Popular vote for POTUS under our current system would violate equal protection

Sure they can. That's not a popular vote for President though, so it's irrelevant to the thread

If the number of states that pass such a law reaches the 270 electoral mark then it most certainly would be. They only need a combination of states with 105 more to enact that.

It would do so without the need for a Constitutional Amendment.

The Constitution enables the states to decide how they choose their electors.

EV isn't PV, what is wrong with you?

If enough states legally bind their EV's to the nation wide PV then the winner will be based on the PV total of all 50 states(and D.C). They have states with 165 EV's now and need only 105 more.

No, it's still EV where States decided the criteria for their EV votes, it is not PV. PV is citizens voting directly for President.

EV is States voting for POTUS
PV is citizens voting for POTUS

You are still clearly in an EV system which is not the topic of the thread. States can do what you say, sure. But it's not PV

It will accomplish the same thing as an amendment without having to worry about 1, 2, or 3 of you list. Makes them a moot point. It would base the EV on the Nationwide PV.

Yes, it would largely do that. Not exactly since proportionality wouldn't be exact. It's irrelevant to the thread and I keep agreeing with you that they could do that though so I still don't know what you're arguing. Also, to require the States to do it, you'd need a Constitutional amendment
See? You tell the retards that Voter ID doesn't stop the most common types of voter fraud which occur, and their little retard brains hear, "There is no fraud" or "I support fraud."

Goddam, you just can't fight that kind of profound stupidity!

Apple != Bird

That said, this is your usual promotion of election fraud. The motor voter bill automatically registers illegal aliens to vote - this is a fact. The Cal-SOS claims that there are enough indicators that they will remove the illegals from the system - sure,,,

The fact is that exactly as Kaz posted, the Peoples Republic is flooding the system with illegal voters. This is deliberate and systematic fraud on behalf of the Soros party, which owns and runs California.
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I already told you I did. It doesn't answer the question. So, what is your source?

You're a level of stupid that is insurmountable.

The SCOTUS ruled 7-2 that in State elections that all voters in the State have to have access to the same rules.

You're like duh, dar, so why would all the voters in the nation need the same rules in a national election? Drool, hic.

I have nothing that would satisfy you as you are just a Democrat shill with no intellectual integrity

Yes, the Supreme Court said all votes in the same state have to be treated equally and you are taking that and assuming if we went to a national popular vote that all states have to run their elections the same. Why? What is your source?

The other matter is that SOCTUS also specifically stated that this decision has no precedential value.

Sorry, I can't take your conspiracy laden OP as an authoritative source on election law. So, what is your source?

You're an amusing little man. Duh, dar, so the scotus said voters have to be treated equally by the States in Statewide elections. Drool, so why would national voters have to be treated equally in a national election? You're so dumb it's funny

Yeah, why? You still haven't answered it.

You're so dumb you assume voters in the same state have to use the same voting equipment. You say that in your post, it's not true. You don't even know what you're talking about.

What is your source?

Voting methods and equipment by state - Ballotpedia

You stated that all states would have to use the same voting machines for the purpose of equal protection. Problem is voters don't use the same voting systems within the same state. it's a bogus point you are trying to make.
You didn't claim they were friendly. You claimed that they actively flooded their system with illegal voters. Two drastically different things. Why are you trying to weasel out of it? Present your proof.

You get a drivers license, you can use that to register to vote. Easily verifiable, I don't need to cure your ignorance for you, especially since you love it so

That's what happens when you only watch fox. You heard that claim, but they didn't bother to find out the facts or to present them after that claim
get someone to read the following and explain it to you.

FALSE: California Passed a Law Allowing Undocumented Immigrants to Vote in Federal Elections
While critics of the New Motor Voter Act fear that undocumented people may slip through the loopholes and get registered to vote, it's false to say that California has made it legal for undocumented people to vote. In fact, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla said that the new law is actually more secure:

The way automatic registration works is relatively simple: Eligible citizens are registered to vote when they show up at a Department of Motor Vehicles office to obtain a driver's license or state ID. The DMV gives the eligible voter a chance to opt out if they prefer not to register. If the person does not opt out, the DMV electronically transfers their voter registration information to the Secretary of State's office, rather than making election officials enter data by hand from paper registration forms...

"... Automated voter registration is actually a more secure way of doing things," California Secretary of State Alex Padilla told HuffPost in September. Potential voters "have to demonstrate proof of age, the vast majority of time people are showing a birth certificate or a passport, which also reflects citizenship. That's arguably more secure than someone checking a box under penalty of perjury," Padilla said.

While it's true that undocumented people in California can obtain a driver's license, the state has not passed any laws which also gives them the right to vote. The New Motor Voter Act was passed in an effort to improve voter turnout, and while this law does automatically register citizens to vote when obtaining or renewing a driver's license, this only applies to citizens who are already eligible to vote.

See, you could find it as I said if you put any effort into it. Illegals can legally get a drivers license. They are then automatically set up to vote unless they say not to register them. And if they don't, there is no process to take away their ability to illegally vote. Well done

That's why I said to get someone to explain what it says. I knew your comprehension wasn't that good. If nothing else, go to the top of the link page where you will see

CLAIM: California passed a law to allow undocumented immigrants to vote.


That's Snopes.com way of saying you are wrong.

That would be a good argument if I said California passed a law allowing them to vote. Unfortunately for your argument, I didn't say that

But you presented it as proof that California actively flooded their system with illegal voters. We both agree that didn't prove your claim. You got anything else?
You're a level of stupid that is insurmountable.

The SCOTUS ruled 7-2 that in State elections that all voters in the State have to have access to the same rules.

You're like duh, dar, so why would all the voters in the nation need the same rules in a national election? Drool, hic.

I have nothing that would satisfy you as you are just a Democrat shill with no intellectual integrity

Yes, the Supreme Court said all votes in the same state have to be treated equally and you are taking that and assuming if we went to a national popular vote that all states have to run their elections the same. Why? What is your source?

The other matter is that SOCTUS also specifically stated that this decision has no precedential value.

Sorry, I can't take your conspiracy laden OP as an authoritative source on election law. So, what is your source?

You're an amusing little man. Duh, dar, so the scotus said voters have to be treated equally by the States in Statewide elections. Drool, so why would national voters have to be treated equally in a national election? You're so dumb it's funny

Yeah, why? You still haven't answered it.

You're so dumb you assume voters in the same state have to use the same voting equipment. You say that in your post, it's not true. You don't even know what you're talking about.

What is your source?

Voting methods and equipment by state - Ballotpedia

You stated that all states would have to use the same voting machines for the purpose of equal protection. Problem is voters don't use the same voting systems within the same state. it's a bogus point you are trying to make.

Voting methods and equipment by state - Ballotpedia
Sorry you need proof that they are all voting on a massive scale...

Please offer that or it's back to bullshit mountain for you...

I do? Or what? This should be interesting.

My standard is I do my own searching before asking questions. I apply that same standard to people who ask me stupid questions. I don't give a shit what your standard is, tough guy

Great. That should make it really easy for you to show proof that California actively floods their system with illegal voters.

You mean how you proved that Trump ran on family values and that conservatives abhor skin and are prudes by watching Fox News and all the hot, minimally dressed hotties they have?

Like that?

Nope. Not like that. I never made any of those claims. The voices in your head might be confusing you. Go back and reread what I did say.

You said Republicans are sexual prudes who can't stand to see women's skin. It turns out you were referring to yourself ...

When do you think I said that?
You get a drivers license, you can use that to register to vote. Easily verifiable, I don't need to cure your ignorance for you, especially since you love it so

That's what happens when you only watch fox. You heard that claim, but they didn't bother to find out the facts or to present them after that claim
get someone to read the following and explain it to you.

FALSE: California Passed a Law Allowing Undocumented Immigrants to Vote in Federal Elections
While critics of the New Motor Voter Act fear that undocumented people may slip through the loopholes and get registered to vote, it's false to say that California has made it legal for undocumented people to vote. In fact, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla said that the new law is actually more secure:

The way automatic registration works is relatively simple: Eligible citizens are registered to vote when they show up at a Department of Motor Vehicles office to obtain a driver's license or state ID. The DMV gives the eligible voter a chance to opt out if they prefer not to register. If the person does not opt out, the DMV electronically transfers their voter registration information to the Secretary of State's office, rather than making election officials enter data by hand from paper registration forms...

"... Automated voter registration is actually a more secure way of doing things," California Secretary of State Alex Padilla told HuffPost in September. Potential voters "have to demonstrate proof of age, the vast majority of time people are showing a birth certificate or a passport, which also reflects citizenship. That's arguably more secure than someone checking a box under penalty of perjury," Padilla said.

While it's true that undocumented people in California can obtain a driver's license, the state has not passed any laws which also gives them the right to vote. The New Motor Voter Act was passed in an effort to improve voter turnout, and while this law does automatically register citizens to vote when obtaining or renewing a driver's license, this only applies to citizens who are already eligible to vote.

See, you could find it as I said if you put any effort into it. Illegals can legally get a drivers license. They are then automatically set up to vote unless they say not to register them. And if they don't, there is no process to take away their ability to illegally vote. Well done

That's why I said to get someone to explain what it says. I knew your comprehension wasn't that good. If nothing else, go to the top of the link page where you will see

CLAIM: California passed a law to allow undocumented immigrants to vote.


That's Snopes.com way of saying you are wrong.

That would be a good argument if I said California passed a law allowing them to vote. Unfortunately for your argument, I didn't say that

But you presented it as proof that California actively flooded their system with illegal voters. We both agree that didn't prove your claim. You got anything else?

You killed your argument with the voter registration example where illegals can legally get a drivers license and are automatically registered to vote. I didn't have to lift a finger
Yes, the Supreme Court said all votes in the same state have to be treated equally and you are taking that and assuming if we went to a national popular vote that all states have to run their elections the same. Why? What is your source?

The other matter is that SOCTUS also specifically stated that this decision has no precedential value.

Sorry, I can't take your conspiracy laden OP as an authoritative source on election law. So, what is your source?

You're an amusing little man. Duh, dar, so the scotus said voters have to be treated equally by the States in Statewide elections. Drool, so why would national voters have to be treated equally in a national election? You're so dumb it's funny

Yeah, why? You still haven't answered it.

You're so dumb you assume voters in the same state have to use the same voting equipment. You say that in your post, it's not true. You don't even know what you're talking about.

What is your source?

Voting methods and equipment by state - Ballotpedia

You stated that all states would have to use the same voting machines for the purpose of equal protection. Problem is voters don't use the same voting systems within the same state. it's a bogus point you are trying to make.

Voting methods and equipment by state - Ballotpedia

And? Posting a link without having a point isn't helping you. Why would all states have to use the same voting equipment if they already don't use the same equipment statewide?
kaz is getting wrecked.

You always know someone is losing an argument badly when they need to declare they are winning. But yes, my argument is a loser from the start, it's not liberal. Liberalism is just liberal for truth, liberalism is inherently true. To disprove a liberal argument, all you have to do is prove it's wrong without violating the inherent truth of liberalism
You're an amusing little man. Duh, dar, so the scotus said voters have to be treated equally by the States in Statewide elections. Drool, so why would national voters have to be treated equally in a national election? You're so dumb it's funny

Yeah, why? You still haven't answered it.

You're so dumb you assume voters in the same state have to use the same voting equipment. You say that in your post, it's not true. You don't even know what you're talking about.

What is your source?

Voting methods and equipment by state - Ballotpedia

You stated that all states would have to use the same voting machines for the purpose of equal protection. Problem is voters don't use the same voting systems within the same state. it's a bogus point you are trying to make.

Voting methods and equipment by state - Ballotpedia

And? Posting a link without having a point isn't helping you. Why would all states have to use the same voting equipment if they already don't use the same equipment statewide?

Begging the question. State elections are run by State election boards and they do use the same equipment across the State. The Supremes smacked Florida when the Florida court tried to violate it
That's what happens when you only watch fox. You heard that claim, but they didn't bother to find out the facts or to present them after that claim
get someone to read the following and explain it to you.

FALSE: California Passed a Law Allowing Undocumented Immigrants to Vote in Federal Elections
While critics of the New Motor Voter Act fear that undocumented people may slip through the loopholes and get registered to vote, it's false to say that California has made it legal for undocumented people to vote. In fact, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla said that the new law is actually more secure:

The way automatic registration works is relatively simple: Eligible citizens are registered to vote when they show up at a Department of Motor Vehicles office to obtain a driver's license or state ID. The DMV gives the eligible voter a chance to opt out if they prefer not to register. If the person does not opt out, the DMV electronically transfers their voter registration information to the Secretary of State's office, rather than making election officials enter data by hand from paper registration forms...

"... Automated voter registration is actually a more secure way of doing things," California Secretary of State Alex Padilla told HuffPost in September. Potential voters "have to demonstrate proof of age, the vast majority of time people are showing a birth certificate or a passport, which also reflects citizenship. That's arguably more secure than someone checking a box under penalty of perjury," Padilla said.

While it's true that undocumented people in California can obtain a driver's license, the state has not passed any laws which also gives them the right to vote. The New Motor Voter Act was passed in an effort to improve voter turnout, and while this law does automatically register citizens to vote when obtaining or renewing a driver's license, this only applies to citizens who are already eligible to vote.

See, you could find it as I said if you put any effort into it. Illegals can legally get a drivers license. They are then automatically set up to vote unless they say not to register them. And if they don't, there is no process to take away their ability to illegally vote. Well done

That's why I said to get someone to explain what it says. I knew your comprehension wasn't that good. If nothing else, go to the top of the link page where you will see

CLAIM: California passed a law to allow undocumented immigrants to vote.


That's Snopes.com way of saying you are wrong.

That would be a good argument if I said California passed a law allowing them to vote. Unfortunately for your argument, I didn't say that

But you presented it as proof that California actively flooded their system with illegal voters. We both agree that didn't prove your claim. You got anything else?

You killed your argument with the voter registration example where illegals can legally get a drivers license and are automatically registered to vote. I didn't have to lift a finger

Really? I presented a link that said just the opposite. Are you doing drugs?

That's why I said to get someone to explain what it says. I knew your comprehension wasn't that good. If nothing else, go to the top of the link page where you will see

CLAIM: California passed a law to allow undocumented immigrants to vote.


That's Snopes.com way of saying you are wrong.

I was waiting for one of you retards to pull out the lying fucks at Snopes.

Snopes lied by saying this;

CLAIM: California passed a law to allow undocumented immigrants to vote.

NOPE, the claim is;

California passed a law that automatically registers illegal aliens to vote when they get a drivers license, which is absolute fact.

You see Snopes are a bunch of fucking liars, they exist to promote leftism, not to fact check.
I do? Or what? This should be interesting.

My standard is I do my own searching before asking questions. I apply that same standard to people who ask me stupid questions. I don't give a shit what your standard is, tough guy

Great. That should make it really easy for you to show proof that California actively floods their system with illegal voters.

You mean how you proved that Trump ran on family values and that conservatives abhor skin and are prudes by watching Fox News and all the hot, minimally dressed hotties they have?

Like that?

Nope. Not like that. I never made any of those claims. The voices in your head might be confusing you. Go back and reread what I did say.

You said Republicans are sexual prudes who can't stand to see women's skin. It turns out you were referring to yourself ...

When do you think I said that?

When you said how outraged you were they didn't support your quest to ban lesbian porn, nudity and skimpy dresses. Personally I find it hot once in a while. Maybe you could loosen up your smug condescension. Another tip is maybe you could not click on those links.

Oh, and definitely don't turn to Fox News. Turns out Conservatives do like hot women in skimpy clothing, you were wrong
You're an amusing little man. Duh, dar, so the scotus said voters have to be treated equally by the States in Statewide elections. Drool, so why would national voters have to be treated equally in a national election? You're so dumb it's funny

Yeah, why? You still haven't answered it.

You're so dumb you assume voters in the same state have to use the same voting equipment. You say that in your post, it's not true. You don't even know what you're talking about.

What is your source?

Voting methods and equipment by state - Ballotpedia

You stated that all states would have to use the same voting machines for the purpose of equal protection. Problem is voters don't use the same voting systems within the same state. it's a bogus point you are trying to make.

Voting methods and equipment by state - Ballotpedia

And? Posting a link without having a point isn't helping you. Why would all states have to use the same voting equipment if they already don't use the same equipment statewide?
Kaz is in fine form today. He is why I always say USMess has the best crazy.
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If the number of states that pass such a law reaches the 270 electoral mark then it most certainly would be. They only need a combination of states with 105 more to enact that.

It would do so without the need for a Constitutional Amendment.

The Constitution enables the states to decide how they choose their electors.

EV isn't PV, what is wrong with you?

If enough states legally bind their EV's to the nation wide PV then the winner will be based on the PV total of all 50 states(and D.C). They have states with 165 EV's now and need only 105 more.

No, it's still EV where States decided the criteria for their EV votes, it is not PV. PV is citizens voting directly for President.

EV is States voting for POTUS
PV is citizens voting for POTUS

You are still clearly in an EV system which is not the topic of the thread. States can do what you say, sure. But it's not PV

It will accomplish the same thing as an amendment without having to worry about 1, 2, or 3 of you list. Makes them a moot point. It would base the EV on the Nationwide PV.

Yes, it would largely do that. Not exactly since proportionality wouldn't be exact. It's irrelevant to the thread and I keep agreeing with you that they could do that though so I still don't know what you're arguing. Also, to require the States to do it, you'd need a Constitutional amendment

The states themselves have always had the right. All that is needed is for enough states that have a total of 105 more EVs to pass the law and it will be a done deal. No Amendment required.
See, you could find it as I said if you put any effort into it. Illegals can legally get a drivers license. They are then automatically set up to vote unless they say not to register them. And if they don't, there is no process to take away their ability to illegally vote. Well done

That's why I said to get someone to explain what it says. I knew your comprehension wasn't that good. If nothing else, go to the top of the link page where you will see

CLAIM: California passed a law to allow undocumented immigrants to vote.


That's Snopes.com way of saying you are wrong.

That would be a good argument if I said California passed a law allowing them to vote. Unfortunately for your argument, I didn't say that

But you presented it as proof that California actively flooded their system with illegal voters. We both agree that didn't prove your claim. You got anything else?

You killed your argument with the voter registration example where illegals can legally get a drivers license and are automatically registered to vote. I didn't have to lift a finger

Really? I presented a link that said just the opposite. Are you doing drugs?

No, your link said they didn't technically make it legal for illegals to vote. It did not say they were not making it easy to illegally vote by making it legal for them to get drivers licenses then automatically registering them.

Are you reading your own links?
Yeah, why? You still haven't answered it.

You're so dumb you assume voters in the same state have to use the same voting equipment. You say that in your post, it's not true. You don't even know what you're talking about.

What is your source?

Voting methods and equipment by state - Ballotpedia

You stated that all states would have to use the same voting machines for the purpose of equal protection. Problem is voters don't use the same voting systems within the same state. it's a bogus point you are trying to make.

Voting methods and equipment by state - Ballotpedia

And? Posting a link without having a point isn't helping you. Why would all states have to use the same voting equipment if they already don't use the same equipment statewide?

Begging the question. State elections are run by State election boards and they do use the same equipment across the State. The Supremes smacked Florida when the Florida court tried to violate it

Sorry, voters in Wisconsin for example used different voting methods in different precincts. How's that for your equal protection argument?

If you remember in Florida in 2000 they had the butterfly ballot in some counties, those were never ruled unconstitutional because they weren't used state wide.

So, where is your source backing you up?

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