Post the evidence in this thread that Russia intervened in this election to assist Donald Trump

Wait give me a second to hack into the Russian government and the CIA to get all that info you need...WTF dude? Do you think people on here would have information that even the CIA hasn't released yet? What a dumb thing to ask for.
The CIA has launched a covert operation to cast doubt on a United States election, in an attempt to delegitimize the United States President.

This does not concern you?

I want to see proof and if you don't have it, you need to STFU and accept the results.

Take your own advice, prove it.
Let's see it...

I will not accept as evidence that the CIA said it was so.

I want to see the evidence.

Funny. Do you have the proper security clearances - and a compelling need to know? I take the word of 17 national security agencies.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
These same 17 intelligence agencies lied to get us into a war in Iraq that cost hundreds of thousands of lives, and cost the United States trillions of dollars.

Or have you forgotten?

Duh, as I recall it was Boy George who lied us into Iraq. I still remember the first time I saw him trying to make a connection between Saddam Hussein and 9/11. My head spun around like the Exorcist.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than fifteen years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

Let's see it...

I will not accept as evidence that the CIA said it was so.

I want to see the evidence.

Funny. Do you have the proper security clearances - and a compelling need to know? I take the word of 17 national security agencies.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
These same 17 intelligence agencies lied to get us into a war in Iraq that cost hundreds of thousands of lives, and cost the United States $2.2 trillion.

Study: Iraq War Cost 190K Lives, $2.2 Trillion |

Or have you forgotten?
You think this is funny, Lakhota?

What kind of demon from hell are you?
So far, I've seen no proof to back up what the CIA is saying, only innuendo from "sources" that are never identified.
I am a lawyer, so I am looking for evidence that could prove in a court of law that the Russians somehow influenced an American election to cause their favored candidate to win.

So far, no one has produced a shred of admissible evidence to back up these claims.

I say, the CIA is lying.
The evidence is that despite Clinton leads in multiple polls and concessions from many Republicans that Trump was toast, he still managed to eke out a minority win. If that's not proof, it's still very suspicious and warrants an investigation.
Well, considering the Republican-lead FBI denies it, and the Democrat-lead CIA says it's clearly a partisan issue. Personally, the FBI seems more credible right now.

No official statement from the CIA. Just lib media reporting on a supposedly secret investigation. Even Obama doesn't seem to be buying it.
Let's see it...

I will not accept as evidence that the CIA said it was so.

I want to see the evidence.

Well, Rookie, you may have to wait. This story just surfaced and may take a few weeks to conclude. So in the meantime, instead of whining on this board, why don't you do a little reading yourself?

Why the CIA Thinks Russia Wanted Trump to Win - NBC News
1 day ago - In the weeks after Donald Trump was elected president, CIAanalysts who work on Russia updated their assessment about Russiancyber ...
Exclusive: Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on ...
11 mins ago - Trump's rejection of the CIA's judgment marks the latest in a string of disputes over Russia's international conduct that have erupted between ...
C.I.A. Judgment on Russia Built on Swell of Evidence - The New York ...
2 days ago - The conclusion that Russia intervened in the election to help Donald J. Trump was based on what many believe is overwhelming circumstantial ...
Trump Links CIA Reports on Russia to Democrats' Shame Over Election
2 days ago - President-elect Donald J. Trump during a “thank you” rally on Friday in Grand Rapids, Mich. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times.
Intel chief can't back CIA claim Russia boosted Trump -
34 mins ago - Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he ...
REPORT: Top Intelligence Agency Isn't Backing CIA Assessment ...
13 hours ago - ... not backed the assessment from the CIA that Russiahacked various political. ... Isn't Backing CIA Assessment Russia Hacked to Help Trump ...
Donald Trump Fuels Rift With CIA Over Russian Hack - WSJ
2 days ago - President-elect Donald Trump escalated a fight with the U.S. intelligence community by denouncing its findings of a Russian role in U.S. ...
US Launches Investigations into Alleged Russian Election Tampering
19 hours ago - Even before he assumes power next month, the Republican Trump's mocking of the CIA conclusion about Russian interference on his behalf ...
CIA Concludes Russian Interference Aimed To Elect Trump - NPR
4 days ago - NPR has confirmed that intelligence officials say it's now "quite clear" Russian hackers worked to tip the presidency in Donald Trump'sfavor.

Search Results

Trump condemns CIA Russia hacking report - BBC News -
1 day ago - Donald Trump pours fresh scorn on US intelligence claims of Russian hackers meddling in the election.
CIA Concludes Russian Interference Aimed To Elect Trump - NPR
4 days ago - CIA Concludes Russian Interference Aimed To Elect Trump. ... The CIA has concluded that Russia intervened in the 2016 election specifically to help Donald Trump win the presidency, a U.S. official has confirmed to NPR. ... Now they [the CIA] have come to the conclusion that Russia was ...
Trump, Russia and the CIA: a poisonous situation all around - LA Times
1 day ago - Wallace asked about a news report about a reported CIA finding and Trump heard, “You didn't really win the elections because of Russia.” (FYI ...
Russian hacking and the 2016 election, explained -
6 hours ago - Trump team disptues Russian hacking intel 02:29 ... Russianinfluence in the US election, soon after the CIA reportedly concluded Russiaacted ...
Gap on Russia hacking conclusions between intelligence, FBI ...
1 day ago - Russia hacking Donald Trump spicer smerconish_00000000. JUST WATCHED. CNN host, RNC strategist clash over CIA intel. Replay.
Q&A: Why the CIA, FBI differ on Russian election hacking - USA Today
1 day ago - Strength of evidence at issue in whether Russia aimed to tilt election to Trump.
Donald Trump raises 'conspiracy theory' after CIA concludes Russia ... › News
1 day ago - With the CIA concluding that Russia intervened in order to help him win the White House, Donald Trump has claimed that if he lost the election ...
The Kremlin Gloats Over Trump's CIA Tantrum - The Daily Beast
1 day ago - MOSCOW — The news that U.S. President-elect Donald Trumpcalled CIA claims about Russia's involvement in the election process ...
Trump Engages CIA in War of Words Over Russian ... - ABC News
1 day ago - In an unprecedented public display of acrimony, President-elect Donald Trump and the CIA are engaged in a war of words over the extent and ...
Spy vs. Spy: CIA Says Russia Hacked the Election to Help Trump ...
1 day ago - We may never know if Russia's meddling elected Donald Trump—but we're pretty sure James Comey's letter did.
The CIA is attempting to overthrow the Trump government, just as it has overthrown so many elected governments in the past.

This cannot be tolerated.

The first thing Trump should do as President is sign an executive order suspending every CIA officer, and then vetting them to determine if they were involved in this covert operation. If they were, they should be terminated without retirement or benefits.
I am a lawyer, so I am looking for evidence that could prove in a court of law that the Russians somehow influenced an American election to cause their favored candidate to win.

So far, no one has produced a shred of admissible evidence to back up these claims.

I say, the CIA is lying.

You're a lawyer and your asking us information that the CIA hasn't released yet?
Let's see it...

I will not accept as evidence that the CIA said it was so.

I want to see the evidence.

Funny. Do you have the proper security clearances - and a compelling need to know? I take the word of 17 national security agencies.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
These same 17 intelligence agencies lied to get us into a war in Iraq that cost hundreds of thousands of lives, and cost the United States $2.2 trillion.

Study: Iraq War Cost 190K Lives, $2.2 Trillion |

Or have you forgotten?
You think this is funny, Lakhota?

What kind of demon from hell are you?

Now, now, Rookie. Address the message, don't attack the messenger. Pull up your big boy pants and stop complaining.
Sooo... when does the actual evidence that the Russians caused Hitlery to lose the election show up?

... :popcorn:
I am a lawyer, so I am looking for evidence that could prove in a court of law that the Russians somehow influenced an American election to cause their favored candidate to win.

So far, no one has produced a shred of admissible evidence to back up these claims.

I say, the CIA is lying.

You're a lawyer and your asking us information that the CIA hasn't released yet?

Oh, didn't you know? They are all attorneys, corporate titans, independently wealthy and comfortably retired from making a killing in the stock market.
The CIA is attempting to overthrow the Trump government, just as it has overthrown so many elected governments in the past.

This cannot be tolerated.

The first thing Trump should do as President is sign an executive order suspending every CIA officer, and then vetting them to determine if they were involved in this covert operation. If they were, they should be terminated without retirement or benefits.

Proof? How come you want us to provide proof of the Russian hack, but you can make a statement as absurd as your's without evidence? You can't possibly really be a lawyer and not understand that?
Let's see it...

I will not accept as evidence that the CIA said it was so.

I want to see the evidence.

Funny. Do you have the proper security clearances - and a compelling need to know? I take the word of 17 national security agencies.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
These same 17 intelligence agencies lied to get us into a war in Iraq that cost hundreds of thousands of lives, and cost the United States $2.2 trillion.

Study: Iraq War Cost 190K Lives, $2.2 Trillion |

Or have you forgotten?
You are an idiot.
For one, it was over 14 years ago so many of those people are gone, retired or moved on.
For another, over the years, it's been clear the Bush Administration created fake info, ignored CIA misgivings about the invasion and later even Colin Powell felt betrayed for giving a speech at the UN he later found out was based on false information.

You are an idiot turd not mentioning any of that. What the fuck is wrong with you? What is it you are supporting? Do you even know? Dunce! Simpleton!

U.S. Intelligence and Iraq WMD

We have a history. Go fucking LEARN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The CIA's new conclusion was based on its latest and most complete analysis of intelligence on the hacking, including the finding that Russian hackers breached GOP individuals and organizations prior to the election, including Republican House members, thought leaders and non-profits to the GOP, a former senior law enforcement official with direct knowledge of the hack investigation told CNN.
There is also evidence that entities connected to the Russian government were bankrolling "troll farms" that spread fake news about Clinton. Investigators also found digital footprints of individuals tied to the Russian government who had been on intelligence agencies radar before, as was acknowledged when the intelligence agency put out a public statement in October.

The Russians might have a Manchurian Candidate elected...

Saying that we should have seen it coming, A communist Wife with a father in law a member of the communist party. Heavy Dealings in Russia with Russian Backers...

Seriously in any country in the EU there would be a call for a new election. A government would not be able to stand against this...

Must say some of the Republicans are starting to see a possible downside if every country in the world piles in on the US election... If Russia goes unpunished then why wouldn't the EU/China/Middle East take the gloves off... If them are the new rules we will set up troll & hacker farms that will make the Russians look like amateurs...

There is also evidence that entities connected to the Russian government were bankrolling "troll farms" that spread fake news about Clinton.

What about entities that spread real news about Hillary?
That had to hurt her.

The domestic entities that lied, and said she was great didn't help her either.
I guess people are tired of the MSM, eh?
Let's see it...

I will not accept as evidence that the CIA said it was so.

I want to see the evidence.

Funny. Do you have the proper security clearances - and a compelling need to know? I take the word of 17 national security agencies.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
These same 17 intelligence agencies lied to get us into a war in Iraq that cost hundreds of thousands of lives, and cost the United States $2.2 trillion.

Study: Iraq War Cost 190K Lives, $2.2 Trillion |

Or have you forgotten?
You are an idiot.
For one, it was over 14 years ago so many of those people are gone, retired or moved on.
For another, over the years, it's been clear the Bush Administration created fake info, ignored CIA misgivings about the invasion and later even Colin Powell felt betrayed for giving a speech at the UN he later found out was based on false information.

You are an idiot turd not mentioning any of that. What the fuck is wrong with you? What is it you are supporting? Do you even know? Dunce! Simpleton!

U.S. Intelligence and Iraq WMD

We have a history. Go fucking LEARN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, but he is a lawyer (so he says). Fucking hilarious!

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