Positive Results from Trump's Ongoing Deregulation


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
A few days ago, Investor's Business Daily published an informative article on the beneficial impacts of Trump's ongoing deregulation. Here's an excerpt:

While the media-driven scandals du jour roll on, President Trump quietly goes about reshaping the U.S. economy. Case in point: Last week, Trump directed the EPA to cut even more red tape for manufacturers. And he's not done yet.

The idea is not to get rid of air quality standards, but to make sure that the science behind them is transparent and reliable — and not just part of someone's political agenda, as has often been the case in the past.

The White House says that U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards constitute "outdated and unnecessary barriers to growth." Under the new standards, EPA will process state-submitted plans within 18 months, for instance, giving regulated industries a clearer idea of what they can and can't do, quickly. And the permitting process for individual projects will eventually be limited to a year. . . .

Trump, more than any president since Ronald Reagan, understands that excessive regulation is poison for economic growth. Comparing deregulation to tax cuts, Trump said on Thursday that "the cutting of regulations could have had the same or even a bigger impact on our economy." That's no exaggeration. In Obama's last year, the number of factory jobs shrank by 16,000. Since Trump entered office and began cutting taxes and slashing regulations, 281,000 new manufacturing jobs have been created.

Already, Trump's deregulation binge has borne fruit. The National Association of Manufacturers quarterly survey found that the small manufacturers' optimism index reached 94.5% in March, its highest level since the survey began 20 years ago. And the index for sales growth rose to its second-highest reading ever. (Trump's Deregulation Binge Shows No Signs Of Ending | Investor's Business Daily)​

Here's a related article from Investor's Business Daily:

Trump's Deregulation Binge Is Lightening The Economy's Load | Investor's Business Daily

And here's a good article from USA Today:

Face facts, America, Donald Trump is a success. Let's count the ways.
It's not rocket science...one has to ask why Obama let us flounder for 8 years...Trump is making him look stupid or worse...
The obama river:

Though it is not the only indicator of the strength of the economy, the stock market is often touted by the Trump enablers as a sign of the economy expanding (when it goes up; when it drops…they are silent): Observe.

Screen Shot 2018-04-16 at 5.05.13 PM.png

One should remember that when BHO took office the Dow was at 7,949.

When he left office after 8 years of allegedly “crushing regulations” the Dow had not doubled, it had rose 149% to 19,872 when he left office; MORE THAN DOUBLE. And this was with the hangover from Bush’s depression. Deregulation does nothing for the little guys; many if not most regulations kick in when a business reaches a larger size than the proverbial “mom and pop” sized businesses.
Time will tell if Trump can be as successful as his predecessor was; likely not using this metric. Clinton handed Bush 8 years of peace and prosperity and the GOP managed to lose 3,000 points on the Dow.

Statistics can be verified using:
How Trump, Obama compare on the stock market
^DJI Historical Prices | Dow Jones Industrial Average Stock - Yahoo Finance
Fox Business | Business News & Stock Quotes - Saving & Investing
A few days ago, Investor's Business Daily published an informative article on the beneficial impacts of Trump's ongoing deregulation. Here's an excerpt:

While the media-driven scandals du jour roll on, President Trump quietly goes about reshaping the U.S. economy. Case in point: Last week, Trump directed the EPA to cut even more red tape for manufacturers. And he's not done yet.

The idea is not to get rid of air quality standards, but to make sure that the science behind them is transparent and reliable — and not just part of someone's political agenda, as has often been the case in the past.

The White House says that U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards constitute "outdated and unnecessary barriers to growth." Under the new standards, EPA will process state-submitted plans within 18 months, for instance, giving regulated industries a clearer idea of what they can and can't do, quickly. And the permitting process for individual projects will eventually be limited to a year. . . .

Trump, more than any president since Ronald Reagan, understands that excessive regulation is poison for economic growth. Comparing deregulation to tax cuts, Trump said on Thursday that "the cutting of regulations could have had the same or even a bigger impact on our economy." That's no exaggeration. In Obama's last year, the number of factory jobs shrank by 16,000. Since Trump entered office and began cutting taxes and slashing regulations, 281,000 new manufacturing jobs have been created.

Already, Trump's deregulation binge has borne fruit. The National Association of Manufacturers quarterly survey found that the small manufacturers' optimism index reached 94.5% in March, its highest level since the survey began 20 years ago. And the index for sales growth rose to its second-highest reading ever. (Trump's Deregulation Binge Shows No Signs Of Ending | Investor's Business Daily)​

Here's a related article from Investor's Business Daily:

Trump's Deregulation Binge Is Lightening The Economy's Load | Investor's Business Daily

And here's a good article from USA Today:

Face facts, America, Donald Trump is a success. Let's count the ways.

did IBD thank Obama for setting record market levels?
tRump has so far made life on earth in the next 50 years almost impossible with out an air sanitizer. Also the regulations for coal mining waste to be dumped into rivers instead of cleaned and then buried is another fine bit of none help for humans.

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