Power of CPAC Dimished

i noticed it but was able to understand the year he was talking about through the context of his post

Anal retentive Nancy’s such as yourself continue to obsess over an obvious typo
You didn’t notice shit until I corrected him and you.

And the fact that you applauded what you couldn’t understand tells volumes about you, you lying sack of libtard.
You didn’t notice shit until I corrected him and you.

And the fact that you applauded what you couldn’t understand tells volumes about you, you lying sack of libtard.
3 hours ago he typed 2000 instead of 2020

You have since made five posts obsessing over a typo.
You have serious Anal Retentive issues Nancy
A rino is a Democrat that poses as a republican to get elected, then votes with democrats. Mclame, Romney and Graham are classic rinos
You don't really understand the oath they take to enter Congress do you?

They don't pledge loyalty to any party nor do they make any pledge to staunchly oppose anything and everything the opposing party is for.
That is not their job.
Their job is to put country first....above party.
You don't really understand the oath they take to enter Congress do you?

They don't pledge loyalty to any party nor do they make any pledge to staunchly oppose anything and everything the opposing party is for.
That is not their job.
Their job is to put country first....above party.
Anyone who side's with America's enemies like the democrats is a pos that doesn't have America's best interests at heart.

There's nothing American about modern democrats and those who side with them are sell outs at best, traitors at worst.
Rhino - a piece of crap traitor to the American Patriot's Union (APU), otherwise known as the GOP/Conservative Party regarding the American patriot's association.
Pretty sure it's an animal with two horns on its head.
Anyone who side's with America's enemies like the democrats is a pos that doesn't have America's best interests at heart.

There's nothing American about modern democrats and those who side with them are sell outs at best, traitors at worst.
Republicans hate our Democracy
I was around in March 2000.
There was a panic, TP and for some reason frozen pizza flying off the shelves.
Do you know why there was a panic?

Because the President failed to lead.

Instead, he left it to the governors to lead and when they did, and got good press for their leadership, Trump's weak ego was crushed and he decided to save his ego he had to destroy people who were working to save lives.

Not the MSM.
Not the DEMS
Just Trump and his weak ego and inability to lead.
I do not think Trump would have killed seniors like Blue State governors did.
Define "RINO" and provide specific examples of what makes the above mentioned people a "RINO."

RINOS are the politicians you leftists pretend to like to show you’re not complete dembots then call Hitler when they get the nomination. Then pretend to like them again when they lose and every once in a while take your side.
Trump got 12 million more votes than he did in 2016. He was cheated. it is more than obvious.

what counts is getting more votes than the other guy.
And for president, electoral votes.

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