Pope to address U.S. Congress

The Pope expresses his concern for the impoverished and the oppressed and to right wingers he is out of line. What the fuck are they teaching at RW churches that makes the words of the Pope so horrible and infuriating? I hear the first major christian leader in my lifetime actually speaking like Jesus did and to our "Christians" it's blackest heresy.

And that is the point. He speaks as Jesus actually taught, but the right wing in the U.S. views him as a heretic.

That, above all else, betrays what the right wing in the U.S. has become. They are in fact anti-Christ. They worship money and spit on the poor.

The exact opposite of Jesus Christ.
Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

You "heard nothing", the people that "seem" to you to be the ones who are upset, your opinion is that it is a "faith based system".

I hear a broad based attack on my nation and it's way of life.

If I was a Catholic, I would not want my tithe to be going to this guy to advance his leftist agenda.
A "leftist agenda" is entirely compatible with the teachings of Jesus, it's trying to twist Christianity into the money loving, war loving, poor people hating faith of RWers where the trouble begins.

Money pays for things, like health care, like food and shelter.

War loving? LOL, plenty of blood spilled in the advancement of leftist causes and policies.

Poor people hating? :rolleyes-41:


Please read your post again, and try to imagine that you are a patriotic American capitalist and tell me how insulted you feel.
I am issue oriented, things like economic/religious/political dogma just cloud the issues.

The American right is certain that they alone are qualified to interpret what Christianity should be. Just look at how you people are horrified that the leader of the most numerous Christian church on the planet is not pleased with how capitalism is acting. Much better just to excoriate the Pope than to rethink some of your beliefs concerning international commerce and banking.

Your pretense of being above political dogma is not very convincing.

The Pope spouted off some fairly general and fairly standard lefties spin. We on the right responded appropriately. if he offers more concrete suggestions for policy, especially some that might involve working with I would be happy to address them in depth.
He did not just "express his concern for the impoverished".

He attacked capitalism.

We, right wingers strongly disagree with his opinion on that subject, among others.
I think Jesus also had a problem with people who put money and wealth foremost in their lives. Capitalism does not have to be as exploitative and corrupt as it is, does it? Is making money impossible without fucking people over and buying political power?

His rhetoric is less nuanced than that.
Perhaps but in his corner of the world, the southern cone, unfettered capitalism did some pretty terrible things, he has seen first hand what capitalists really want when they bitch about regulations and unions. The whole of South America is full of abandoned strip mines, toxic dumps, clear-cut forests, dead labor leaders and some very poor people.

He is not a south american leader now, but a global one.

If he wanted to give the message you posted, he should have used less inflammatory rhetoric.

If he uses this opportunity to apologize for appearing to attack capitalism or America unfairly, I will consider his words.

Some glad handling about what a positive influence America has been in the world would be a good place to start.

As if you, dipshit, are in any position to tell the Pope what he should say....


you never know. he might spend plenty of time cruising the internet. if so, he could do worse. '

he might listen to you.
The Pope expresses his concern for the impoverished and the oppressed and to right wingers he is out of line. What the fuck are they teaching at RW churches that makes the words of the Pope so horrible and infuriating? I hear the first major christian leader in my lifetime actually speaking like Jesus did and to our "Christians" it's blackest heresy.

And that is the point. He speaks as Jesus actually taught, but the right wing in the U.S. views him as a heretic.

That, above all else, betrays what the right wing in the U.S. has become. They are in fact anti-Christ. They worship money and spit on the poor.

The exact opposite of Jesus Christ.

the capitalistic nation of the united states has created vast wealth and brought hundreds of millions of people out of poverty.

your stated opinion on the right of you nation is delusional.
As I said, he attacked capitalism. You support this because you have similar leftist views.

As a non leftist and a patriotic American, imo, he can fuck off.
It has long been an issue that the pursuit of wealth is often at odds with the teachings of Jesus Christ. I guess you RWers have found a way around that by simply ignoring what he said and attacking anyone, even a pope, who tries to remind you.

So, you are dropping your pretense of not understanding why the US rightwing does not like Pope Francis?


He has staked out an anti-capitalist position.

I have been pursuing wealth for much of my life. How do you imagine that that conflicts with a moral Christian life?
I know nothing about your life and do not want to know but I am certain you are not doing horrible things. Some people do very bad things in pursuit of their wealth and do not feel bad about it at all. Why do you feel the need to defend them? When you look at capitalism warts and all it is clearly destructive in some respects, it is not heresy to point out how it damages people, the environment and our political process.

Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

These are the people for whom the worship of money is their religion. These are also the people that worship trump.

Money, or more importantly the security from the harshness of life that conservatives need more than oxygen, is their god.
These people DO attempt to lay up their treasures on Earth. In direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

They are in fact anti-Christ.
September 24, 2015.

So seeing as how cons hate this guy already let's see if any are brave enough to yell out YOU LIE. Or maybe they'll boo him.

I'm guessing the coward in them all will come out and they'll keep their big yappers shut. Until he leaves and can't defend himself then they'll talk trash as they watch his plane lift off.

It is so nice when liberals get religion. Have you gone to confession this week?

Red Herring. Show where I 'got religion' in what I posted.

You can't address the OP so you try to deflect to something else. This is the favorite tactic of conservatives. Can't address the issue? Lie and whine about something else.
Rather Ironic coming from the people who basically pissed their pants over Benjamin Netanyahu addressing Congress.
Once again religions are societal road maps that tells one how to interact within a specific sub sect of the general populace.

When morons come out and act as if the are knowledgeable in a given religion they fail to realize that it is a lifestyle and those who have not lived that life style have no clue.

Catholics attend confession in which they tell a priest of the sins committed since last confession. Christian on the other hand pray to their God for forgiveness.

Now as an outsider who wants to vilify religion you come off as nothing but exceptionally moronic, vile and hating.

It is clear you have no idea of what you are speaking, simply you need to get religion gone.

I have discussed this repeatedly and will elaborate on it again, there is no current religion that is tried and true that openly accepts gays and there never will be.

As a vile faggot you have no choice but to make religion your enemy, but alas you are too stupid to vilify it .........................

And the crowd roars, "there you have it folks, the loving words spoken from a true kristian".

Stop pretending, you aren't Christians.
Once again religions are societal road maps that tells one how to interact within a specific sub sect of the general populace.

When morons come out and act as if the are knowledgeable in a given religion they fail to realize that it is a lifestyle and those who have not lived that life style have no clue.

Catholics attend confession in which they tell a priest of the sins committed since last confession. Christian on the other hand pray to their God for forgiveness.

Now as an outsider who wants to vilify religion you come off as nothing but exceptionally moronic, vile and hating.

It is clear you have no idea of what you are speaking, simply you need to get religion gone.

I have discussed this repeatedly and will elaborate on it again, there is no current religion that is tried and true that openly accepts gays and there never will be.

As a vile faggot you have no choice but to make religion your enemy, but alas you are too stupid to vilify it .........................

And the crowd roars, "there you have it folks, the loving words spoken from a true kristian".

Stop pretending, you aren't Christians.

Did I claim to be a christian, you're bad .............
But it's your little coloring book, color it any way you like.

I broker in reality, reality is a bitch most of the time.
Dumb bitches like you are easily impeached .........................
Once again religions are societal road maps that tells one how to interact within a specific sub sect of the general populace.

When morons come out and act as if the are knowledgeable in a given religion they fail to realize that it is a lifestyle and those who have not lived that life style have no clue.

Catholics attend confession in which they tell a priest of the sins committed since last confession. Christian on the other hand pray to their God for forgiveness.

Now as an outsider who wants to vilify religion you come off as nothing but exceptionally moronic, vile and hating.

It is clear you have no idea of what you are speaking, simply you need to get religion gone.

I have discussed this repeatedly and will elaborate on it again, there is no current religion that is tried and true that openly accepts gays and there never will be.

As a vile faggot you have no choice but to make religion your enemy, but alas you are too stupid to vilify it .........................

And the crowd roars, "there you have it folks, the loving words spoken from a true kristian".

Stop pretending, you aren't Christians.

Did I claim to be a christian, you're bad .............
But it's your little coloring book, color it any way you like.

I broker in reality, reality is a bitch most of the time.
Dumb bitches like you are easily impeached .........................

Good, we have one that has admitted to being an atheist. Now if you could only convince the rest of con-world to face the truth we'd have something.

So the other question is why are you so angry and spit vomit so vociferously at other people?
Once again religions are societal road maps that tells one how to interact within a specific sub sect of the general populace.

When morons come out and act as if the are knowledgeable in a given religion they fail to realize that it is a lifestyle and those who have not lived that life style have no clue.

Catholics attend confession in which they tell a priest of the sins committed since last confession. Christian on the other hand pray to their God for forgiveness.

Now as an outsider who wants to vilify religion you come off as nothing but exceptionally moronic, vile and hating.

It is clear you have no idea of what you are speaking, simply you need to get religion gone.

I have discussed this repeatedly and will elaborate on it again, there is no current religion that is tried and true that openly accepts gays and there never will be.

As a vile faggot you have no choice but to make religion your enemy, but alas you are too stupid to vilify it .........................

And the crowd roars, "there you have it folks, the loving words spoken from a true kristian".

Stop pretending, you aren't Christians.

Did I claim to be a christian, you're bad .............
But it's your little coloring book, color it any way you like.

I broker in reality, reality is a bitch most of the time.
Dumb bitches like you are easily impeached .........................

Good, we have one that has admitted to being an atheist. Now if you could only convince the rest of con-world to face the truth we'd have something.

So the other question is why are you so angry and spit vomit so vociferously at other people?

I don't think I claimed atheist either .............
Why are you an abomination in the eyes of God and Country??

We are who we are, you folks are the devil who would silently pervert our society under the guise of peacefulness and docility ...............

Keep dreaming that is the way your little war will go .....................
It has long been an issue that the pursuit of wealth is often at odds with the teachings of Jesus Christ. I guess you RWers have found a way around that by simply ignoring what he said and attacking anyone, even a pope, who tries to remind you.

So, you are dropping your pretense of not understanding why the US rightwing does not like Pope Francis?


He has staked out an anti-capitalist position.

I have been pursuing wealth for much of my life. How do you imagine that that conflicts with a moral Christian life?
I know nothing about your life and do not want to know but I am certain you are not doing horrible things. Some people do very bad things in pursuit of their wealth and do not feel bad about it at all. Why do you feel the need to defend them? When you look at capitalism warts and all it is clearly destructive in some respects, it is not heresy to point out how it damages people, the environment and our political process.

Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

These are the people for whom the worship of money is their religion. These are also the people that worship trump.

Money, or more importantly the security from the harshness of life that conservatives need more than oxygen, is their god.
These people DO attempt to lay up their treasures on Earth. In direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

They are in fact anti-Christ.

There are even more people, rich and poor, who worship themselves, those are the people I believe Jesus really speaks out against.
September 24, 2015.

So seeing as how cons hate this guy already let's see if any are brave enough to yell out YOU LIE. Or maybe they'll boo him.

I'm guessing the coward in them all will come out and they'll keep their big yappers shut. Until he leaves and can't defend himself then they'll talk trash as they watch his plane lift off.

It is so nice when liberals get religion. Have you gone to confession this week?

Red Herring. Show where I 'got religion' in what I posted.

You can't address the OP so you try to deflect to something else. This is the favorite tactic of conservatives. Can't address the issue? Lie and whine about something else.

See that is the whole point of what I am posting. You would never ever take anyone of religion seriously unless they said the secular things you want them to believe. What purpose is there that the Pope speak on GW? I am not saying he should not but the left's new found love of the Pope is nothing more then them doing what they always do, using people if it fits their ideology.
I'd yell it from the roof top and there would be no apology forthcoming.
He'll be revered. I think he may be the false prophet in Revelation. He is a least a contender.

Do you mean Pope Francis is a CHINO (a Christian in Name Only) simply because he's not a supporter of Plutocrats, their fellow travelers & does not worship the dollar?
September 24, 2015.

So seeing as how cons hate this guy already let's see if any are brave enough to yell out YOU LIE. Or maybe they'll boo him.

I'm guessing the coward in them all will come out and they'll keep their big yappers shut. Until he leaves and can't defend himself then they'll talk trash as they watch his plane lift off.

It is so nice when liberals get religion. Have you gone to confession this week?

Red Herring. Show where I 'got religion' in what I posted.

You can't address the OP so you try to deflect to something else. This is the favorite tactic of conservatives. Can't address the issue? Lie and whine about something else.

See that is the whole point of what I am posting. You would never ever take anyone of religion seriously unless they said the secular things you want them to believe. What purpose is there that the Pope speak on GW? I am not saying he should not but the left's new found love of the Pope is nothing more then them doing what they always do, using people if it fits their ideology.
Don't worry as soon as the Pope says something against gay marriage or abortion it will business as usual.
Once again religions are societal road maps that tells one how to interact within a specific sub sect of the general populace.

When morons come out and act as if the are knowledgeable in a given religion they fail to realize that it is a lifestyle and those who have not lived that life style have no clue.

Catholics attend confession in which they tell a priest of the sins committed since last confession. Christian on the other hand pray to their God for forgiveness.

Now as an outsider who wants to vilify religion you come off as nothing but exceptionally moronic, vile and hating.

It is clear you have no idea of what you are speaking, simply you need to get religion gone.

I have discussed this repeatedly and will elaborate on it again, there is no current religion that is tried and true that openly accepts gays and there never will be.

As a vile faggot you have no choice but to make religion your enemy, but alas you are too stupid to vilify it .........................

And the crowd roars, "there you have it folks, the loving words spoken from a true kristian".

Stop pretending, you aren't Christians.

Did I claim to be a christian, you're bad .............
But it's your little coloring book, color it any way you like.

I broker in reality, reality is a bitch most of the time.
Dumb bitches like you are easily impeached .........................

Good, we have one that has admitted to being an atheist. Now if you could only convince the rest of con-world to face the truth we'd have something.

So the other question is why are you so angry and spit vomit so vociferously at other people?

I don't think I claimed atheist either .............
Why are you an abomination in the eyes of God and Country??

We are who we are, you folks are the devil who would silently pervert our society under the guise of peacefulness and docility ...............

Keep dreaming that is the way your little war will go .....................

LOL How exactly to you judge others to be 'an abomination'?

Hilarious. You have as much authority as David Duke. Most of what you say sounds like nonsensical rambling of someone that can't come to grips with reality in the world today.

Build a make-believe 1950s in your house and stay there if that makes you happy. Life moves on. With or without you.
It has long been an issue that the pursuit of wealth is often at odds with the teachings of Jesus Christ. I guess you RWers have found a way around that by simply ignoring what he said and attacking anyone, even a pope, who tries to remind you.

So, you are dropping your pretense of not understanding why the US rightwing does not like Pope Francis?


He has staked out an anti-capitalist position.

I have been pursuing wealth for much of my life. How do you imagine that that conflicts with a moral Christian life?
I know nothing about your life and do not want to know but I am certain you are not doing horrible things. Some people do very bad things in pursuit of their wealth and do not feel bad about it at all. Why do you feel the need to defend them? When you look at capitalism warts and all it is clearly destructive in some respects, it is not heresy to point out how it damages people, the environment and our political process.

Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

These are the people for whom the worship of money is their religion. These are also the people that worship trump.

Money, or more importantly the security from the harshness of life that conservatives need more than oxygen, is their god.
These people DO attempt to lay up their treasures on Earth. In direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

They are in fact anti-Christ.

Attempting to get some security from the "harshness of life" for ourselves and/or our families is hardly making "money" our "God".

THe leftist agenda of hating others who might, i repeat, MIGHT have a little more wealth than you, is the sin of Envy.
So, you are dropping your pretense of not understanding why the US rightwing does not like Pope Francis?


He has staked out an anti-capitalist position.

I have been pursuing wealth for much of my life. How do you imagine that that conflicts with a moral Christian life?
I know nothing about your life and do not want to know but I am certain you are not doing horrible things. Some people do very bad things in pursuit of their wealth and do not feel bad about it at all. Why do you feel the need to defend them? When you look at capitalism warts and all it is clearly destructive in some respects, it is not heresy to point out how it damages people, the environment and our political process.

Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

These are the people for whom the worship of money is their religion. These are also the people that worship trump.

Money, or more importantly the security from the harshness of life that conservatives need more than oxygen, is their god.
These people DO attempt to lay up their treasures on Earth. In direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

They are in fact anti-Christ.

Attempting to get some security from the "harshness of life" for ourselves and/or our families is hardly making "money" our "God".

THe leftist agenda of hating others who might, i repeat, MIGHT have a little more wealth than you, is the sin of Envy.

Which flavor kool-aid do you favor?

Maybe I judge you too harshly, educate me on the "leftist agenda"; I may have missed it as I missed someone posting the gay agenda.
So, you are dropping your pretense of not understanding why the US rightwing does not like Pope Francis?


He has staked out an anti-capitalist position.

I have been pursuing wealth for much of my life. How do you imagine that that conflicts with a moral Christian life?
I know nothing about your life and do not want to know but I am certain you are not doing horrible things. Some people do very bad things in pursuit of their wealth and do not feel bad about it at all. Why do you feel the need to defend them? When you look at capitalism warts and all it is clearly destructive in some respects, it is not heresy to point out how it damages people, the environment and our political process.

Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

These are the people for whom the worship of money is their religion. These are also the people that worship trump.

Money, or more importantly the security from the harshness of life that conservatives need more than oxygen, is their god.
These people DO attempt to lay up their treasures on Earth. In direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

They are in fact anti-Christ.

Attempting to get some security from the "harshness of life" for ourselves and/or our families is hardly making "money" our "God".

THe leftist agenda of hating others who might, i repeat, MIGHT have a little more wealth than you, is the sin of Envy.
I touched on this earlier but it seems you need a refresher. You are not the same as the people who run Exxon, you are not the same as the people who deforest the Amazon, you are not the same as the sweatshop owner of the sugar cane plantation owner. You like to think you are the same as the Billionaires who buy power, rape the environment, and exploit third-world labor but you are not the same. Quit taking it personally. In the end you just the same as the rest of us, consumers of goods and services who work hard within a rigged system. Quit standing the way of unrigging it just because you think you stand some chance of being a billionaire.

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