Pope embraces man with boils!

A weak version of what the Vatican did earlier:

The Horrors of The Church and its Holy Inquisition

No one burns witches like the Vatican. Of course if you subscribe to the belief that all non Catholic religions sprang from the Catholic church, then this followed the Vatican's methods to a 't'. No English laws except the divorce law was changed when the church split with the Vatican. And that was for the convenience of Henvy VIII so he could marry Anne Boleyn. The witch trials occurred under the crown which.......

Danvers: Ask the Archivist

According to your link here on the Roman Catholic Church, Doc is wrong, Sunshine. It says inside your link these words under the torture devices uses.....

Medieval Torture Devices
Reaching its peak in the 12th century, torture was used in capital cases as well as against suspected heretics. From the mid-14th century to the end of the 18th century, torture was a common and sanctioned part of the legal proceedings of most European countries which was approved by the inquisition in cases of heresy.

The most common means of torture included burning, beating and suffocating, however the techniques below are some of the more extravagant and depraved methods used and allowed by the Roman Catholic Church.

I have never seen such horrific devices in my life. The breast ripper? An instrument used to rip the breast off a human being? This is utterly satanic. These dungeon photographs and instruments of torture look like things satanic rituals would use to torture their victims before offering them to Satan. I am horrified at the idea that a church would have such power and even more horrified that today they are at the very door of having it again. People need to wake up!

Hundreds of thousands of Jews and heretics were tortured by the Inquisition, no one is denying that.

But the Inquisition never had jurisdiction in England or the British Colonies.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Thank you for explaining that to me, Doc. I saw Goya's Ghost. I know there is a book I read about the Inquisition that depicted much of the horror of it and for some reason at the time I thought it was just part of the novel. There was a scene of a Jewish girl being tortured in the book and I didn't realize the author was actually describing in detail how they would have done this! Now I am really horrified. That was the book I was telling Sarah about called The Watchword, A tale of Faith Forged in the Spanish Inquisition. It was about a wheel she was tied to. As I recall. Very graphic depiction of what the Jews went through. Does anyone know if Goya's Ghost was based on a true story? I do not recall if they ever mentioned it. - Jeri
Why did the Pope not heal him?

Those are the signs following Believers according to Mark 16: 17. Not unbelievers. - Jeri

I have a question. Why does the Roman Catholic Church claim infallibility and that they are the One True Faith - excluding all others - that they are the one way to heaven and there is no other way? The Word says the church is made up of people who are followers of Christ not a lead man such as the pope, not brick, not mortar and certainly not any made made doctrine. So why do they claim to have the One True Faith? After reading the first of this book, Through the eye of a Jew, this Jewish author has made me think about this as he presents that very question in his book! How can any religious organization be a gatekeeper to heaven and claim exclusivity by their own membership? The body of Christ is made up of many different denominations and non denominations and even those who do not attend a formal institution calling itself the church.. so what is this One Truth Faith they are talking about?

As I understand the works of all the witnesses of those burned at the stake who were accused of being heretics by the Roman Catholic church - the main reason was that they did not go through the Roman Catholic Church with regards to their communing with God. They did it directly and that was what gave them the death sentence. In that matter of Michael Molinos, John Hus, Savonarolla, John of the Cross, many of the mystics of that age - and these people were not "witches" ( although no one ever had the right to put a witch to death under any circumstances - that is playing God! ) but people seeking God! It is said that Theresa of Avila came dangerous close herself to being in trouble and had to hide much of her thought in secret passages that are found in her books - such as Interior Castles perhaps? .....had she been so bold as to have stated her direct communion with God and her instruction to other nuns to do likewise it could have been a bad outcome...it is astonishing no one accused her in her visions of hell as she makes no mention of pergatory in those visions. Only hell.. perhaps they missed entirely much of what she wasn't saying?

- Jeri
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Why did the Pope not heal him?

Those are the signs following Believers according to Mark 16: 17. Not unbelievers. - Jeri

I have a question. Why does the Roman Catholic Church claim infallibility and that they are the One True Faith - excluding all others - that they are the one way to heaven and there is no other way? The Word says the church is made up of people who are followers of Christ not a lead man such as the pope, not brick, not mortar and certainly not any made made doctrine. So why do they claim to have the One True Faith? After reading the first of this book, Through the eye of a Jew, this Jewish author has made me think about this as he presents that very question in his book! How can any religious organization be a gatekeeper to heaven and claim exclusivity by their own membership? The body of Christ is made up of many different denominations and non denominations and even those who do not attend a formal institution calling itself the church.. so what is this One Truth Faith they are talking about?

As I understand the works of all the witnesses of those burned at the stake who were accused of being heretics by the Roman Catholic church - the main reason was that they did not go through the Roman Catholic Church with regards to their communing with God. They did it directly and that was what gave them the death sentence. In that matter of Michael Molinos, John Hus, Savonarolla, John of the Cross, many of the mystics of that age - and these people were not "witches" ( although no one ever had the right to put a witch to death under any circumstances - that is playing God! ) but people seeking God! It is said that Theresa of Avila came dangerous close herself to being in trouble and had to hide much of her thought in secret passages that are found in her books - such as Interior Castles perhaps? .....had she been so bold as to have stated her direct communion with God and her instruction to other nuns to do likewise it could have been a bad outcome...it is astonishing no one accused her in her visions of hell as she makes no mention of pergatory in those visions. Only hell.. perhaps they missed entirely much of what she wasn't saying?

- Jeri

The catholic church impeded the progress of science probably by hundreds of years due to its persecution of scientists like Galileo:

Galileo to Turing: The Historical Persecution of Scientists - Wired Science

How anyone can defend that vile institution beats the hell out of me~!

Today, thanks to those evil protestants, you can study science and remain a Christian. There is a thread that challenges people on their 'inconsistencies' in thinking regarding the two things. I had a couple it didn't like, but I don't accept theory as fact, I accept theory as theory, and I have a conscious understanding that religion is based on faith not fact. Those two things, IMO, resolve the so called inconsistencies. And in spite of my lack of ability to type well, I do have a better education than most in this country. My education has been a privilege and it gives me a perspective on the Bible and the stories in it as valuable allegories which the world would be worse off without. And my years spent working in Psychiatry give me a greater perspective on how truly evil the wrong that was perpetrated on children by catholic priests was. One who has never known any abuse victims can't even comprehend the hell they must endure every day of their lives. And the book, The Unbreakable Child is a clear indicator that the abuse of children by priests and nuns is NOT a thing of the past.
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A weak version of what the Vatican did earlier:

The Horrors of The Church and its Holy Inquisition

No one burns witches like the Vatican. Of course if you subscribe to the belief that all non Catholic religions sprang from the Catholic church, then this followed the Vatican's methods to a 't'. No English laws except the divorce law was changed when the church split with the Vatican. And that was for the convenience of Henvy VIII so he could marry Anne Boleyn. The witch trials occurred under the crown which was following law laid down by the Vatican.

Danvers: Ask the Archivist

According to your link here on the Roman Catholic Church, Doc is wrong, Sunshine. It says inside your link these words under the torture devices uses.....

Medieval Torture Devices
Reaching its peak in the 12th century, torture was used in capital cases as well as against suspected heretics. From the mid-14th century to the end of the 18th century, torture was a common and sanctioned part of the legal proceedings of most European countries which was approved by the inquisition in cases of heresy.

The most common means of torture included burning, beating and suffocating, however the techniques below are some of the more extravagant and depraved methods used and allowed by the Roman Catholic Church.

I have never seen such horrific devices in my life. The breast ripper? An instrument used to rip the breast off a human being? This is utterly satanic. These dungeon photographs and instruments of torture look like things satanic rituals would use to torture their victims before offering them to Satan. I am horrified at the idea that a church would have such power and even more horrified that today they are at the very door of having it again. People need to wake up!

Hundreds of thousands of Jews and heretics were tortured by the Inquisition, no one is denying that.

But the Inquisition never had jurisdiction in England or the British Colonies.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The laws previously laid down by the Vatican did have jurisdiction in those places, and more.
PHOTOS: Pope Francis embraces disfigured man in St. Peter?s Square

Those aren't 'boils.' They are tumors. The man has neurofibromatosis. A boil is an infection. The poop was never in any danger.

Why does the press have to be so damned dishonest~!

Not nice to call this Pope, "poop".

I ain't even religious..but I'd still call him "The Pope".

You would probably give him a blow job too. Then he could share the enlightenment of herpes witih all the little children.


Don't roll that way kiddo.

And Martin Luther?

This guy?

On the Jews and Their Lies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Weren't many Nazis, Protestant?

Oh yeah. They were.

Careful when you throw bricks in glass houses, lassie.
This thread is a perfect example of the vitriol brought about by Pope Francis' efforts to turn the church into what Christ wanted it to be from the beginning - about the people and not those in authority.

Unlike others who seemed to seek the supremacy of the church, Francis is telling priests, bishops, archbishops, and cardinals to be shepherds to their followers - something ALL churches should try to do.

{I am NOT Catholic}:eusa_whistle:
Not nice to call this Pope, "poop".

I ain't even religious..but I'd still call him "The Pope".

You would probably give him a blow job too. Then he could share the enlightenment of herpes witih all the little children.


Don't roll that way kiddo.

And Martin Luther?

This guy?

On the Jews and Their Lies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Weren't many Nazis, Protestant?

Oh yeah. They were.

Careful when you throw bricks in glass houses, lassie.

Hitler was famously Catholic -- southern Germany and Austria being predominantly Catholic while northern Germany and into Scandinavia went Lutheran.

I gotta say, there seems to be a distinction trying to be drawn between Catholicism and Protestantism. That distinction, if that's what it is, is lost on me. It's like asking for French Roast and being told "we don't have FR but we have Italian". OK, whatever... :dunno:
I never knew the Witches were put on trial by the Vatican. I never knew that. I don't know why - perhaps I missed discussions on it. Perhaps it wasn't taught in school or it was taught in a higher grade level I missed - I don't know but I definitely was mistaken about who was responsible...

I don't recall being told per se that they were put on trial by the Vatican. But the Vatican was over the British crown. When this old crone on the throne kicks off see who puts the crown on her predecessor's head. (Hint, it won't be the Vatican this time, but it will be a church official.)
The colonies were under English law, and English law was largely Catholic.

The Church of England split from the Catholic Church in 1558. The Vatican has had no oversight over English law since then, particularly not in time of the American Colonies.

Even more importantly, the witch-burnings in Salem were performed by extreme Calvinist Puritan colonists, who were about as anti-Catholic as it is possible to be.
No one was burned in Salem...they were hung, except for one guy pressed to death because he refused to plead either guilty or not guilty (he knew it was a property grab all along)
Not nice to call this Pope, "poop".

I ain't even religious..but I'd still call him "The Pope".

You would probably give him a blow job too. Then he could share the enlightenment of herpes witih all the little children.


Don't roll that way kiddo.

And Martin Luther?

This guy?

On the Jews and Their Lies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Weren't many Nazis, Protestant?

Oh yeah. They were.

Careful when you throw bricks in glass houses, lassie.

Whatever the Nazis were, the catholic church furthered their agenda when it likely could have stopped it altogether.
PHOTOS: Pope Francis embraces disfigured man in St. Peter?s Square

Those aren't 'boils.' They are tumors. The man has neurofibromatosis. A boil is an infection. The poop was never in any danger.

Why does the press have to be so damned dishonest~!

Where does it say he has "boils"?

And, why are you calling him the "the poop"?

Where is the story "dishonest"?

It was posted on facebook that he had boils. It is dishonest because it compares his non contagious disease to leprosy which is contagious.
This thread is a perfect example of the vitriol brought about by Pope Francis' efforts to turn the church into what Christ wanted it to be from the beginning - about the people and not those in authority.

Unlike others who seemed to seek the supremacy of the church, Francis is telling priests, bishops, archbishops, and cardinals to be shepherds to their followers - something ALL churches should try to do.

{I am NOT Catholic}:eusa_whistle:

You mean an organization rife with pedophiles.
You would probably give him a blow job too. Then he could share the enlightenment of herpes witih all the little children.


Don't roll that way kiddo.

And Martin Luther?

This guy?

On the Jews and Their Lies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Weren't many Nazis, Protestant?

Oh yeah. They were.

Careful when you throw bricks in glass houses, lassie.

Hitler was famously Catholic -- southern Germany and Austria being predominantly Catholic while northern Germany and into Scandinavia went Lutheran.

I gotta say, there seems to be a distinction trying to be drawn between Catholicism and Protestantism. That distinction, if that's what it is, is lost on me. It's like asking for French Roast and being told "we don't have FR but we have Italian". OK, whatever... :dunno:

That may well be.

But many of the hands that tossed Jews into ovens, where Protestant.

The population of Germany in 1933 was around 60 million. Almost all Germans were Christian, belonging either to the Roman Catholic (ca. 20 million members) or the Protestant (ca. 40 million members) churches. The Jewish community in Germany in 1933 was less than 1% of the total population of the country.
The German Churches and the Nazi State

Don't roll that way kiddo.

And Martin Luther?

This guy?

On the Jews and Their Lies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Weren't many Nazis, Protestant?

Oh yeah. They were.

Careful when you throw bricks in glass houses, lassie.

Hitler was famously Catholic -- southern Germany and Austria being predominantly Catholic while northern Germany and into Scandinavia went Lutheran.

I gotta say, there seems to be a distinction trying to be drawn between Catholicism and Protestantism. That distinction, if that's what it is, is lost on me. It's like asking for French Roast and being told "we don't have FR but we have Italian". OK, whatever... :dunno:

That may well be.

But many of the hands that tossed Jews into ovens, where Protestant.

The population of Germany in 1933 was around 60 million. Almost all Germans were Christian, belonging either to the Roman Catholic (ca. 20 million members) or the Protestant (ca. 40 million members) churches. The Jewish community in Germany in 1933 was less than 1% of the total population of the country.
The German Churches and the Nazi State

That does not change the fact of the behavior of the catholic church over the ages and into the present day. That organization has been the most oppressive, subversive, and vile in all of history. The pope is absolutely reptilian in his grab for power and wealth in today's world. Did you know he has a summer home? Even with a vow of poverty. Ho ho ho. And the last pope who covered up for pedophiles was a common criminal. I know a LOT of catholics. I don't know any nazis. Given they are the crowd you hang with and know so well, I will defer to your expertise on the matter.
I hope he continues being an example to people. But yes i wish the media would be honest with what happened.

This world doesn't need 'examples' like the catholic church has produced.

When my grandmas alzheimers got to be to much, we had to put her in a home.

During one of our visits, we found out that the local rc priest came and saw her daily.

As time went by, it got harder and harder to go see. I went from pretending to be her son to pretending to be her grandfather. Eventually all she could do was gibber like a baby.

and still the father visited her everyday.

so yeah, I cut the church some slack b/c I know they do good works

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