Pope to address U.S. Congress

I asked a legitimate question, one which you can't answer (or won't), and yet claim to know of its existence. I've asked the same question of many others, most respond like you by deflection, or post a non sequitur or an ad hominem.

I've written a number of times on controversial issues and you're free to investigate and decide their worth. Your use of the term "lib filter" suggests attempting to engage in a civil discourse with you is worthless.

Prove me wrong, post the Leftist Agenda!

You can fill it in by context as the discussion advances.

Do you have anything on topic to add?

Not with you. Had you posted a comprehensive list of items on this apocryphal leftist agenda, I might consider you worthy - that you can't (notice I didn't write won't this time) I must conclude you are a member of the echo chamber, able to parrot the bullshit but never to offer any evidence.

Well, as I said, I am not going to pander to your pretense that you live in a vacuum.

If you refuse to engage in any dialog unless it is on your terms, then run along.

I am sure that the other libs will fill in the void you leave behind.

You don't need to post some more self serving blather if you don't have anything to say on topic.

Thanks so much for sharing. Well, not sharing your supposed knowledge of a Leftist Agenda. It is further noted that your tactic here is to echo the same ad hominem used by the lesser bright conservative set, deflection and alleging that others - in this case me - are guilty of doing what you do.

FYI, my agenda is simple. We need to save Capitalism from the Capitalists. I hope that's not too abstract for you.

Save your opinions on my tactics unless it is somehow relevant to the conversation please.

"Save capitalism from Capitalists"?

NOt too abstract, to general.

Care to be more specific, perhaps an example?

October 2008, is that specific enough? How about October 1929? How about the banks paying >1% on savings and charging interest rates approaching usury? How about the oil cartel, no, not OPEC the ones selling gas in the US? How about members of Congress taking money from PAC's, a front for Special Interests, and the Supreme Court's ruling that money is = Free Speech?

How about Scalia and Thomas hobnobbing the the Koch Brothers and other Plutocrats (why doesn't the Supreme Court have a code of ethics); why is the conservative set calling for higher taxes on the working poor, cutting taxes on the very rich, and leaving minimum wage at its current poverty producing level?

Who benefits from a repeal of the PPACA, and why has health care reform been anathema to the right wing? Why did prop 13 in California screw over new home owners and benefit major industry (banks, rail roads, apt. complexes, refiners, hotels, etc.)

In a word: Greed. Until Reagan avarice was a deadly sin, today it has become a virtue on wall street.
No one is seeking an alternative to a capitalistic society unless capitalism cannot work without being evil.

Its fucking amazing you keep wanting to give business a human trait.

I know you are confused, when will you realize that, the battle will be half won.

Business's are run by humans and with anything humans are involved in will have corrupt participants, some individuals have practices which are centered on greed and lust. Now those individuals you have issues with, I have issues with also. Individuals that destroy the environment in pursuit of that wealth are just as unacceptable to me.

It is not the capitalistic societies fault or the mechanics of the system but the individuals without morals that this society has bred and nurtured who are greedy and lustful.

This discussion is leaps and bounds above your intellectual level, they better give me some kind of trophy for having to explain all this to your retarded ass ................

Methinks your post has merit, but you need to drop the final paragraph. Ending with an ad hoiminem weakens a strong argument. My opinion, for what its worth.

In short you've argued what I've posted before: "we must save Capitalism from the Capitalists". You've correctly expanded on my comment to make it clear that not everyone is a threat to Capitalism, but too many on this message board can't/won't think critically, and thus see only black and white. Thus, if one criticizes the effects of Capitalism and supports government oversight and regulations they must be a Commie or a Statist.

Many on the right, the far right which I've characterized as the Crazy Right Wing, don't understand that greed and the concomitant fact that when the wealth of a nation is concentrated in the hands/control of the few is a problem.

Calling capitalism the "dung of the devil" does not seem like nuanced constructive criticism.

Next time you decide to build a straw man, don't do so when you have no way to light wet straw. My post, if that's what you hoped to rebut with a logical fallacy, said nothing about Capitalism being the "dung of the devil".

I'll simply add dishonest to your resume.
You can fill it in by context as the discussion advances.

Do you have anything on topic to add?

Not with you. Had you posted a comprehensive list of items on this apocryphal leftist agenda, I might consider you worthy - that you can't (notice I didn't write won't this time) I must conclude you are a member of the echo chamber, able to parrot the bullshit but never to offer any evidence.

Well, as I said, I am not going to pander to your pretense that you live in a vacuum.

If you refuse to engage in any dialog unless it is on your terms, then run along.

I am sure that the other libs will fill in the void you leave behind.

You don't need to post some more self serving blather if you don't have anything to say on topic.

Thanks so much for sharing. Well, not sharing your supposed knowledge of a Leftist Agenda. It is further noted that your tactic here is to echo the same ad hominem used by the lesser bright conservative set, deflection and alleging that others - in this case me - are guilty of doing what you do.

FYI, my agenda is simple. We need to save Capitalism from the Capitalists. I hope that's not too abstract for you.

Save your opinions on my tactics unless it is somehow relevant to the conversation please.

"Save capitalism from Capitalists"?

NOt too abstract, to general.

Care to be more specific, perhaps an example?

October 2008, is that specific enough? How about October 1929? How about the banks paying >1% on savings and charging interest rates approaching usury? How about the oil cartel, no, not OPEC the ones selling gas in the US? How about members of Congress taking money from PAC's, a front for Special Interests, and the Supreme Court's ruling that money is = Free Speech?

How about Scalia and Thomas hobnobbing the the Koch Brothers and other Plutocrats (why doesn't the Supreme Court have a code of ethics); why is the conservative set calling for higher taxes on the working poor, cutting taxes on the very rich, and leaving minimum wage at its current poverty producing level?

Who benefits from a repeal of the PPACA, and why has health care reform been anathema to the right wing? Why did prop 13 in California screw over new home owners and benefit major industry (banks, rail roads, apt. complexes, refiners, hotels, etc.)

In a word: Greed. Until Reagan avarice was a deadly sin, today it has become a virtue on wall street.

Shotgun logical fallacy, I will deal with the first one.

October 2008?

Packaged subprime loans were a bad idea. I would support regulation to prevent such idiocy again. Many of the business practices should, imo have been investigated criminally. The government should not have encouraged subprime loans.

WHould you call the us banking industry "the dung of the devil"?
No one is seeking an alternative to a capitalistic society unless capitalism cannot work without being evil.

Its fucking amazing you keep wanting to give business a human trait.

I know you are confused, when will you realize that, the battle will be half won.

Business's are run by humans and with anything humans are involved in will have corrupt participants, some individuals have practices which are centered on greed and lust. Now those individuals you have issues with, I have issues with also. Individuals that destroy the environment in pursuit of that wealth are just as unacceptable to me.

It is not the capitalistic societies fault or the mechanics of the system but the individuals without morals that this society has bred and nurtured who are greedy and lustful.

This discussion is leaps and bounds above your intellectual level, they better give me some kind of trophy for having to explain all this to your retarded ass ................

Methinks your post has merit, but you need to drop the final paragraph. Ending with an ad hoiminem weakens a strong argument. My opinion, for what its worth.

In short you've argued what I've posted before: "we must save Capitalism from the Capitalists". You've correctly expanded on my comment to make it clear that not everyone is a threat to Capitalism, but too many on this message board can't/won't think critically, and thus see only black and white. Thus, if one criticizes the effects of Capitalism and supports government oversight and regulations they must be a Commie or a Statist.

Many on the right, the far right which I've characterized as the Crazy Right Wing, don't understand that greed and the concomitant fact that when the wealth of a nation is concentrated in the hands/control of the few is a problem.

Calling capitalism the "dung of the devil" does not seem like nuanced constructive criticism.

Next time you decide to build a straw man, don't do so when you have no way to light wet straw. My post, if that's what you hoped to rebut with a logical fallacy, said nothing about Capitalism being the "dung of the devil".

I'll simply add dishonest to your resume.

Save the drama, I was referring to something the Pope said. I did not accuse you of saying it.
No one is seeking an alternative to a capitalistic society unless capitalism cannot work without being evil.

Its fucking amazing you keep wanting to give business a human trait.

I know you are confused, when will you realize that, the battle will be half won.

Business's are run by humans and with anything humans are involved in will have corrupt participants, some individuals have practices which are centered on greed and lust. Now those individuals you have issues with, I have issues with also. Individuals that destroy the environment in pursuit of that wealth are just as unacceptable to me.

It is not the capitalistic societies fault or the mechanics of the system but the individuals without morals that this society has bred and nurtured who are greedy and lustful.

This discussion is leaps and bounds above your intellectual level, they better give me some kind of trophy for having to explain all this to your retarded ass ................

Methinks your post has merit, but you need to drop the final paragraph. Ending with an ad hoiminem weakens a strong argument. My opinion, for what its worth.

In short you've argued what I've posted before: "we must save Capitalism from the Capitalists". You've correctly expanded on my comment to make it clear that not everyone is a threat to Capitalism, but too many on this message board can't/won't think critically, and thus see only black and white. Thus, if one criticizes the effects of Capitalism and supports government oversight and regulations they must be a Commie or a Statist.

Many on the right, the far right which I've characterized as the Crazy Right Wing, don't understand that greed and the concomitant fact that when the wealth of a nation is concentrated in the hands/control of the few is a problem.

You seem to have a few ducks in a row ..............

Don't criticize my writing style as long as I am getting my point across and semi intelligent people get the main jest of it( notice I have not commented that you did).

You seem to have as many issues as some on the left ...................

Once again for the slow ones in our tribe .....................

There is a natural bell curve in our universe that covers intelligence, there are fewer at both ends of the spectrum, while the center has the majority of the whole. In any class / system of humans the smartest / most intelligent will rise to the top ................. intelligence leads to wealth .........................

You can ink the rest of the details in, you have the ability, whether you are truthful with yourself or not really doesn't matter to me. I know the truth, you are another confused soul who would like to give economic engine a human trait.

There will always be those with more money, bigger dick / boobs / faster car / prettier mate / faster car ....................

Quit crying / worrying about who has floated to the top of the curve and live your own life ...................
Not with you. Had you posted a comprehensive list of items on this apocryphal leftist agenda, I might consider you worthy - that you can't (notice I didn't write won't this time) I must conclude you are a member of the echo chamber, able to parrot the bullshit but never to offer any evidence.

Well, as I said, I am not going to pander to your pretense that you live in a vacuum.

If you refuse to engage in any dialog unless it is on your terms, then run along.

I am sure that the other libs will fill in the void you leave behind.

You don't need to post some more self serving blather if you don't have anything to say on topic.

Thanks so much for sharing. Well, not sharing your supposed knowledge of a Leftist Agenda. It is further noted that your tactic here is to echo the same ad hominem used by the lesser bright conservative set, deflection and alleging that others - in this case me - are guilty of doing what you do.

FYI, my agenda is simple. We need to save Capitalism from the Capitalists. I hope that's not too abstract for you.

Save your opinions on my tactics unless it is somehow relevant to the conversation please.

"Save capitalism from Capitalists"?

NOt too abstract, to general.

Care to be more specific, perhaps an example?

October 2008, is that specific enough? How about October 1929? How about the banks paying >1% on savings and charging interest rates approaching usury? How about the oil cartel, no, not OPEC the ones selling gas in the US? How about members of Congress taking money from PAC's, a front for Special Interests, and the Supreme Court's ruling that money is = Free Speech?

How about Scalia and Thomas hobnobbing the the Koch Brothers and other Plutocrats (why doesn't the Supreme Court have a code of ethics); why is the conservative set calling for higher taxes on the working poor, cutting taxes on the very rich, and leaving minimum wage at its current poverty producing level?

Who benefits from a repeal of the PPACA, and why has health care reform been anathema to the right wing? Why did prop 13 in California screw over new home owners and benefit major industry (banks, rail roads, apt. complexes, refiners, hotels, etc.)

In a word: Greed. Until Reagan avarice was a deadly sin, today it has become a virtue on wall street.

Shotgun logical fallacy, I will deal with the first one.

October 2008?

Packaged subprime loans were a bad idea. I would support regulation to prevent such idiocy again. Many of the business practices should, imo have been investigated criminally. The government should not have encouraged subprime loans.

WHould you call the us banking industry "the dung of the devil"?

I didn't call the US banking industry the "the dung of the devil". Try to comprehend what you read and who wrote what you have read. It's really kind of easy - like an open book test.
No one is seeking an alternative to a capitalistic society unless capitalism cannot work without being evil.

Its fucking amazing you keep wanting to give business a human trait.

I know you are confused, when will you realize that, the battle will be half won.

Business's are run by humans and with anything humans are involved in will have corrupt participants, some individuals have practices which are centered on greed and lust. Now those individuals you have issues with, I have issues with also. Individuals that destroy the environment in pursuit of that wealth are just as unacceptable to me.

It is not the capitalistic societies fault or the mechanics of the system but the individuals without morals that this society has bred and nurtured who are greedy and lustful.

This discussion is leaps and bounds above your intellectual level, they better give me some kind of trophy for having to explain all this to your retarded ass ................

Methinks your post has merit, but you need to drop the final paragraph. Ending with an ad hoiminem weakens a strong argument. My opinion, for what its worth.

In short you've argued what I've posted before: "we must save Capitalism from the Capitalists". You've correctly expanded on my comment to make it clear that not everyone is a threat to Capitalism, but too many on this message board can't/won't think critically, and thus see only black and white. Thus, if one criticizes the effects of Capitalism and supports government oversight and regulations they must be a Commie or a Statist.

Many on the right, the far right which I've characterized as the Crazy Right Wing, don't understand that greed and the concomitant fact that when the wealth of a nation is concentrated in the hands/control of the few is a problem.

You seem to have a few ducks in a row ..............

Don't criticize my writing style as long as I am getting my point across and semi intelligent people get the main jest of it( notice I have not commented that you did).

You seem to have as many issues as some on the left ...................

Once again for the slow ones in our tribe .....................

There is a natural bell curve in our universe that covers intelligence, there are fewer at both ends of the spectrum, while the center has the majority of the whole. In any class / system of humans the smartest / most intelligent will rise to the top ................. intelligence leads to wealth .........................

You can ink the rest of the details in, you have the ability, whether you are truthful with yourself or not really doesn't matter to me. I know the truth, you are another confused soul who would like to give economic engine a human trait.

There will always be those with more money, bigger dick / boobs / faster car / prettier mate / faster car ....................

Quit crying / worrying about who has floated to the top of the curve and live your own life ...................

If this post is directed to me, I will add this single comment: Fuck you, you've proved to be an arrogant asshole, and there is nothing sagacious in your post. If you need to whine find someone who cares, if you want to be taken seriously, don't take yourself so seriously.
No one is seeking an alternative to a capitalistic society unless capitalism cannot work without being evil.

Its fucking amazing you keep wanting to give business a human trait.

I know you are confused, when will you realize that, the battle will be half won.

Business's are run by humans and with anything humans are involved in will have corrupt participants, some individuals have practices which are centered on greed and lust. Now those individuals you have issues with, I have issues with also. Individuals that destroy the environment in pursuit of that wealth are just as unacceptable to me.

It is not the capitalistic societies fault or the mechanics of the system but the individuals without morals that this society has bred and nurtured who are greedy and lustful.

This discussion is leaps and bounds above your intellectual level, they better give me some kind of trophy for having to explain all this to your retarded ass ................

Methinks your post has merit, but you need to drop the final paragraph. Ending with an ad hoiminem weakens a strong argument. My opinion, for what its worth.

In short you've argued what I've posted before: "we must save Capitalism from the Capitalists". You've correctly expanded on my comment to make it clear that not everyone is a threat to Capitalism, but too many on this message board can't/won't think critically, and thus see only black and white. Thus, if one criticizes the effects of Capitalism and supports government oversight and regulations they must be a Commie or a Statist.

Many on the right, the far right which I've characterized as the Crazy Right Wing, don't understand that greed and the concomitant fact that when the wealth of a nation is concentrated in the hands/control of the few is a problem.

Calling capitalism the "dung of the devil" does not seem like nuanced constructive criticism.

Next time you decide to build a straw man, don't do so when you have no way to light wet straw. My post, if that's what you hoped to rebut with a logical fallacy, said nothing about Capitalism being the "dung of the devil".

I'll simply add dishonest to your resume.

Save the drama, I was referring to something the Pope said. I did not accuse you of saying it.

No drama (BTW, a very weak ad hominem); you responded to my post, get your act together before complaining about someone for your own mistake.
Well, as I said, I am not going to pander to your pretense that you live in a vacuum.

If you refuse to engage in any dialog unless it is on your terms, then run along.

I am sure that the other libs will fill in the void you leave behind.

You don't need to post some more self serving blather if you don't have anything to say on topic.

Thanks so much for sharing. Well, not sharing your supposed knowledge of a Leftist Agenda. It is further noted that your tactic here is to echo the same ad hominem used by the lesser bright conservative set, deflection and alleging that others - in this case me - are guilty of doing what you do.

FYI, my agenda is simple. We need to save Capitalism from the Capitalists. I hope that's not too abstract for you.

Save your opinions on my tactics unless it is somehow relevant to the conversation please.

"Save capitalism from Capitalists"?

NOt too abstract, to general.

Care to be more specific, perhaps an example?

October 2008, is that specific enough? How about October 1929? How about the banks paying >1% on savings and charging interest rates approaching usury? How about the oil cartel, no, not OPEC the ones selling gas in the US? How about members of Congress taking money from PAC's, a front for Special Interests, and the Supreme Court's ruling that money is = Free Speech?

How about Scalia and Thomas hobnobbing the the Koch Brothers and other Plutocrats (why doesn't the Supreme Court have a code of ethics); why is the conservative set calling for higher taxes on the working poor, cutting taxes on the very rich, and leaving minimum wage at its current poverty producing level?

Who benefits from a repeal of the PPACA, and why has health care reform been anathema to the right wing? Why did prop 13 in California screw over new home owners and benefit major industry (banks, rail roads, apt. complexes, refiners, hotels, etc.)

In a word: Greed. Until Reagan avarice was a deadly sin, today it has become a virtue on wall street.

Shotgun logical fallacy, I will deal with the first one.

October 2008?

Packaged subprime loans were a bad idea. I would support regulation to prevent such idiocy again. Many of the business practices should, imo have been investigated criminally. The government should not have encouraged subprime loans.

WHould you call the us banking industry "the dung of the devil"?

I didn't call the US banking industry the "the dung of the devil". Try to comprehend what you read and who wrote what you have read. It's really kind of easy - like an open book test.

I did not say that you said that. I clearly asked you if you would say that. Try to comprehend what you read. It's really kind of easy, like an open book test.

I gave you my opinion on your first example. Would you like to respond to what I said on topic?
If this post is directed to me, I will add this single comment: Fuck you, you've proved to be an arrogant asshole, and there is nothing sagacious in your post. If you need to whine find someone who cares, if you want to be taken seriously, don't take yourself so seriously.

Wow, little sensitive there aren't we bitch??

Did you feel that post was directed at you??

You come in and critic my work and when I comment on that critic, you cuss me out and character assassinate me.

Then you actually have the balls to come off sanctimonious and all fucking superior.

Get a fucking check up from the neck up dick head.
Its fucking amazing you keep wanting to give business a human trait.

I know you are confused, when will you realize that, the battle will be half won.

Business's are run by humans and with anything humans are involved in will have corrupt participants, some individuals have practices which are centered on greed and lust. Now those individuals you have issues with, I have issues with also. Individuals that destroy the environment in pursuit of that wealth are just as unacceptable to me.

It is not the capitalistic societies fault or the mechanics of the system but the individuals without morals that this society has bred and nurtured who are greedy and lustful.

This discussion is leaps and bounds above your intellectual level, they better give me some kind of trophy for having to explain all this to your retarded ass ................

Methinks your post has merit, but you need to drop the final paragraph. Ending with an ad hoiminem weakens a strong argument. My opinion, for what its worth.

In short you've argued what I've posted before: "we must save Capitalism from the Capitalists". You've correctly expanded on my comment to make it clear that not everyone is a threat to Capitalism, but too many on this message board can't/won't think critically, and thus see only black and white. Thus, if one criticizes the effects of Capitalism and supports government oversight and regulations they must be a Commie or a Statist.

Many on the right, the far right which I've characterized as the Crazy Right Wing, don't understand that greed and the concomitant fact that when the wealth of a nation is concentrated in the hands/control of the few is a problem.

Calling capitalism the "dung of the devil" does not seem like nuanced constructive criticism.

Next time you decide to build a straw man, don't do so when you have no way to light wet straw. My post, if that's what you hoped to rebut with a logical fallacy, said nothing about Capitalism being the "dung of the devil".

I'll simply add dishonest to your resume.

Save the drama, I was referring to something the Pope said. I did not accuse you of saying it.

No drama (BTW, a very weak ad hominem); you responded to my post, get your act together before complaining about someone for your own mistake.

Yes, I was responding to your post and made a reference to the thread topic. If that confused you, that is on you.

And asking you to stop boring me with your drama is certainly called for.
Methinks your post has merit, but you need to drop the final paragraph. Ending with an ad hoiminem weakens a strong argument. My opinion, for what its worth.

In short you've argued what I've posted before: "we must save Capitalism from the Capitalists". You've correctly expanded on my comment to make it clear that not everyone is a threat to Capitalism, but too many on this message board can't/won't think critically, and thus see only black and white. Thus, if one criticizes the effects of Capitalism and supports government oversight and regulations they must be a Commie or a Statist.

Many on the right, the far right which I've characterized as the Crazy Right Wing, don't understand that greed and the concomitant fact that when the wealth of a nation is concentrated in the hands/control of the few is a problem.

Calling capitalism the "dung of the devil" does not seem like nuanced constructive criticism.

Next time you decide to build a straw man, don't do so when you have no way to light wet straw. My post, if that's what you hoped to rebut with a logical fallacy, said nothing about Capitalism being the "dung of the devil".

I'll simply add dishonest to your resume.

Save the drama, I was referring to something the Pope said. I did not accuse you of saying it.

No drama (BTW, a very weak ad hominem); you responded to my post, get your act together before complaining about someone for your own mistake.

Yes, I was responding to your post and made a reference to the thread topic. If that confused you, that is on you.

And asking you to stop boring me with your drama is certainly called for.

Feel free to put me on ignore; I've already added "phony" to your resume.
Catcher you are out to make enemies and influence friends today aren't you ...................................

It's a shame when someone who is seen as being on the same side of the coin is such a fucking dick to interact with .............................
Catcher you are out to make enemies and influence friends today aren't you ...................................

The truth hurts, honesty in my opinions is my only agenda.

ROFLMMFAO ..............

The only one who will see the affects of this interaction are you ..................

You have created a friend for life.

If you think you have hurt / affected me in any way you are fucking delusional, get over your fucking self, you have no fucking meaning to me in life .................

Continue on with your agenda, sooner or later you will turn a back / get occupied else where ....... perfect time for a dagger in the back.

See you on the boards, BITCH .................
Looks like we have a little flame war going here...

...let's revert back to the topic..

Subjects the Pope may be advocating in front of Congress (tongue in cheek)

1. The Vatican's approval of gay marriage.

2. How fracking and burning carbon is really cool.

3. Global warming is a hoax.

4. The poor should earn less.

5. More hispanics should convert to atheism.

Thanks so much for sharing. Well, not sharing your supposed knowledge of a Leftist Agenda. It is further noted that your tactic here is to echo the same ad hominem used by the lesser bright conservative set, deflection and alleging that others - in this case me - are guilty of doing what you do.

FYI, my agenda is simple. We need to save Capitalism from the Capitalists. I hope that's not too abstract for you.

Save your opinions on my tactics unless it is somehow relevant to the conversation please.

"Save capitalism from Capitalists"?

NOt too abstract, to general.

Care to be more specific, perhaps an example?

October 2008, is that specific enough? How about October 1929? How about the banks paying >1% on savings and charging interest rates approaching usury? How about the oil cartel, no, not OPEC the ones selling gas in the US? How about members of Congress taking money from PAC's, a front for Special Interests, and the Supreme Court's ruling that money is = Free Speech?

How about Scalia and Thomas hobnobbing the the Koch Brothers and other Plutocrats (why doesn't the Supreme Court have a code of ethics); why is the conservative set calling for higher taxes on the working poor, cutting taxes on the very rich, and leaving minimum wage at its current poverty producing level?

Who benefits from a repeal of the PPACA, and why has health care reform been anathema to the right wing? Why did prop 13 in California screw over new home owners and benefit major industry (banks, rail roads, apt. complexes, refiners, hotels, etc.)

In a word: Greed. Until Reagan avarice was a deadly sin, today it has become a virtue on wall street.

Shotgun logical fallacy, I will deal with the first one.

October 2008?

Packaged subprime loans were a bad idea. I would support regulation to prevent such idiocy again. Many of the business practices should, imo have been investigated criminally. The government should not have encouraged subprime loans.

WHould you call the us banking industry "the dung of the devil"?

I didn't call the US banking industry the "the dung of the devil". Try to comprehend what you read and who wrote what you have read. It's really kind of easy - like an open book test.

I did not say that you said that. I clearly asked you if you would say that. Try to comprehend what you read. It's really kind of easy, like an open book test.

I gave you my opinion on your first example. Would you like to respond to what I said on topic?

Mea Culpa, I read very fast, your typo (WHould) may have confused me and I must have read WHy.
Catcher you are out to make enemies and influence friends today aren't you ...................................

The truth hurts, honesty in my opinions is my only agenda.

ROFLMMFAO ..............

The only one who will see the affects of this interaction are you ..................

You have created a friend for life.

If you think you have hurt / affected me in any way you are fucking delusional, get over your fucking self, you have no fucking meaning to me in life .................

Continue on with your agenda, sooner or later you will turn a back / get occupied else where ....... perfect time for a dagger in the back.

See you on the boards, BITCH .................


  • "BITCH" used in this manner puts you in your 20's, a mere child.
  • Using Dr. in your nom de plume suggest arrogance
  • you've not mastered any subject, thus your use of Dr. is silly
  • Only cowards think in terms of "a dagger in the back"
BTW, educated persons use bullet points, illiterates use ......................
Catcher you are out to make enemies and influence friends today aren't you ...................................

The truth hurts, honesty in my opinions is my only agenda.

ROFLMMFAO ..............

The only one who will see the affects of this interaction are you ..................

You have created a friend for life.

If you think you have hurt / affected me in any way you are fucking delusional, get over your fucking self, you have no fucking meaning to me in life .................

Continue on with your agenda, sooner or later you will turn a back / get occupied else where ....... perfect time for a dagger in the back.

See you on the boards, BITCH .................


  • "BITCH" used in this manner puts you in your 20's, a mere child.
  • Using Dr. in your nom de plume suggest arrogance
  • you've not mastered any subject, thus your use of Dr. is silly
  • Only cowards think in terms of "a dagger in the back"
BTW, educated persons use bullet points, illiterates use ......................

Cybershit ..................

Wrong on all accounts .................

You do have a MENSA registry number don't you??
And what does your fight have to do with the Pope addressing Congress? Other than the Pope addressing Congress seems to have both of you really agitated...

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