Poverty and ignorance breeds crime. Economic immigrants and refugees are poor and uneducated. 2+2=4

What horrible tragedies would befall the United States if we had a strict policy of only accepting immigrants with useful skills and the ability to survive without welfare?


What’s the point in always acting stupid? Why pretend to be confused?
We = REAL Americans
Native indians you mean?

Nope...This wasn’t “America” until 1776.
Real Americans = Post 1776
Think once.
You are an immigrant, you should be in a cold climate I dont know wtf you doing in california that mostly latino and you are racist it must miserable. And you probably your skin is flaky as hell and get skin cancer from all the sun...its just not your natural habitat racista

Negative....my ancestors are British....what now?
Trust me...I won’t be in Mexifornia much longer...the super shithole is growing by the day as more disgusting wetbacks and towel heads pour in. All the high quality, positive contributing real Americans will flee Mexifornia in the coming years. There will be nobody here to spoon feed you human pets.

What’s the point in always acting stupid? Why pretend to be confused?
We = REAL Americans
Native indians you mean?

Nope...This wasn’t “America” until 1776.
Real Americans = Post 1776
Think once.
You are an immigrant, you should be in a cold climate I dont know wtf you doing in california that mostly latino and you are racist it must miserable. And you probably your skin is flaky as hell and get skin cancer from all the sun...its just not your natural habitat racista

Negative....my ancestors are British....what now?
Trust me...I won’t be in Mexifornia much longer...the super shithole is growing by the day as more disgusting wetbacks and towel heads pour in. All the high quality, positive contributing real Americans will flee Mexifornia in the coming years. There will be nobody here to spoon feed you human pets.

I did not know. I thought that the filth going on in California is a function of
USA migration. Like---filth tends to MIGRATE TO CALIFORNIA for its
marvelous OPENED SOCIETY ??? and wealth and swimming pools? ??????? and easy living ?????

What’s the point in always acting stupid? Why pretend to be confused?
We = REAL Americans
Native indians you mean?

Nope...This wasn’t “America” until 1776.
Real Americans = Post 1776
Think once.
You are an immigrant, you should be in a cold climate I dont know wtf you doing in california that mostly latino and you are racist it must miserable. And you probably your skin is flaky as hell and get skin cancer from all the sun...its just not your natural habitat racista

Negative....my ancestors are British....what now?
Trust me...I won’t be in Mexifornia much longer...the super shithole is growing by the day as more disgusting wetbacks and towel heads pour in. All the high quality, positive contributing real Americans will flee Mexifornia in the coming years. There will be nobody here to spoon feed you human pets.

There it is again. Infantile slurs from a frightened little girl lashing out at what scares her so much.

What’s the point in always acting stupid? Why pretend to be confused?
We = REAL Americans

When I'm talking to you I'll let you know, bitch. Whereas YOU have made it plain through your cowardly nonsense that you are not a real American, that other idiot has openly and repeatedly declared his hatred for America and Americans. Stop making an ass of yourself.

“Cowardly nonsense” to you ignorant fools = Support of American sovereignty and hatred of illegal aliens
Sack up pussy!

You are a scared little girl.

There you have it folks...Unkotare has made the declaration...those who support American sovereignty, law and order and who despise illegal aliens are “scared little girls”.
I’m not making this shit up.
Those who support human rights violations and child abuse are something I can not say here. Unk was kind to you.

What’s the point in always acting stupid? Why pretend to be confused?
We = REAL Americans
Native indians you mean?

Nope...This wasn’t “America” until 1776.
Real Americans = Post 1776
Think once.
You are an immigrant, you should be in a cold climate I dont know wtf you doing in california that mostly latino and you are racist it must miserable. And you probably your skin is flaky as hell and get skin cancer from all the sun...its just not your natural habitat racista

Negative....my ancestors are British....what now?
Trust me...I won’t be in Mexifornia much longer...the super shithole is growing by the day as more disgusting wetbacks and towel heads pour in. All the high quality, positive contributing real Americans will flee Mexifornia in the coming years. There will be nobody here to spoon feed you human pets.
Dont let the door hit you...go where all the racists live (shitholes)...it is too expensive for your kind, that are jealous and their hearts are filled with hate....must be miserable to be you.
What’s the point in always acting stupid? Why pretend to be confused?
We = REAL Americans
Native indians you mean?

Nope...This wasn’t “America” until 1776.
Real Americans = Post 1776
Think once.
You are an immigrant, you should be in a cold climate I dont know wtf you doing in california that mostly latino and you are racist it must miserable. And you probably your skin is flaky as hell and get skin cancer from all the sun...its just not your natural habitat racista

Negative....my ancestors are British....what now?
Trust me...I won’t be in Mexifornia much longer...the super shithole is growing by the day as more disgusting wetbacks and towel heads pour in. All the high quality, positive contributing real Americans will flee Mexifornia in the coming years. There will be nobody here to spoon feed you human pets.
Dont let the door hit you...go where all the racists live (shitholes)...it is too expensive for your kind, that are jealous and their hearts are filled with hate....must be miserable to be you.

Looks like it's too expensive for anybody to live there:

800,000 people are about to flee New York and California because of taxes, say economists
That's only .18% of the population a year, or about 2% in 10 years. That seems pretty low.

Actually I think it's way too high. It needs to be cut by at least half or more.
.18%? In the town I live in with a population of about 5,000, that's only 9 new citizens a year. I think our culture will be pretty safe with that. Your problem is not 600,000 new citizens, it's 80 million foreigners that come to the US to vacation and to work each year. However, it's not just people coming into the country. It's the 66 million Americans going abroad each year. It's ideas, music, TV, movies, and books just as much as it is people. All of this stuff pollutes our culture. And then there's all the schools pushing foreign languages, determine to make the nation bi-lingual.

I think the solution to your problem is to extend the Trump wall completely around the country and to seal off America from all those foreigners and their influence on America.

Yep, I'm all for that. We have way too many people here as it is. We would be better off as a country with around 200 million people.
Last time it was about 250 million.

What is that supposed to mean?
In a previous post, I believe you said we would be better off with 250 or 260 million people. Correct me I wrong.
Actually I think it's way too high. It needs to be cut by at least half or more.
.18%? In the town I live in with a population of about 5,000, that's only 9 new citizens a year. I think our culture will be pretty safe with that. Your problem is not 600,000 new citizens, it's 80 million foreigners that come to the US to vacation and to work each year. However, it's not just people coming into the country. It's the 66 million Americans going abroad each year. It's ideas, music, TV, movies, and books just as much as it is people. All of this stuff pollutes our culture. And then there's all the schools pushing foreign languages, determine to make the nation bi-lingual.

I think the solution to your problem is to extend the Trump wall completely around the country and to seal off America from all those foreigners and their influence on America.

Yep, I'm all for that. We have way too many people here as it is. We would be better off as a country with around 200 million people.
Last time it was about 250 million.

What is that supposed to mean?
In a previous post, I believe you said we would be better off with 250 or 260 million people. Correct me I wrong.

Okay, 200 to 250. What's the difference? The point I'm making is that there is no solid reason why we need to keep adding to our population. We will just need more roads, larger welfare state, and the price of land will increase dramatically.
.18%? In the town I live in with a population of about 5,000, that's only 9 new citizens a year. I think our culture will be pretty safe with that. Your problem is not 600,000 new citizens, it's 80 million foreigners that come to the US to vacation and to work each year. However, it's not just people coming into the country. It's the 66 million Americans going abroad each year. It's ideas, music, TV, movies, and books just as much as it is people. All of this stuff pollutes our culture. And then there's all the schools pushing foreign languages, determine to make the nation bi-lingual.

I think the solution to your problem is to extend the Trump wall completely around the country and to seal off America from all those foreigners and their influence on America.

Yep, I'm all for that. We have way too many people here as it is. We would be better off as a country with around 200 million people.
Last time it was about 250 million.

What is that supposed to mean?
In a previous post, I believe you said we would be better off with 250 or 260 million people. Correct me I wrong.

Okay, 200 to 250. What's the difference? The point I'm making is that there is no solid reason why we need to keep adding to our population. ....

Yes, there is, dumbass.
What’s the point in always acting stupid? Why pretend to be confused?
We = REAL Americans
Native indians you mean?

Nope...This wasn’t “America” until 1776.
Real Americans = Post 1776
Think once.
You are an immigrant, you should be in a cold climate I dont know wtf you doing in california that mostly latino and you are racist it must miserable. And you probably your skin is flaky as hell and get skin cancer from all the sun...its just not your natural habitat racista

Negative....my ancestors are British....what now?
Trust me...I won’t be in Mexifornia much longer...the super shithole is growing by the day as more disgusting wetbacks and towel heads pour in. All the high quality, positive contributing real Americans will flee Mexifornia in the coming years. There will be nobody here to spoon feed you human pets.

I did not know. I thought that the filth going on in California is a function of
USA migration. Like---filth tends to MIGRATE TO CALIFORNIA for its
marvelous OPENED SOCIETY ??? and wealth and swimming pools? ??????? and easy living ?????
Swimming pools are excellent for bathing, laundry and car washing
I don’t judge them, they had it rough
.18%? In the town I live in with a population of about 5,000, that's only 9 new citizens a year. I think our culture will be pretty safe with that. Your problem is not 600,000 new citizens, it's 80 million foreigners that come to the US to vacation and to work each year. However, it's not just people coming into the country. It's the 66 million Americans going abroad each year. It's ideas, music, TV, movies, and books just as much as it is people. All of this stuff pollutes our culture. And then there's all the schools pushing foreign languages, determine to make the nation bi-lingual.

I think the solution to your problem is to extend the Trump wall completely around the country and to seal off America from all those foreigners and their influence on America.

Yep, I'm all for that. We have way too many people here as it is. We would be better off as a country with around 200 million people.
Last time it was about 250 million.

What is that supposed to mean?
In a previous post, I believe you said we would be better off with 250 or 260 million people. Correct me I wrong.

Okay, 200 to 250. What's the difference? The point I'm making is that there is no solid reason why we need to keep adding to our population. We will just need more roads, larger welfare state, and the price of land will increase dramatically.
The effects of a declining population can be serve for an economy such as ours which has borrowed extensively for repayment by a younger generations. With much lower population, the ability of the US to meet it's financial obligation would be in question and that would mean sky rocking interest rates which would effect the whole country.

On the business side, a 25% reduction in population would mean a huge reduction in consumer sales as well as a big reduction in workers. I would say many larger businesses would head overseas.

Although a reduction in population would result in savings in social programs, that would not be enough to cover the lost of government revenues to fund defense and other vital programs that are not linked to population.

In short the US would become a second rate military and economic power.

The one bright spot would be the environment. We would see a reductions in greenhouse gases, less air and water pollution, and a revival of forests and wetlands.
Native indians you mean?

Nope...This wasn’t “America” until 1776.
Real Americans = Post 1776
Think once.
You are an immigrant, you should be in a cold climate I dont know wtf you doing in california that mostly latino and you are racist it must miserable. And you probably your skin is flaky as hell and get skin cancer from all the sun...its just not your natural habitat racista

Negative....my ancestors are British....what now?
Trust me...I won’t be in Mexifornia much longer...the super shithole is growing by the day as more disgusting wetbacks and towel heads pour in. All the high quality, positive contributing real Americans will flee Mexifornia in the coming years. There will be nobody here to spoon feed you human pets.

I did not know. I thought that the filth going on in California is a function of
USA migration. Like---filth tends to MIGRATE TO CALIFORNIA for its
marvelous OPENED SOCIETY ??? and wealth and swimming pools? ??????? and easy living ?????
Swimming pools are excellent for bathing, laundry and car washing
I don’t judge them, they had it rough

the JOAD family in The Grapes of Wrath? I do not judge them either. As to the hordes that swarmed California in the 1960s hoping to set up communes based on welfare income----BUMS!!!!.
I became a young adult in the 1960s and worked----for $ 1.25 per hour-----and thought myself lucky to have a job. The Joads would have considered themselves lucky at that rate too. As to laundry----
for years I used the bathtub. I trod on the sheets
and towels like a lady making wine <<<< that was part of my life-----not all of it. I NOW have a washing machine------but VIRTUOUSLY decline a
drier. SO MUCH for REVELATIONS---for the record---I never starved and consider FOOD STAMPS a right
Yep, I'm all for that. We have way too many people here as it is. We would be better off as a country with around 200 million people.
Last time it was about 250 million.

What is that supposed to mean?
In a previous post, I believe you said we would be better off with 250 or 260 million people. Correct me I wrong.

Okay, 200 to 250. What's the difference? The point I'm making is that there is no solid reason why we need to keep adding to our population. We will just need more roads, larger welfare state, and the price of land will increase dramatically.
The effects of a declining population can be serve for an economy such as ours which has borrowed extensively for repayment by a younger generations. With much lower population, the ability of the US to meet it's financial obligation would be in question and that would mean sky rocking interest rates which would effect the whole country.

On the business side, a 25% reduction in population would mean a huge reduction in consumer sales as well as a big reduction in workers. I would say many larger businesses would head overseas.

Although a reduction in population would result in savings in social programs, that would not be enough to cover the lost of government revenues to fund defense and other vital programs that are not linked to population.

In short the US would become a second rate military and economic power.

The one bright spot would be the environment. We would see a reductions in greenhouse gases, less air and water pollution, and a revival of forests and wetlands.

Well if you have a reduction in consumers, you don't need any increase in sales. Everything stabilizes. And maybe if we finally came to terms with the failures of our social programs, we might start eliminating them before they cause more problems down the road. Given only a little more than half of our country pays income taxes, perhaps it's time to look at the other half that pay nothing for all these goodies we enjoyed all these years.

I can't see ruining a country to make it expand. It's nothing but a scare tactic and plan for disaster.
Last time it was about 250 million.

What is that supposed to mean?
In a previous post, I believe you said we would be better off with 250 or 260 million people. Correct me I wrong.

Okay, 200 to 250. What's the difference? The point I'm making is that there is no solid reason why we need to keep adding to our population. We will just need more roads, larger welfare state, and the price of land will increase dramatically.
The effects of a declining population can be serve for an economy such as ours which has borrowed extensively for repayment by a younger generations. With much lower population, the ability of the US to meet it's financial obligation would be in question and that would mean sky rocking interest rates which would effect the whole country.

On the business side, a 25% reduction in population would mean a huge reduction in consumer sales as well as a big reduction in workers. I would say many larger businesses would head overseas.

Although a reduction in population would result in savings in social programs, that would not be enough to cover the lost of government revenues to fund defense and other vital programs that are not linked to population.

In short the US would become a second rate military and economic power.

The one bright spot would be the environment. We would see a reductions in greenhouse gases, less air and water pollution, and a revival of forests and wetlands.

Well if you have a reduction in consumers, you don't need any increase in sales. Everything stabilizes. And maybe if we finally came to terms with the failures of our social programs, we might start eliminating them before they cause more problems down the road. Given only a little more than half of our country pays income taxes, perhaps it's time to look at the other half that pay nothing for all these goodies we enjoyed all these years.

I can't see ruining a country to make it expand. It's nothing but a scare tactic and plan for disaster.
If you have a reduction in sales in line with the population reduction you favored, the equalization will be businesses leaving the US for better growth environments. Without growth the economy will collapse because it is based on increasing consumption. Without that growth, faith in the US dollar, and our ability payback debt would drain the treasury, send interest rates through roof and send investment dollars abroad. America would be a sad place for the working man and damn good place for those invested abroad.
What is that supposed to mean?
In a previous post, I believe you said we would be better off with 250 or 260 million people. Correct me I wrong.

Okay, 200 to 250. What's the difference? The point I'm making is that there is no solid reason why we need to keep adding to our population. We will just need more roads, larger welfare state, and the price of land will increase dramatically.
The effects of a declining population can be serve for an economy such as ours which has borrowed extensively for repayment by a younger generations. With much lower population, the ability of the US to meet it's financial obligation would be in question and that would mean sky rocking interest rates which would effect the whole country.

On the business side, a 25% reduction in population would mean a huge reduction in consumer sales as well as a big reduction in workers. I would say many larger businesses would head overseas.

Although a reduction in population would result in savings in social programs, that would not be enough to cover the lost of government revenues to fund defense and other vital programs that are not linked to population.

In short the US would become a second rate military and economic power.

The one bright spot would be the environment. We would see a reductions in greenhouse gases, less air and water pollution, and a revival of forests and wetlands.

Well if you have a reduction in consumers, you don't need any increase in sales. Everything stabilizes. And maybe if we finally came to terms with the failures of our social programs, we might start eliminating them before they cause more problems down the road. Given only a little more than half of our country pays income taxes, perhaps it's time to look at the other half that pay nothing for all these goodies we enjoyed all these years.

I can't see ruining a country to make it expand. It's nothing but a scare tactic and plan for disaster.
If you have a reduction in sales in line with the population reduction you favored, the equalization will be businesses leaving the US for better growth environments. Without growth the economy will collapse because it is based on increasing consumption. Without that growth, faith in the US dollar, and our ability payback debt would drain the treasury, send interest rates through roof and send investment dollars abroad. America would be a sad place for the working man and damn good place for those invested abroad.

The only reason businesses leave is because of taxation and unions. Nobody is going to leave because we don't have enough foreigners. That's ridiculous. Americans are the largest consumers in the world.
In a previous post, I believe you said we would be better off with 250 or 260 million people. Correct me I wrong.

Okay, 200 to 250. What's the difference? The point I'm making is that there is no solid reason why we need to keep adding to our population. We will just need more roads, larger welfare state, and the price of land will increase dramatically.
The effects of a declining population can be serve for an economy such as ours which has borrowed extensively for repayment by a younger generations. With much lower population, the ability of the US to meet it's financial obligation would be in question and that would mean sky rocking interest rates which would effect the whole country.

On the business side, a 25% reduction in population would mean a huge reduction in consumer sales as well as a big reduction in workers. I would say many larger businesses would head overseas.

Although a reduction in population would result in savings in social programs, that would not be enough to cover the lost of government revenues to fund defense and other vital programs that are not linked to population.

In short the US would become a second rate military and economic power.

The one bright spot would be the environment. We would see a reductions in greenhouse gases, less air and water pollution, and a revival of forests and wetlands.

Well if you have a reduction in consumers, you don't need any increase in sales. Everything stabilizes. And maybe if we finally came to terms with the failures of our social programs, we might start eliminating them before they cause more problems down the road. Given only a little more than half of our country pays income taxes, perhaps it's time to look at the other half that pay nothing for all these goodies we enjoyed all these years.

I can't see ruining a country to make it expand. It's nothing but a scare tactic and plan for disaster.
If you have a reduction in sales in line with the population reduction you favored, the equalization will be businesses leaving the US for better growth environments. Without growth the economy will collapse because it is based on increasing consumption. Without that growth, faith in the US dollar, and our ability payback debt would drain the treasury, send interest rates through roof and send investment dollars abroad. America would be a sad place for the working man and damn good place for those invested abroad.

The only reason businesses leave is because of taxation and unions. Nobody is going to leave because we don't have enough foreigners. That's ridiculous. Americans are the largest consumers in the world.
The issue was a drastic drop in population. I think you last mention 200 to 250 million people. Drastic cuts in population would drastically reduce sales of consumer goods and that would certainly drive businesses to more lucrative markets.
Okay, 200 to 250. What's the difference? The point I'm making is that there is no solid reason why we need to keep adding to our population. We will just need more roads, larger welfare state, and the price of land will increase dramatically.
The effects of a declining population can be serve for an economy such as ours which has borrowed extensively for repayment by a younger generations. With much lower population, the ability of the US to meet it's financial obligation would be in question and that would mean sky rocking interest rates which would effect the whole country.

On the business side, a 25% reduction in population would mean a huge reduction in consumer sales as well as a big reduction in workers. I would say many larger businesses would head overseas.

Although a reduction in population would result in savings in social programs, that would not be enough to cover the lost of government revenues to fund defense and other vital programs that are not linked to population.

In short the US would become a second rate military and economic power.

The one bright spot would be the environment. We would see a reductions in greenhouse gases, less air and water pollution, and a revival of forests and wetlands.

Well if you have a reduction in consumers, you don't need any increase in sales. Everything stabilizes. And maybe if we finally came to terms with the failures of our social programs, we might start eliminating them before they cause more problems down the road. Given only a little more than half of our country pays income taxes, perhaps it's time to look at the other half that pay nothing for all these goodies we enjoyed all these years.

I can't see ruining a country to make it expand. It's nothing but a scare tactic and plan for disaster.
If you have a reduction in sales in line with the population reduction you favored, the equalization will be businesses leaving the US for better growth environments. Without growth the economy will collapse because it is based on increasing consumption. Without that growth, faith in the US dollar, and our ability payback debt would drain the treasury, send interest rates through roof and send investment dollars abroad. America would be a sad place for the working man and damn good place for those invested abroad.

The only reason businesses leave is because of taxation and unions. Nobody is going to leave because we don't have enough foreigners. That's ridiculous. Americans are the largest consumers in the world.
The issue was a drastic drop in population. I think you last mention 200 to 250 million people. Drastic cuts in population would drastically reduce sales of consumer goods and that would certainly drive businesses to more lucrative markets.

Like what?
The effects of a declining population can be serve for an economy such as ours which has borrowed extensively for repayment by a younger generations. With much lower population, the ability of the US to meet it's financial obligation would be in question and that would mean sky rocking interest rates which would effect the whole country.

On the business side, a 25% reduction in population would mean a huge reduction in consumer sales as well as a big reduction in workers. I would say many larger businesses would head overseas.

Although a reduction in population would result in savings in social programs, that would not be enough to cover the lost of government revenues to fund defense and other vital programs that are not linked to population.

In short the US would become a second rate military and economic power.

The one bright spot would be the environment. We would see a reductions in greenhouse gases, less air and water pollution, and a revival of forests and wetlands.

Well if you have a reduction in consumers, you don't need any increase in sales. Everything stabilizes. And maybe if we finally came to terms with the failures of our social programs, we might start eliminating them before they cause more problems down the road. Given only a little more than half of our country pays income taxes, perhaps it's time to look at the other half that pay nothing for all these goodies we enjoyed all these years.

I can't see ruining a country to make it expand. It's nothing but a scare tactic and plan for disaster.
If you have a reduction in sales in line with the population reduction you favored, the equalization will be businesses leaving the US for better growth environments. Without growth the economy will collapse because it is based on increasing consumption. Without that growth, faith in the US dollar, and our ability payback debt would drain the treasury, send interest rates through roof and send investment dollars abroad. America would be a sad place for the working man and damn good place for those invested abroad.

The only reason businesses leave is because of taxation and unions. Nobody is going to leave because we don't have enough foreigners. That's ridiculous. Americans are the largest consumers in the world.
The issue was a drastic drop in population. I think you last mention 200 to 250 million people. Drastic cuts in population would drastically reduce sales of consumer goods and that would certainly drive businesses to more lucrative markets.

Like what?
Like countries with larger sales potential, and countries with sufficient number of workers to support a large export business and countries that are not in default and countries that value growth.
Well if you have a reduction in consumers, you don't need any increase in sales. Everything stabilizes. And maybe if we finally came to terms with the failures of our social programs, we might start eliminating them before they cause more problems down the road. Given only a little more than half of our country pays income taxes, perhaps it's time to look at the other half that pay nothing for all these goodies we enjoyed all these years.

I can't see ruining a country to make it expand. It's nothing but a scare tactic and plan for disaster.
If you have a reduction in sales in line with the population reduction you favored, the equalization will be businesses leaving the US for better growth environments. Without growth the economy will collapse because it is based on increasing consumption. Without that growth, faith in the US dollar, and our ability payback debt would drain the treasury, send interest rates through roof and send investment dollars abroad. America would be a sad place for the working man and damn good place for those invested abroad.

The only reason businesses leave is because of taxation and unions. Nobody is going to leave because we don't have enough foreigners. That's ridiculous. Americans are the largest consumers in the world.
The issue was a drastic drop in population. I think you last mention 200 to 250 million people. Drastic cuts in population would drastically reduce sales of consumer goods and that would certainly drive businesses to more lucrative markets.

Like what?
Like countries with larger sales potential, and countries with sufficient number of workers to support a large export business and countries that are not in default and countries that value growth.

So who has a larger sales potential than the US? We are the largest consumers in the world. Even if we reduced our population by a third, I bet we would still be the largest consumers.
If you have a reduction in sales in line with the population reduction you favored, the equalization will be businesses leaving the US for better growth environments. Without growth the economy will collapse because it is based on increasing consumption. Without that growth, faith in the US dollar, and our ability payback debt would drain the treasury, send interest rates through roof and send investment dollars abroad. America would be a sad place for the working man and damn good place for those invested abroad.

The only reason businesses leave is because of taxation and unions. Nobody is going to leave because we don't have enough foreigners. That's ridiculous. Americans are the largest consumers in the world.
The issue was a drastic drop in population. I think you last mention 200 to 250 million people. Drastic cuts in population would drastically reduce sales of consumer goods and that would certainly drive businesses to more lucrative markets.

Like what?
Like countries with larger sales potential, and countries with sufficient number of workers to support a large export business and countries that are not in default and countries that value growth.

So who has a larger sales potential than the US? We are the largest consumers in the world. Even if we reduced our population by a third, I bet we would still be the largest consumers.
The US market is 12 trillion. The EU is 9.6 trillion. A random drop in population by a third would reduce the US market by 4 trillion dollars. Of course with the decline in the size of the US market and it's ability to compete in world markets due to reduction in workforce, the US dollar would no longer be the standard world currency. So these figures would be in euros or yuans. However, the greater problem would the debt burden falling on a much smaller population and workforce. The result would be holders of US debt and investments adjusting to a smaller economy with less production; that is dumping of US debt and US investments, and downgrading the US treasury bill ratings.

List of largest consumer markets - Wikipedia
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