Power the U.S. With Solar Panels!

So you don’t have to account for kinetic and potential energy in the energy balance?

Dude, why do you keep trying to change the conversation? Quit trying to feed me this gobbledygook psycho-climate babble. Climate and weather are PHYSICS, they don't get to obey unique sets of laws! First you send me links defining work, then when I point out that your own link defines work as exactly what solar panels do (along with dropping a ball and other things), you try to deflect onto another direction.

When sunlight strikes a solar panel, work is accomplished. Period. I don't need to account where that work goes or what it does. It's all here on the Earth, dude. Energy in, energy out. Mother nature takes care of the balance. Now get a fucking life and go baste a turkey.
Dude, why do you keep trying to change the conversation? Quit trying to feed me this gobbledygook psycho-climate babble. Climate and weather are PHYSICS, they don't get to obey unique sets of laws! First you send me links defining work, then when I point out that your own link defines work as exactly what solar panels do (along with dropping a ball and other things), you try to deflect onto another direction.

When sunlight strikes a solar panel, work is accomplished. Period. I don't need to account where that work goes or what it does. It's all here on the Earth, dude. Energy in, energy out. Mother nature takes care of the balance. Now get a fucking life and go baste a turkey.
The conversation is not all electricity usage produces heat. You keep ignoring the conversation of energy to kinetic energy and potential energy. Once you agree with that fact we can move on to what that is produced by electricity usage doesn’t heat the surface of the planet. It heats the surrounding air which is not the same thing as directly heating the planet like photons do which strikes the surface of the planet. Once you agree with that we can move onto replacing fossil fuels with solar doesn’t change the amount of waste heat from electricity usage but the generation of solar power does reduce the amount of energy the surface of the planet receives from solar radiation.
You keep ignoring the conversation of energy to kinetic energy and potential energy.

Once you agree with that fact
I don't know what the fuck you are even babbling about.

It heats the surrounding air which is not the same thing as directly heating the planet like photons do which strikes the surface of the planet.
Warm air heats the planet just as a warm planet warms the air. Either way, it doesn't change the WORK done by solar panels. WORK!

See the source image

Once you agree with that we can move on
I think I'm about to move on from you.

I don't know what the fuck you are even babbling about.

Warm air heats the planet just as a warm planet warms the air. Either way, it doesn't change the WORK done by solar panels. WORK!

See the source image

I think I'm about to move on from you.
I am addressing the idiotic belief that all solar radiation that is converted into electricity heats the surface of the planet.

Conversation of electricity to kinetic and potential energy disproves that.
Bye, Ding! And no, far from idiotic, I cannot find a single flaw in the idea as all work produces heat.
As long as you ignore the energy it transferred to kinetic and potential energy.

But you might as well ignore that as long as you believe there is no difference in how photons heat the surface of the planet and how waste heat from electricity usage heats the surface of the plant.
Apparently at current technology, I will show you a picture of how many solar panels it would take to power the U.S. That is both day and night. (With the stored energy for nighttime) The square in yellow shows the total amount of area in solar panels it would take to do it. Argue with that you naysayers.

View attachment 538042

The topic came up elsewhere of how to power the U.S. Then I found this. I think this says it pretty well.
As long as you ignore the energy it transferred to kinetic and potential energy.

But you might as well ignore that as long as you believe there is no difference in how photons heat the surface of the planet and how waste heat from electricity usage heats the surface of the plant.

Hey, ding. In a reply in another thread you mentioned some crap about batteries. I found this for you. Do the "math." Fossil fuels are unsustainable.
As soon as the Sun sets, those trillions of dollars in solar panels become useless.
We don't yet have the technology OR resources to store enough energy generated by all those panels for overnight use, much less if you factor in sub-optimal weather conditions for solar panels.

This is a climate alarmists fantasy.
Solar power has a place, but it is not a replacement for traditional fuels (coal, natural gas, oil)
In time we may discover better storage solutions, but today this kind of solar or wind power solution remains in the Sci-Fi discussion chat rooms with warp drive engines.

One last thing.....those trillions of dollars in solar panels.....they slowly lose their efficiency over time.
What they produce in year 2 is less than in year 1, and what they produce in year 3 is less than what they produced in year 2 and so on and so on.

Oh....and imagine a massive hailstorm across that area or any other natural or man made disaster. Lights out.
Hey, ding. In a reply in another thread you mentioned some crap about batteries. I found this for you. Do the "math." Fossil fuels are unsustainable.
That's your claim to make. Show the math and don't forget to look at natural gas too and factor in the annual reserves added last year for oil and gas. Because a quick look showed that the world replaced last years production of each with new reserves.
In time we may discover better storage solutions, but today this kind of solar or wind power solution remains in the Sci-Fi discussion chat rooms with warp drive engines
We have them. It doesn't have to be batteries. In fact, it shouldn't be. We could convert it to hydrogen. We could store it in cheap heat batteries.
The question is not "how do we make renewable provide all the power now being used?", it is "how do we make do with the renewable power available?"
The question is not "how do we make renewable provide all the power now being used?", it is "how do we make do with the renewable power available?"

No….wrong answer……..

That equation leads to declining standard of living for no good reason other than a religious cult mentality that sees growing human populations as bad. The worship of the earth in the Green religious movement is anti-human in nature……so they don’t care about using energy sources that don’t meet our needs….as you just exposed.

We have all the energy sources we need to heat and cool every human home, and to allow our civilization to move on to the next level……..and this drives the anti-human, green religionists nuts……
No….wrong answer……..

That equation leads to declining standard of living for no good reason other than a religious cult mentality that sees growing human populations as bad. The worship of the earth in the Green religious movement is anti-human in nature……so they don’t care about using energy sources that don’t meet our needs….as you just exposed.

We have all the energy sources we need to heat and cool every human home, and to allow our civilization to move on to the next level……..and this drives the anti-human, green religionists nuts……
I think a compromise position here would be viable. While transitioning to renewable we also need to all work on conservation at multiple levels. It's possible to save a lot of energy (and thus money) by simple changes of habit that cost absolutely nothing wrt our standard of living.

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