Pope embraces man with boils!

You would probably give him a blow job too. Then he could share the enlightenment of herpes witih all the little children.


Don't roll that way kiddo.

And Martin Luther?

This guy?

On the Jews and Their Lies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Weren't many Nazis, Protestant?

Oh yeah. They were.

Careful when you throw bricks in glass houses, lassie.

Whatever the Nazis were, the catholic church furthered their agenda when it likely could have stopped it altogether.

now that's just a completely fucking dumb thing to say

Please tell the class how a few hundred men with spears were going to stop thousands of men with tanks.
This thread is a perfect example of the vitriol brought about by Pope Francis' efforts to turn the church into what Christ wanted it to be from the beginning - about the people and not those in authority.

Unlike others who seemed to seek the supremacy of the church, Francis is telling priests, bishops, archbishops, and cardinals to be shepherds to their followers - something ALL churches should try to do.

{I am NOT Catholic}:eusa_whistle:

You mean an organization rife with pedophiles.

The irony of you calling FB posters liars for calling it boils is just so tasty right now.
From where I'm sitting - an ultra-liberal agnostic - the most intense hatred and vitriol that I see towards religion comes not from atheists, but believers of other religions.

That is hilarious to me, particularly when it comes from someone like Sunshine, who is more devoted to feeling persecuted than any other poster I know.
Followers of the prophet mohammed authorize the stoning to death of women for minor alleged sexual violations and the haters of Christianity are outraged that a man with alleged boils embraced by the Pope was actually afflicted with cancer. Get some perspective.

You're right.. any religion which would advocate a woman being stoned for adultery is barbaric and not worthy of anyone's respect.

If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her; Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city. Deuteronomy 22:23-24

Oh. Damn. that doesn't sound right.

If any man take a wife, and go in unto her, and hate her ... and say, I took this woman, and when I came to her, I found her not a maid: Then shall the father of the damsel, and her mother, take and bring forth the tokens of the damsel's virginity unto the elders of the city in the gate: And the damsel's father shall say ... these are the tokens of my daughter's virginity. And they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city. ... But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die. Deuteronomy 22:13-21
I hope he continues being an example to people. But yes i wish the media would be honest with what happened.

This world doesn't need 'examples' like the catholic church has produced.

When my grandmas alzheimers got to be to much, we had to put her in a home.

During one of our visits, we found out that the local rc priest came and saw her daily.

As time went by, it got harder and harder to go see. I went from pretending to be her son to pretending to be her grandfather. Eventually all she could do was gibber like a baby.

and still the father visited her everyday.

so yeah, I cut the church some slack b/c I know they do good works

Well, you might want to work with some sexual abuse victims. Personally, I wouldn't trust a priest in the room with my grandma if she were alive.
This thread is a perfect example of the vitriol brought about by Pope Francis' efforts to turn the church into what Christ wanted it to be from the beginning - about the people and not those in authority.

Unlike others who seemed to seek the supremacy of the church, Francis is telling priests, bishops, archbishops, and cardinals to be shepherds to their followers - something ALL churches should try to do.

{I am NOT Catholic}:eusa_whistle:

You mean an organization rife with pedophiles.

The irony of you calling FB posters liars for calling it boils is just so tasty right now.

You need to get out of denial mode.
From where I'm sitting - an ultra-liberal agnostic - the most intense hatred and vitriol that I see towards religion comes not from atheists, but believers of other religions.

That is hilarious to me, particularly when it comes from someone like Sunshine, who is more devoted to feeling persecuted than any other poster I know.

Well, you might want to acquaint yourself with some sexual abuse victims sometime and see what it has done to their lives. And you are right, libs always, always defend the most vile and evil of practices. So I'm not the least bit surprised.

Of course I'm sure you won't bother, but if you want a really good account you can read The Unbreakable Child by Kim Richardson. And I dare anyone to read it and them defend that vile organization.

The Unbreakable Child is a riveting journey inside the secretive underbelly of the St. Thomas / Saint Vincent Orphan Asylum in rural Kentucky. It is the first book in the United States to confront the institutionalized physical and emotional abuse suffered by countless orphans at the hands of Catholic clergy over these last decades. It also documents the historic United States lawsuit and first-ever settlement paid by Roman Catholic nuns in the United States as recompense for decades of brutal institutional abuse of the author, her sisters and forty-two other children. The Unbreakable Child offers hope, justice, and forgiveness.

^^Commentary from Amazon.
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From where I'm sitting - an ultra-liberal agnostic - the most intense hatred and vitriol that I see towards religion comes not from atheists, but believers of other religions.

That is hilarious to me, particularly when it comes from someone like Sunshine, who is more devoted to feeling persecuted than any other poster I know.

Well, you might want to acquaint yourself with some sexual abuse victims sometime and see what it has done to their lives. And you are right, libs always, always defend the most vile and evil of practices. So I'm not the least bit surprised.

This doesn't even make any sense.
From where I'm sitting - an ultra-liberal agnostic - the most intense hatred and vitriol that I see towards religion comes not from atheists, but believers of other religions.

That is hilarious to me, particularly when it comes from someone like Sunshine, who is more devoted to feeling persecuted than any other poster I know.

Well, you might want to acquaint yourself with some sexual abuse victims sometime and see what it has done to their lives. And you are right, libs always, always defend the most vile and evil of practices. So I'm not the least bit surprised.

This doesn't even make any sense.

I see nothing wrong with my sentence structure. All I see is you, Dr. Porkchop, defending the indefensible. Keep it up. It only reflects badly on you.
Well, you might want to acquaint yourself with some sexual abuse victims sometime and see what it has done to their lives. And you are right, libs always, always defend the most vile and evil of practices. So I'm not the least bit surprised.

This doesn't even make any sense.

I see nothing wrong with my sentence structure. All I see is you, Dr. Porkchop, defending the indefensible. Keep it up. It only reflects badly on you.

And your hateful obsession isn't doing you any good, you know.
Well, you might want to acquaint yourself with some sexual abuse victims sometime and see what it has done to their lives. And you are right, libs always, always defend the most vile and evil of practices. So I'm not the least bit surprised.

This doesn't even make any sense.

I see nothing wrong with my sentence structure. All I see is you, Dr. Porkchop, defending the indefensible. Keep it up. It only reflects badly on you.

I don't believe I've "defended" anything in this thread.

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From where I'm sitting - an ultra-liberal agnostic - the most intense hatred and vitriol that I see towards religion comes not from atheists, but believers of other religions.

That is hilarious to me, particularly when it comes from someone like Sunshine, who is more devoted to feeling persecuted than any other poster I know.

Why do you s'pose that is?

I mean the hatred "christians" have for damn near everybody else.

As for religions -They all say the same thing: My god can beat up your god.
This doesn't even make any sense.

I see nothing wrong with my sentence structure. All I see is you, Dr. Porkchop, defending the indefensible. Keep it up. It only reflects badly on you.

I don't believe I've "defended" anything in this thread.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com


Of course you defend it when you attack the person who has no tolerance for priests using little children as their own personal sex objects. Clearly you have not seen the wrecked lives I have seen over the years OR you are quite OK with the practice. I'm betting it's the latter.
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From where I'm sitting - an ultra-liberal agnostic - the most intense hatred and vitriol that I see towards religion comes not from atheists, but believers of other religions.

That is hilarious to me, particularly when it comes from someone like Sunshine, who is more devoted to feeling persecuted than any other poster I know.

Why do you s'pose that is?

I mean the hatred "christians" have for damn near everybody else.

As for religions -They all say the same thing: My god can beat up your god.

So you, too, are OK with priests using their power over little children to sexually abuse them. Groovy. You libs are just groovy. And you make me want to puke.
From where I'm sitting - an ultra-liberal agnostic - the most intense hatred and vitriol that I see towards religion comes not from atheists, but believers of other religions.

That is hilarious to me, particularly when it comes from someone like Sunshine, who is more devoted to feeling persecuted than any other poster I know.

Why do you s'pose that is?

I mean the hatred "christians" have for damn near everybody else.

As for religions -They all say the same thing: My god can beat up your god.

So you, too, are OK with priests using their power over little children to sexually abuse them. Groovy. You libs are just groovy. And you make me want to puke.

That right there is a non sequitur. Fifteen yards, repeat third down.

I tell ya my eyes are really going. I keep seeing the title of this thread pop up on my CP as--

Pope embraces man with balls! or
Pope embraces man with boobs!

One thing about it, well two, actually: I have seen the end result of the seedy side of everything including child sexual abuse, and I have the courage of my own convictions to condemn it.

You libs should be so ethical.
I see nothing wrong with my sentence structure. All I see is you, Dr. Porkchop, defending the indefensible. Keep it up. It only reflects badly on you.

I don't believe I've "defended" anything in this thread.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com


Of course you defend it when you attack the person who has no tolerance for priests using little children as their own personal sex objects. Clearly you have not seen the wrecked lives I have seen over the years OR you are quite OK with the practice. I'm betting it's the latter.


I guess I see where your persecution complex comes from.

Attacking you does not imply defending your perceived enemies.
From where I'm sitting - an ultra-liberal agnostic - the most intense hatred and vitriol that I see towards religion comes not from atheists, but believers of other religions.

That is hilarious to me, particularly when it comes from someone like Sunshine, who is more devoted to feeling persecuted than any other poster I know.

Why do you s'pose that is?

I mean the hatred "christians" have for damn near everybody else.

As for religions -They all say the same thing: My god can beat up your god.

You're a simpleton.
One thing about it, well two, actually: I have seen the end result of the seedy side of everything including child sexual abuse, and I have the courage of my own convictions to condemn it.

You libs should be so ethical.

You want to talk "ethical" after you just called my humorous post "disgusting"?

What the fuck is wrong with you?
One thing about it, well two, actually: I have seen the end result of the seedy side of everything including child sexual abuse, and I have the courage of my own convictions to condemn it.

You libs should be so ethical.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Did you forget the topic of your own thread?

This isn't about pedophile priests, this is about you hating Catholicism.

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