Portraits of the Obamas unveiled in the White House

Lol.. lardass has always been a glutton and a liar. He's been a joke in NYC since the early 1980s. Doesn't take much to impress you. How about some gold leaf and bastard french provincial? Put some mirrors and cherubs on the ceiling and call it "class".
well that's not true. The Media fawned over him. oh...you sound jealous. Well the french think of that decor as perfect and royal. And this is FREAKIN' America so i guess you can have any damn decor you want in your own home.
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Lol.. lardass has always been a glutton and a liar. He's been a joke in NYC since the early 1980s. Doesn't take much to impress you. How about some gold leaf and bastard french provincial? Put some mirrors and cherubs on the ceiling and call it "class".
Obviously, class is a foreign concept to you since you have never displayed any.
Keystone XL only benefits the Chinese owners of Canadian tarsands. Iran was complying with the nuclear agreement until Trump sabotaged US integrity.
You continue to sell the crock of cocksucking bullshit, even after I have spiked the football in your face about it with several links for several months.

The Port Arthur refinery (biggest in North America) is specifically set up to handle tar sands. You don't refine gasoline to export.....like........EVER. EVER. Not done and impractical.

Keystone XL bypasses Warren Buffet. THAT is the big problem and why your establishment cocksuckers hate it.
Shows what a low class self centered creep Trump was

He refused to allow the Obama’s a White House Ceremony to unveil their portraits

He refused to allow access to the Biden’s to transition. Typically, the First Lady will invite the new First Lady for a tour while the incoming and outgoing Presidents meet.
I wouldn't want the Obamas in my neighborhood much less my house.
You mean like His health care plan?
Or like his mid-East policies and lack of a war during his presidency and real job creation policies. Take your TDS glasses off and see the truth. Also, no wars while he was in charge.

Your boy cannot match that.
Barry's portrait is a photo isn't it? It sure looks like a photo. It's two dimensional just like he is. Michelle looks like some angry Gone with the Wind character.

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