Positive things democrats have done

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If it wasn't for the depression or the war, the democrats would have withered on the vine. I won't bother with the democrats supporting slavery and the constructionist era. I used to be a democrat. This weird support for Obama...took my eyes off the prize. Making race an issue but pretending it isn't? That's the democrats. SHHHH don't look the emperor has new clothes, that's the Democrats agenda all over.
Well, they managed to kill 54 million American unborn babies. Nobody wants 54 million babies hanging around anyway.

Then there was that Trail of Tears thing, plus that Civil War because they loved slavery so much. They also created the Klan.

They fought Republicans for more than a hundred years on civil rights issues, finally came around to our position, and then claimed we were the ones against civil rights.

Democrats got us into the Vietnam War, put rules of engagement in place that made it impossible to win, destroyed public support for the war with their incompetence and dirty, hippie protests and then after Nixon put us on track to win, made sure we lost by cutting off funds to our allies in the South after we left, which led to a genocide.

Wait....you said "positive things." Ok, they do have that funny donkey for a mascot. That makes me laugh.
Well, they managed to kill 54 million American unborn babies. Nobody wants 54 million babies hanging around anyway.

Then there was that Trail of Tears thing, plus that Civil War because they loved slavery so much. They also created the Klan.

They fought Republicans for more than a hundred years on civil rights issues, finally came around to our position, and then claimed we were the ones against civil rights.

Democrats got us into the Vietnam War, put rules of engagement in place that made it impossible to win, destroyed public support for the war with their incompetence and dirty, hippie protests and then after Nixon put us on track to win, made sure we lost by cutting off funds to our allies in the South after we left, which led to a genocide.

Wait....you said "positive things." Ok, they do have that funny donkey for a mascot. That makes me laugh.
If I was a white supremacists I would say that Democrats have murdered millions of black babies.
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I'm apostate ex-democrat. When Democrats support burning and looting and condemn Trump because of something he said on twitter...something doesn't add up here.
I'm apostate ex-democrat. When Democrats support burning and looting and condemn Trump because of something he said on twitter...something doesn't add up here.

God bless you. Both my wife and I are apostates too. She came around after voting for Obama in 2008, then seeing what a horrible President he turned out to be.
FDR's election turned the economy around immediately, and it was back to 1927 levels in four years, and LBJ's GS legislation was fine, and it had sunset clauses in it. Blame Richard Nixon for handing the schools and urban governments over to black radicals and making quotas permanent in his attempt to win black voters back to the GOP.

Anybody in the Peanut Gallery who wants to know all about who did what and when re the Civil Rights legislation needs to get a copy of Hugh Davis Graham's The Civil Rights Era for the best history and timeline out there on it. Johnson and Humphrey and Moynihan had shot down the Philadelphia Plan from being passed and enacted; just months later Nixon revived it and made it permanent.
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I hate democrats and I hate Elizabeth Warren, but her and them reigning in credit card companies ability to switch interest rates on past purchases was a good thing for many americans. I carry zero balances these days so not a personal benefit. I have just seen people get themselves in over their head and in the past when their interest jumped from 10 to 24% overnight, a lot of struggling people defaulted. I would support the free community college thing if it were a separate bill and not a good idea wrapped in the middle of a lot of soiled toilet paper.
If it wasn't for the depression or the war, the democrats would have withered on the vine. I won't bother with the democrats supporting slavery and the constructionist era. I used to be a democrat. This weird support for Obama...took my eyes off the prize. Making race an issue but pretending it isn't? That's the democrats. SHHHH don't look the emperor has new clothes, that's the Democrats agenda all over.

The only people that made race an issue with Obama were Republicans.

The fact that he stomped a mud hole in their ass twice, with over 50% of the vote both times, is something they will never get over.

Your posts are making that perfectly clear my dear.
The only people that made race an issue with Obama were Republicans.

The fact that he stomped a mud hole in their ass twice, with over 50% of the vote both times, is something they will never get over.

Your posts are making that perfectly clear my dear.

Obama did not get shellacked in 2010 simply because he was half of a n*gger. It had far more to do with than that.
Good thing cause everything FDR did prolonged the GD. Hell he was having some businesses taxed at 90%. They could hire anyone cause it took all their money to pay the taxes.

FDR was a lousy peacetime President.

I used to think he was the greatest till I actually researched what he had done as POTUS during the GD.

He put people to work but they were all on Government projects that were paid for with tax dollars. The guy was no economist.
FDR was a lousy peacetime POTUS. Everything he did extended the GD. Hell he was taxing some businesses at over 90%. They couldn't afford to hire anyone.
He put people to work but they were all on Government projects that were paid for with tax dollars. The guy was no economist.

WWII is what saved us. Hell we accomplished more than any other country during and after WWII.
If it wasn't for the depression or the war, the democrats would have withered on the vine. I won't bother with the democrats supporting slavery and the constructionist era. I used to be a democrat. This weird support for Obama...took my eyes off the prize. Making race an issue but pretending it isn't? That's the democrats. SHHHH don't look the emperor has new clothes, that's the Democrats agenda all over.

Thank you for admitting that for you, it’s all about race and your “feelings”.

No mention of the economy, climate change, education, infrastructure, woman’s rights, the opioid crisis, wage and wealth inequity, or the graft and corruption of the Republican Party by authoritarian fascist forces.

What fools these Republicans be!!
Thank you for admitting that for you, it’s all about race and your “feelings”.

No mention of the economy, climate change, education, infrastructure, woman’s rights, the opioid crisis, wage and wealth inequity, or the graft and corruption of the Republican Party by authoritarian fascist forces.

What fools these Republicans be!!
There is no such thing as climate change, or wealth inequity or all the invisible boogie men you mentally ill cretins make up, that require money be dumped in to an endless black hole that can never be filled.
Sounds kind of like your vacuous ass, so I AM SURE.....you get the picture.
Modern day Democrats have done many positive things, just not for Americans.

There was a time they really werent so bad. I mean neither side has ever been perfect. But social security is a very good thing and it was put in place by democrats. Ive always leaned republican, but there was a few times I could see what the democrats were getting at.

But this new breed of democrats are fucking horrible people for the entire country and every american. Atleast old democrats still believe in america and even when they messed up it wasnt catastrophic. But democrats the past 10 years have been steadily getting worse, and the ones in bidens administration are just the shittiest people ever to hold office.

We need to get biden and his administration the hell out of there sooner than later, its only been 10 months and they have fucking wounded this country in multiple ways. And whats worse is getting rid of him and kamala isnt enough, he has appointed so many crazy ass democrats into multiple seats of power.

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