Possibly dangerous homeless person in Church...what do you do?

So...we have a homeless man in our parish, he comes into mass sometimes and he gives me the vibe of being dangerous. I have informed the ushers and the Priest so they are at least aware of him....so now.....what do we do?

What kind of paranoid fucked up mind do you walk around with that sees the homeless as "dangerous"??

I'm far more concerned with wackbags like you that are always looking for confrontation, than somebody seeking solace in church.

I have to go back to you.......are you this fucking stupid, or do you just pretend to be when you post? You don't think that there are dangerous homeless people out there......the ones with serious mental issues that make them dangerous.....are you that fucking stupid?

Yes.....you are.

Hey, I ain't the one reading comic book fantasies into everybody around me while jacking off to the gun poster on my bedroom ceiling, now am I?

I asked what kind of fucked-up paranoid head you need to come up with this shit. This is the answer I got:

And he may be perfectly fine, and non violent.......but he sets the alarm bells off...

Doesn't seem to occur to you that the perception setting off "alarm bells" is all yours.

Wassamatta? Truth hurt?

Notice how it is always the anti gun extremist nuts having sexual fantasies about guns?
So...we have a homeless man in our parish, he comes into mass sometimes and he gives me the vibe of being dangerous. I have informed the ushers and the Priest so they are at least aware of him....so now.....what do we do?

What kind of paranoid fucked up mind do you walk around with that sees the homeless as "dangerous"??

I'm far more concerned with wackbags like you that are always looking for confrontation, than somebody seeking solace in church.

I have to go back to you.......are you this fucking stupid, or do you just pretend to be when you post? You don't think that there are dangerous homeless people out there......the ones with serious mental issues that make them dangerous.....are you that fucking stupid?

Yes.....you are.

Hey, I ain't the one reading comic book fantasies into everybody around me while jacking off to the gun poster on my bedroom ceiling, now am I?

I asked what kind of fucked-up paranoid head you need to come up with this shit. This is the answer I got:

And he may be perfectly fine, and non violent.......but he sets the alarm bells off...

Doesn't seem to occur to you that the perception setting off "alarm bells" is all yours.

Wassamatta? Truth hurt?

Notice how it is always the anti gun extremist nuts having sexual fantasies about guns?

I didn't know you were an "anti gun extremist nut". Good to know. Reverse psychology I guess.

Your OP asks "what would you do" about a homeless man in church. Me, I'd offer him a sandwich, see if there's anything else he needs, even if it's just a positive wish. You -- run to the internet and make him into a creep. One more bad guy in your childish comic-book fantasy world of heroes and villains.

Guess that's what extremist nuts do. Sucks to be you.
All that you can do is just be nice to not just those that you question, but to everyone if you can and if there does happen to be someone in your presence that you have a disagreement with, don't acknowledge them in any way if your falling out with them is that severe enough.

God bless you always!!!

didn't HE say: "as ye do unto the least of ye, you do unto ME"? If you are a 'believer", what happened to that, hmm?

What is it you guys don't get......this is why the sandy hook shooter went by without help....dittos the colorado shooter......I merely state the guy is acting in way that shows he may be dangerous and you don't acknowledge the warning....
As others have said, there really isn't a lot that anyone can do, at least until he actually breaks a law.

Keep an eye on him and his hands.

And pray mightily for him.
^^^ Good advice.

If you continue to have bad vibes about this person, you might want to consult with local law enforcement about the situation. They may know of something that can be done with regards to your local laws and services that none of us here would know about.

Good luck, and stay safe.
As others have said, there really isn't a lot that anyone can do, at least until he actually breaks a law.

Keep an eye on him and his hands.

And pray mightily for him.
^^^ Good advice.

If you continue to have bad vibes about this person, you might want to consult with local law enforcement about the situation. They may know of something that can be done with regards to your local laws and services that none of us here would know about.

Good luck, and stay safe.

Yeah....I'm going to ask a relative who is in law enforcement. Notice that these same people, who condemn the family members of the mass shooters for "not doing something" are dismissing a claim about a possibly dangerous person........
So...we have a homeless man in our parish, he comes into mass sometimes and he gives me the vibe of being dangerous. I have informed the ushers and the Priest so they are at least aware of him....so now.....what do we do?

You follow the example of Christ and open your arms to welcome him! Whether he is seeking The Lord or just trying to get out of the heat or cold, Jesus would have welcomed him with open arms. If you say you are following His teachings and examples, you should openly do the same.

Don't be a hypocrite.
So...we have a homeless man in our parish, he comes into mass sometimes and he gives me the vibe of being dangerous. I have informed the ushers and the Priest so they are at least aware of him....so now.....what do we do?

You follow the example of Christ and open your arms to welcome him! Whether he is seeking The Lord or just trying to get out of the heat or cold, Jesus would have welcomed him with open arms. If you say you are following His teachings and examples, you should openly do the same.

Don't be a hypocrite.

Yeah...right.......the guy is twitchy, he has mumbled things about the Priest and stormed out in the middle of Mass....the guy is potentially dangerous........I haven't advocated doing anything to him and he obviously needs help.....but the you guys no longer get to complain about the family and friends of mass shooters.....
We have homeless in our Church. One of them is a nuisance, babbles on incoherently through Mass. But all are welcome

And this guy is also welcome....but he sets off my alarms.....so again......what do the people who say.....if they knew...why didn't they do anything........

What the hell do you know about him? Have you even tried to find out why he is homeless? And, do you even know he doesn't have a home? What is he's simply suffering from some kind of terrible experience he's had.

No matter what the reason for his actions, it's not up to YOU to decide whether or not he should be welcomed into the arms of Jesus Christ.
We have homeless in our Church. One of them is a nuisance, babbles on incoherently through Mass. But all are welcome

And this guy is also welcome....but he sets off my alarms.....so again......what do the people who say.....if they knew...why didn't they do anything........

What the hell do you know about him? Have you even tried to find out why he is homeless? And, do you even know he doesn't have a home? What is he's simply suffering from some kind of terrible experience he's had.

No matter what the reason for his actions, it's not up to YOU to decide whether or not he should be welcomed into the arms of Jesus Christ.

When did I say otherwise...moron.....yes...your ability to criticize the families of mass shooters is hereby revoked.....
I don't complain about family and friends not snitching to the cops about ANYTHING. I complain about the sheeple who don't swiftly draw their ccw pistols and stop an attack that they can SEE happening right in front of them! They are SERIOUSLY deficient in their civic responsibilities and sometimes it costs them their lives, as it damned well SHOULD (every time). Not being able to fight effectively is a moral breech. It's worse than not being able to drive or swim, since one CAN just avoid deep water or driving. But you CANNOT just avoid people or dogs) , and wherever people (or dogs) are, there is always a potential for attack.

If I had my way, you could not drive, vote, or in any way enjoy the benfefits of our society if you just refuse to be able to PERSONALLY step in and uphold our society. No contract enforcement, nothing, if you cannot demo hand to hand ability and reliable speed of hitting with both rifle and pistol.
didn't HE say: "as ye do unto the least of ye, you do unto ME"? If you are a 'believer", what happened to that, hmm?

What is it you guys don't get......this is why the sandy hook shooter went by without help....dittos the colorado shooter......I merely state the guy is acting in way that shows he may be dangerous and you don't acknowledge the warning....

How come everything in life somehow boils down to "shooting" and "shooters" in your world? What kind of fucked-up head is that? Maybe you need more help than this homeless guy.

Just to entertain your fallacy for the moment that all people you can't relate to are potential gun nut mass murderers ( :cuckoo: ) what you're advocating is standing off to the side and making sure your fantasy-football version of Adam Lanza doesn't get the attention he needs, because you don't have the balls to get involved. And that's because you for whatever reason see life as one big shooting gallery where only the best shooters survive. So your position is to take a sniper position and wait for a pretext to start blasting.

That attitude is our whole problem right there.
Yeah....I'm going to ask a relative who is in law enforcement. Notice that these same people, who condemn the family members of the mass shooters for "not doing something" are dismissing a claim about a possibly dangerous person........
Notice only you are saying that. We are telling you to be careful with him while trying to be a Christian to him.
Yeah....I'm going to ask a relative who is in law enforcement. Notice that these same people, who condemn the family members of the mass shooters for "not doing something" are dismissing a claim about a possibly dangerous person........
Notice only you are saying that. We are telling you to be careful with him while trying to be a Christian to him.

Would Jesus have been "careful" with him? Or would He have opened his arms and welcomed him as a brother? Would He teach to have compassion?

If you're in His church, shouldn't you follow His teachings and examples?
Yeah....I'm going to ask a relative who is in law enforcement. Notice that these same people, who condemn the family members of the mass shooters for "not doing something" are dismissing a claim about a possibly dangerous person........
Notice only you are saying that. We are telling you to be careful with him while trying to be a Christian to him.

Would Jesus have been "careful" with him? Or would He have opened his arms and welcomed him as a brother? Would He teach to have compassion?

If you're in His church, shouldn't you follow His teachings and examples?
Of course Jesus would have made sure the man was no danger to His people. He also would have welcomed him with open arms.

longknife, you need to come to Jesus.
So...we have a homeless man in our parish, he comes into mass sometimes and he gives me the vibe of being dangerous. I have informed the ushers and the Priest so they are at least aware of him....so now.....what do we do?

You have done what you feel was correct.

Let me ask this another way- what should they do if someone goes to the Priest and usher saying that you give them the vibe of being dangerous?
We have homeless in our Church. One of them is a nuisance, babbles on incoherently through Mass. But all are welcome

And this guy is also welcome....but he sets off my alarms.....so again......what do the people who say.....if they knew...why didn't they do anything........

What the hell do you know about him? Have you even tried to find out why he is homeless? And, do you even know he doesn't have a home? What is he's simply suffering from some kind of terrible experience he's had.

No matter what the reason for his actions, it's not up to YOU to decide whether or not he should be welcomed into the arms of Jesus Christ.

I like your response.

Better than mine.
didn't HE say: "as ye do unto the least of ye, you do unto ME"? If you are a 'believer", what happened to that, hmm?

What is it you guys don't get......this is why the sandy hook shooter went by without help....dittos the colorado shooter......I merely state the guy is acting in way that shows he may be dangerous and you don't acknowledge the warning....

How come everything in life somehow boils down to "shooting" and "shooters" in your world? What kind of fucked-up head is that? Maybe you need more help than this homeless guy.

Just to entertain your fallacy for the moment that all people you can't relate to are potential gun nut mass murderers ( :cuckoo: ) what you're advocating is standing off to the side and making sure your fantasy-football version of Adam Lanza doesn't get the attention he needs, because you don't have the balls to get involved. And that's because you for whatever reason see life as one big shooting gallery where only the best shooters survive. So your position is to take a sniper position and wait for a pretext to start blasting.

That attitude is our whole problem right there.

Asshole....who said anything about shooting anyone....moron. Who said this guy was going to shoot anyone......you anti gun nuts are assholes, which is a given....I mentioned it to the priest.....it is his parish and his responsibility and training to take care of this individual and get him the help he needs...the proper authorities have been alerted...asshole......

I put the question out there to see what asshole nutjobs like you would say and you more than fulfilled expectations.......and then you assholes wonder why people with disturbed family members can't get them the help they need.

This guy can't sit still, he has become agitated during mass for now reason and has made statements about the priest before storming out....yes.....all normal behavior and should be ignored.....

And...fuck you pogo.....you are a grade A asshole.......

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