Post Office Honors Pedophile. Why?

The post office was trying to be all equal and Milk was the best they had to offer
Couldnt they honor Rock Hudson, the first celebrity to die of AIDS, instead? Milk wasnt even killed because he was gay. He was collateral damage.

Well they could use Matthew Shepard...oh wait he was killed for being a drug dealer

He wasn't a drug dealer. If he was, why didn't they find ANY drugs on him or in his apartment? And if it was a drug deal gone bad, why did these homophobes beat the boy senseless and set him on fire? Why wouldn't they just shoot him in the street? Use what little of your brain you have left and think about it.
The post office was trying to be all equal and Milk was the best they had to offer
Couldnt they honor Rock Hudson, the first celebrity to die of AIDS, instead? Milk wasnt even killed because he was gay. He was collateral damage.

Well they could use Matthew Shepard...oh wait he was killed for being a drug dealer

He wasn't a drug dealer. If he was, why didn't they find ANY drugs on him or in his apartment? And if it was a drug deal gone bad, why did these homophobes beat the boy senseless and set him on fire? Why wouldn't they just shoot him in the street? Use what little of your brain you have left and think about it.
Use your big head and do some research.

Matthew Shepard s murder wasn t hate crime claims Stephen Jimenez s new book Daily Mail Online
New claims have been made about the murder of gay college student Matthew Shepard in 1998 saying that his death was not actually a hate crime like it has so often described.

Journalist Stephen Jimenez claims that Shepard was pistol whipped, beaten and tortured before being tied to a fence and left to die not because he was gay but because his attackers were high on meth and wanted to take his money.

Attackers Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson were both given life sentences and spoke out in 2004 saying that they had been on methamphetamine fore days before the October 6, 1998 beating in Laramie, Wyoming but gay rights activists have blasted the book for being an attempt at re-writing history.

Jimenez maintains that over the course of more than 100 interviews with people with connections to the case he discovered that Shepard was made into a gay rights martyr after the fact.

He claims to have found a previously-sealed letter in the court filings on the case where a local male hustler wrote that Aaron McKinney 'really did like having sex with gay guys, that he wasn't unfamiliar with homosexuality and the gay world'.

If that claim is true, it would dent the argument that the beating death was based around the attacker's fear of homosexuality.

In earlier interviews, Jimenez says that McKinney and Henderson believed that Shepard was going to trade them drugs in return for sex and that they decided to rob him.
Pedophile or child predator or simple sicko - either way he clearly doesnt belong on our stamp
The post office was trying to be all equal and Milk was the best they had to offer
Couldnt they honor Rock Hudson, the first celebrity to die of AIDS, instead? Milk wasnt even killed because he was gay. He was collateral damage.

Well they could use Matthew Shepard...oh wait he was killed for being a drug dealer

He wasn't a drug dealer. If he was, why didn't they find ANY drugs on him or in his apartment? And if it was a drug deal gone bad, why did these homophobes beat the boy senseless and set him on fire? Why wouldn't they just shoot him in the street? Use what little of your brain you have left and think about it.

GFY drug addict
He wasn't a drug dealer. If he was, why didn't they find ANY drugs on him or in his apartment? And if it was a drug deal gone bad, why did these homophobes beat the boy senseless and set him on fire? Why wouldn't they just shoot him in the street? Use what little of your brain you have left and think about it.

Now you're just making shit up to cover for your ignorance.
The post office was trying to be all equal and Milk was the best they had to offer
Couldnt they honor Rock Hudson, the first celebrity to die of AIDS, instead? Milk wasnt even killed because he was gay. He was collateral damage.

Well they could use Matthew Shepard...oh wait he was killed for being a drug dealer

He wasn't a drug dealer. If he was, why didn't they find ANY drugs on him or in his apartment? And if it was a drug deal gone bad, why did these homophobes beat the boy senseless and set him on fire? Why wouldn't they just shoot him in the street? Use what little of your brain you have left and think about it.
Use your big head and do some research.

Matthew Shepard s murder wasn t hate crime claims Stephen Jimenez s new book Daily Mail Online
New claims have been made about the murder of gay college student Matthew Shepard in 1998 saying that his death was not actually a hate crime like it has so often described.

Journalist Stephen Jimenez claims that Shepard was pistol whipped, beaten and tortured before being tied to a fence and left to die not because he was gay but because his attackers were high on meth and wanted to take his money.

Attackers Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson were both given life sentences and spoke out in 2004 saying that they had been on methamphetamine fore days before the October 6, 1998 beating in Laramie, Wyoming but gay rights activists have blasted the book for being an attempt at re-writing history.

Jimenez maintains that over the course of more than 100 interviews with people with connections to the case he discovered that Shepard was made into a gay rights martyr after the fact.

He claims to have found a previously-sealed letter in the court filings on the case where a local male hustler wrote that Aaron McKinney 'really did like having sex with gay guys, that he wasn't unfamiliar with homosexuality and the gay world'.

If that claim is true, it would dent the argument that the beating death was based around the attacker's fear of homosexuality.

In earlier interviews, Jimenez says that McKinney and Henderson believed that Shepard was going to trade them drugs in return for sex and that they decided to rob him.

It's a BOOK, not facts proven in a court of law.

This book has been repeated called false, misleading and full of conspiracy theories by homophobes made that they can't murder gay people like they want to. Pure fiction.

And you didn't actually READ your research which states "IF THAT CLAIM IS TRUE" meaning he is just throwing shit against the wall to sell books to homophobes who want to downplay what their hateful rhetoric has done.
The post office was trying to be all equal and Milk was the best they had to offer
Couldnt they honor Rock Hudson, the first celebrity to die of AIDS, instead? Milk wasnt even killed because he was gay. He was collateral damage.

Well they could use Matthew Shepard...oh wait he was killed for being a drug dealer

He wasn't a drug dealer. If he was, why didn't they find ANY drugs on him or in his apartment? And if it was a drug deal gone bad, why did these homophobes beat the boy senseless and set him on fire? Why wouldn't they just shoot him in the street? Use what little of your brain you have left and think about it.
Use your big head and do some research.

Matthew Shepard s murder wasn t hate crime claims Stephen Jimenez s new book Daily Mail Online
New claims have been made about the murder of gay college student Matthew Shepard in 1998 saying that his death was not actually a hate crime like it has so often described.

Journalist Stephen Jimenez claims that Shepard was pistol whipped, beaten and tortured before being tied to a fence and left to die not because he was gay but because his attackers were high on meth and wanted to take his money.

Attackers Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson were both given life sentences and spoke out in 2004 saying that they had been on methamphetamine fore days before the October 6, 1998 beating in Laramie, Wyoming but gay rights activists have blasted the book for being an attempt at re-writing history.

Jimenez maintains that over the course of more than 100 interviews with people with connections to the case he discovered that Shepard was made into a gay rights martyr after the fact.

He claims to have found a previously-sealed letter in the court filings on the case where a local male hustler wrote that Aaron McKinney 'really did like having sex with gay guys, that he wasn't unfamiliar with homosexuality and the gay world'.

If that claim is true, it would dent the argument that the beating death was based around the attacker's fear of homosexuality.

In earlier interviews, Jimenez says that McKinney and Henderson believed that Shepard was going to trade them drugs in return for sex and that they decided to rob him.

It's a BOOK, not facts proven in a court of law.

This book has been repeated called false, misleading and full of conspiracy theories by homophobes made that they can't murder gay people like they want to. Pure fiction.

And you didn't actually READ your research which states "IF THAT CLAIM IS TRUE" meaning he is just throwing shit against the wall to sell books to homophobes who want to downplay what their hateful rhetoric has done.
LOL! Yeah, if it wasnt proven i a court of law it isnt true. Can we quote you on that?
Couldnt they honor Rock Hudson, the first celebrity to die of AIDS, instead? Milk wasnt even killed because he was gay. He was collateral damage.

Well they could use Matthew Shepard...oh wait he was killed for being a drug dealer

He wasn't a drug dealer. If he was, why didn't they find ANY drugs on him or in his apartment? And if it was a drug deal gone bad, why did these homophobes beat the boy senseless and set him on fire? Why wouldn't they just shoot him in the street? Use what little of your brain you have left and think about it.
Use your big head and do some research.

Matthew Shepard s murder wasn t hate crime claims Stephen Jimenez s new book Daily Mail Online
New claims have been made about the murder of gay college student Matthew Shepard in 1998 saying that his death was not actually a hate crime like it has so often described.

Journalist Stephen Jimenez claims that Shepard was pistol whipped, beaten and tortured before being tied to a fence and left to die not because he was gay but because his attackers were high on meth and wanted to take his money.

Attackers Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson were both given life sentences and spoke out in 2004 saying that they had been on methamphetamine fore days before the October 6, 1998 beating in Laramie, Wyoming but gay rights activists have blasted the book for being an attempt at re-writing history.

Jimenez maintains that over the course of more than 100 interviews with people with connections to the case he discovered that Shepard was made into a gay rights martyr after the fact.

He claims to have found a previously-sealed letter in the court filings on the case where a local male hustler wrote that Aaron McKinney 'really did like having sex with gay guys, that he wasn't unfamiliar with homosexuality and the gay world'.

If that claim is true, it would dent the argument that the beating death was based around the attacker's fear of homosexuality.

In earlier interviews, Jimenez says that McKinney and Henderson believed that Shepard was going to trade them drugs in return for sex and that they decided to rob him.

It's a BOOK, not facts proven in a court of law.

This book has been repeated called false, misleading and full of conspiracy theories by homophobes made that they can't murder gay people like they want to. Pure fiction.

And you didn't actually READ your research which states "IF THAT CLAIM IS TRUE" meaning he is just throwing shit against the wall to sell books to homophobes who want to downplay what their hateful rhetoric has done.
LOL! Yeah, if it wasnt proven i a court of law it isnt true. Can we quote you on that?

The issue wasn't even brought up in Court. Their defense wanted to use the "gay panic" defense for the crime. Come on, even the police commmander called the claims laughable

O'Malley said he still believes Shepard was killed because he was gay. He also said he has "a myriad of issues" with the idea that meth was involved, including the allegations about Shepard.

O'Malley noted Shepard's small build and the braces on his teeth, and said as for Shepard being "a methamphetamine kingpin, that in itself, is almost humorous. Someone that would buy into that certainly would believe almost anything they read."

Then again. O'Malley underestimated Republicans. They'll buy anything. Bigotry (Memories pizza), insane conspiracy theories (Birthers) and unworkable economic policies (Reaganomics)
He wasn't a pedophile.

The hell he wasn't

Pedophiles are attracted to pre-pubescent children. Supposedly Milk was attracted to boys/men in their late teens and early twenties. Still not cool - it's under age and he was a good bit older - but not pedophilia.

You can "define" all day, I don't care, but if you mess with a kid you're a pedo and one sick ahole

There is a huge difference between a 6 yr old and a 16 year old. I'm not saying it's cool that a 33 yr old adult is carrying on with a 16 yr old - but it's not pedophilia by any stretch. A 16 yr old can even get married for example.
Harvey Milk
Remind me why we should honor a pedophile who's main contribution to human history was getting gunned down?

What pedophile?

Or are you speaking of this 'pedophile'? Or is okay for the Post office to honor 'pedophiles' if they sold lots of records?

Milk picked up a homeless hustler...who turned out to be 16...and stayed with him for years.
Probably funded his college education too, right?
At least he could say in later years he had been reared by Milk.

Dunno, maybe. The question I ask is why was he a homeless gay teen?
He must have been asking for it, right?
Again, what did Milk do to earn himself a stamp honoring him?

If you don't know what Milk's accomplishments were, you should watch the movie.

The 16 year old Hustler (as in male prostitute) Harvey Milk picked up stayed with Milk for a few years.

Why was he a homeless teen having to hustle to begin with?

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