POTUS to donate $1 million to Harvey relief effort

I'm going to wait and see if he actually does it. Remember when he said that he raised over 5 million for veterans but didn't give the money to them until he was shamed into it six months later?

Gawd just stop and give the man some credit
Credit for what? SAYING he's gonna give some money? Hey, I can do the same. I could SAY I'm donating $200 million to Harvey relief....the same amount of money that the RW said the Obamas spent per night in India.

If you will, I will too.

mark me down for $200 million.

Anyone else here want to SAY they are donating $200 million to Harvey relief?
I'll donate a billion. What the hey?
I'm going to wait and see if he actually does it. Remember when he said that he raised over 5 million for veterans but didn't give the money to them until he was shamed into it six months later?

Gawd just stop and give the man some credit
Credit for what? SAYING he's gonna give some money? Hey, I can do the same. I could SAY I'm donating $200 million to Harvey relief....the same amount of money that the RW said the Obamas spent per night in India.

If you will, I will too.

mark me down for $200 million.

Anyone else here want to SAY they are donating $200 million to Harvey relief?
I'll donate a billion. What the hey?

Let's keep this going, folks.
I see McRacist is still milking Jim Hoft expecting different results. I see also that Jim has redesigned the page since getting his ass sued over fake news from Charlottesville.
I can't say I'm shocked people are criticizing this. Another reason to do alms privately. But he is giving so can't we just be grateful for that? If it helps others or inspires others to give or whatever lets just happy he is helping

A list of some of the contributions made by the Donald J. Trump Foundation in 1988. As highlighted here, the donations to his son’s school are significantly more than those to AIDS research.
Much of the rest went to charities tied to Trump’s life: society galas, his high school, his college, a foundation for indigent real estate brokers. The School of American Ballet, where Ivanka Trump studied from 1989 to 1991, got $16,750.

A private school that educated Trump’s son Eric got $40,000 — more than the homeless and AIDS contributions combined.

Big Shot Billionaire ... yeah, riiiiiiiiiiight.
We'll never know about all the times Trump has stepped in to help people because he likes to keep quiet about it.

Here's one example where he was caught sneaking in supplies to flood victims....

Here's another most people don't know about....

I can share more if you're interested.

Clinton to donate....to Katrina...err... Nope
Clinton to donate....to...Andrew.....err....Nope
Clinton to donate to Harvey.....err.... Nope.
Obama to donate....to Katrina...err... Nope
Obama to donate....to...Andrew.....err....Nope
Obama to donate to Harvey.....err.... Nope.

Both Clinton and Obama have charitable foundations, which makes your post ignorant.

Money laundering and pay to play aren't charities.

More accusations without shit for evidence.

So the donations drying up when hillary got her beatdown meant nothing....:itsok:

No, the donators are moving to a new cause. We all do that.
You know, I was watching Inside Edition this afternoon, and they were showing several stars who have ALREADY donated 1 million to hurricane relief. Some of the notables are Sandra Bullock, Rachel Ray, as well as many others. Even Gloria Gaynor is getting in on the donation thing, because not only is she donating money, but she is also selling t shirts in support of Huston victims, and all the money goes directly to them.

Yeah, Trump SAID he's gonna give a million, but when?

Others have already mobilized and started helping out.
you cant mention Trump without getting the usual Clinton/Obama bombarding from Crowd Asshat.

soooooooooooo, Clinton/Obama did the same damn thing which makes Trump their equal ... yet Trumpdrones still attack Clinton/Obama and SUCK Trumps dick.

imagine that.
Can you show us an example of obama or Hillary ever doing anything for anyone that didn't benefit themselves?

Something like this.....?
Doesn't matter what he does...some of y'all STILL hafta look that gift horse in the mouth.

You poor things. Must suck to be so bitter all the time.
I'm proud of our President for donating $1 million to Harvey relief

Just wondering why he never donated money to Hurricane Sandy relief when it hit the city he was living in
I'm proud of our President for donating $1 million to Harvey relief

Just wondering why he never donated money to Hurricane Sandy relief when it hit the city he was living in

Don't get all excited just yet RW, Trump has only SAID he's gonna give money. Remember when he said that he'd raised over 5 million for the veterans, yet it took over six months of shaming him to get him to actually give the money to them? How much interest do you think he made off of that 5 million by holding on to it for over six months?
It seems our President was willing to offer $5 million for Hurricane Sandy relief ONLY if President Obama would turn over his birth certificate and college records

A city Trump was born and raised in and made his fortune......the only compassion Trump can show is to blackmail the President

Trump hits a new low after Sandy
Progs are notoriously cheap as fuck.

Good for DJT.
Are you kidding? Two liberals here just SAID we were donating $200 million EACH.....trump's only SAID he was donating 1 million.
Yeah, but libs are liars.

Snowflakes are trying to make light of Trump's generosity in an attempt to minimize the fact that Hillary and Barry are self-serving f*s who don't care about anyone but themselves.

Barry had to be shamed into visiting La while Hillary, not caring who knew she didn't give a damn, never showed.

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