Pope to address U.S. Congress

Modern capitalism is an absolute perversion of itself, It needs to be condemned by everyone who gives two shits about people who have to actually work and earn a living.

OMG that parroted line is getting awful fucking monotonous ......................

You never did answer my questions about how you planned on paying your way through life without a job provided by a business in a capitalistic society.

Unless you are like Discoveries Channels Last Alaskan or some other type of land subsistence persona you will need some way to pay for goods and services in life. When you answer remember that there will be millions of Americans who will be doing the exact same thing ...................

Like I said, you are a fucking moron with an axe to grind against business in general.

What happen did you try to run a business and fail miserably?? Put out of business by a competitor who actually had a brain and knew what they were doing??
Another fucking moron that would rather think I am against all business rather than read what I actually say, eat a bag of dicks asshole and quit trying to defend the indefensible.

Truth2know made a fine defense of what you claim is "indefensible" just a few posts above.

DId you read it? You should.
In my book anyone that has to call me bad names to present a counter-argument has lost and deserves only the same kind of retarded abuse in return. I am not against capitalism as it is sold, only how it is practiced by the really big participants. There is a big difference between anyone who might be on this board and those who rule the economy. You are not in their club, you never will be and they do not need you to jump to their defense.

I disagree.

The dividing line in this ideological conflict cut across class lines. There are as many, if not more lefties at the top levels of our economy as cons.

THere are also just as many reasons for you lefties to attack the poor or middle class people.

Are you sorry the US won the Cold War?
I'm horrified that some people apparently think it gave big business the moral authority to do anything in the pursuit of wealth. In my mind there is little difference between a drug lord and the guy who clear cuts a million acres of rain forest to make a palm oil plantation or sugar cane plantation. People who make a profit from misery or poverty do not deserve your admiration.
If I was a Catholic, I would not want my tithe to be going to this guy to advance his leftist agenda.
A "leftist agenda" is entirely compatible with the teachings of Jesus, it's trying to twist Christianity into the money loving, war loving, poor people hating faith of RWers where the trouble begins.

Some leftist beliefs may follow Jesus’ teachings. However, human governments implementing leftist beliefs have proven to be disastrous. What sounds good on paper and in the classroom always turns into elites lording it over the masses. In the real world, leftist leaders succumb to their greed and/or lack of economic understanding. As a result, the economy and the majority of the people suffer under leftist ideology.

Capitalism has demonstrated its ability to provide a very comfortable life for those willing to work. As the people prosper, so do the capitalistic countries.

To their detriment, some capitalists make money their god and abuse others in their quest for it. These abuses should be identified, rectified, and paid for in this life, as they will be in the life to come.

Until Jesus returns and establishes His government, capitalism is the best system going. May America realize this before it’s too late.

Nah, democracy and a nation that supports human rights have provided a place for humans to live comfortably. All you really need is a ruling class that treats humans like humans. Historians generally view an 80 year period during the Roman Empire, around the time of Trajan, when most of humanity lived relatively happy lives. All? No, it is never all. Even Iran and Isis have capitalism, people in all cultures buy and sell and have since the beginning of time. Capitalism generally provides a structure that allows a larger number of people to feed their families and, over time, gather together some savings, but it also provides a platform for a few to enslave the masses and control the government to their own purpose.

Conservatives always view these things in terms of 'theory' rather than 'practical' knowledge. 'Capitalism' has become an infallible absolute in the conservative mind. It isn't. It is horribly messy and has many victims. Anti-trust and monopoly laws are in place because people in fact CAN'T be trusted to simply participate in a free market. It has to be regulated.
OMG that parroted line is getting awful fucking monotonous ......................

You never did answer my questions about how you planned on paying your way through life without a job provided by a business in a capitalistic society.

Unless you are like Discoveries Channels Last Alaskan or some other type of land subsistence persona you will need some way to pay for goods and services in life. When you answer remember that there will be millions of Americans who will be doing the exact same thing ...................

Like I said, you are a fucking moron with an axe to grind against business in general.

What happen did you try to run a business and fail miserably?? Put out of business by a competitor who actually had a brain and knew what they were doing??
Another fucking moron that would rather think I am against all business rather than read what I actually say, eat a bag of dicks asshole and quit trying to defend the indefensible.

Truth2know made a fine defense of what you claim is "indefensible" just a few posts above.

DId you read it? You should.
In my book anyone that has to call me bad names to present a counter-argument has lost and deserves only the same kind of retarded abuse in return. I am not against capitalism as it is sold, only how it is practiced by the really big participants. There is a big difference between anyone who might be on this board and those who rule the economy. You are not in their club, you never will be and they do not need you to jump to their defense.

I disagree.

The dividing line in this ideological conflict cut across class lines. There are as many, if not more lefties at the top levels of our economy as cons.

THere are also just as many reasons for you lefties to attack the poor or middle class people.

Are you sorry the US won the Cold War?
I'm horrified that some people apparently think it gave big business the moral authority to do anything in the pursuit of wealth. In my mind there is little difference between a drug lord and the guy who clear cuts a million acres of rain forest to make a palm oil plantation or sugar cane plantation. People who make a profit from misery or poverty do not deserve your admiration.

Right. Because drug lords and sugar cane plantations define US capitalism.

Another fucking moron that would rather think I am against all business rather than read what I actually say, eat a bag of dicks asshole and quit trying to defend the indefensible.

Truth2know made a fine defense of what you claim is "indefensible" just a few posts above.

DId you read it? You should.
In my book anyone that has to call me bad names to present a counter-argument has lost and deserves only the same kind of retarded abuse in return. I am not against capitalism as it is sold, only how it is practiced by the really big participants. There is a big difference between anyone who might be on this board and those who rule the economy. You are not in their club, you never will be and they do not need you to jump to their defense.

I disagree.

The dividing line in this ideological conflict cut across class lines. There are as many, if not more lefties at the top levels of our economy as cons.

THere are also just as many reasons for you lefties to attack the poor or middle class people.

Are you sorry the US won the Cold War?
I'm horrified that some people apparently think it gave big business the moral authority to do anything in the pursuit of wealth. In my mind there is little difference between a drug lord and the guy who clear cuts a million acres of rain forest to make a palm oil plantation or sugar cane plantation. People who make a profit from misery or poverty do not deserve your admiration.

Right. Because drug lords and sugar cane plantations define US capitalism.


Sooo, you don't understand a simple analogy like that?

Truth2know made a fine defense of what you claim is "indefensible" just a few posts above.

DId you read it? You should.
In my book anyone that has to call me bad names to present a counter-argument has lost and deserves only the same kind of retarded abuse in return. I am not against capitalism as it is sold, only how it is practiced by the really big participants. There is a big difference between anyone who might be on this board and those who rule the economy. You are not in their club, you never will be and they do not need you to jump to their defense.

I disagree.

The dividing line in this ideological conflict cut across class lines. There are as many, if not more lefties at the top levels of our economy as cons.

THere are also just as many reasons for you lefties to attack the poor or middle class people.

Are you sorry the US won the Cold War?
I'm horrified that some people apparently think it gave big business the moral authority to do anything in the pursuit of wealth. In my mind there is little difference between a drug lord and the guy who clear cuts a million acres of rain forest to make a palm oil plantation or sugar cane plantation. People who make a profit from misery or poverty do not deserve your admiration.

Right. Because drug lords and sugar cane plantations define US capitalism.


Sooo, you don't understand a simple analogy like that?


I totally got it.

ANd I pointed out why it is a flawed analogy. Sugar cane plantations do not define US capitalism.
Another fucking moron that would rather think I am against all business rather than read what I actually say, eat a bag of dicks asshole and quit trying to defend the indefensible.

Truth2know made a fine defense of what you claim is "indefensible" just a few posts above.

DId you read it? You should.
In my book anyone that has to call me bad names to present a counter-argument has lost and deserves only the same kind of retarded abuse in return. I am not against capitalism as it is sold, only how it is practiced by the really big participants. There is a big difference between anyone who might be on this board and those who rule the economy. You are not in their club, you never will be and they do not need you to jump to their defense.

I disagree.

The dividing line in this ideological conflict cut across class lines. There are as many, if not more lefties at the top levels of our economy as cons.

THere are also just as many reasons for you lefties to attack the poor or middle class people.

Are you sorry the US won the Cold War?
I'm horrified that some people apparently think it gave big business the moral authority to do anything in the pursuit of wealth. In my mind there is little difference between a drug lord and the guy who clear cuts a million acres of rain forest to make a palm oil plantation or sugar cane plantation. People who make a profit from misery or poverty do not deserve your admiration.

Right. Because drug lords and sugar cane plantations define US capitalism.

Capitalism is an international system, it does not exist in the context of any single nation or region. Where are your t-shirts made? How much did the poor slob who made it get paid? Do you even care? We all benefit from sweatshop slavery when we buy things, the person who sells these things put their factory down in the poorest, most miserable place they could find and did nothing to make it better. Do you care? I can't see that you do because in the capitalist faith you are not allowed to criticize or even notice the downside.
Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

These are the people for whom the worship of money is their religion. These are also the people that worship trump.

Money, or more importantly the security from the harshness of life that conservatives need more than oxygen, is their god.
These people DO attempt to lay up their treasures on Earth. In direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

They are in fact anti-Christ.

Attempting to get some security from the "harshness of life" for ourselves and/or our families is hardly making "money" our "God".

THe leftist agenda of hating others who might, i repeat, MIGHT have a little more wealth than you, is the sin of Envy.

Which flavor kool-aid do you favor?

Maybe I judge you too harshly, educate me on the "leftist agenda"; I may have missed it as I missed someone posting the gay agenda.

Sorry, I'm not going to pander to your pretense that you live in a vacuum.

Do you have something to say, or are you just here to try to fill the pages with lib filler?

I asked a legitimate question, one which you can't answer (or won't), and yet claim to know of its existence. I've asked the same question of many others, most respond like you by deflection, or post a non sequitur or an ad hominem.

I've written a number of times on controversial issues and you're free to investigate and decide their worth. Your use of the term "lib filter" suggests attempting to engage in a civil discourse with you is worthless.

Prove me wrong, post the Leftist Agenda!
So when does the auction start?

Isn't this Pope going to divest all that treasure to lift up the downtrodden?

Does one have to capitalize "hypocrite" when writing about this Pope?

One needs to understand the "treasure" is not the Pope's to divest. Aren't you the liar who claimed the Clinton's stole White House Property on their way out? Or was that some other liar?
If I was a Catholic, I would not want my tithe to be going to this guy to advance his leftist agenda.
A "leftist agenda" is entirely compatible with the teachings of Jesus, it's trying to twist Christianity into the money loving, war loving, poor people hating faith of RWers where the trouble begins.

Some leftist beliefs may follow Jesus’ teachings. However, human governments implementing leftist beliefs have proven to be disastrous. What sounds good on paper and in the classroom always turns into elites lording it over the masses. In the real world, leftist leaders succumb to their greed and/or lack of economic understanding. As a result, the economy and the majority of the people suffer under leftist ideology.

Capitalism has demonstrated its ability to provide a very comfortable life for those willing to work. As the people prosper, so do the capitalistic countries.

To their detriment, some capitalists make money their god and abuse others in their quest for it. These abuses should be identified, rectified, and paid for in this life, as they will be in the life to come.

Until Jesus returns and establishes His government, capitalism is the best system going. May America realize this before it’s too late.

Nah, democracy and a nation that supports human rights have provided a place for humans to live comfortably. All you really need is a ruling class that treats humans like humans. Historians generally view an 80 year period during the Roman Empire, around the time of Trajan, when most of humanity lived relatively happy lives. All? No, it is never all. Even Iran and Isis have capitalism, people in all cultures buy and sell and have since the beginning of time. Capitalism generally provides a structure that allows a larger number of people to feed their families and, over time, gather together some savings, but it also provides a platform for a few to enslave the masses and control the government to their own purpose.

Conservatives always view these things in terms of 'theory' rather than 'practical' knowledge. 'Capitalism' has become an infallible absolute in the conservative mind. It isn't. It is horribly messy and has many victims. Anti-trust and monopoly laws are in place because people in fact CAN'T be trusted to simply participate in a free market. It has to be regulated.

But yet you or none of your ignorant minion have and alternative to a capitalistic based society ...............
Fucking amazing ...................
So when does the auction start?

Isn't this Pope going to divest all that treasure to lift up the downtrodden?

Does one have to capitalize "hypocrite" when writing about this Pope?

One needs to understand the "treasure" is not the Pope's to divest. Aren't you the liar who claimed the Clinton's stole White House Property on their way out? Or was that some other liar?
Pick one. Most all Righties are liars to some extent, it seems to be nestled deep within their DNA...

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One needs to understand the "treasure" is not the Pope's to divest. Aren't you the liar who claimed the Clinton's stole White House Property on their way out? Or was that some other liar?

Without faith in Papal infallibility and omnipitence how could you call yourself a Catholic! It'd be like not believing in Obama's perfection while claiming to be a Democrat!

As to Clintons proclivities, I have no direct knowledge of what they may or may not have stolen. I'm willing to accept, however, that you speak from personal experience.

Now, care to deal with the capitalization question or was that too hard?
Truth2know made a fine defense of what you claim is "indefensible" just a few posts above.

DId you read it? You should.
In my book anyone that has to call me bad names to present a counter-argument has lost and deserves only the same kind of retarded abuse in return. I am not against capitalism as it is sold, only how it is practiced by the really big participants. There is a big difference between anyone who might be on this board and those who rule the economy. You are not in their club, you never will be and they do not need you to jump to their defense.

I disagree.

The dividing line in this ideological conflict cut across class lines. There are as many, if not more lefties at the top levels of our economy as cons.

THere are also just as many reasons for you lefties to attack the poor or middle class people.

Are you sorry the US won the Cold War?
I'm horrified that some people apparently think it gave big business the moral authority to do anything in the pursuit of wealth. In my mind there is little difference between a drug lord and the guy who clear cuts a million acres of rain forest to make a palm oil plantation or sugar cane plantation. People who make a profit from misery or poverty do not deserve your admiration.

Right. Because drug lords and sugar cane plantations define US capitalism.

Capitalism is an international system, it does not exist in the context of any single nation or region. Where are your t-shirts made? How much did the poor slob who made it get paid? Do you even care? We all benefit from sweatshop slavery when we buy things, the person who sells these things put their factory down in the poorest, most miserable place they could find and did nothing to make it better. Do you care? I can't see that you do because in the capitalist faith you are not allowed to criticize or even notice the downside.

You come to me and suggest that we should take steps to protect Third World Poor from being exploited? I will be happy to consider it.

YOu come to me calling capitalists the "dung of the devil" and I will be less receptive.

Do you think the Pope is really that bad at winning friends and influencing people?

Or does he know what he is doing, ie pandering to the ignorant masses of the shitty Third World and the First World Leftists in a desperate attempt to keep the Church relevant?
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

These are the people for whom the worship of money is their religion. These are also the people that worship trump.

Money, or more importantly the security from the harshness of life that conservatives need more than oxygen, is their god.
These people DO attempt to lay up their treasures on Earth. In direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

They are in fact anti-Christ.

Attempting to get some security from the "harshness of life" for ourselves and/or our families is hardly making "money" our "God".

THe leftist agenda of hating others who might, i repeat, MIGHT have a little more wealth than you, is the sin of Envy.

Which flavor kool-aid do you favor?

Maybe I judge you too harshly, educate me on the "leftist agenda"; I may have missed it as I missed someone posting the gay agenda.

Sorry, I'm not going to pander to your pretense that you live in a vacuum.

Do you have something to say, or are you just here to try to fill the pages with lib filler?

I asked a legitimate question, one which you can't answer (or won't), and yet claim to know of its existence. I've asked the same question of many others, most respond like you by deflection, or post a non sequitur or an ad hominem.

I've written a number of times on controversial issues and you're free to investigate and decide their worth. Your use of the term "lib filter" suggests attempting to engage in a civil discourse with you is worthless.

Prove me wrong, post the Leftist Agenda!

You can fill it in by context as the discussion advances.

Do you have anything on topic to add?
If I was a Catholic, I would not want my tithe to be going to this guy to advance his leftist agenda.
A "leftist agenda" is entirely compatible with the teachings of Jesus, it's trying to twist Christianity into the money loving, war loving, poor people hating faith of RWers where the trouble begins.

Some leftist beliefs may follow Jesus’ teachings. However, human governments implementing leftist beliefs have proven to be disastrous. What sounds good on paper and in the classroom always turns into elites lording it over the masses. In the real world, leftist leaders succumb to their greed and/or lack of economic understanding. As a result, the economy and the majority of the people suffer under leftist ideology.

Capitalism has demonstrated its ability to provide a very comfortable life for those willing to work. As the people prosper, so do the capitalistic countries.

To their detriment, some capitalists make money their god and abuse others in their quest for it. These abuses should be identified, rectified, and paid for in this life, as they will be in the life to come.

Until Jesus returns and establishes His government, capitalism is the best system going. May America realize this before it’s too late.

Nah, democracy and a nation that supports human rights have provided a place for humans to live comfortably. All you really need is a ruling class that treats humans like humans. Historians generally view an 80 year period during the Roman Empire, around the time of Trajan, when most of humanity lived relatively happy lives. All? No, it is never all. Even Iran and Isis have capitalism, people in all cultures buy and sell and have since the beginning of time. Capitalism generally provides a structure that allows a larger number of people to feed their families and, over time, gather together some savings, but it also provides a platform for a few to enslave the masses and control the government to their own purpose.

Conservatives always view these things in terms of 'theory' rather than 'practical' knowledge. 'Capitalism' has become an infallible absolute in the conservative mind. It isn't. It is horribly messy and has many victims. Anti-trust and monopoly laws are in place because people in fact CAN'T be trusted to simply participate in a free market. It has to be regulated.

But yet you or none of your ignorant minion have and alternative to a capitalistic based society ...............
Fucking amazing ...................
No one is seeking an alternative to a capitalistic society unless capitalism cannot work without being evil.
If I was a Catholic, I would not want my tithe to be going to this guy to advance his leftist agenda.
A "leftist agenda" is entirely compatible with the teachings of Jesus, it's trying to twist Christianity into the money loving, war loving, poor people hating faith of RWers where the trouble begins.

Some leftist beliefs may follow Jesus’ teachings. However, human governments implementing leftist beliefs have proven to be disastrous. What sounds good on paper and in the classroom always turns into elites lording it over the masses. In the real world, leftist leaders succumb to their greed and/or lack of economic understanding. As a result, the economy and the majority of the people suffer under leftist ideology.

Capitalism has demonstrated its ability to provide a very comfortable life for those willing to work. As the people prosper, so do the capitalistic countries.

To their detriment, some capitalists make money their god and abuse others in their quest for it. These abuses should be identified, rectified, and paid for in this life, as they will be in the life to come.

Until Jesus returns and establishes His government, capitalism is the best system going. May America realize this before it’s too late.

Nah, democracy and a nation that supports human rights have provided a place for humans to live comfortably. All you really need is a ruling class that treats humans like humans. Historians generally view an 80 year period during the Roman Empire, around the time of Trajan, when most of humanity lived relatively happy lives. All? No, it is never all. Even Iran and Isis have capitalism, people in all cultures buy and sell and have since the beginning of time. Capitalism generally provides a structure that allows a larger number of people to feed their families and, over time, gather together some savings, but it also provides a platform for a few to enslave the masses and control the government to their own purpose.

Conservatives always view these things in terms of 'theory' rather than 'practical' knowledge. 'Capitalism' has become an infallible absolute in the conservative mind. It isn't. It is horribly messy and has many victims. Anti-trust and monopoly laws are in place because people in fact CAN'T be trusted to simply participate in a free market. It has to be regulated.

But yet you or none of your ignorant minion have and alternative to a capitalistic based society ...............
Fucking amazing ...................
No one is seeking an alternative to a capitalistic society unless capitalism cannot work without being evil.

Do you believe that capitalism can work without being evil?
A "leftist agenda" is entirely compatible with the teachings of Jesus, it's trying to twist Christianity into the money loving, war loving, poor people hating faith of RWers where the trouble begins.

Some leftist beliefs may follow Jesus’ teachings. However, human governments implementing leftist beliefs have proven to be disastrous. What sounds good on paper and in the classroom always turns into elites lording it over the masses. In the real world, leftist leaders succumb to their greed and/or lack of economic understanding. As a result, the economy and the majority of the people suffer under leftist ideology.

Capitalism has demonstrated its ability to provide a very comfortable life for those willing to work. As the people prosper, so do the capitalistic countries.

To their detriment, some capitalists make money their god and abuse others in their quest for it. These abuses should be identified, rectified, and paid for in this life, as they will be in the life to come.

Until Jesus returns and establishes His government, capitalism is the best system going. May America realize this before it’s too late.

Nah, democracy and a nation that supports human rights have provided a place for humans to live comfortably. All you really need is a ruling class that treats humans like humans. Historians generally view an 80 year period during the Roman Empire, around the time of Trajan, when most of humanity lived relatively happy lives. All? No, it is never all. Even Iran and Isis have capitalism, people in all cultures buy and sell and have since the beginning of time. Capitalism generally provides a structure that allows a larger number of people to feed their families and, over time, gather together some savings, but it also provides a platform for a few to enslave the masses and control the government to their own purpose.

Conservatives always view these things in terms of 'theory' rather than 'practical' knowledge. 'Capitalism' has become an infallible absolute in the conservative mind. It isn't. It is horribly messy and has many victims. Anti-trust and monopoly laws are in place because people in fact CAN'T be trusted to simply participate in a free market. It has to be regulated.

But yet you or none of your ignorant minion have and alternative to a capitalistic based society ...............
Fucking amazing ...................
No one is seeking an alternative to a capitalistic society unless capitalism cannot work without being evil.

Do you believe that capitalism can work without being evil?
Yes, it can but too many mistake criticism of the evils of capitalism for an attack on capitalism itself and seek to defend all of it. I have no problem with an honest businessman but they are all too often victimized by predatory business practices as much as any working stiff.
Some leftist beliefs may follow Jesus’ teachings. However, human governments implementing leftist beliefs have proven to be disastrous. What sounds good on paper and in the classroom always turns into elites lording it over the masses. In the real world, leftist leaders succumb to their greed and/or lack of economic understanding. As a result, the economy and the majority of the people suffer under leftist ideology.

Capitalism has demonstrated its ability to provide a very comfortable life for those willing to work. As the people prosper, so do the capitalistic countries.

To their detriment, some capitalists make money their god and abuse others in their quest for it. These abuses should be identified, rectified, and paid for in this life, as they will be in the life to come.

Until Jesus returns and establishes His government, capitalism is the best system going. May America realize this before it’s too late.

Nah, democracy and a nation that supports human rights have provided a place for humans to live comfortably. All you really need is a ruling class that treats humans like humans. Historians generally view an 80 year period during the Roman Empire, around the time of Trajan, when most of humanity lived relatively happy lives. All? No, it is never all. Even Iran and Isis have capitalism, people in all cultures buy and sell and have since the beginning of time. Capitalism generally provides a structure that allows a larger number of people to feed their families and, over time, gather together some savings, but it also provides a platform for a few to enslave the masses and control the government to their own purpose.

Conservatives always view these things in terms of 'theory' rather than 'practical' knowledge. 'Capitalism' has become an infallible absolute in the conservative mind. It isn't. It is horribly messy and has many victims. Anti-trust and monopoly laws are in place because people in fact CAN'T be trusted to simply participate in a free market. It has to be regulated.

But yet you or none of your ignorant minion have and alternative to a capitalistic based society ...............
Fucking amazing ...................
No one is seeking an alternative to a capitalistic society unless capitalism cannot work without being evil.

Do you believe that capitalism can work without being evil?
Yes, it can but too many mistake criticism of the evils of capitalism for an attack on capitalism itself and seek to defend all of it. I have no problem with an honest businessman but they are all too often victimized by predatory business practices as much as any working stiff.


I will give you some free advice.

If you are trying to open a constructive dialog with people, do not imply that their way of life is the "dung of the devil".

Also, expressing regrets that the literally genocidal totalitarian communists of the Soviet Union lost the Cold War does not build up credibility, either.

As I have repeatedly said, this is an opportunity for this Pope to clarify some of his inflammatory rhetoric.
The problem with the Pope for the Righties is that he read the whole bible and likes to tell them the bits they prefer to ignore.

He talks about poverty and income inequality, this is stuff they don't want to hear. So if there local church told them they would move churches, so there local churches tell them what they want to hear. Peddling the lord is a business too.

The Pope will talk about real science and environment, another pet hate for the Righties... They don't like being shown as hypocrites they want to talk about the GAYS...

And when talking about the GAYS, he will talk about tolerance.

This Pope has been a revelation to the Catholic Church and so far has done some major steps in modernizing the church..

The righties want their god men to tell them that their narrow(and generally bigoted) view world is right and if they don't we will find a new god man.

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