Pope to address U.S. Congress

I know nothing about your life and do not want to know but I am certain you are not doing horrible things. Some people do very bad things in pursuit of their wealth and do not feel bad about it at all. Why do you feel the need to defend them? When you look at capitalism warts and all it is clearly destructive in some respects, it is not heresy to point out how it damages people, the environment and our political process.

Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

These are the people for whom the worship of money is their religion. These are also the people that worship trump.

Money, or more importantly the security from the harshness of life that conservatives need more than oxygen, is their god.
These people DO attempt to lay up their treasures on Earth. In direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

They are in fact anti-Christ.

Attempting to get some security from the "harshness of life" for ourselves and/or our families is hardly making "money" our "God".

THe leftist agenda of hating others who might, i repeat, MIGHT have a little more wealth than you, is the sin of Envy.

Which flavor kool-aid do you favor?

Maybe I judge you too harshly, educate me on the "leftist agenda"; I may have missed it as I missed someone posting the gay agenda.

Sorry, I'm not going to pander to your pretense that you live in a vacuum.

Do you have something to say, or are you just here to try to fill the pages with lib filler?
I know nothing about your life and do not want to know but I am certain you are not doing horrible things. Some people do very bad things in pursuit of their wealth and do not feel bad about it at all. Why do you feel the need to defend them? When you look at capitalism warts and all it is clearly destructive in some respects, it is not heresy to point out how it damages people, the environment and our political process.

Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

These are the people for whom the worship of money is their religion. These are also the people that worship trump.

Money, or more importantly the security from the harshness of life that conservatives need more than oxygen, is their god.
These people DO attempt to lay up their treasures on Earth. In direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

They are in fact anti-Christ.

Attempting to get some security from the "harshness of life" for ourselves and/or our families is hardly making "money" our "God".

THe leftist agenda of hating others who might, i repeat, MIGHT have a little more wealth than you, is the sin of Envy.
I touched on this earlier but it seems you need a refresher. You are not the same as the people who run Exxon, you are not the same as the people who deforest the Amazon, you are not the same as the sweatshop owner of the sugar cane plantation owner. You like to think you are the same as the Billionaires who buy power, rape the environment, and exploit third-world labor but you are not the same. Quit taking it personally. In the end you just the same as the rest of us, consumers of goods and services who work hard within a rigged system. Quit standing the way of unrigging it just because you think you stand some chance of being a billionaire.

It is not I that is brushing with broad strokes condemning modern capitalism.

It is Pope Francis, with his fire and brimstone leftist rhetoric.

As I said, if he wants to use this opportunity to clarify his previous statements and make some finer distinctions, I will listen to what he has to say.
September 24, 2015.

So seeing as how cons hate this guy already let's see if any are brave enough to yell out YOU LIE. Or maybe they'll boo him.

I'm guessing the coward in them all will come out and they'll keep their big yappers shut. Until he leaves and can't defend himself then they'll talk trash as they watch his plane lift off.

It is so nice when liberals get religion. Have you gone to confession this week?

Red Herring. Show where I 'got religion' in what I posted.

You can't address the OP so you try to deflect to something else. This is the favorite tactic of conservatives. Can't address the issue? Lie and whine about something else.

See that is the whole point of what I am posting. You would never ever take anyone of religion seriously unless they said the secular things you want them to believe. What purpose is there that the Pope speak on GW? I am not saying he should not but the left's new found love of the Pope is nothing more then them doing what they always do, using people if it fits their ideology.
Don't worry as soon as the Pope says something against gay marriage or abortion it will business as usual.

This pope won't do either. Previous popes have refused to do anything meaningful and I doubt this one would take a chance on pissing off the left.

When I see the wealth of the RCC and hear them lecture about greed it is just too damn funny.
If I was a Catholic, I would not want my tithe to be going to this guy to advance his leftist agenda.
A "leftist agenda" is entirely compatible with the teachings of Jesus, it's trying to twist Christianity into the money loving, war loving, poor people hating faith of RWers where the trouble begins.

Some leftist beliefs may follow Jesus’ teachings. However, human governments implementing leftist beliefs have proven to be disastrous. What sounds good on paper and in the classroom always turns into elites lording it over the masses. In the real world, leftist leaders succumb to their greed and/or lack of economic understanding. As a result, the economy and the majority of the people suffer under leftist ideology.

Capitalism has demonstrated its ability to provide a very comfortable life for those willing to work. As the people prosper, so do the capitalistic countries.

To their detriment, some capitalists make money their god and abuse others in their quest for it. These abuses should be identified, rectified, and paid for in this life, as they will be in the life to come.

Until Jesus returns and establishes His government, capitalism is the best system going. May America realize this before it’s too late.
Democrat Senators initially opposed the Papal address but relented when he agreed to let each of them wear his spiffy new crucifix for a full minute as he speaks!

Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

These are the people for whom the worship of money is their religion. These are also the people that worship trump.

Money, or more importantly the security from the harshness of life that conservatives need more than oxygen, is their god.
These people DO attempt to lay up their treasures on Earth. In direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

They are in fact anti-Christ.

Attempting to get some security from the "harshness of life" for ourselves and/or our families is hardly making "money" our "God".

THe leftist agenda of hating others who might, i repeat, MIGHT have a little more wealth than you, is the sin of Envy.
I touched on this earlier but it seems you need a refresher. You are not the same as the people who run Exxon, you are not the same as the people who deforest the Amazon, you are not the same as the sweatshop owner of the sugar cane plantation owner. You like to think you are the same as the Billionaires who buy power, rape the environment, and exploit third-world labor but you are not the same. Quit taking it personally. In the end you just the same as the rest of us, consumers of goods and services who work hard within a rigged system. Quit standing the way of unrigging it just because you think you stand some chance of being a billionaire.

It is not I that is brushing with broad strokes condemning modern capitalism.

It is Pope Francis, with his fire and brimstone leftist rhetoric.

As I said, if he wants to use this opportunity to clarify his previous statements and make some finer distinctions, I will listen to what he has to say.
Modern capitalism is an absolute perversion of itself, It needs to be condemned by everyone who gives two shits about people who have to actually work and earn a living.
Modern capitalism is an absolute perversion of itself, It needs to be condemned by everyone who gives two shits about people who have to actually work and earn a living.

OMG that parroted line is getting awful fucking monotonous ......................

You never did answer my questions about how you planned on paying your way through life without a job provided by a business in a capitalistic society.

Unless you are like Discoveries Channels Last Alaskan or some other type of land subsistence persona you will need some way to pay for goods and services in life. When you answer remember that there will be millions of Americans who will be doing the exact same thing ...................

Like I said, you are a fucking moron with an axe to grind against business in general.

What happened did you try to run a business and fail miserably?? Put out of business by a competitor who actually had a brain and knew what they were doing??
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

These are the people for whom the worship of money is their religion. These are also the people that worship trump.

Money, or more importantly the security from the harshness of life that conservatives need more than oxygen, is their god.
These people DO attempt to lay up their treasures on Earth. In direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

They are in fact anti-Christ.

Attempting to get some security from the "harshness of life" for ourselves and/or our families is hardly making "money" our "God".

THe leftist agenda of hating others who might, i repeat, MIGHT have a little more wealth than you, is the sin of Envy.
I touched on this earlier but it seems you need a refresher. You are not the same as the people who run Exxon, you are not the same as the people who deforest the Amazon, you are not the same as the sweatshop owner of the sugar cane plantation owner. You like to think you are the same as the Billionaires who buy power, rape the environment, and exploit third-world labor but you are not the same. Quit taking it personally. In the end you just the same as the rest of us, consumers of goods and services who work hard within a rigged system. Quit standing the way of unrigging it just because you think you stand some chance of being a billionaire.

It is not I that is brushing with broad strokes condemning modern capitalism.

It is Pope Francis, with his fire and brimstone leftist rhetoric.

As I said, if he wants to use this opportunity to clarify his previous statements and make some finer distinctions, I will listen to what he has to say.
Modern capitalism is an absolute perversion of itself, It needs to be condemned by everyone who gives two shits about people who have to actually work and earn a living.

Well, thanks for not counting me or my rich microsoft buddy in that all so nuanced attack.

DO you regret that America won the COld War?
Modern capitalism is an absolute perversion of itself, It needs to be condemned by everyone who gives two shits about people who have to actually work and earn a living.

OMG that parroted line is getting awful fucking monotonous ......................

You never did answer my questions about how you planned on paying your way through life without a job provided by a business in a capitalistic society.

Unless you are like Discoveries Channels Last Alaskan or some other type of land subsistence persona you will need some way to pay for goods and services in life. When you answer remember that there will be millions of Americans who will be doing the exact same thing ...................

Like I said, you are a fucking moron with an axe to grind against business in general.

What happen did you try to run a business and fail miserably?? Put out of business by a competitor who actually had a brain and knew what they were doing??
Another fucking moron that would rather think I am against all business rather than read what I actually say, eat a bag of dicks asshole and quit trying to defend the indefensible.
Modern capitalism is an absolute perversion of itself, It needs to be condemned by everyone who gives two shits about people who have to actually work and earn a living.

OMG that parroted line is getting awful fucking monotonous ......................

You never did answer my questions about how you planned on paying your way through life without a job provided by a business in a capitalistic society.

Unless you are like Discoveries Channels Last Alaskan or some other type of land subsistence persona you will need some way to pay for goods and services in life. When you answer remember that there will be millions of Americans who will be doing the exact same thing ...................

Like I said, you are a fucking moron with an axe to grind against business in general.

What happen did you try to run a business and fail miserably?? Put out of business by a competitor who actually had a brain and knew what they were doing??
Another fucking moron that would rather think I am against all business rather than read what I actually say, eat a bag of dicks asshole and quit trying to defend the indefensible.

Truth2know made a fine defense of what you claim is "indefensible" just a few posts above.

DId you read it? You should.
Modern capitalism is an absolute perversion of itself, It needs to be condemned by everyone who gives two shits about people who have to actually work and earn a living.

OMG that parroted line is getting awful fucking monotonous ......................

You never did answer my questions about how you planned on paying your way through life without a job provided by a business in a capitalistic society.

Unless you are like Discoveries Channels Last Alaskan or some other type of land subsistence persona you will need some way to pay for goods and services in life. When you answer remember that there will be millions of Americans who will be doing the exact same thing ...................

Like I said, you are a fucking moron with an axe to grind against business in general.

What happen did you try to run a business and fail miserably?? Put out of business by a competitor who actually had a brain and knew what they were doing??
Another fucking moron that would rather think I am against all business rather than read what I actually say, eat a bag of dicks asshole and quit trying to defend the indefensible.

Oh look the little child has scared me for life by calling me names ......................

Booooo whooooooo whoooo, your post scream butthurt!!

ROFLMMFAO ....................
Modern capitalism is an absolute perversion of itself, It needs to be condemned by everyone who gives two shits about people who have to actually work and earn a living.

OMG that parroted line is getting awful fucking monotonous ......................

You never did answer my questions about how you planned on paying your way through life without a job provided by a business in a capitalistic society.

Unless you are like Discoveries Channels Last Alaskan or some other type of land subsistence persona you will need some way to pay for goods and services in life. When you answer remember that there will be millions of Americans who will be doing the exact same thing ...................

Like I said, you are a fucking moron with an axe to grind against business in general.

What happen did you try to run a business and fail miserably?? Put out of business by a competitor who actually had a brain and knew what they were doing??
Another fucking moron that would rather think I am against all business rather than read what I actually say, eat a bag of dicks asshole and quit trying to defend the indefensible.

Truth2know made a fine defense of what you claim is "indefensible" just a few posts above.

DId you read it? You should.
In my book anyone that has to call me bad names to present a counter-argument has lost and deserves only the same kind of retarded abuse in return. I am not against capitalism as it is sold, only how it is practiced by the really big participants. There is a big difference between anyone who might be on this board and those who rule the economy. You are not in their club, you never will be and they do not need you to jump to their defense.
In my book anyone that has to call me bad names to present a counter-argument has lost and deserves only the same kind of retarded abuse in return. I am not against capitalism as it is sold, only how it is practiced by the really big participants. There is a big difference between anyone who might be on this board and those who rule the economy. You are not in their club, you never will be and they do not need you to jump to their defense.

You men like you did in #129??

Shit-Storm-of-Hypocrisy is the word of the day ....................
In my book anyone that has to call me bad names to present a counter-argument has lost and deserves only the same kind of retarded abuse in return. I am not against capitalism as it is sold, only how it is practiced by the really big participants. There is a big difference between anyone who might be on this board and those who rule the economy. You are not in their club, you never will be and they do not need you to jump to their defense.

You men like you did in #129??

Shit-Storm-of-Hypocrisy is the word of the day ....................
Keep on defending the billionaires, they will surely let you into their club any day now, keep fighting the good fight for bad people.
So, you are dropping your pretense of not understanding why the US rightwing does not like Pope Francis?


He has staked out an anti-capitalist position.

I have been pursuing wealth for much of my life. How do you imagine that that conflicts with a moral Christian life?
I know nothing about your life and do not want to know but I am certain you are not doing horrible things. Some people do very bad things in pursuit of their wealth and do not feel bad about it at all. Why do you feel the need to defend them? When you look at capitalism warts and all it is clearly destructive in some respects, it is not heresy to point out how it damages people, the environment and our political process.

Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

These are the people for whom the worship of money is their religion. These are also the people that worship trump.

Money, or more importantly the security from the harshness of life that conservatives need more than oxygen, is their god.
These people DO attempt to lay up their treasures on Earth. In direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

They are in fact anti-Christ.

Attempting to get some security from the "harshness of life" for ourselves and/or our families is hardly making "money" our "God".

THe leftist agenda of hating others who might, i repeat, MIGHT have a little more wealth than you, is the sin of Envy.

'The leftist agenda' LOL.

Why is that Jesus says its easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a wealthy man to get into heaven.

And then you look at the Republicans in Congress who have a lot of wealth and also claim to be Christian.

Sorry, you can't close this circle. And claiming anyone who mentions anything against people and wealth is 'envy' is just your mind trying to soothe itself. You can't be wealthy and be a Christian because there is a never ending sea of humanity that can benefit from that money. And someone that ignores "the least of these my brothers is not a Christian".

You can't make those two ends meet. If you can then you aren't Christian you are just twitter followers of Christ. No meaning.
This is the biggest lie of the day on the Board: "It is not I that is brushing with broad strokes condemning modern capitalism. It is Pope Francis, with his fire and brimstone leftist rhetoric."

The Pope is right. Unfetterd (not regulated) capitalism is evil.

It is the flip side of communism, and it is the delight of economic libertarianism.
Modern capitalism is an absolute perversion of itself, It needs to be condemned by everyone who gives two shits about people who have to actually work and earn a living.

OMG that parroted line is getting awful fucking monotonous ......................

You never did answer my questions about how you planned on paying your way through life without a job provided by a business in a capitalistic society.

Unless you are like Discoveries Channels Last Alaskan or some other type of land subsistence persona you will need some way to pay for goods and services in life. When you answer remember that there will be millions of Americans who will be doing the exact same thing ...................

Like I said, you are a fucking moron with an axe to grind against business in general.

What happen did you try to run a business and fail miserably?? Put out of business by a competitor who actually had a brain and knew what they were doing??
Another fucking moron that would rather think I am against all business rather than read what I actually say, eat a bag of dicks asshole and quit trying to defend the indefensible.

Truth2know made a fine defense of what you claim is "indefensible" just a few posts above.

DId you read it? You should.
In my book anyone that has to call me bad names to present a counter-argument has lost and deserves only the same kind of retarded abuse in return. I am not against capitalism as it is sold, only how it is practiced by the really big participants. There is a big difference between anyone who might be on this board and those who rule the economy. You are not in their club, you never will be and they do not need you to jump to their defense.

I disagree.

The dividing line in this ideological conflict cut across class lines. There are as many, if not more lefties at the top levels of our economy as cons.

THere are also just as many reasons for you lefties to attack the poor or middle class people.

Are you sorry the US won the Cold War?
I know nothing about your life and do not want to know but I am certain you are not doing horrible things. Some people do very bad things in pursuit of their wealth and do not feel bad about it at all. Why do you feel the need to defend them? When you look at capitalism warts and all it is clearly destructive in some respects, it is not heresy to point out how it damages people, the environment and our political process.

Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

These are the people for whom the worship of money is their religion. These are also the people that worship trump.

Money, or more importantly the security from the harshness of life that conservatives need more than oxygen, is their god.
These people DO attempt to lay up their treasures on Earth. In direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

They are in fact anti-Christ.

Attempting to get some security from the "harshness of life" for ourselves and/or our families is hardly making "money" our "God".

THe leftist agenda of hating others who might, i repeat, MIGHT have a little more wealth than you, is the sin of Envy.

'The leftist agenda' LOL.

Why is that Jesus says its easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a wealthy man to get into heaven.

And then you look at the Republicans in Congress who have a lot of wealth and also claim to be Christian.

Sorry, you can't close this circle. And claiming anyone who mentions anything against people and wealth is 'envy' is just your mind trying to soothe itself. You can't be wealthy and be a Christian because there is a never ending sea of humanity that can benefit from that money. And someone that ignores "the least of these my brothers is not a Christian".

You can't make those two ends meet. If you can then you aren't Christian you are just twitter followers of Christ. No meaning.

The role of wealth in a Christian society is a matter of theological debate. I note you don't have a problem with liberal rich democrats who claim to be Christian, only with those on the Right.

That being said, my point about wanting "wealth" to get some security from the "harshness of life" for ourselves and/or our families is hardly making "money" our "God, stands.
In my book anyone that has to call me bad names to present a counter-argument has lost and deserves only the same kind of retarded abuse in return. I am not against capitalism as it is sold, only how it is practiced by the really big participants. There is a big difference between anyone who might be on this board and those who rule the economy. You are not in their club, you never will be and they do not need you to jump to their defense.

You men like you did in #129??

Shit-Storm-of-Hypocrisy is the word of the day ....................
Keep on defending the billionaires, they will surely let you into their club any day now, keep fighting the good fight for bad people.

I don't think I am defending any one billionaire or for that matter any at all.

That is just your spin, you have no intelligent rebuttal, have had your ass handed to you repeatedly on a platter while I was smiling and you still think you are winning this conversation.

First you seem to have some misconception about lusting after money, when you make the ranks of MENSA let me know and we can discuss how knowledge will always make one wealthy.

I don't think I want in any million airs club, only lust filled pieces of shit aspire to be in that club. Most that are in it did not get there with that intent, they made money, stayed at it and acquired wealth.

Make sure you catch that last part about wealth is acquired as most of you shit magnets want instantaneous wealth.

As far as them having more money than you or those of us on this board, it really doesn't matter.

When you are secure in your wealth, you don't have to work, you own houses and vehicles and you have money in the bank it really doesn't matter if how much.

Seems like those of us who have success and wealth bother you ................

Get over it my friend on this planet, in this society someone will always have more money, faster / nicer car. bigger fancier house / boat / etc., bigger dick / boobs. There will certainly be those who are more intelligent than you, best you can hope for is to get over the butthurt and go with life.
Last edited:
This is the biggest lie of the day on the Board: "It is not I that is brushing with broad strokes condemning modern capitalism. It is Pope Francis, with his fire and brimstone leftist rhetoric."

The Pope is right. Unfetterd (not regulated) capitalism is evil.

It is the flip side of communism, and it is the delight of economic libertarianism.

THe pope, with his attacks aimed at the most extreme (theoretical?) examples of capitalism without clearly excluding the far more numerous and relevant "fettered" capitalists out there, is spreading envy and hatred.

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