Poverty and ignorance breeds crime. Economic immigrants and refugees are poor and uneducated. 2+2=4

Libbies demands for equality are equal misery thus equal complaining and resentment
I will pass
immigrants commit more crime

immigrants commit more crime - Google Search

Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit ...

Jun 19, 2018 - It found that native-born residents were much more likely to be convicted of a crime thanimmigrants in the country legally or illegally.

Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime? - FactCheck.org
https://www.factcheck.org/2018/.../is-illegal-immigration-linked-to-more-or-less-crim...Claim: It's "not true" that immigrants in the U.S. illegally are "safer than the people that live in the country" in terms of crimes committed.
Claimed by: Donald Trump
Fact check by FactCheck.org: Most Research Disputes
The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant - The New York Times

The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant
[/b]Mar 30, 2018 - +5,000 +10,000 +15,000 +20,000 immigrants per 100,000 people Change since 1980 per 100,000 people +500 violent crimes –500 –1000 ...

Illegal Immigration Does Not Increase Violent Crime, 4 Studies Show ...
May 2, 2018 - Now, four academic studies show that illegal immigration does not increase ... "It's actually immaterial whether they commit more crimes or not ...

FACT CHECK: Trump, Illegal Immigration And Crime : NPR
Jun 22, 2018 - ... of crime committed by immigrants who entered the country illegally. ... The president was joined at the White House by more than a dozen ...

Immigration and Crime - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology
Should there be a concern about crimes committed by both legal and illegal immigrants? Research consistently shows that foreign-born individuals are less ...

Native-born Texans commit more crimes than undocumented ...
Mar 6, 2018 - Native-born Texans are more likely to commit crimes and get arrested than immigrants, a new study suggests. Using data from the Texas ...

Kobach: Correcting the Record on Illegal Aliens and Crime - Kris Kobach
Kobach: Correcting the Record on Illegal Aliens and Crime...
Such crimes are entirely preventable – if our immigration laws were fully enforced ... Confronted with such crimes committed by illegal aliens, the open-borders ...

You're STILL WRONG Lying Hypocrite!


Did you forget to quote me in hopes that I wouldn't notice this nonsense again? Your fact checker admitted that there isn't enough data to do a conclusive study, and that studies have gone both ways. What you've presented is meaningless. If you were actually a person that respects science you wouldn't have posted this garbage again. Let me know when you find a study that shows that race plays a large role in the likelihood of crime, racist.
The Links/Studies are Overwhelmingly in my favor.
Want to see another few Google pages you MORON.

Those are "studies" and YOU LOST.

NONE SAY what YOUR OP Claimed
and are Still UNBACKED with your idiotic @2+2=4


You're awfully angry for somebody that's right. Again, your fact checker admitted there isn't enough evidence to do a conclusive study. Hell, it even said that when it comes to the fed and data that's actually available immigrants seem to commit far more crime. You'll never find a legitimate study that came to the conclusion that race, rather than poverty, is a large indicator for likelihood to commit crime. You're an ignorant and racist partisan that pretends to be an ally of science.

I looked into poverty in the US by race. According to the link I'm providing, Whites have a 9% poverty rate compared to blacks at 22%. Yet you are 8 times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. If proportional to poverty alone, you would only be about 2.4 times likely to be murdered by a black than a white:

Poverty Rate by Race/Ethnicity

Whites are more likely by other whites and even less likely to be killed by immigrants. So there's that.

The WeakWhyte racist agenda is heavy in this thread.
Total numbers wise correct but percentage wise way incorrect
It’s a Lib 101 trick to present gross and percentage as the same
we could have solved simple poverty in the US, yesterday. the right wing doesn't like it Because the poor may benefit.
we could have solved simple poverty in the US, yesterday. the right wing doesn't like it Because the poor may benefit.
Liberal fantasy based solely on negative emotions with zero factual reality
How do you all live in the heightened state of emotional falsehoods and denials???
It is Our war on drugs that is cause that disparity.

The war on drugs is MOSTLY at the Southern border today. Now that the jails are no longer filling with marijuana tokers.
why can we waste money on that instead of providing better, for the general welfare?

So you ignore cars with radiators stuffed with dope and money?. Or worse TRAINLOADS of the crap. That's everyday and every night for CBPatrol folks. Within WEEKS the massive cartel killing would decapitate every mayor in Southern Texas and be on the way to YOUR place the following week.

Does that answer your question? :102:
It is Our drug war. Why doesn't the Right Wing insist on Wartime Tax rates for it? Just pork without it.

There IS a war in Mexico. It's an ALL OUT war. And one of the reasons for border security and all that hysterical talk about a wall is because -- we don't want that war over-running our Southern border. Go contact your moron reps in DC and demand they support border security.
80% of all illegal drugs enter the country arriving in cargo containers on trucks, ships, and planes entering the US through ports of entry. No wall is going to stop that. The major source of drug addiction and opioid deaths is your local drug store.

Drug lords, their lieutenants, and gangs aren't climbing over fences in the desert to enter the country, they're sailing in on yachts, and flying first class into airports around the country and about half of them are living in the US.

A wall will just make it more difficult for a dwindling number of poor immigrant to enter the country and for one's that are here to leave. One of the reasons we have so many undocumented immigrants permanently in the country is increased security has made it harder to leave and to return, so they are staying. 40 years ago before we started building up security on the border we had less than a million illegal immigrants in the US. People would cross the border to visit family and friends or work in fields a few months and return home, some doing this many times a year. Today it is expensive and dangerous to cross the border so when they come they stay.
One of the reasons we have so many undocumented immigrants permanently in the country is increased security has made it harder to leave and to return, so they are staying.


Actually we have several reasons why they don't go home: anchor babies, welfare, lack of enforcement, drivers licenses, bilingual signs................

40 years ago before we started building up security on the border we had less than a million illegal immigrants in the US. People would cross the border to visit family and friends or work in fields a few months and return home, some doing this many times a year. Today it is expensive and dangerous to cross the border so when they come they stay.

And when we find them--we will kick them out.
immigrants commit more crime

immigrants commit more crime - Google Search

Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit ...

Jun 19, 2018 - It found that native-born residents were much more likely to be convicted of a crime thanimmigrants in the country legally or illegally.

Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime? - FactCheck.org
https://www.factcheck.org/2018/.../is-illegal-immigration-linked-to-more-or-less-crim...Claim: It's "not true" that immigrants in the U.S. illegally are "safer than the people that live in the country" in terms of crimes committed.
Claimed by: Donald Trump
Fact check by FactCheck.org: Most Research Disputes
The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant - The New York Times

The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant
[/b]Mar 30, 2018 - +5,000 +10,000 +15,000 +20,000 immigrants per 100,000 people Change since 1980 per 100,000 people +500 violent crimes –500 –1000 ...

Illegal Immigration Does Not Increase Violent Crime, 4 Studies Show ...
May 2, 2018 - Now, four academic studies show that illegal immigration does not increase ... "It's actually immaterial whether they commit more crimes or not ...

FACT CHECK: Trump, Illegal Immigration And Crime : NPR
Jun 22, 2018 - ... of crime committed by immigrants who entered the country illegally. ... The president was joined at the White House by more than a dozen ...

Immigration and Crime - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology
Should there be a concern about crimes committed by both legal and illegal immigrants? Research consistently shows that foreign-born individuals are less ...

Native-born Texans commit more crimes than undocumented ...
Mar 6, 2018 - Native-born Texans are more likely to commit crimes and get arrested than immigrants, a new study suggests. Using data from the Texas ...

Kobach: Correcting the Record on Illegal Aliens and Crime - Kris Kobach
Kobach: Correcting the Record on Illegal Aliens and Crime...
Such crimes are entirely preventable – if our immigration laws were fully enforced ... Confronted with such crimes committed by illegal aliens, the open-borders ...

You're STILL WRONG Lying Hypocrite!


Did you forget to quote me in hopes that I wouldn't notice this nonsense again? Your fact checker admitted that there isn't enough data to do a conclusive study, and that studies have gone both ways. What you've presented is meaningless. If you were actually a person that respects science you wouldn't have posted this garbage again. Let me know when you find a study that shows that race plays a large role in the likelihood of crime, racist.
The Links/Studies are Overwhelmingly in my favor.
Want to see another few Google pages you MORON.

Those are "studies" and YOU LOST.

NONE SAY what YOUR OP Claimed
and are Still UNBACKED with your idiotic @2+2=4


You're awfully angry for somebody that's right. Again, your fact checker admitted there isn't enough evidence to do a conclusive study. Hell, it even said that when it comes to the fed and data that's actually available immigrants seem to commit far more crime. You'll never find a legitimate study that came to the conclusion that race, rather than poverty, is a large indicator for likelihood to commit crime. You're an ignorant and racist partisan that pretends to be an ally of science.

I looked into poverty in the US by race. According to the link I'm providing, Whites have a 9% poverty rate compared to blacks at 22%. Yet you are 8 times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. If proportional to poverty alone, you would only be about 2.4 times likely to be murdered by a black than a white:

Poverty Rate by Race/Ethnicity

Whites are more likely by other whites and even less likely to be killed by immigrants. So there's that.

The WeakWhyte racist agenda is heavy in this thread.

Statistics aren't racist--only those denying them are.
Many immigrants come to America out of poverty through out our history.

Is there a point here?

This is the year 2018 and we face problems unique to the era we live in. The left wants to invite in millions of immigrants/refugees and ignore millions more illegal ones, and God only knows how bad it would be without Republican opposition.

As a member of the left, no - I don't want to ignore millions of of illegal immigrants. I DO want us to do OUR SHARE in alleviating the world's refugee crisis PARTICULARLY in those countries where we played a part in their demise.

I want illegal immigrants to be treated with the same basic human dignity and rights as any other person in America. That means if they are begging for asylum, they get their hearings, without having their children ripped away and thrown into foster care. It's nothing more than than behaving like a civilized country.

I don't see why that is so abhorrant to you.

How can we hope to have affordable social programs for Americans with that going on? Also poor and uneducated people are going to commit more crime. I recognize not all of them will do that, but a lot will because they're poor and uneducated. I personally can't justify increased victimization of Americans for the sake of foreigners.

Sentence 1: contrary to rightwing mythology, immigrants don't come here for welfare. They come here to work, to try and make a better life than they left. Most work. At crap jobs.

Sentence 2: So what? Immigrants have a lower rate of crime than native born Americans. They are also more likely to be victimized.

Sentence 3: We were all foreigners once...

Unsurprisingly diminishing the quality of life in America for the sake of foreigners is becoming more and more unpopular among voters.

What diminishing quality of life and what evidence do you have that it is caused by "foreigners"?

I addressed your points.

One of the often repeated statements from the left is the need for fairness.
Despite all arguments to the contrary ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS represent actions and attitudes which are inherently UNFAIR to the more than 6 million people each year who apply for immigrant visas and wait to legally enter the US. Tens of millions of applicants, many who have been waiting years continue to wait while illegals jump the line.
Can the left truly claim that illegals are more deserving than the millions worldwide who have done everything asked of them and followed the law?

And outside of some countries in Europe, who allows more foreigners into their country than the US? Over recent years, we have averaged between 600,000 to 750,000 new citizens to join our nation.
That's only .18% of the population a year, or about 2% in 10 years. That seems pretty low.

Actually I think it's way too high. It needs to be cut by at least half or more.
we could have solved simple poverty in the US, yesterday. the right wing doesn't like it Because the poor may benefit.
Liberal fantasy based solely on negative emotions with zero factual reality
How do you all live in the heightened state of emotional falsehoods and denials???
i actually have some understanding of economics.

the right wing just likes to complain.
This is the year 2018 and we face problems unique to the era we live in. The left wants to invite in millions of immigrants/refugees and ignore millions more illegal ones, and God only knows how bad it would be without Republican opposition.

As a member of the left, no - I don't want to ignore millions of of illegal immigrants. I DO want us to do OUR SHARE in alleviating the world's refugee crisis PARTICULARLY in those countries where we played a part in their demise.

I want illegal immigrants to be treated with the same basic human dignity and rights as any other person in America. That means if they are begging for asylum, they get their hearings, without having their children ripped away and thrown into foster care. It's nothing more than than behaving like a civilized country.

I don't see why that is so abhorrant to you.

How can we hope to have affordable social programs for Americans with that going on? Also poor and uneducated people are going to commit more crime. I recognize not all of them will do that, but a lot will because they're poor and uneducated. I personally can't justify increased victimization of Americans for the sake of foreigners.

Sentence 1: contrary to rightwing mythology, immigrants don't come here for welfare. They come here to work, to try and make a better life than they left. Most work. At crap jobs.

Sentence 2: So what? Immigrants have a lower rate of crime than native born Americans. They are also more likely to be victimized.

Sentence 3: We were all foreigners once...

Unsurprisingly diminishing the quality of life in America for the sake of foreigners is becoming more and more unpopular among voters.

What diminishing quality of life and what evidence do you have that it is caused by "foreigners"?

I addressed your points.

One of the often repeated statements from the left is the need for fairness.
Despite all arguments to the contrary ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS represent actions and attitudes which are inherently UNFAIR to the more than 6 million people each year who apply for immigrant visas and wait to legally enter the US. Tens of millions of applicants, many who have been waiting years continue to wait while illegals jump the line.
Can the left truly claim that illegals are more deserving than the millions worldwide who have done everything asked of them and followed the law?

And outside of some countries in Europe, who allows more foreigners into their country than the US? Over recent years, we have averaged between 600,000 to 750,000 new citizens to join our nation.
That's only .18% of the population a year, or about 2% in 10 years. That seems pretty low.

Actually I think it's way too high. It needs to be cut by at least half or more.
.18%? In the town I live in with a population of about 5,000, that's only 9 new citizens a year. I think our culture will be pretty safe with that. Your problem is not 600,000 new citizens, it's 80 million foreigners that come to the US to vacation and to work each year. However, it's not just people coming into the country. It's the 66 million Americans going abroad each year. It's ideas, music, TV, movies, and books just as much as it is people. All of this stuff pollutes our culture. And then there's all the schools pushing foreign languages, determine to make the nation bi-lingual.

I think the solution to your problem is to extend the Trump wall completely around the country and to seal off America from all those foreigners and their influence on America.
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As a member of the left, no - I don't want to ignore millions of of illegal immigrants. I DO want us to do OUR SHARE in alleviating the world's refugee crisis PARTICULARLY in those countries where we played a part in their demise.

I want illegal immigrants to be treated with the same basic human dignity and rights as any other person in America. That means if they are begging for asylum, they get their hearings, without having their children ripped away and thrown into foster care. It's nothing more than than behaving like a civilized country.

I don't see why that is so abhorrant to you.

Sentence 1: contrary to rightwing mythology, immigrants don't come here for welfare. They come here to work, to try and make a better life than they left. Most work. At crap jobs.

Sentence 2: So what? Immigrants have a lower rate of crime than native born Americans. They are also more likely to be victimized.

Sentence 3: We were all foreigners once...

What diminishing quality of life and what evidence do you have that it is caused by "foreigners"?

I addressed your points.

One of the often repeated statements from the left is the need for fairness.
Despite all arguments to the contrary ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS represent actions and attitudes which are inherently UNFAIR to the more than 6 million people each year who apply for immigrant visas and wait to legally enter the US. Tens of millions of applicants, many who have been waiting years continue to wait while illegals jump the line.
Can the left truly claim that illegals are more deserving than the millions worldwide who have done everything asked of them and followed the law?

And outside of some countries in Europe, who allows more foreigners into their country than the US? Over recent years, we have averaged between 600,000 to 750,000 new citizens to join our nation.
That's only .18% of the population a year, or about 2% in 10 years. That seems pretty low.

Actually I think it's way too high. It needs to be cut by at least half or more.
.18%? In the town I live in with a population of about 5,000, that's only 9 new citizens a year. I think our culture will be pretty safe with that. Your problem is not 600,000 new citizens, it's 80 million foreigners that come to the US to vacation and to work each year. However, it's not just people coming into the country. It's the 66 million Americans going abroad each year. It's ideas, music, TV, movies, and books just as much as it is people. All of this stuff pollutes our culture. And then there's all the schools pushing foreign languages, determine to make the nation bi-lingual.

I think the solution to your problem is to extend the Trump wall completely around the country and to seal off America from all those foreigners and their influence on America.

Yep, I'm all for that. We have way too many people here as it is. We would be better off as a country with around 200 million people.
Actually I think it's way too high. It needs to be cut by at least half or more.

What horrible tragedies would befall the United States if we had a strict policy of only accepting immigrants with useful skills and the ability to survive without welfare?
Actually, that is how the system was suppose to work.
About 95% of our immigration law dates back to the 1965 immigration act when the assumption was that anybody that didn't want to come to America was nuts. So all the system had to do was restrict immigration from poorer countries and accept those with clean criminal records and America would have immigrants that would be an asset to the nation. Of course, it didn't quite work out that way.

In 1965, crossing the border was a minor violation, a criminal misdemeanor with no penalty. Over staying a visa was considered a rule violation, not a crime just as it is today. It wasn't illegal to hire undocumented immigrants. Mexicans would pour across the border at harvest time, work for a few months and return home. Few people stayed permanently in the US because crossing the border was quite easy since there was so little security. In fact, most of the border was not even fenced. The number of undocumented immigrants in the US at that time was estimated at 400,000.
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While the Left is bent on opening the borders so that we can "make amends" for all the hardship we (American citizens) have forced on the rest of the world, leaving America weak and financially strapped, nations such as China and Russia have no problem keeping their culture in check.
We may be sitting high and pretty now (we actually aren't, we're already cracking as a nation from debt and internal discord), but what most on the Left fail to take into consideration is that all this charity will allow other nations to rise while we fall.

In the short term that may seem splendid. But when we can't sustain our military, and when we can afford to keep our jets in flying condition and when our infrastructure is crumbling china for example isn't making these mistakes. They are growing and becoming stronger. I recall it was extremely common for people 25 years ago to laugh at the mention of China and brag about how powerful the US was and that we would NEVER....EVER need to worry about China as a threat......we'll we can now see how naive and short-sighted those people were.

People exactly like that are pushing hard to make America the savior of the world at any cost. In their short-sightedness, they completely ignore that resources are in fact limited and we're running out of them. Flooding the system with more needy people will simply hasten our fall and another nations rise.

Diluting the culture further only serves to pit more people against others. Foreigners no longer come here to assimilate....they come here speaking THEIR language and flying THEIR countries flag all the while taking full advantage of American taxpayers. Mexico has out-right stated it intends to "take back" what belongs to Mexico (meaning much of the Southwest US.)
And they are well on their way to be able to make good on that as they take seats in Congress and in government and political positions across the nation.

If that seems like a good idea to anyone, then clearly we as a nation are headed in a dismal direction.

Socialists want corporations taken over by the government and wealth confiscated and distributed. Divided we stand, United we fall. Too much diversity is fatal.
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Liberals thought NATO being told to pay it’s fair agreed upon share was Way too touchy feely out of line.
I guess it’s against their core life philosophy .
Liberals thought NATO being told to pay it’s fair agreed upon share was Way too touchy feely out of line.
I guess it’s against their core life philosophy .
And NATO is still not paying their share and they have no agreement to do so regardless of the Trump BS.
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