high and not scalable, we could easily to that....and should.....the Pope already has his walls......I dont see him tearing them down.
Pope criticizes building walls to keep migrants out

ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE, March 31 (Reuters) - Pope Francis said on Sunday that political leaders who want walls and other barriers to keep migrants out "will end up becoming prisoners of the walls they build".

The pope made his comments to reporters aboard the plane returning from Morocco in response to a question about migration in general and about U.S. President Donald Trump's threat to shut down the southern border with Mexico.

"Builders of walls, be they made of razor wire or bricks, will end up becoming prisoners of the walls they build," he said.

Francis, who did not mention Trump in his response, has sparred with the U.S. president before over migration, which was a theme of several questions on the plane as well as during the trip to Morocco.

Trump has declared a national emergency to justify redirecting money earmarked for the military to pay for his promised U.S.-Mexico border wall.

"I realize that with this problem (of migration), a government has a hot potato in its hands, but it must be resolved differently, humanely, not with razor wire," the Argentine-born pope said on the plane.

Pope criticizes building walls to keep migrants out

I was wondering if they have trouble with the Pope's plane or helicopter landing inside the walls of the Vatican.

Boy, I never thought that if Trump builds a wall, I would be a prisoner in this country! Good Grief, the sky is falling! And razor wire is fine. Just a friendly reminder that coming over that wall is illegal. So don't do it!

This is not the brightest Pope...

He also has a big damn wall. Hypocrisy much? Fuck the pope. He doesn’t even matter.

I don't think we should be saying words like that in re to the Pope. I agree, however, he's useless.
Pope criticizes building walls to keep migrants out

ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE, March 31 (Reuters) - Pope Francis said on Sunday that political leaders who want walls and other barriers to keep migrants out "will end up becoming prisoners of the walls they build".

The pope made his comments to reporters aboard the plane returning from Morocco in response to a question about migration in general and about U.S. President Donald Trump's threat to shut down the southern border with Mexico.

"Builders of walls, be they made of razor wire or bricks, will end up becoming prisoners of the walls they build," he said.

Francis, who did not mention Trump in his response, has sparred with the U.S. president before over migration, which was a theme of several questions on the plane as well as during the trip to Morocco.

Trump has declared a national emergency to justify redirecting money earmarked for the military to pay for his promised U.S.-Mexico border wall.

"I realize that with this problem (of migration), a government has a hot potato in its hands, but it must be resolved differently, humanely, not with razor wire," the Argentine-born pope said on the plane.

Pope criticizes building walls to keep migrants out

I was wondering if they have trouble with the Pope's plane or helicopter landing inside the walls of the Vatican.

Boy, I never thought that if Trump builds a wall, I would be a prisoner in this country! Good Grief, the sky is falling! And razor wire is fine. Just a friendly reminder that coming over that wall is illegal. So don't do it!

This is not the brightest Pope...
I was there last spring....he's so full of shit, those walls are like 50 feet high and not scalable, we could easily to that....and should.....the Pope already has his walls......I dont see him tearing them down.
I'd like to see him getting thousands of cots and let in immigrants without vetting them. Let all the kids come without vaccinations, too. Let us see his change ot tune.
Would someone just stick a male muslim foot into this pedophile-enabling papal pig's mindlessly grinning mouth please?

I INTEND to offend Catholics on this board when I say your dreary, suffering-obsessed, piece of shit church is my SECOND most hated religion after Islam. Catholicrap is to corruption what Pisslam is to violence: no religion does it better. Your dirtbag religion is responsible for importing god knows how many third-world scumbags into the United States and fully supports "sanctuary" for illegals. I LOATHE your pederast cult with every last quantum of my agnostic soul, you Catholics need your oh-so-precious Rosaries shoved up your asses sideways. Along with your stupid little Communion wafers.

Here's my favorite joke about the Catholic*nt cult of lying, money-grubbing crookedness: What's the difference between Catholic priests and acne? Acne doesn't come onto your face until your 15.
Jesuits, the original globalists.
They were globalist before the term globalism was even a word!
This Pope can stick to washing feet. But don't try to kiss his ring, it spreads germs.
Would someone just stick a male muslim foot into this pedophile-enabling papal pig's mindlessly grinning mouth please? I INTEND to offend Catholics on this board when I say your dreary, suffering-obsessed, piece of shit church is my SECOND most hated religion after Islam. Catholicrap is to corruption what Pisslam is to violence: no religion does it better. Your dirtbag religion is responsible for importing god knows how many third-world scumbags into the United States and fully supports "sanctuary" for illegals. I LOATHE your pederast cult with every last quantum of my agnostic soul, you Catholics need your oh-so-precious Rosaries shoved up your asses sideways. Along with your stupid little Communion wafers.

Here's my favorite joke about the Catholic*nt cult of lying, money-grubbing crookedness: What's the difference between Catholic priests and acne? Acne doesn't come onto your face until your 15.
Son, you definitely have some serious issues. ... :cuckoo:

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