Pot Fuels Surge in Drugged Driving Deaths


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
I've been saying this for years. We need to keep drunk and drugged drivers off the highways but the trend is for more of it!! The auto industry is funding this. Car crashes mean car sales

Pot Fuels Surge in Drugged Driving Deaths - NBC News

Fed 15, 2014

As medical marijuana sales expanded into 20 states, legal weed was detected in the bodies of dead drivers three times more often during 2010 when compared to those who died behind the wheel in 1999, according to a new study from Columbia University published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

“The trend suggests that marijuana is playing an increased role in fatal crashes,” said Dr. Guohua Li, a co-author and director of the Center for Injury Epidemiology and Prevention at Columbia University Medical Center. The researchers examined data from the federal Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), spanning more than 23,000 drivers killed during that 11-year period.

Alcohol remains, by far, the most common mind-altering substance detected in dead drivers, observed in the blood of nearly 40 percent of those who perished across six states during 2010, the Columbia study notes. (That rate remained stable between 1999 and 2010.)

Cannabinol, a remnant of marijuana, was found in 12.2 percent of those deceased drivers during 2010, (up from 4.2 percent in 1999). Pot was the most common non-alcoholic drug detected by those toxicology screenings.

“The increased availability of marijuana and increased acceptance of marijuana use” are fueling the higher rate of cannabinol found in dead drivers, Li told NBC News.
The drug addiction industry has a financial interest in creating drug addicts. A few dead bodies won't stop them.
Weve already gone over this in your other thread. Weed will still show up on a piss test a month later. Just because you fail a piss test doesnt mean you smoked any that day. Are you really going to pretend like you dont know this now? Quit making these dishonest threads.
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Weve already gone over this in your other thread. Weed will still show up on a piss test a month later. Just because you fail a piss test doesnt mean you smoked any that day. Are you really going to pretend like you dont know this now? Quit making these dishonest threads.

If the pot is still in your system, you're still impaired. You're just like the boozers who say "i drive better when i'm drunk".
Retarded OP by a retarded poster. Alcohol is legal and its the cause of more deaths than weed. Ban alcohol.

Hey brainless affirmative action baby Why do you want to ban everything? Bans don't work. Better to hand out stiff penalties for dui. If boozers knew they would lose their license for a year or more and that dui is a felony, most would not do it. THINK
Weve already gone over this in your other thread. Weed will still show up on a piss test a month later. Just because you fail a piss test doesnt mean you smoked any that day. Are you really going to pretend like you dont know this now? Quit making these dishonest threads.

If the pot is still in your system, you're still impaired. You're just like the boozers who say "i drive better when i'm drunk".

Its in your fat cells for a month, but your arent high for a fucking month you lying shit head. You already know this. If you have to lie about marijuana, then clearly you have no real facts that support your ignorant views. Stop making dishonest threads.
Weve already gone over this in your other thread. Weed will still show up on a piss test a month later. Just because you fail a piss test doesnt mean you smoked any that day. Are you really going to pretend like you dont know this now? Quit making these dishonest threads.

If the pot is still in your system, you're still impaired. You're just like the boozers who say "i drive better when i'm drunk".

No, that's bullshit. Traces of THC in your system 30 days later is not impairment. That is the stupidest thing I've read today.
Retarded OP by a retarded poster. Alcohol is legal and its the cause of more deaths than weed. Ban alcohol.

Did you read the article? It speaks of alcohol, it says exactly what you state above. However, because of the increase in drugged driving it shows the way drugged driving is progressing it will surpass drunk driving in several years.

It also went onto show that drunk driving actually decreased with the sale of pot, the reason was believed to be people replacing alcohol with pot.
Weve already gone over this in your other thread. Weed will still show up on a piss test a month later. Just because you fail a piss test doesnt mean you smoked any that day. Are you really going to pretend like you dont know this now? Quit making these dishonest threads.

That was also covered in the article. And such is dependent on how much you use, being a moderate user or a heavy user might show results 30 days later, while a person that uses every now and again, it may only stay for a few days.
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Retarded OP by a retarded poster. Alcohol is legal and its the cause of more deaths than weed. Ban alcohol.

Hey brainless affirmative action baby Why do you want to ban everything? Bans don't work. Better to hand out stiff penalties for dui. If boozers knew they would lose their license for a year or more and that dui is a felony, most would not do it. THINK

I dont want to ban anything but dont let that stop you from being stupid. DUI's should be focused on as it is not right for someone to drive and endanger others because they want to get high legally or not.
Retarded OP by a retarded poster. Alcohol is legal and its the cause of more deaths than weed. Ban alcohol.

Snip from the OP link:

Pot Fuels Surge in Drugged Driving Deaths - NBC News

“If the current trends continue, non-alcohol drugs, such as marijuana, will overtake alcohol in traffic fatalities around 2020.”

Yeah I read that. "If" a cow had nuts it would be a bull too.

Overall, though, drugged driving is closing the gap with drunk driving.

The rate of traffic deaths in which drivers tested positive for non-alcohol drugs climbed from 16.6 percent in 1999 to 28.3 percent in 2010, according to the Columbia study.

When scientists say "if" current trends continue with Co2 output then..." It would be the same, eh?

The article makes complete sense, especially given people are replacing pot for alcohol.

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