Poverty and ignorance breeds crime. Economic immigrants and refugees are poor and uneducated. 2+2=4

LOL@ my comment getting deleted which merely spoke of how there's genes linked to crime that are elevated in Blacks, and Hispanics?

I'd like to hear how this is "Way too off topic" as the Mods claim.

Yet, DanielPalos comments about supporting Communism on this thread is "Not way too off topic"

Hahaha, oh okay so saying that there's genetic links to crime in response to one saying crime is by ignorance, and poverty, is somehow more off topic than someone defending Communism in response to crime is by ignorance, and poverty?

I responded to the post you had made. It's right above. Did you read it? The mods here are partisan retards. I'm sorry your post got deleted.

Well, I've been threatened to be "Banned" for going "Way too off topic" for merely saying that crime is presumably more genetic, rather than poverty.

There's so many examples which suggest it's actually both, but everything supports it's more genetic

If it's just poverty, why aren't all in poverty criminals?

If it's just poverty, then we'd expect Asians in NYC to be the biggest criminal offenders, considering they have the biggest poverty rates.

Then there's the fact that crime increased in the 1960's, with the decrease in poverty, due to LBJ's social programs.
LOL@ my comment getting deleted which merely spoke of how there's genes linked to crime that are elevated in Blacks, and Hispanics?

I'd like to hear how this is "Way too off topic" as the Mods claim.

Yet, DanielPalos comments about supporting Communism on this thread is "Not way too off topic"

Hahaha, oh okay so saying that there's genetic links to crime in response to one saying crime is by ignorance, and poverty, is somehow more off topic than someone defending Communism in response to crime is by ignorance, and poverty?

I responded to the post you had made. It's right above. Did you read it? The mods here are partisan retards. I'm sorry your post got deleted.

Well, I've been threatened to be "Banned" for going "Way too off topic" for merely saying that crime is presumably more genetic, rather than poverty.

There's so many examples which suggest it's actually both, but everything supports it's more genetic

If it's just poverty, why aren't all in poverty criminals?

If it's just poverty, then we'd expect Asians in NYC to be the biggest criminal offenders, considering they have the biggest poverty rates.

Then there's the fact that crime increased in the 1960's, with the decrease in poverty, due to LBJ's social programs.

I'm asking for scientific studies that back everything you've suggested.
LOL@ my comment getting deleted which merely spoke of how there's genes linked to crime that are elevated in Blacks, and Hispanics?

I'd like to hear how this is "Way too off topic" as the Mods claim.

Yet, DanielPalos comments about supporting Communism on this thread is "Not way too off topic"

Hahaha, oh okay so saying that there's genetic links to crime in response to one saying crime is by ignorance, and poverty, is somehow more off topic than someone defending Communism in response to crime is by ignorance, and poverty?

I responded to the post you had made. It's right above. Did you read it? The mods here are partisan retards. I'm sorry your post got deleted.

Well, I've been threatened to be "Banned" for going "Way too off topic" for merely saying that crime is presumably more genetic, rather than poverty.

There's so many examples which suggest it's actually both, but everything supports it's more genetic

If it's just poverty, why aren't all in poverty criminals?

If it's just poverty, then we'd expect Asians in NYC to be the biggest criminal offenders, considering they have the biggest poverty rates.

Then there's the fact that crime increased in the 1960's, with the decrease in poverty, due to LBJ's social programs.

I'm asking for scientific studies that back everything you've suggested.

They admit that genes + abuse lead to significant increase in criminal behavior potential.

The Ashgate Research Companion to Biosocial Theories of Crime
You jumped in without reading through the thread and the context for WHY I put that quote there. It was because Kosh demanded to know what the LARGER bit I quoted has to do with poverty and you jumped right on it without taking in the larger context!

My position is in post 72.

I saw you focused on the poverty issue from early on. And I should have responded to the OP -- not you at that point trying to talk with Kosh. Which I did above on page around #272. BOTH SIDES need to get off the generalizations and stereotypes, like poor or stupid or criminal, and stop USING THESE FOLKS as political ammunition.

For all the reasons I just posted above. Immigration is a STRATEGIC long range issue. Not a reason for daily confrontation and protests on one of HUNDREDS of things that need fixing. We don't FIX stupid or poverty by opening our borders.

We might not be that far apart. I agree opening our borders to all is a non-starters. I don't think very many actually support that. But we're making assumptions that poverty alone makes a person unsuitable for immigration, or the fact that they are from "shit hole" countries. I think it behooves us to maintain diversity in immigration, and because of that I see value in the small lottery program that allows people who badly want to come but might not otherwise be able to. I also see value in merit based immigration and family based (though, how extended is up to debate). We should not be shutting off any of those avenues.

Then the question is when will it stop? Will it ever stop? These people are having children in these so-called hellholes and shipping their offspring to the US. Out of empathy we are supposed to just keep bringing them in from these breeding grounds with no end in sight. When the next batch are ready, put them on the conveyer belt to the US like all the others.

If the US funds birth control to these countries, it likely won't help because having children has always been a choice for most people, and these CA and Mexicans have them all the time in spite of their environment. If their surroundings are so bad, so deplorable, so dangerous, WTF are they having kids in the first place?

This is ignorant. Birth rates are falling across Latin America and have been for some time.

So where did I say it was increasing all the time? It doesn't matter if it's falling, they are still having children.

How long will you be visiting earth?
On the other hand most of those children were in fact with their parents. And now we have parents deported without their children and no idea where their children are or how to get them back.
The few parents who were deported will get their children back as long as they continue to work with both governments and lawyers and the governments work with them.
You jumped in without reading through the thread and the context for WHY I put that quote there. It was because Kosh demanded to know what the LARGER bit I quoted has to do with poverty and you jumped right on it without taking in the larger context!

My position is in post 72.

I saw you focused on the poverty issue from early on. And I should have responded to the OP -- not you at that point trying to talk with Kosh. Which I did above on page around #272. BOTH SIDES need to get off the generalizations and stereotypes, like poor or stupid or criminal, and stop USING THESE FOLKS as political ammunition.

For all the reasons I just posted above. Immigration is a STRATEGIC long range issue. Not a reason for daily confrontation and protests on one of HUNDREDS of things that need fixing. We don't FIX stupid or poverty by opening our borders.

We might not be that far apart. I agree opening our borders to all is a non-starters. I don't think very many actually support that. But we're making assumptions that poverty alone makes a person unsuitable for immigration, or the fact that they are from "shit hole" countries. I think it behooves us to maintain diversity in immigration, and because of that I see value in the small lottery program that allows people who badly want to come but might not otherwise be able to. I also see value in merit based immigration and family based (though, how extended is up to debate). We should not be shutting off any of those avenues.

Then the question is when will it stop? Will it ever stop? These people are having children in these so-called hellholes and shipping their offspring to the US. Out of empathy we are supposed to just keep bringing them in from these breeding grounds with no end in sight. When the next batch are ready, put them on the conveyer belt to the US like all the others.

If the US funds birth control to these countries, it likely won't help because having children has always been a choice for most people, and these CA and Mexicans have them all the time in spite of their environment. If their surroundings are so bad, so deplorable, so dangerous, WTF are they having kids in the first place?

This is ignorant. Birth rates are falling across Latin America and have been for some time.

So where did I say it was increasing all the time? It doesn't matter if it's falling, they are still having children.

You know how life works, right?
I saw you focused on the poverty issue from early on. And I should have responded to the OP -- not you at that point trying to talk with Kosh. Which I did above on page around #272. BOTH SIDES need to get off the generalizations and stereotypes, like poor or stupid or criminal, and stop USING THESE FOLKS as political ammunition.

For all the reasons I just posted above. Immigration is a STRATEGIC long range issue. Not a reason for daily confrontation and protests on one of HUNDREDS of things that need fixing. We don't FIX stupid or poverty by opening our borders.

We might not be that far apart. I agree opening our borders to all is a non-starters. I don't think very many actually support that. But we're making assumptions that poverty alone makes a person unsuitable for immigration, or the fact that they are from "shit hole" countries. I think it behooves us to maintain diversity in immigration, and because of that I see value in the small lottery program that allows people who badly want to come but might not otherwise be able to. I also see value in merit based immigration and family based (though, how extended is up to debate). We should not be shutting off any of those avenues.

Then the question is when will it stop? Will it ever stop? These people are having children in these so-called hellholes and shipping their offspring to the US. Out of empathy we are supposed to just keep bringing them in from these breeding grounds with no end in sight. When the next batch are ready, put them on the conveyer belt to the US like all the others.

If the US funds birth control to these countries, it likely won't help because having children has always been a choice for most people, and these CA and Mexicans have them all the time in spite of their environment. If their surroundings are so bad, so deplorable, so dangerous, WTF are they having kids in the first place?

This is ignorant. Birth rates are falling across Latin America and have been for some time.

So where did I say it was increasing all the time? It doesn't matter if it's falling, they are still having children.

How long will you be visiting earth?

He's saying that despite shifting trends in birth rates people will still be having kids and will continue to pour into the U.S.
But we're making assumptions that poverty alone makes a person unsuitable for immigration, or the fact that they are from "shit hole" countries. I think it behooves us to maintain diversity in immigration, and because of that I see value in the small lottery program that allows people who badly want to come but might not otherwise be able to. I also see value in merit based immigration and family based (though, how extended is up to debate). We should not be shutting off any of those avenues.

Poverty alone or even a foreign govt colluding with crime or unable to control crime CAN'T FAIRLY be a promotion for US immigration. There's no way to conduct unbiased foreign policy and take MORE than your fair share of poor or crime threatened people from your neighborhood. By doing that -- you are often HELPING the corrupt leadership in those countries steal more and "ship out" their worst cases. Those issues need to be fixed at the place of origin -- or you've accomplished nothing.

What I DO THINK should be a justification is "refugee status" from HOT wars. Which we've never really done. But that needs a SPECIAL arrangement for actual Refugee camps and support services to provide aid and comfort until the conflict is resolved or some country in their region can permanently relocate them. SOME of those folks might LIKE America so much -- they want to apply for citizenship. But taking in refugees by BULK during a hot war doesn't allow for them to DECIDE where they want to relocate. All they want to do at that point is STAY alive. We shouldn't assume they even KNOW enough to choose any particular Western country to permanently emigrate to.

Why do you think they are "shipping out" their "worst cases"? I think that assessment is more fiction than fact. It's their best people who are fleeing - it takes a particular strength of will, character and determination not to mention courage to immigrate. The ones that aren't are the gangs profiting off the people.



Fleeing does NOT connote courage. It is not logical to assume courage based on actions and circumstances that do not indicate same. The human mind is not yours to read, and the English language is not yours to rewrite.
We might not be that far apart. I agree opening our borders to all is a non-starters. I don't think very many actually support that. But we're making assumptions that poverty alone makes a person unsuitable for immigration, or the fact that they are from "shit hole" countries. I think it behooves us to maintain diversity in immigration, and because of that I see value in the small lottery program that allows people who badly want to come but might not otherwise be able to. I also see value in merit based immigration and family based (though, how extended is up to debate). We should not be shutting off any of those avenues.

Then the question is when will it stop? Will it ever stop? These people are having children in these so-called hellholes and shipping their offspring to the US. Out of empathy we are supposed to just keep bringing them in from these breeding grounds with no end in sight. When the next batch are ready, put them on the conveyer belt to the US like all the others.

If the US funds birth control to these countries, it likely won't help because having children has always been a choice for most people, and these CA and Mexicans have them all the time in spite of their environment. If their surroundings are so bad, so deplorable, so dangerous, WTF are they having kids in the first place?

This is ignorant. Birth rates are falling across Latin America and have been for some time.

So where did I say it was increasing all the time? It doesn't matter if it's falling, they are still having children.

How long will you be visiting earth?

He's saying that despite shifting trends in birth rates people will still be having kids and will continue to pour into the U.S.

The tired old racist stereotype of "those lowlifes breed like flies" was proven wrong, and the absurd notion that human beings having ANY offspring is what he really meant is insultingly disingenuous.
Then the question is when will it stop? Will it ever stop? These people are having children in these so-called hellholes and shipping their offspring to the US. Out of empathy we are supposed to just keep bringing them in from these breeding grounds with no end in sight. When the next batch are ready, put them on the conveyer belt to the US like all the others.

If the US funds birth control to these countries, it likely won't help because having children has always been a choice for most people, and these CA and Mexicans have them all the time in spite of their environment. If their surroundings are so bad, so deplorable, so dangerous, WTF are they having kids in the first place?

This is ignorant. Birth rates are falling across Latin America and have been for some time.

So where did I say it was increasing all the time? It doesn't matter if it's falling, they are still having children.

How long will you be visiting earth?

He's saying that despite shifting trends in birth rates people will still be having kids and will continue to pour into the U.S.

The tired old racist stereotype of "those lowlifes breed like flies" was proven wrong, and the absurd notion that human beings having ANY offspring is what he really meant is insultingly disingenuous.

He is saying that a decline in birthrates isn't going to stop illegals from flooding into the United States. He thinks it's irrelevant, though perhaps I'm misunderstanding him. We should wait for clarification.
Then the question is when will it stop? Will it ever stop? These people are having children in these so-called hellholes and shipping their offspring to the US. Out of empathy we are supposed to just keep bringing them in from these breeding grounds with no end in sight. When the next batch are ready, put them on the conveyer belt to the US like all the others.

If the US funds birth control to these countries, it likely won't help because having children has always been a choice for most people, and these CA and Mexicans have them all the time in spite of their environment. If their surroundings are so bad, so deplorable, so dangerous, WTF are they having kids in the first place?

This is ignorant. Birth rates are falling across Latin America and have been for some time.

So where did I say it was increasing all the time? It doesn't matter if it's falling, they are still having children.

How long will you be visiting earth?

He's saying that despite shifting trends in birth rates people will still be having kids and will continue to pour into the U.S.

The tired old racist stereotype of "those lowlifes breed like flies" was proven wrong, and the absurd notion that human beings having ANY offspring is what he really meant is insultingly disingenuous.

So why are you putting words into my sentences? Show me this stereotype that I used.
I saw you focused on the poverty issue from early on. And I should have responded to the OP -- not you at that point trying to talk with Kosh. Which I did above on page around #272. BOTH SIDES need to get off the generalizations and stereotypes, like poor or stupid or criminal, and stop USING THESE FOLKS as political ammunition.

For all the reasons I just posted above. Immigration is a STRATEGIC long range issue. Not a reason for daily confrontation and protests on one of HUNDREDS of things that need fixing. We don't FIX stupid or poverty by opening our borders.

We might not be that far apart. I agree opening our borders to all is a non-starters. I don't think very many actually support that. But we're making assumptions that poverty alone makes a person unsuitable for immigration, or the fact that they are from "shit hole" countries. I think it behooves us to maintain diversity in immigration, and because of that I see value in the small lottery program that allows people who badly want to come but might not otherwise be able to. I also see value in merit based immigration and family based (though, how extended is up to debate). We should not be shutting off any of those avenues.

Then the question is when will it stop? Will it ever stop? These people are having children in these so-called hellholes and shipping their offspring to the US. Out of empathy we are supposed to just keep bringing them in from these breeding grounds with no end in sight. When the next batch are ready, put them on the conveyer belt to the US like all the others.

If the US funds birth control to these countries, it likely won't help because having children has always been a choice for most people, and these CA and Mexicans have them all the time in spite of their environment. If their surroundings are so bad, so deplorable, so dangerous, WTF are they having kids in the first place?

This is ignorant. Birth rates are falling across Latin America and have been for some time.

So where did I say it was increasing all the time? It doesn't matter if it's falling, they are still having children.

You know how life works, right?

Yes, I do. If your environment is crappy, you don't bring kids into it.
LOL@ my comment getting deleted which merely spoke of how there's genes linked to crime that are elevated in Blacks, and Hispanics?

I'd like to hear how this is "Way too off topic" as the Mods claim.

Yet, DanielPalos comments about supporting Communism on this thread is "Not way too off topic"

Hahaha, oh okay so saying that there's genetic links to crime in response to one saying crime is by ignorance, and poverty, is somehow more off topic than someone defending Communism in response to crime is by ignorance, and poverty?

I responded to the post you had made. It's right above. Did you read it? The mods here are partisan retards. I'm sorry your post got deleted.

Well, I've been threatened to be "Banned" for going "Way too off topic" for merely saying that crime is presumably more genetic, rather than poverty.

There's so many examples which suggest it's actually both, but everything supports it's more genetic

If it's just poverty, why aren't all in poverty criminals?

If it's just poverty, then we'd expect Asians in NYC to be the biggest criminal offenders, considering they have the biggest poverty rates.

Then there's the fact that crime increased in the 1960's, with the decrease in poverty, due to LBJ's social programs.

Exactly. My father could tell you stories about when he grew up that would make you cry. Most of his upbringing he went hungry along with his five siblings. They didn't even have running water in the house. He, his brothers and sisters all grew up to be productive citizens, served in the military, and learned trades---mostly in construction. A few of my Uncles ran their own business.

But that as the norm back then. Many people were the same way, and most never spent a day in jail yet alone prison.

I'm asking for scientific studies that back everything you've suggested.
You Hypocrite Clown.
You couldn't even back the claim in YOUR OP when I asked!
Now you want "Scientific Studies" and "proof" from others.

For your claim it was enough/anecdotal/'logical.'
The Race claim is at least as logical, and more statistically backed, UNlike yours.

What a Dishonest POS Hypocrite you are.

I'm asking for scientific studies that back everything you've suggested.
You Hypocrite Clown.
You couldn't even back the claim in YOUR OP when I asked!
Now you want "Scientific Studies" and "proof" from others.

For your claim it was enough/anecdotal/'logical.'
The Race claim is at least as logical, and more statistically backed, UNlike yours.

What a Dishonest POS Hypocrite you are.

Here are the two posts you forgot to respond to.

Your fact checker seems to think it's inconclusive due to lack of data, and admits that studies have gone both ways. Do you have something scientific that shows that race plays a large role in likelihood to commit crime? I can only find things that tie it to poverty. Either way, we still don't need them here as they take up jobs and suck up welfare meant for Americans.

Post as soon as you find those scientific studies that back your claim that race plays a large role in likelihood to commit crime. I'm interested and would like to read them; I didn't know that! I was sure that all over the world science has pretty much just shown that more poverty is connected to more crime.

Oh, and let me know when the studies about immigrant crime in the United States actually have enough data to come to realistic conclusions. I'm sure they won't ultimately find that poor Hispanics are more likely to commit crime just like poor blacks and poor whites. ;)
I didn't forget anything
We're still on YOUR INITIAL, UNBACKED, and WRONG Claim.
I was the first to ask for Stats and got BS/nothing.
(not STRAWMAN "scientific studies" or "proof)


For your claim it was enough/anecdotal/'Logical.'
The Race claim is at least as logical, and more statistically backed, UNlike yours.

What a Dishonest POS Hypocrite you are.
I didn't forget anything
We're still on YOUR INITIAL, UNBACKED, and WRONG Claim.
I was the first to ask for Stats and got BS/nothing.
(not STRAWMAN "scientific studies" or "proof)


For your claim it was enough/anecdotal/'Logical.'
The Race claim is at least as logical, and more statistically backed, UNlike yours.

What a Dishonest POS Hypocrite you are.

My claims are true, and I backed them up with a study. You responded with an unevidenced claim that race plays a large role in the likelihood to commit crime. Let me know when you can back up your claims with science, sweetheart.
immigrants commit more crime

immigrants commit more crime - Google Search

Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit ...

Jun 19, 2018 - It found that native-born residents were much more likely to be convicted of a crime thanimmigrants in the country legally or illegally.

Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime? - FactCheck.org
https://www.factcheck.org/2018/.../is-illegal-immigration-linked-to-more-or-less-crim...Claim: It's "not true" that immigrants in the U.S. illegally are "safer than the people that live in the country" in terms of crimes committed.
Claimed by: Donald Trump
Fact check by FactCheck.org: Most Research Disputes
The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant - The New York Times

The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant
[/b]Mar 30, 2018 - +5,000 +10,000 +15,000 +20,000 immigrants per 100,000 people Change since 1980 per 100,000 people +500 violent crimes –500 –1000 ...

Illegal Immigration Does Not Increase Violent Crime, 4 Studies Show ...
May 2, 2018 - Now, four academic studies show that illegal immigration does not increase ... "It's actually immaterial whether they commit more crimes or not ...

FACT CHECK: Trump, Illegal Immigration And Crime : NPR
Jun 22, 2018 - ... of crime committed by immigrants who entered the country illegally. ... The president was joined at the White House by more than a dozen ...

Immigration and Crime - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology
Should there be a concern about crimes committed by both legal and illegal immigrants? Research consistently shows that foreign-born individuals are less ...

Native-born Texans commit more crimes than undocumented ...
Mar 6, 2018 - Native-born Texans are more likely to commit crimes and get arrested than immigrants, a new study suggests. Using data from the Texas ...

Kobach: Correcting the Record on Illegal Aliens and Crime - Kris Kobach
Kobach: Correcting the Record on Illegal Aliens and Crime...
Such crimes are entirely preventable – if our immigration laws were fully enforced ... Confronted with such crimes committed by illegal aliens, the open-borders ...

You're STILL WRONG Lying Hypocrite!

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