Poverty and ignorance breeds crime. Economic immigrants and refugees are poor and uneducated. 2+2=4

We might not be that far apart. I agree opening our borders to all is a non-starters. I don't think very many actually support that. But we're making assumptions that poverty alone makes a person unsuitable for immigration, or the fact that they are from "shit hole" countries. I think it behooves us to maintain diversity in immigration, and because of that I see value in the small lottery program that allows people who badly want to come but might not otherwise be able to. I also see value in merit based immigration and family based (though, how extended is up to debate). We should not be shutting off any of those avenues.

Then the question is when will it stop? Will it ever stop? These people are having children in these so-called hellholes and shipping their offspring to the US. Out of empathy we are supposed to just keep bringing them in from these breeding grounds with no end in sight. When the next batch are ready, put them on the conveyer belt to the US like all the others.

If the US funds birth control to these countries, it likely won't help because having children has always been a choice for most people, and these CA and Mexicans have them all the time in spite of their environment. If their surroundings are so bad, so deplorable, so dangerous, WTF are they having kids in the first place?

This is ignorant. Birth rates are falling across Latin America and have been for some time.

So where did I say it was increasing all the time? It doesn't matter if it's falling, they are still having children.

You know how life works, right?

Yes, I do. If your environment is crappy, you don't bring kids into it.

Be glad that you are stupid and relevant. If people followed your philosophy the human race would be Long extinct by now.
LOL@ my comment getting deleted which merely spoke of how there's genes linked to crime that are elevated in Blacks, and Hispanics?

I'd like to hear how this is "Way too off topic" as the Mods claim.

Yet, DanielPalos comments about supporting Communism on this thread is "Not way too off topic"

Hahaha, oh okay so saying that there's genetic links to crime in response to one saying crime is by ignorance, and poverty, is somehow more off topic than someone defending Communism in response to crime is by ignorance, and poverty?

I responded to the post you had made. It's right above. Did you read it? The mods here are partisan retards. I'm sorry your post got deleted.

Well, I've been threatened to be "Banned" for going "Way too off topic" for merely saying that crime is presumably more genetic, rather than poverty.

There's so many examples which suggest it's actually both, but everything supports it's more genetic

If it's just poverty, why aren't all in poverty criminals?

If it's just poverty, then we'd expect Asians in NYC to be the biggest criminal offenders, considering they have the biggest poverty rates.

Then there's the fact that crime increased in the 1960's, with the decrease in poverty, due to LBJ's social programs.

Exactly. My father could tell you stories about when he grew up that would make you cry. Most of his upbringing he went hungry along with his five siblings. They didn't even have running water in the house. ....

And according to your philosophy you should therefore not exist? Is that really your position?
LOL@ my comment getting deleted which merely spoke of how there's genes linked to crime that are elevated in Blacks, and Hispanics?

I'd like to hear how this is "Way too off topic" as the Mods claim.

Yet, DanielPalos comments about supporting Communism on this thread is "Not way too off topic"

Hahaha, oh okay so saying that there's genetic links to crime in response to one saying crime is by ignorance, and poverty, is somehow more off topic than someone defending Communism in response to crime is by ignorance, and poverty?

I responded to the post you had made. It's right above. Did you read it? The mods here are partisan retards. I'm sorry your post got deleted.

Well, I've been threatened to be "Banned" for going "Way too off topic" for merely saying that crime is presumably more genetic, rather than poverty.

There's so many examples which suggest it's actually both, but everything supports it's more genetic

If it's just poverty, why aren't all in poverty criminals?

If it's just poverty, then we'd expect Asians in NYC to be the biggest criminal offenders, considering they have the biggest poverty rates.

Then there's the fact that crime increased in the 1960's, with the decrease in poverty, due to LBJ's social programs.

Exactly. My father could tell you stories about when he grew up that would make you cry. Most of his upbringing he went hungry along with his five siblings. They didn't even have running water in the house. ....

And according to your philosophy you should therefore not exist? Is that really your position?

People back then found a way to make ends meet although very difficult. Nobody in my family thought things were so bad they needed to leave the country. As I stated, poverty was very common back then, and people did what needed to be done to survive.

However if people back then lived where criminals were in control of the country, women and children getting raped, people getting murdered night and day, then yes, it would have been irresponsible to bring children in such a world.
immigrants commit more crime

immigrants commit more crime - Google Search

Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit ...

Jun 19, 2018 - It found that native-born residents were much more likely to be convicted of a crime thanimmigrants in the country legally or illegally.

Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime? - FactCheck.org
https://www.factcheck.org/2018/.../is-illegal-immigration-linked-to-more-or-less-crim...Claim: It's "not true" that immigrants in the U.S. illegally are "safer than the people that live in the country" in terms of crimes committed.
Claimed by: Donald Trump
Fact check by FactCheck.org: Most Research Disputes
The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant - The New York Times

The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant
[/b]Mar 30, 2018 - +5,000 +10,000 +15,000 +20,000 immigrants per 100,000 people Change since 1980 per 100,000 people +500 violent crimes –500 –1000 ...

Illegal Immigration Does Not Increase Violent Crime, 4 Studies Show ...
May 2, 2018 - Now, four academic studies show that illegal immigration does not increase ... "It's actually immaterial whether they commit more crimes or not ...

FACT CHECK: Trump, Illegal Immigration And Crime : NPR
Jun 22, 2018 - ... of crime committed by immigrants who entered the country illegally. ... The president was joined at the White House by more than a dozen ...

Immigration and Crime - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology
Should there be a concern about crimes committed by both legal and illegal immigrants? Research consistently shows that foreign-born individuals are less ...

Native-born Texans commit more crimes than undocumented ...
Mar 6, 2018 - Native-born Texans are more likely to commit crimes and get arrested than immigrants, a new study suggests. Using data from the Texas ...

Kobach: Correcting the Record on Illegal Aliens and Crime - Kris Kobach
Kobach: Correcting the Record on Illegal Aliens and Crime...
Such crimes are entirely preventable – if our immigration laws were fully enforced ... Confronted with such crimes committed by illegal aliens, the open-borders ...

You're STILL WRONG Lying Hypocrite!


Did you forget to quote me in hopes that I wouldn't notice this nonsense again? Your fact checker admitted that there isn't enough data to do a conclusive study, and that studies have gone both ways. What you've presented is meaningless. If you were actually a person that respects science you wouldn't have posted this garbage again. Let me know when you find a study that shows that race plays a large role in the likelihood of crime, racist.
immigrants commit more crime

immigrants commit more crime - Google Search

Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit ...

Jun 19, 2018 - It found that native-born residents were much more likely to be convicted of a crime thanimmigrants in the country legally or illegally.

Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime? - FactCheck.org
https://www.factcheck.org/2018/.../is-illegal-immigration-linked-to-more-or-less-crim...Claim: It's "not true" that immigrants in the U.S. illegally are "safer than the people that live in the country" in terms of crimes committed.
Claimed by: Donald Trump
Fact check by FactCheck.org: Most Research Disputes
The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant - The New York Times

The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant
[/b]Mar 30, 2018 - +5,000 +10,000 +15,000 +20,000 immigrants per 100,000 people Change since 1980 per 100,000 people +500 violent crimes –500 –1000 ...

Illegal Immigration Does Not Increase Violent Crime, 4 Studies Show ...
May 2, 2018 - Now, four academic studies show that illegal immigration does not increase ... "It's actually immaterial whether they commit more crimes or not ...

FACT CHECK: Trump, Illegal Immigration And Crime : NPR
Jun 22, 2018 - ... of crime committed by immigrants who entered the country illegally. ... The president was joined at the White House by more than a dozen ...

Immigration and Crime - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology
Should there be a concern about crimes committed by both legal and illegal immigrants? Research consistently shows that foreign-born individuals are less ...

Native-born Texans commit more crimes than undocumented ...
Mar 6, 2018 - Native-born Texans are more likely to commit crimes and get arrested than immigrants, a new study suggests. Using data from the Texas ...

Kobach: Correcting the Record on Illegal Aliens and Crime - Kris Kobach
Kobach: Correcting the Record on Illegal Aliens and Crime...
Such crimes are entirely preventable – if our immigration laws were fully enforced ... Confronted with such crimes committed by illegal aliens, the open-borders ...

You're STILL WRONG Lying Hypocrite!


Did you forget to quote me in hopes that I wouldn't notice this nonsense again? Your fact checker admitted that there isn't enough data to do a conclusive study, and that studies have gone both ways. What you've presented is meaningless. If you were actually a person that respects science you wouldn't have posted this garbage again. Let me know when you find a study that shows that race plays a large role in the likelihood of crime, racist.
LOL Clown.
The Links/Studies are Overwhelmingly in my favor.
Want to see another few Google pages you MORON.

Those are "studies" and YOU LOST.

and are Still UNBACKED with your idiotic 2+2=4


EDIT to below Liar Conflounder.
"FactChecker" was NOT My only source (It was Your solitary CHERRY PICK), and was merely one of my Many Links.
Overwhlmingly showing Immigrants do NOT commit more crime
Last edited:
immigrants commit more crime

immigrants commit more crime - Google Search

Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit ...

Jun 19, 2018 - It found that native-born residents were much more likely to be convicted of a crime thanimmigrants in the country legally or illegally.

Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime? - FactCheck.org
https://www.factcheck.org/2018/.../is-illegal-immigration-linked-to-more-or-less-crim...Claim: It's "not true" that immigrants in the U.S. illegally are "safer than the people that live in the country" in terms of crimes committed.
Claimed by: Donald Trump
Fact check by FactCheck.org: Most Research Disputes
The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant - The New York Times

The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant
[/b]Mar 30, 2018 - +5,000 +10,000 +15,000 +20,000 immigrants per 100,000 people Change since 1980 per 100,000 people +500 violent crimes –500 –1000 ...

Illegal Immigration Does Not Increase Violent Crime, 4 Studies Show ...
May 2, 2018 - Now, four academic studies show that illegal immigration does not increase ... "It's actually immaterial whether they commit more crimes or not ...

FACT CHECK: Trump, Illegal Immigration And Crime : NPR
Jun 22, 2018 - ... of crime committed by immigrants who entered the country illegally. ... The president was joined at the White House by more than a dozen ...

Immigration and Crime - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology
Should there be a concern about crimes committed by both legal and illegal immigrants? Research consistently shows that foreign-born individuals are less ...

Native-born Texans commit more crimes than undocumented ...
Mar 6, 2018 - Native-born Texans are more likely to commit crimes and get arrested than immigrants, a new study suggests. Using data from the Texas ...

Kobach: Correcting the Record on Illegal Aliens and Crime - Kris Kobach
Kobach: Correcting the Record on Illegal Aliens and Crime...
Such crimes are entirely preventable – if our immigration laws were fully enforced ... Confronted with such crimes committed by illegal aliens, the open-borders ...

You're STILL WRONG Lying Hypocrite!


Did you forget to quote me in hopes that I wouldn't notice this nonsense again? Your fact checker admitted that there isn't enough data to do a conclusive study, and that studies have gone both ways. What you've presented is meaningless. If you were actually a person that respects science you wouldn't have posted this garbage again. Let me know when you find a study that shows that race plays a large role in the likelihood of crime, racist.
The Links/Studies are Overwhelmingly in my favor.
Want to see another few Google pages you MORON.

Those are "studies" and YOU LOST.

NONE SAY what YOUR OP Claimed
and are Still UNBACKED with your idiotic @2+2=4


You're awfully angry for somebody that's right. Again, your fact checker admitted there isn't enough evidence to do a conclusive study. Hell, it even said that when it comes to the fed and data that's actually available immigrants seem to commit far more crime. You'll never find a legitimate study that came to the conclusion that race, rather than poverty, is a large indicator for likelihood to commit crime. You're an ignorant and racist partisan that pretends to be an ally of science.
Last edited:
immigrants commit more crime

immigrants commit more crime - Google Search

Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit ...

Jun 19, 2018 - It found that native-born residents were much more likely to be convicted of a crime thanimmigrants in the country legally or illegally.

Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime? - FactCheck.org
https://www.factcheck.org/2018/.../is-illegal-immigration-linked-to-more-or-less-crim...Claim: It's "not true" that immigrants in the U.S. illegally are "safer than the people that live in the country" in terms of crimes committed.
Claimed by: Donald Trump
Fact check by FactCheck.org: Most Research Disputes
The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant - The New York Times

The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant
[/b]Mar 30, 2018 - +5,000 +10,000 +15,000 +20,000 immigrants per 100,000 people Change since 1980 per 100,000 people +500 violent crimes –500 –1000 ...

Illegal Immigration Does Not Increase Violent Crime, 4 Studies Show ...
May 2, 2018 - Now, four academic studies show that illegal immigration does not increase ... "It's actually immaterial whether they commit more crimes or not ...

FACT CHECK: Trump, Illegal Immigration And Crime : NPR
Jun 22, 2018 - ... of crime committed by immigrants who entered the country illegally. ... The president was joined at the White House by more than a dozen ...

Immigration and Crime - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology
Should there be a concern about crimes committed by both legal and illegal immigrants? Research consistently shows that foreign-born individuals are less ...

Native-born Texans commit more crimes than undocumented ...
Mar 6, 2018 - Native-born Texans are more likely to commit crimes and get arrested than immigrants, a new study suggests. Using data from the Texas ...

Kobach: Correcting the Record on Illegal Aliens and Crime - Kris Kobach
Kobach: Correcting the Record on Illegal Aliens and Crime...
Such crimes are entirely preventable – if our immigration laws were fully enforced ... Confronted with such crimes committed by illegal aliens, the open-borders ...

You're STILL WRONG Lying Hypocrite!


Did you forget to quote me in hopes that I wouldn't notice this nonsense again? Your fact checker admitted that there isn't enough data to do a conclusive study, and that studies have gone both ways. What you've presented is meaningless. If you were actually a person that respects science you wouldn't have posted this garbage again. Let me know when you find a study that shows that race plays a large role in the likelihood of crime, racist.
The Links/Studies are Overwhelmingly in my favor.
Want to see another few Google pages you MORON.

Those are "studies" and YOU LOST.

NONE SAY what YOUR OP Claimed
and are Still UNBACKED with your idiotic @2+2=4


You're awfully angry for somebody that's right. Again, your fact checker admitted there isn't enough evidence to do a conclusive study. Hell, it even said that when it comes to the fed and data that's actually available immigrants seem to commit far more crime. You'll never find a legitimate study that came to the conclusion that race, rather than poverty, is a large indicator for likelihood to commit crime. You're an ignorant and racist partisan that pretends to be an ally of science.

I looked into poverty in the US by race. According to the link I'm providing, Whites have a 9% poverty rate compared to blacks at 22%. Yet you are 8 times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. If proportional to poverty alone, you would only be about 2.4 times likely to be murdered by a black than a white:

Poverty Rate by Race/Ethnicity
LOL@ my comment getting deleted which merely spoke of how there's genes linked to crime that are elevated in Blacks, and Hispanics?

I'd like to hear how this is "Way too off topic" as the Mods claim.

Yet, DanielPalos comments about supporting Communism on this thread is "Not way too off topic"

Hahaha, oh okay so saying that there's genetic links to crime in response to one saying crime is by ignorance, and poverty, is somehow more off topic than someone defending Communism in response to crime is by ignorance, and poverty?

I responded to the post you had made. It's right above. Did you read it? The mods here are partisan retards. I'm sorry your post got deleted.

Well, I've been threatened to be "Banned" for going "Way too off topic" for merely saying that crime is presumably more genetic, rather than poverty.

There's so many examples which suggest it's actually both, but everything supports it's more genetic

If it's just poverty, why aren't all in poverty criminals?

If it's just poverty, then we'd expect Asians in NYC to be the biggest criminal offenders, considering they have the biggest poverty rates.

Then there's the fact that crime increased in the 1960's, with the decrease in poverty, due to LBJ's social programs.

Exactly. My father could tell you stories about when he grew up that would make you cry. Most of his upbringing he went hungry along with his five siblings. They didn't even have running water in the house. ....

And according to your philosophy you should therefore not exist? Is that really your position?

People back then found a way to make ends meet although very difficult. ....

Just like today.
LOL@ my comment getting deleted which merely spoke of how there's genes linked to crime that are elevated in Blacks, and Hispanics?

I'd like to hear how this is "Way too off topic" as the Mods claim.

Yet, DanielPalos comments about supporting Communism on this thread is "Not way too off topic"

Hahaha, oh okay so saying that there's genetic links to crime in response to one saying crime is by ignorance, and poverty, is somehow more off topic than someone defending Communism in response to crime is by ignorance, and poverty?

I responded to the post you had made. It's right above. Did you read it? The mods here are partisan retards. I'm sorry your post got deleted.

Well, I've been threatened to be "Banned" for going "Way too off topic" for merely saying that crime is presumably more genetic, rather than poverty.

There's so many examples which suggest it's actually both, but everything supports it's more genetic

If it's just poverty, why aren't all in poverty criminals?

If it's just poverty, then we'd expect Asians in NYC to be the biggest criminal offenders, considering they have the biggest poverty rates.

Then there's the fact that crime increased in the 1960's, with the decrease in poverty, due to LBJ's social programs.

Exactly. My father could tell you stories about when he grew up that would make you cry. Most of his upbringing he went hungry along with his five siblings. They didn't even have running water in the house. ....

And according to your philosophy you should therefore not exist? Is that really your position?
....if people back then lived where criminals were in control of the country, women and children getting raped, people getting murdered night and day.....

They were.
I responded to the post you had made. It's right above. Did you read it? The mods here are partisan retards. I'm sorry your post got deleted.

Well, I've been threatened to be "Banned" for going "Way too off topic" for merely saying that crime is presumably more genetic, rather than poverty.

There's so many examples which suggest it's actually both, but everything supports it's more genetic

If it's just poverty, why aren't all in poverty criminals?

If it's just poverty, then we'd expect Asians in NYC to be the biggest criminal offenders, considering they have the biggest poverty rates.

Then there's the fact that crime increased in the 1960's, with the decrease in poverty, due to LBJ's social programs.

Exactly. My father could tell you stories about when he grew up that would make you cry. Most of his upbringing he went hungry along with his five siblings. They didn't even have running water in the house. ....

And according to your philosophy you should therefore not exist? Is that really your position?
....if people back then lived where criminals were in control of the country, women and children getting raped, people getting murdered night and day.....

They were.

No, they were not. While we lived less comfortable than today, we didn't live in a third world country when it came to violence and crime. There was much less of it back then.
I responded to the post you had made. It's right above. Did you read it? The mods here are partisan retards. I'm sorry your post got deleted.

Well, I've been threatened to be "Banned" for going "Way too off topic" for merely saying that crime is presumably more genetic, rather than poverty.

There's so many examples which suggest it's actually both, but everything supports it's more genetic

If it's just poverty, why aren't all in poverty criminals?

If it's just poverty, then we'd expect Asians in NYC to be the biggest criminal offenders, considering they have the biggest poverty rates.

Then there's the fact that crime increased in the 1960's, with the decrease in poverty, due to LBJ's social programs.

Exactly. My father could tell you stories about when he grew up that would make you cry. Most of his upbringing he went hungry along with his five siblings. They didn't even have running water in the house. ....

And according to your philosophy you should therefore not exist? Is that really your position?

People back then found a way to make ends meet although very difficult. ....

Just like today.

No, not just like today. When people from SA or CA can't make ends meet or it's just too difficult, they come here instead.
Well, I've been threatened to be "Banned" for going "Way too off topic" for merely saying that crime is presumably more genetic, rather than poverty.

There's so many examples which suggest it's actually both, but everything supports it's more genetic

If it's just poverty, why aren't all in poverty criminals?

If it's just poverty, then we'd expect Asians in NYC to be the biggest criminal offenders, considering they have the biggest poverty rates.

Then there's the fact that crime increased in the 1960's, with the decrease in poverty, due to LBJ's social programs.

Exactly. My father could tell you stories about when he grew up that would make you cry. Most of his upbringing he went hungry along with his five siblings. They didn't even have running water in the house. ....

And according to your philosophy you should therefore not exist? Is that really your position?
....if people back then lived where criminals were in control of the country, women and children getting raped, people getting murdered night and day.....

They were.

No, they were not. While we lived less comfortable than today, we didn't live in a third world country when it came to violence and crime. There was much less of it back then.


Your understanding of history is highly lacking.
Well, I've been threatened to be "Banned" for going "Way too off topic" for merely saying that crime is presumably more genetic, rather than poverty.

There's so many examples which suggest it's actually both, but everything supports it's more genetic

If it's just poverty, why aren't all in poverty criminals?

If it's just poverty, then we'd expect Asians in NYC to be the biggest criminal offenders, considering they have the biggest poverty rates.

Then there's the fact that crime increased in the 1960's, with the decrease in poverty, due to LBJ's social programs.

Exactly. My father could tell you stories about when he grew up that would make you cry. Most of his upbringing he went hungry along with his five siblings. They didn't even have running water in the house. ....

And according to your philosophy you should therefore not exist? Is that really your position?

People back then found a way to make ends meet although very difficult. ....

Just like today.

No, not just like today. When people from SA or CA can't make ends meet or it's just too difficult, they come here instead.

To Cleveland???

Nobody’s got it that bad.
Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit ...

Jun 19, 2018 - It found that native-born residents were much more likely to be convicted of a crime thanimmigrants in the country legally or illegally.

That's a tortured factoid.
How much of our own comfort are we willing to sacrifice for this feel good bullshit? Do you have any idea how many poor and desperate people there are in the world? I'll give you a hint; there are a fuck load. The first world can't save everybody, and in attempting to do so we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. If the left got its way we would actually be fucked. The Republicans do a lot of stupid shit, but thank fuck for their stance on immigration. If we actually want to help these people we need to figure out how to help them where they live.

Do you disappointed lefties want to know why Trump won, and why he will win again? It's because you people would fuck up everything if you had full control of the immigration situation. That one issue is hurting the left badly. If you'd just pull your heads out of your asses and focus on Americans you would start dominating elections.
I am against Illegal immigration and any form of Amnesty. I am for a more selective brand of immigration which favors what will help current residents.

But do you have any stats for
"Poverty and ignorance breeds crime. Economic immigrants and refugees are poor and uneducated. 2+2=4."

Because that isn't really a valid deduction/conclusion without numbers.
Its' a non sequitur.
All Giraffes have spots.
So if you have spots you're tall.

You do alot of Link/OP Dumping. One would think you could back it up.
PS: I did NOT read all 35 pages.

It's common knowledge and common sense dude. The more poor and uneducated a person is the more likely they are to commit crimes because their living conditions are more desperate. It's true all over the world. Middle and South Americans are no exception. It's nothing personal. I don't think it's because they're dirty Mexicans. I think it's because their life is difficult and so crime is more appealing.

Here is just one link. There are a shitload if you google it.

26 Poverty and Crime Statistics

These poverty and crime statistics prove that when the standard of living is depressed, the individuals living in poverty see the benefits of committing a crime to meet their basic needs is worth the risk of getting caught. And, when severe poverty is considered, there is a direct correlation to a rise in violent crime.
So Solly

That is NOT a stat on immigrant Crime.
It's a stat on poverty and crime.

Same non sequitur.
I assume you've looked and struck out - perhaps even found contradiction.

Our Poor Asian Immigrants/Chinatowns, where people sometime live 5 in a room, have little-to-No crime.
Asians have 1/4 the White Crime rate.

The best indicator of Crime is, alas, Race... which in turn determines IQ, economic status, and cultural/behavorial, even hormonal inclination.

Poor Chinese people commit more crime than better off Chinese people. Same goes for people south of the border. They are not very useful to the economy and are at a higher than normal risk to commit crime because of their impoverished status.
So STILL no documentation for your Immigrant Claim.

I'm sure you can do this, and probably Did you DISHONEST POS:

immigrants commit more crime

immigrants commit more crime - Google Search

Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit ...

Jun 19, 2018 - It found that native-born residents were much more likely to be convicted of a crime thanimmigrants in the country legally or illegally.

Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime? - FactCheck.org
https://www.factcheck.org/2018/.../is-illegal-immigration-linked-to-more-or-less-crim...Claim: It's "not true" that immigrants in the U.S. illegally are "safer than the people that live in the country" in terms of crimes committed.
Claimed by: Donald Trump
Fact check by FactCheck.org: Most Research Disputes
Non-Citizens Committed a Disproportionate Share of Federal Crimes ...
Jan 10, 2018 - Many immigration advocates argue that immigrants have much lower crime rates than natives (see this op-ed and this paper). As my colleague ...

The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant - The New York Times
The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant
[/b]Mar 30, 2018 - +5,000 +10,000 +15,000 +20,000 immigrants per 100,000 people Change since 1980 per 100,000 people +500 violent crimes –500 –1000 ...

Illegal Immigration Does Not Increase Violent Crime, 4 Studies Show ...
May 2, 2018 - Now, four academic studies show that illegal immigration does not increase ... "It's actually immaterial whether they commit more crimes or not ...

FACT CHECK: Trump, Illegal Immigration And Crime : NPR
Jun 22, 2018 - ... of crime committed by immigrants who entered the country illegally. ... The president was joined at the White House by more than a dozen ...

Immigration and Crime - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology
Should there be a concern about crimes committed by both legal and illegal immigrants? Research consistently shows that foreign-born individuals are less ...

Native-born Texans commit more crimes than undocumented ...
Mar 6, 2018 - Native-born Texans are more likely to commit crimes and get arrested than immigrants, a new study suggests. Using data from the Texas ...

Kobach: Correcting the Record on Illegal Aliens and Crime - Kris Kobach
Kobach: Correcting the Record on Illegal Aliens and Crime...
Such crimes are entirely preventable – if our immigration laws were fully enforced ... Confronted with such crimes committed by illegal aliens, the open-borders ...

Are Immigrants More Likely to Commit Crimes? Meager State Prison ...
Home › Uncategorized
Mar 14, 2018 - The Trump administration has pointed to a joint Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security report on federal prison inmates

Seems YOU WRONG goofy!


Seems like you don't know how to vet a statistic. EVERY statistic has or SHOULD HAVE a very distinct and clear question. Trying to answer the question "Are Mexican/Cent American illegal immigrants more likely to commit a crime -- can't be answered with questions like ---

WashPo -- Are all immigrants more likely to be convicted of crime than American citizens.

Prob 1 --- It uses ALL immigrants. Not just Mexican/Cent American ILLEGAL immigrants.
Prob 2 --- Not being CONVICTED, doesn't mean you did not do the crime. One of largest "crimes" for illegals is "hit and runs". MOST are never found or prosecuted. The insurance companies fight it out. And THEY will tell you -- the culprits are LARGELY illegal southern immigrants.

NYTimes --- Crime rates have gone DOWN, while immigration has gone up..

Prob1 -- same as before. Doesn't differentiate between immigration classes or define HOW long they been here.. IN FACT --- this is far MORE bogus than including all immigrants, because we don't ACCURATELY KNOW -- how many illegals have come in to within even 20%.
Prob2 -- Trying to correlate gross crime rate to immigration in total is fools errand. Because it's NOT normalized to ethnicity or country of illegal origin. It's far more likely to be factors like increased policing, surveillance, or changes in law than ANY reaction to the gross number of NEW immigrants. And what is a "new immigrant"? Is it just the numbers that entered THAT year? Not the folks that have BEEN here for 10 years?

Instead of brainlessly googling generic terms, you should USE your brain to focus on the SPECIFIC QUESTION and DEFINITIONS before you just sling up a bunch of useless (paywalled) and rookie statistical analyses.
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How much of our own comfort are we willing to sacrifice for this feel good bullshit? Do you have any idea how many poor and desperate people there are in the world? I'll give you a hint; there are a fuck load. The first world can't save everybody, and in attempting to do so we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. If the left got its way we would actually be fucked. The Republicans do a lot of stupid shit, but thank fuck for their stance on immigration. If we actually want to help these people we need to figure out how to help them where they live.

Do you disappointed lefties want to know why Trump won, and why he will win again? It's because you people would fuck up everything if you had full control of the immigration situation. That one issue is hurting the left badly. If you'd just pull your heads out of your asses and focus on Americans you would start dominating elections.
I think of all those clever Sicilians that came here. They wanted a better life, so the stereotypes are born and flourish. We get the Cosa Nostra. The Mafia. And then we get M13 now. Well, the thing about THAT? Nobody gave the Italians um, what do they say, sanctuary. Nope. In fact, no group I am aware of ever got this special treatment before. Just Mexicans NOW. WHY? I can only guess. And being that it was never on any ballot, nobody got to actually VOTE to allow their city to become a sanctuary , something smells rotten in Denmark, kiddoes. Mexicans THIS, Hispanics THAT, we NEED to be "Inclusive" and "Diverse"...I challenge that. Besides, Mexicans despise and revile American culture. Acclimation to them is an anathema. I will never accept THEM in a bazillion years because of that. No legislation will change them or me.
The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities

I am a former Spanish speaking career detective who investigated violent crimes within the Hispanic and other ethnic immigrant communities.

I am also a forensic criminologist who is a subject matter expert in violent crime who advocates for facts and evidence. Here are some verified crime facts and statistics with you so that you will know the truth about the precarious relationship between violent crime and illegal immigrants.

As Americans, we should only care about three things: (1) are the immigrants in the U.S. illegally; (2) have they committed violent crimes predominantly against U.S. citizens; and (3) had these criminals not been in our country illegally, these crimes, the victimization of our citizens and the costs of their crimes borne by American taxpayers could have been completely avoided.

Now HERE is the problem stated very scientifically, with the consideration of JUST illegal aliens and the number for percent of total US population which is elusive and not rigidly defined by many. This important number is derived like this (from the link)

The Pew Research Institute estimates that as of 2014, there are at least 11.2 million illegal immigrants residing in the U.S. This population comprises approximately 3.5 percent of our country’s population.

Of these, by far the largest ethnic population, 52 percent are Hispanics comprised of Mexicans, Central Americans and Cubans.

That's roughly 1.75% of the general pop are illegal Hispanics.

So -- now that we have the definition and a clear statement to ASK a statistical question -- what are the results?

That same year, the U.S. Sentencing Commission found that 75 percent of all criminal defendants who were convicted and sentenced for federal drug offenses were illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants were also involved in 17 percent of all drug trafficking sentences and one third of all federal prison sentences.

The U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that as of 2014, illegal immigrants were convicted and sentenced for over 13 percent of all crimes committed in the U.S.

According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders.

Illegal immigrants clearly commit a level of violent and drug related crimes disproportionate to their population.

In California alone, over 2,400 illegal immigrants out of a total prison population of 130,000 are imprisoned in the state’s prison system for the crime of homicide.

In California, there are just over 92 illegal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals as compared to 74 citizens and legal non-citizen immigrants. In Arizona, the rate is nearly 69 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000, as compared to 54 citizens and legal non-citizen immigrants.

That last paragraph is the SPECIFIC nut we're looking for. 92 versus 74 per 100,000 between illegals and citizens in Cali. And 69 versus 54 in Arizona. There it is. NOT a crisis level finding. In fact, it may not be that statistically valid. And it's CERTAINLY nothing like the disparity between Blacks and whites when it comes to crime.

But it's there. I don't PERSONALLY think it's a major disparity. And POVERTY -- like in the OP statement probably accounts for MOST of the disparity that IS there.

But don't blow smoke. FOCUS on the definition of the question. And don't just go googling your ass off with crap statistical analysis that does not EVEN address the question being asked.

The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities

I am a former Spanish speaking career detective who investigated violent crimes within the Hispanic and other ethnic immigrant communities.

I am also a forensic criminologist who is a subject matter expert in violent crime who advocates for facts and evidence. Here are some verified crime facts and statistics with you so that you will know the truth about the precarious relationship between violent crime and illegal immigrants.

As Americans, we should only care about three things: (1) are the immigrants in the U.S. illegally; (2) have they committed violent crimes predominantly against U.S. citizens; and (3) had these criminals not been in our country illegally, these crimes, the victimization of our citizens and the costs of their crimes borne by American taxpayers could have been completely avoided.

Now HERE is the problem stated very scientifically, with the consideration of JUST illegal aliens and the number for percent of total US population which is elusive and not rigidly defined by many. This important number is derived like this (from the link)

The Pew Research Institute estimates that as of 2014, there are at least 11.2 million illegal immigrants residing in the U.S. This population comprises approximately 3.5 percent of our country’s population.

Of these, by far the largest ethnic population, 52 percent are Hispanics comprised of Mexicans, Central Americans and Cubans.

That's roughly 1.75% of the general pop are illegal Hispanics.

So -- now that we have the definition and a clear statement to ASK a statistical question -- what are the results?

That same year, the U.S. Sentencing Commission found that 75 percent of all criminal defendants who were convicted and sentenced for federal drug offenses were illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants were also involved in 17 percent of all drug trafficking sentences and one third of all federal prison sentences.

The U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that as of 2014, illegal immigrants were convicted and sentenced for over 13 percent of all crimes committed in the U.S.

According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders.

Illegal immigrants clearly commit a level of violent and drug related crimes disproportionate to their population.

In California alone, over 2,400 illegal immigrants out of a total prison population of 130,000 are imprisoned in the state’s prison system for the crime of homicide.

In California, there are just over 92 illegal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals as compared to 74 citizens and legal non-citizen immigrants. In Arizona, the rate is nearly 69 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000, as compared to 54 citizens and legal non-citizen immigrants.

That last paragraph is the SPECIFIC nut we're looking for. 92 versus 74 per 100,000 between illegals and citizens in Cali. And 69 versus 54 in Arizona. There it is. NOT a crisis level finding. In fact, it may not be that statistically valid. And it's CERTAINLY nothing like the disparity between Blacks and whites when it comes to crime.

But it's there. I don't PERSONALLY think it's a major disparity. And POVERTY -- like in the OP statement probably accounts for MOST of the disparity that IS there.

But don't blow smoke. FOCUS on the definition of the question. And don't just go googling your ass off with crap statistical analysis that does not EVEN address the question being asked.
This is in answer to BOTH of your posts.

1. The OP was by far the sloppiest/most idiotic post of the thread. With NOTHING to back it when I asked.
"2+2=4" ... WTF is that? Not a stat/link in the house.

2. It was ME who pointed out the diffrence in immigrants INSTEAD of Lumping them on pg 37, #361 Poverty and ignorance breeds crime. Economic immigrants and refugees are poor and uneducated. 2+2=4

So Solly

That is NOT a stat on immigrant Crime.
It's a stat on poverty and crime.

Same non sequitur.
I assume you've looked and struck out - perhaps even found contradiction.

Our Poor Asian Immigrants/Chinatowns, where people sometime live 5 in a room, have little-to-No crime.
Asians have 1/4 the White Crime rate.

The best indicator of Crime is, alas, Race
... which in turn determines IQ, economic status, and cultural/behavorial, even hormonal inclination.

So I did distinguish between Immigrants.
Be glad to do so further, but this would probably degenerate into a thread that would be warned/sanctioned as I gather from several posts.

3. Your stats are only on "illegal Immigrants".
IOW you have conveniently or Dishonestly Twisted the OP from "Immigrants and refugees" to "illegal immigrants.".
So shove your twisted/Off topic stats up your ass.
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So I did distinguish between Immigrants.
Be glad to do so further, but this would probably degenerate into a thread that would be warned/sanctioned as I gather from several posts.

Most of your links did not focus on the border issue. Some of them didn't even ask the right questions. The BORDER issue is IMPLIED in this discussion. We are not all at each other's throat about naturalizing British TV anchors or foreign scientists graduating from our American colleges or Iraqis who served along our troops..

In fact, the article I posted ENUMERATES it for you. About 1/2 of all the immigrants come thru the southern border with no permanent documentation.
The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities

I am a former Spanish speaking career detective who investigated violent crimes within the Hispanic and other ethnic immigrant communities.

I am also a forensic criminologist who is a subject matter expert in violent crime who advocates for facts and evidence. Here are some verified crime facts and statistics with you so that you will know the truth about the precarious relationship between violent crime and illegal immigrants.

As Americans, we should only care about three things: (1) are the immigrants in the U.S. illegally; (2) have they committed violent crimes predominantly against U.S. citizens; and (3) had these criminals not been in our country illegally, these crimes, the victimization of our citizens and the costs of their crimes borne by American taxpayers could have been completely avoided.

Now HERE is the problem stated very scientifically, with the consideration of JUST illegal aliens and the number for percent of total US population which is elusive and not rigidly defined by many. This important number is derived like this (from the link)

The Pew Research Institute estimates that as of 2014, there are at least 11.2 million illegal immigrants residing in the U.S. This population comprises approximately 3.5 percent of our country’s population.

Of these, by far the largest ethnic population, 52 percent are Hispanics comprised of Mexicans, Central Americans and Cubans.

That's roughly 1.75% of the general pop are illegal Hispanics.

So -- now that we have the definition and a clear statement to ASK a statistical question -- what are the results?

That same year, the U.S. Sentencing Commission found that 75 percent of all criminal defendants who were convicted and sentenced for federal drug offenses were illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants were also involved in 17 percent of all drug trafficking sentences and one third of all federal prison sentences.

The U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that as of 2014, illegal immigrants were convicted and sentenced for over 13 percent of all crimes committed in the U.S.

According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders.

Illegal immigrants clearly commit a level of violent and drug related crimes disproportionate to their population.

In California alone, over 2,400 illegal immigrants out of a total prison population of 130,000 are imprisoned in the state’s prison system for the crime of homicide.

In California, there are just over 92 illegal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals as compared to 74 citizens and legal non-citizen immigrants. In Arizona, the rate is nearly 69 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000, as compared to 54 citizens and legal non-citizen immigrants.

That last paragraph is the SPECIFIC nut we're looking for. 92 versus 74 per 100,000 between illegals and citizens in Cali. And 69 versus 54 in Arizona. There it is. NOT a crisis level finding. In fact, it may not be that statistically valid. And it's CERTAINLY nothing like the disparity between Blacks and whites when it comes to crime.

But it's there. I don't PERSONALLY think it's a major disparity. And POVERTY -- like in the OP statement probably accounts for MOST of the disparity that IS there.

But don't blow smoke. FOCUS on the definition of the question. And don't just go googling your ass off with crap statistical analysis that does not EVEN address the question being asked.
It is Our war on drugs that is cause of that disparity.
So I did distinguish between Immigrants.
Be glad to do so further, but this would probably degenerate into a thread that would be warned/sanctioned as I gather from several posts.

Most of your links did not focus on the border issue. Some of them didn't even ask the right questions. The BORDER issue is IMPLIED in this discussion. We are not all at each other's throat about naturalizing British TV anchors or foreign scientists graduating from our American colleges.
So you have NO answer to the fact it was ME who DID distinguish between immigrants.
Now YOU want to LUMP them as "Implied"!
Take a side.
And No answer to your only "illegal immigrant" Perversion of the OP.

It's been groovy but you had another rough outing.

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