Zone1 Pope Francis Latest Bad Move

He didn't remove a "conservative" Bishop, he removed a Bishop for not following the directions of the Vatican - his boss - for tweeting that he rejects what he called Pope Francis’ “program of undermining the deposit of faith.” He received multiple warnings and ignored them. Just like any employee who disobeys their higher-ups, he got fired.

Pope Francis is the Vicar of Christ (A title first give by Yeshua (the real name of Jesus) to Peter when he gave Peter the Keys the Kingdom of the Non-Existent Heaven) and Francis is also the Bishop of Rome.

Pope Francis has the right and the obligation to remove individuals agitating against the changes is making to the Roman Church.

Not much to worry about though, I am confident that someday the Roman Church will be dragged kicking and screaming into the 19th. Century.
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must be - conservative - is the optimal consideration, when everyone knows they must always have their way and its the other guy who's to be blamed.

and, how could they - a texas conservative - who would dare.
Oh, I think Strickland believes in God, just incorrectly, like you.

I do not now, nor have I EVER wanted or needed to believe in non-existent Magical/Mystical/Mythical Sky Man.

You do not get judge on my beliefs anymore than I get to the same to you.

You want to believe, feel free. I fought for that right.

I DO NOT BELEIVE and that is my right. Accept it, but you do not get to judge it.
I do not now, nor have I EVER wanted or needed to believe in non-existent Magical/Mystical/Mythical Sky Man.

You do not get judge on my beliefs anymore than I get to the same to you.

You want to believe, feel free. I fought for that right.

I DO NOT BELEIVE and that is my right. Accept it, but you do not get to judge it.
But this does. And true Christians MUST expose lies wherever they are found. And that includes the lie of atheism.
0311 doth protesteth too much, I do believe. But, yes, it is all of our right to believe or not and not be maligned for it.

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