POTUS to donate $1 million to Harvey relief effort

This is being labeled a 1 in a 1000 year event in some media; 1 million is good, 5 million, especially since he is President, would be better.

Isn't this Houston's 3rd 500 year flood in the past 5 years?
It's a good thing for anyone to donate to Victims of Harvey.

Progs are such sick fuckers,
Just curious. Is the million dollar donation coming from Trump personally, or is it coming from the Trump Foundation which is not funded by Trump?

Good question. If it comes from him directly, it's him actually being concerned and donating.

If it comes from his foundation, well.............he hasn't put any of his own money into his foundation for the past decade. All the money currently in his foundation comes from OTHER donors, and he claims the donations the foundation makes as his own.

Nothing like using other people's money to enrich your reputation, eh?
I'm glad we have a president who has a long history of making time to help people. A president who actually cares about people, and the direction this country is headed.
A president who has the balls to stand up against the career politicians looking to line their pockets with our tax dollars.
You know, Trump could do a hell of a lot more for hurricane victims by telling Congress to increase the FEMA budget to help them out than he will by telling everyone he's gonna donate a million bucks.

I mean hell....................he's supposed to be POTUS, and therefore has the ability to provide a lot of help from the government.
I'm going to wait and see if he actually does it. Remember when he said that he raised over 5 million for veterans but didn't give the money to them until he was shamed into it six months later?

Gawd just stop and give the man some credit

Lip service isn't action, it's just words. I don't give credit for people telling me what they are going to do, I give them credit when they actually do something worthy. I'll give credit to Trump when he actually gives the money.
I'm going to wait and see if he actually does it. Remember when he said that he raised over 5 million for veterans but didn't give the money to them until he was shamed into it six months later?

Gawd just stop and give the man some credit

Lip service isn't action, it's just words. I don't give credit for people telling me what they are going to do, I give them credit when they actually do something worthy. I'll give credit to Trump when he actually gives the money.

Yeah whatever,
I can't say I'm shocked people are criticizing this. Another reason to do alms privately. But he is giving so can't we just be grateful for that? If it helps others or inspires others to give or whatever lets just happy he is helping

Agreed, neither he or anybody else are obligated to donate. Only problem is why even talk about it a real philanthropist would not bother to announce it, just donate on the QT. Not criticizing because he is under no obligation to donate, just not getting the hoopla.

Never mind it is Trump!
I can't say I'm shocked people are criticizing this. Another reason to do alms privately. But he is giving so can't we just be grateful for that? If it helps others or inspires others to give or whatever lets just happy he is helping

Agreed, neither he or anybody else are obligated to donate. Only problem is why even talk about it a real philanthropist would not bother to announce it, just donate on the QT. Not criticizing because he is under no obligation to donate, just not getting the hoopla.

Never mind it is Trump!

You know, most of the people I know who like to get credit for their donations usually donate the money FIRST, and then brag about it second.

Trump has it backwards...............he's bragging about all the money he's going to donate, but we have yet to see if he actually does.
I can't say I'm shocked people are criticizing this. Another reason to do alms privately. But he is giving so can't we just be grateful for that? If it helps others or inspires others to give or whatever lets just happy he is helping

Agreed, neither he or anybody else are obligated to donate. Only problem is why even talk about it a real philanthropist would not bother to announce it, just donate on the QT. Not criticizing because he is under no obligation to donate, just not getting the hoopla.

Never mind it is Trump!

You know, most of the people I know who like to get credit for their donations usually donate the money FIRST, and then brag about it second.

Trump has it backwards...............he's bragging about all the money he's going to donate, but we have yet to see if he actually does.

I don't know if he has donated, just find it odd that you would even talk about it. If he did great for the people of east Texas, but no matter what just STFU about it.
I can't say I'm shocked people are criticizing this. Another reason to do alms privately. But he is giving so can't we just be grateful for that? If it helps others or inspires others to give or whatever lets just happy he is helping

Agreed, neither he or anybody else are obligated to donate. Only problem is why even talk about it a real philanthropist would not bother to announce it, just donate on the QT. Not criticizing because he is under no obligation to donate, just not getting the hoopla.

Never mind it is Trump!

You know, most of the people I know who like to get credit for their donations usually donate the money FIRST, and then brag about it second.

Trump has it backwards...............he's bragging about all the money he's going to donate, but we have yet to see if he actually does.

I don't know if he has donated, just find it odd that you would even talk about it. If he did great for the people of east Texas, but no matter what just STFU about it.

Guessing you will never have to worry about making that decision.
I'm going to wait and see if he actually does it. Remember when he said that he raised over 5 million for veterans but didn't give the money to them until he was shamed into it six months later?

Yeah, we also remember all the causes the Clinton Foundation collected for and donated to. Unfortunately, no one realized the Clintons were skimming 90% off the top.
More conservative lies

The Clinton foundation saved millions of lives
The Trump foundations buys portraits of the Donald
I'm glad we have a president who has a long history of making time to help people. A president who actually cares about people, and the direction this country is headed.
A president who has the balls to stand up against the career politicians looking to line their pockets with our tax dollars.
A President who never donated to Sandy relief in his own city
I'm going to wait and see if he actually does it. Remember when he said that he raised over 5 million for veterans but didn't give the money to them until he was shamed into it six months later?

Yeah, we also remember all the causes the Clinton Foundation collected for and donated to. Unfortunately, no one realized the Clintons were skimming 90% off the top.
More conservative lies

The Clinton foundation saved millions of lives
The Trump foundations buys portraits of the Donald
The Clinton Foundation gave just 6% of donations to help anyone.
However... It did provide a nice wedding for her fugly daughter.

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