Portland ANTIFA Stabs Reporter In Peaceful Protest

Antifa operates much like Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups do. It's hard to pin them down to a country or leadership. That way they live longer and have room to destroy.

They operate in much the same manner also...freaking terrorists

Death’s attributed to Al Queda, 3000 plus.

Deaths attributed to Antifa.......?

They are thugs, but you make them out to be much more.
They have a lot more soy in their system.
There is that....
Antifa operates much like Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups do. It's hard to pin them down to a country or leadership. That way they live longer and have room to destroy.

They operate in much the same manner also...freaking terrorists

Death’s attributed to Al Queda, 3000 plus.

Deaths attributed to Antifa.......?

They are thugs, but you make them out to be much more.

A Terrorist is a terrorist...I figured you'd jump in when Muslim terrorists were mentioned
Antifa operates much like Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups do. It's hard to pin them down to a country or leadership. That way they live longer and have room to destroy.

They operate in much the same manner also...freaking terrorists

Death’s attributed to Al Queda, 3000 plus.

Deaths attributed to Antifa.......?

They are thugs, but you make them out to be much more.

A Terrorist is a terrorist...I figured you'd jump in when Muslim terrorists were mentioned
No, just when retarded comparisons are made between groups responsible for killing thousands and groups that can’t to kill any.
Antifa operates much like Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups do. It's hard to pin them down to a country or leadership. That way they live longer and have room to destroy.

They operate in much the same manner also...freaking terrorists

Death’s attributed to Al Queda, 3000 plus.

Deaths attributed to Antifa.......?

They are thugs, but you make them out to be much more.
You might want to look into their history and methods.
Antifa operates much like Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups do. It's hard to pin them down to a country or leadership. That way they live longer and have room to destroy.

They operate in much the same manner also...freaking terrorists

Death’s attributed to Al Queda, 3000 plus.

Deaths attributed to Antifa.......?

They are thugs, but you make them out to be much more.

So a group of thugs in your mind equates to $25 Million in damages to downtown Portland and a couple of hundred businesses shut down, minority businesses, and we should quit complaining about it because they haven't killed anyone yet. Stabbings are OK but in order for us to complain the ANTFIA retards have to start compiling a body count.
Ya, don't you just love the bullshit the left is supporting?

Peaceful protest, you're an idiot if you believe it.

If you don't think the mob will come for you you're stupid. Kind of the way cancel culture works at the fringe of the libtard party. They'll stalk you then stab you.

Is the government going to do their job, or do the people have to handle this?

This is day 58, Saturday night, this could get ugly. They had a gas powered concrete saw trying to cut through the fence last night. Portland is a cesspool of meth heads, pot heads and old libtardo hippies from the 60's and 70's that live on the streets and in junky old houses.

We'll know if the people of Oregon get sick enough of this bullshit and turn on them.

I'm guessing the regular people of Oregon are watching the perimeter to keep all these violent fucktards inside Portland, rather than roaming the rest of the state.
Antifa operates much like Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups do. It's hard to pin them down to a country or leadership. That way they live longer and have room to destroy.

They operate in much the same manner also...freaking terrorists

Death’s attributed to Al Queda, 3000 plus.

Deaths attributed to Antifa.......?

They are thugs, but you make them out to be much more.

So a group of thugs in your mind equates to $25 Million in damages to downtown Portland and a couple of hundred businesses shut down, minority businesses, and we should quit complaining about it because they haven't killed anyone yet. Stabbings are OK but in order for us to complain the ANTFIA retards have to start compiling a body count.
Actually coyote. We don't know if they've killed people are not. There Bernell Trammell....dollars to donuts that was a hit job by some little triggered black snowflake.
and the dead body found in the burned building, they have the perp on that one. I'll bet there are far more bodies, not located yet, and maybe never will be that Antifa is responsible for. And if they get power...more bodies than you can imagine...per history.
Show me where it says anything about Antifa or BLM? In fact, that stabbing is not even in the same area of Portland as the protests.
I'm confused now. The video clearly shows lawlessness and anarchy going on. Is this what the peaceful areas of Portland have degenerated into? Or was this area where the antifa and their followers hangout until they get the call to go to a location, where the real mayhem starts?
Antifa operates much like Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups do. It's hard to pin them down to a country or leadership. That way they live longer and have room to destroy.

They operate in much the same manner also...freaking terrorists

Death’s attributed to Al Queda, 3000 plus.

Deaths attributed to Antifa.......?

They are thugs, but you make them out to be much more.

Privileged white male leftists are a little slow, give them a little time and they'll get that body count up to par.

Hell, even Lenin and Mao weren't overnight sensations.
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Wow! I just learned about this, seeing the surviving Duncomb on Tucker. Any black person, or white but mostly any black person, who claims that the black lives matter riots are because black lives matter, any black person who is attacking the police for the death of Floyd but not screaming, protesting, rioting, as loudly against Black Lives don't Matter and against the fascist organization known as Antifa is a mother fucking, racist, lying, piece of shit.

Now, let's hear the left and the black-hating racist black members respond.
Ya, don't you just love the bullshit the left is supporting?

Peaceful protest, you're an idiot if you believe it.

If you don't think the mob will come for you you're stupid. Kind of the way cancel culture works at the fringe of the libtard party. They'll stalk you then stab you.

"peaceful protest"

It's like saying, "it wasn't a rape, it was just sex against her will".
And you believe that the stabbing was done by the Legal Protesters? Not hardly. Obviously a person came with the express intent of either Assault or Murder which has nothing to do with any others around him.

Well, no-fucking shit.. Did you figure out all by yourself that stabbing someone in the back is not legal or did your mommy tell you when she tucked you into your basement bed? That's the whole fucking point. These riots and protests are not about George Floyd; they're not about police abuse; they're about destroying the American way of life through violence. Period. No peaceful protester stays or returns when the violence starts.. By day 3, the peaceful, serious, protesters would have stayed home because they would know that there will be violence. Any protester out by day 4 was out specifically to create violence.

According to Black Lives Matter, there's no such thing as a peaceful protest.

Ya, don't you just love the bullshit the left is supporting?

Peaceful protest, you're an idiot if you believe it.

If you don't think the mob will come for you you're stupid. Kind of the way cancel culture works at the fringe of the libtard party. They'll stalk you then stab you.

"peaceful protest"

It's like saying, "it wasn't a rape, it was just sex against her will".

Or as Whoopi Goldberg defines it. “ it was rape it just wasn’t rape,rape”.
They have the stabber.

Figures he is also a pedophile.
He's definitely been inside, "Touch me and I'll stab you...." is prison shower etiquette.
Did the lolice say he is Antifa? Simple question. Every criminal and protester is Antifa to you guys, that is why I ask.

You know what? You're so full of fucking shit it's just unbelievable. You understand that they're killing people, right? My guess is that you are an Antifa member yourself. To continue to deny that they exist, who is in it, that they are violent, and that they're killing people can only mean that you are either one of them (my guess) or you at least strongly support their goals to destroy our society.
There have to be legitimate ways of verifying something. MSM would be one. Why would not report when they have reported other crimes related to protests? And you know would jump on it. Why can’t this be verified?
Well I guess you'll just have to watch the vid of them loading him in the ambulance.

She continuously denies the truth, she denies every story of violence, every story of communism and socialism. She denies the killings. She's Antifa.
Why is there no mention of this in any mainstream sources? Attacks and arrests are usually reported and even pro Trump rightwing Fox doesn’t have it. It is only referenced in tweets, YouTube and fringe sources...
Why is there no mention of this in any mainstream sources? Attacks and arrests are usually reported and even pro Trump rightwing Fox doesn’t have it. It is only referenced in tweets, YouTube and fringe sources...

Because MSM and Fake News wants to keep it out of the media as long as they can.

Do you think they want the news out that a white ANTIFA stabbed a black reporter?

There have to be legitimate ways of verifying something. MSM would be one. Why would not report when they have reported other crimes related to protests? And you know would jump on it. Why can’t this be verified?
Is video not good enough for you?

The man stabbed works for thegatewaypundit, soo.. MSM hates them and will not report on it.

Tomorrow AM will be Covid, Covid, Covid, and Biden shilling on the MSM "Meet The Press", k?

Call me Nostradumbass, but that's a reasonably educated guess.

MSM will not touch that.

Oh! Here's how ABC reports it:

They don't mention he was a journalist or anything.

Does anybody wonder why most people do not trust the MSM? It's because they lie, and they lie by omission.

The local affiliated news omits the details, but the names are the same:

It happened, and they smooth it over.

Check those names against what all the others say.

He was a reporter for gatewaypundit.

OK. That’s kind of what I was trying to find but here is the issue: nowhere does his name or that he is Antifa, and one of your articles appears to refer an unrelated stabbing where the victim died and the attacker is some one completely different.

You're parsing the issue on stabbings in Portland and Seattle, while it is willfully being done by protesters whether BLM or Antifa makes no difference, they're still criminal acts by terrorists.....

I am looking for facts. Period.

Bull Scat....

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Antifa militant and convicted pedophile Blake David Hampe was arrested in the early hours of Saturday following his alleged stabbing of a black Trump supporter in Portland.
Ian Miles Cheong

Coyote is so full of shit. She is denying any violence. If Hampe got on television and swore allegiance to Antifa, she'd just deny that Antifa is a thing. Hampe was just random person enjoying a nice, quiet, peaceful, evening walking around downtown Portland with a helmet on his head in case bricks unexpectedly fell from the walls of old, downtown, Portland buildings.

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