Pope to address U.S. Congress

No one is seeking an alternative to a capitalistic society unless capitalism cannot work without being evil.

Its fucking amazing you keep wanting to give business a human trait.

I know you are confused, when will you realize that, the battle will be half won.

Business's are run by humans and with anything humans are involved in will have corrupt participants, some individuals have practices which are centered on greed and lust. Now those individuals you have issues with, I have issues with also. Individuals that destroy the environment in pursuit of that wealth are just as unacceptable to me.

It is not the capitalistic societies fault or the mechanics of the system but the individuals without morals that this society has bred and nurtured who are greedy and lustful.

This discussion is leaps and bounds above your intellectual level, they better give me some kind of trophy for having to explain all this to your retarded ass ................
These are the people for whom the worship of money is their religion. These are also the people that worship trump.

Money, or more importantly the security from the harshness of life that conservatives need more than oxygen, is their god.
These people DO attempt to lay up their treasures on Earth. In direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

They are in fact anti-Christ.

Attempting to get some security from the "harshness of life" for ourselves and/or our families is hardly making "money" our "God".

THe leftist agenda of hating others who might, i repeat, MIGHT have a little more wealth than you, is the sin of Envy.

Which flavor kool-aid do you favor?

Maybe I judge you too harshly, educate me on the "leftist agenda"; I may have missed it as I missed someone posting the gay agenda.

Sorry, I'm not going to pander to your pretense that you live in a vacuum.

Do you have something to say, or are you just here to try to fill the pages with lib filler?

I asked a legitimate question, one which you can't answer (or won't), and yet claim to know of its existence. I've asked the same question of many others, most respond like you by deflection, or post a non sequitur or an ad hominem.

I've written a number of times on controversial issues and you're free to investigate and decide their worth. Your use of the term "lib filter" suggests attempting to engage in a civil discourse with you is worthless.

Prove me wrong, post the Leftist Agenda!

You can fill it in by context as the discussion advances.

Do you have anything on topic to add?

Not with you. Had you posted a comprehensive list of items on this apocryphal leftist agenda, I might consider you worthy - that you can't (notice I didn't write won't this time) I must conclude you are a member of the echo chamber, able to parrot the bullshit but never to offer any evidence.
September 24, 2015. Pope to address U.S. Congress


Do you know what about?

Wait, here's something:

ouse Speaker John Boehner announced Thursday (Feb. 5) that the pontiff accepted the invitation Boehner extended last year...“In a time of global upheaval, the Holy Father’s message of compassion and human dignity has moved people of all faiths and backgrounds,” Boehner said in a statement. “His teachings, prayers, and very example bring us back to the blessings of simple things and our obligations to one another.”..No pope or religious leader who serves as a head of state has ever addressed Congress, according to the U.S. House Historian’s Office... Presbyterian Church U.S.A. - News Announcements - It s official Pope Francis to address Congress in September

Well it must be important if it's the first time in the history of our Country that a Pope will address Congress. It's either "pat on the back time" or like Dad coming home to lecture the teenagers who stole the car and were out drinking all night.

That's two landmarks for the Vatican in the last 5 years or so. First, the unseating of Pope Benedict (first in 700 years) by the gay prostitutes who blackmailed the Vatican back in 2013. Second, the new Pope addressing Congress. Wow. :eek-52:
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If I was a Catholic, I would not want my tithe to be going to this guy to advance his leftist agenda.
A "leftist agenda" is entirely compatible with the teachings of Jesus, it's trying to twist Christianity into the money loving, war loving, poor people hating faith of RWers where the trouble begins.

Some leftist beliefs may follow Jesus’ teachings. However, human governments implementing leftist beliefs have proven to be disastrous. What sounds good on paper and in the classroom always turns into elites lording it over the masses. In the real world, leftist leaders succumb to their greed and/or lack of economic understanding. As a result, the economy and the majority of the people suffer under leftist ideology.

Capitalism has demonstrated its ability to provide a very comfortable life for those willing to work. As the people prosper, so do the capitalistic countries.

To their detriment, some capitalists make money their god and abuse others in their quest for it. These abuses should be identified, rectified, and paid for in this life, as they will be in the life to come.

Until Jesus returns and establishes His government, capitalism is the best system going. May America realize this before it’s too late.

Nah, democracy and a nation that supports human rights have provided a place for humans to live comfortably. All you really need is a ruling class that treats humans like humans. Historians generally view an 80 year period during the Roman Empire, around the time of Trajan, when most of humanity lived relatively happy lives. All? No, it is never all. Even Iran and Isis have capitalism, people in all cultures buy and sell and have since the beginning of time. Capitalism generally provides a structure that allows a larger number of people to feed their families and, over time, gather together some savings, but it also provides a platform for a few to enslave the masses and control the government to their own purpose.

Conservatives always view these things in terms of 'theory' rather than 'practical' knowledge. 'Capitalism' has become an infallible absolute in the conservative mind. It isn't. It is horribly messy and has many victims. Anti-trust and monopoly laws are in place because people in fact CAN'T be trusted to simply participate in a free market. It has to be regulated.

But yet you or none of your ignorant minion have and alternative to a capitalistic based society ...............
Fucking amazing ...................

What is wrong with your brain that you only see absolutes. I prefer capitalism, but it has major flaws.

You tend to defend things you believe in with absolute. If you believe in it then it has to be 100% perfect, infallible, and can't be criticized.

Nothing on Earth is perfect. Nothing. Jesus grow up.
Capitalism cannot succeed under a Socialist regime.

As we have begun to see.

Really? LOL Why do conservatives speak of absolutes on everything.

Capitalism and socialism are mutually exclusive? Do some reading on Ingvar Kamprad. Once you get done with that reading (don't worry I know you won't do any reading), check up on the other wealthy people that live and do business in all those socialist countries.

You really need to give up on your absolutes. They are fallacies all.
Attempting to get some security from the "harshness of life" for ourselves and/or our families is hardly making "money" our "God".

THe leftist agenda of hating others who might, i repeat, MIGHT have a little more wealth than you, is the sin of Envy.

Which flavor kool-aid do you favor?

Maybe I judge you too harshly, educate me on the "leftist agenda"; I may have missed it as I missed someone posting the gay agenda.

Sorry, I'm not going to pander to your pretense that you live in a vacuum.

Do you have something to say, or are you just here to try to fill the pages with lib filler?

I asked a legitimate question, one which you can't answer (or won't), and yet claim to know of its existence. I've asked the same question of many others, most respond like you by deflection, or post a non sequitur or an ad hominem.

I've written a number of times on controversial issues and you're free to investigate and decide their worth. Your use of the term "lib filter" suggests attempting to engage in a civil discourse with you is worthless.

Prove me wrong, post the Leftist Agenda!

You can fill it in by context as the discussion advances.

Do you have anything on topic to add?

Not with you. Had you posted a comprehensive list of items on this apocryphal leftist agenda, I might consider you worthy - that you can't (notice I didn't write won't this time) I must conclude you are a member of the echo chamber, able to parrot the bullshit but never to offer any evidence.

Well, as I said, I am not going to pander to your pretense that you live in a vacuum.

If you refuse to engage in any dialog unless it is on your terms, then run along.

I am sure that the other libs will fill in the void you leave behind.

You don't need to post some more self serving blather if you don't have anything to say on topic.
Which flavor kool-aid do you favor?

Maybe I judge you too harshly, educate me on the "leftist agenda"; I may have missed it as I missed someone posting the gay agenda.

Sorry, I'm not going to pander to your pretense that you live in a vacuum.

Do you have something to say, or are you just here to try to fill the pages with lib filler?

I asked a legitimate question, one which you can't answer (or won't), and yet claim to know of its existence. I've asked the same question of many others, most respond like you by deflection, or post a non sequitur or an ad hominem.

I've written a number of times on controversial issues and you're free to investigate and decide their worth. Your use of the term "lib filter" suggests attempting to engage in a civil discourse with you is worthless.

Prove me wrong, post the Leftist Agenda!

You can fill it in by context as the discussion advances.

Do you have anything on topic to add?

Not with you. Had you posted a comprehensive list of items on this apocryphal leftist agenda, I might consider you worthy - that you can't (notice I didn't write won't this time) I must conclude you are a member of the echo chamber, able to parrot the bullshit but never to offer any evidence.

Well, as I said, I am not going to pander to your pretense that you live in a vacuum.

If you refuse to engage in any dialog unless it is on your terms, then run along.

I am sure that the other libs will fill in the void you leave behind.

You don't need to post some more self serving blather if you don't have anything to say on topic.

Thanks so much for sharing. Well, not sharing your supposed knowledge of a Leftist Agenda. It is further noted that your tactic here is to echo the same ad hominem used by the lesser bright conservative set, deflection and alleging that others - in this case me - are guilty of doing what you do.

FYI, my agenda is simple. We need to save Capitalism from the Capitalists. I hope that's not too abstract for you.
If I was a Catholic, I would not want my tithe to be going to this guy to advance his leftist agenda.
A "leftist agenda" is entirely compatible with the teachings of Jesus, it's trying to twist Christianity into the money loving, war loving, poor people hating faith of RWers where the trouble begins.

Some leftist beliefs may follow Jesus’ teachings. However, human governments implementing leftist beliefs have proven to be disastrous. What sounds good on paper and in the classroom always turns into elites lording it over the masses. In the real world, leftist leaders succumb to their greed and/or lack of economic understanding. As a result, the economy and the majority of the people suffer under leftist ideology.

Capitalism has demonstrated its ability to provide a very comfortable life for those willing to work. As the people prosper, so do the capitalistic countries.

To their detriment, some capitalists make money their god and abuse others in their quest for it. These abuses should be identified, rectified, and paid for in this life, as they will be in the life to come.

Until Jesus returns and establishes His government, capitalism is the best system going. May America realize this before it’s too late.

Nah, democracy and a nation that supports human rights have provided a place for humans to live comfortably. All you really need is a ruling class that treats humans like humans. Historians generally view an 80 year period during the Roman Empire, around the time of Trajan, when most of humanity lived relatively happy lives. All? No, it is never all. Even Iran and Isis have capitalism, people in all cultures buy and sell and have since the beginning of time. Capitalism generally provides a structure that allows a larger number of people to feed their families and, over time, gather together some savings, but it also provides a platform for a few to enslave the masses and control the government to their own purpose.

Conservatives always view these things in terms of 'theory' rather than 'practical' knowledge. 'Capitalism' has become an infallible absolute in the conservative mind. It isn't. It is horribly messy and has many victims. Anti-trust and monopoly laws are in place because people in fact CAN'T be trusted to simply participate in a free market. It has to be regulated.

But yet you or none of your ignorant minion have and alternative to a capitalistic based society ...............
Fucking amazing ...................

What is wrong with your brain that you only see absolutes. I prefer capitalism, but it has major flaws.

You tend to defend things you believe in with absolute. If you believe in it then it has to be 100% perfect, infallible, and can't be criticized.

Nothing on Earth is perfect. Nothing. Jesus grow up.

Once again with your moronic shit. This is the earth populated by humans, very seldom do you find anything 100% perfect, infallible, and can't be criticized.

You can tell yourself that that creature exist, you can continue to look for it, but we both know your stupid ass will never find anything that even comes close.

You keep telling yourself in that delusional mind that is what you must have to meet your unrealistic expectations.

Once again the bottom line is capitalism is not perfect, but you have no other economic engine to speak of .......................

To suggest that a working system is not working because of a few flaws, like we expect you booze guzzling, crack smokin thugs to get off our fucked up ass's and become a productive member of society is ludicrous.

Like I said, you dumb fucking little bitch, give the forum another example of an ecomomic engine or go suck anotgher dick and shut the fuck up!!
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Sorry, I'm not going to pander to your pretense that you live in a vacuum.

Do you have something to say, or are you just here to try to fill the pages with lib filler?

I asked a legitimate question, one which you can't answer (or won't), and yet claim to know of its existence. I've asked the same question of many others, most respond like you by deflection, or post a non sequitur or an ad hominem.

I've written a number of times on controversial issues and you're free to investigate and decide their worth. Your use of the term "lib filter" suggests attempting to engage in a civil discourse with you is worthless.

Prove me wrong, post the Leftist Agenda!

You can fill it in by context as the discussion advances.

Do you have anything on topic to add?

Not with you. Had you posted a comprehensive list of items on this apocryphal leftist agenda, I might consider you worthy - that you can't (notice I didn't write won't this time) I must conclude you are a member of the echo chamber, able to parrot the bullshit but never to offer any evidence.

Well, as I said, I am not going to pander to your pretense that you live in a vacuum.

If you refuse to engage in any dialog unless it is on your terms, then run along.

I am sure that the other libs will fill in the void you leave behind.

You don't need to post some more self serving blather if you don't have anything to say on topic.

Thanks so much for sharing. Well, not sharing your supposed knowledge of a Leftist Agenda. It is further noted that your tactic here is to echo the same ad hominem used by the lesser bright conservative set, deflection and alleging that others - in this case me - are guilty of doing what you do.

FYI, my agenda is simple. We need to save Capitalism from the Capitalists. I hope that's not too abstract for you.

Save your opinions on my tactics unless it is somehow relevant to the conversation please.

"Save capitalism from Capitalists"?

NOt too abstract, to general.

Care to be more specific, perhaps an example?
September 24, 2015.

So seeing as how cons hate this guy already let's see if any are brave enough to yell out YOU LIE. Or maybe they'll boo him.

I'm guessing the coward in them all will come out and they'll keep their big yappers shut. Until he leaves and can't defend himself then they'll talk trash as they watch his plane lift off.

Or maybe they won't show up like the dems when BB Netanyahu addressed congress and he had a lot more important things to talk about than the Poop
Really people the man is the head of the Catholic church, if that is not your religion the why give a shit about what he got to say??

He is a human with his own political agenda and needs to be treated as such ..........................
No one is seeking an alternative to a capitalistic society unless capitalism cannot work without being evil.

Its fucking amazing you keep wanting to give business a human trait.

I know you are confused, when will you realize that, the battle will be half won.

Business's are run by humans and with anything humans are involved in will have corrupt participants, some individuals have practices which are centered on greed and lust. Now those individuals you have issues with, I have issues with also. Individuals that destroy the environment in pursuit of that wealth are just as unacceptable to me.

It is not the capitalistic societies fault or the mechanics of the system but the individuals without morals that this society has bred and nurtured who are greedy and lustful.

This discussion is leaps and bounds above your intellectual level, they better give me some kind of trophy for having to explain all this to your retarded ass ................

Methinks your post has merit, but you need to drop the final paragraph. Ending with an ad hoiminem weakens a strong argument. My opinion, for what its worth.

In short you've argued what I've posted before: "we must save Capitalism from the Capitalists". You've correctly expanded on my comment to make it clear that not everyone is a threat to Capitalism, but too many on this message board can't/won't think critically, and thus see only black and white. Thus, if one criticizes the effects of Capitalism and supports government oversight and regulations they must be a Commie or a Statist.

Many on the right, the far right which I've characterized as the Crazy Right Wing, don't understand that greed and the concomitant fact that when the wealth of a nation is concentrated in the hands/control of the few is a problem.
Really people the man is the head of the Catholic church, if that is not your religion the why give a shit about what he got to say??

He is a human with his own political agenda and needs to be treated as such ..........................

Well, he is a human with his own political agenda and quite a good pulpit to spread it from.

As such he deserves more attention than most humans with agendas.

But yes, he is certainly not an Authority for his words have special import to me.
No one is seeking an alternative to a capitalistic society unless capitalism cannot work without being evil.

Its fucking amazing you keep wanting to give business a human trait.

I know you are confused, when will you realize that, the battle will be half won.

Business's are run by humans and with anything humans are involved in will have corrupt participants, some individuals have practices which are centered on greed and lust. Now those individuals you have issues with, I have issues with also. Individuals that destroy the environment in pursuit of that wealth are just as unacceptable to me.

It is not the capitalistic societies fault or the mechanics of the system but the individuals without morals that this society has bred and nurtured who are greedy and lustful.

This discussion is leaps and bounds above your intellectual level, they better give me some kind of trophy for having to explain all this to your retarded ass ................

Methinks your post has merit, but you need to drop the final paragraph. Ending with an ad hoiminem weakens a strong argument. My opinion, for what its worth.

In short you've argued what I've posted before: "we must save Capitalism from the Capitalists". You've correctly expanded on my comment to make it clear that not everyone is a threat to Capitalism, but too many on this message board can't/won't think critically, and thus see only black and white. Thus, if one criticizes the effects of Capitalism and supports government oversight and regulations they must be a Commie or a Statist.

Many on the right, the far right which I've characterized as the Crazy Right Wing, don't understand that greed and the concomitant fact that when the wealth of a nation is concentrated in the hands/control of the few is a problem.

Calling capitalism the "dung of the devil" does not seem like nuanced constructive criticism.
September 24, 2015.

So seeing as how cons hate this guy already let's see if any are brave enough to yell out YOU LIE. Or maybe they'll boo him.

I'm guessing the coward in them all will come out and they'll keep their big yappers shut. Until he leaves and can't defend himself then they'll talk trash as they watch his plane lift off.

Or maybe they won't show up like the dems when BB Netanyahu addressed congress and he had a lot more important things to talk about than the Poop

Didn't know the Pope is running for re-election in a couple of weeks.

But I suggest the Republicans do just that... Snub the Pope see how that goes in the elections.

Actually with 25% of American identifying themselves as Catholic, Please snub the Pope.

Yet another idiot RWer.
September 24, 2015.

So seeing as how cons hate this guy already let's see if any are brave enough to yell out YOU LIE. Or maybe they'll boo him.

I'm guessing the coward in them all will come out and they'll keep their big yappers shut. Until he leaves and can't defend himself then they'll talk trash as they watch his plane lift off.

Or maybe they won't show up like the dems when BB Netanyahu addressed congress and he had a lot more important things to talk about than the Poop

Didn't know the Pope is running for re-election in a couple of weeks.

But I suggest the Republicans do just that... Snub the Pope see how that goes in the elections.

Actually with 25% of American identifying themselves as Catholic, Please snub the Pope.

Yet another idiot RWer.

SO, if the Pope Benedict had been invited to speak in Congress to take a strong stand against HOmosexual civil rights, would you be so supportive of the visit?

Or raving about separation of church and state?
September 24, 2015.

So seeing as how cons hate this guy already let's see if any are brave enough to yell out YOU LIE. Or maybe they'll boo him.

I'm guessing the coward in them all will come out and they'll keep their big yappers shut. Until he leaves and can't defend himself then they'll talk trash as they watch his plane lift off.

Or maybe they won't show up like the dems when BB Netanyahu addressed congress and he had a lot more important things to talk about than the Poop

Didn't know the Pope is running for re-election in a couple of weeks.

But I suggest the Republicans do just that... Snub the Pope see how that goes in the elections.

Actually with 25% of American identifying themselves as Catholic, Please snub the Pope.

Yet another idiot RWer.

That's funny

25% of Americans say they are Catholic yet none of them actually listen to the Poop do they?

No one will vote against a politician because they snubbed the Poop

Yet another moron Lwinger

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