Power the U.S. With Solar Panels!

But I just looked it up. It would only cost around 4 to 7 trillion dollars to switch the entire U.S. to solar energy. Also, each year the U.S. spends over 2 billion dollars on imported oil. Along with 81 billion to protect oil producing countries. So after about 10 years, going solar would pay for itself in that regard. If we also switched to electric cars.
And you believe this is the cure for global warming?

Also, I take it you are also against electric cars.

If you want to buy an electric car, feel free.

Just imagine if you didn't have to pay that each month. And what if you had solar panels to recharge it.

Imagine if I spent $20K or more for solar panels and then plugged in my car after work.
How many hours of sunlight are left to recharge? How much did I waste...err...spend on the electric car?

With an electric car you don't have to worry about any of those expenses. Or antifreeze, oil change, or air or oil filter.

What's the range on my electric car during a Chicago winter? And how much recharging are my snow-covered panels giving me when it's dark when I leave home and dark when I return?

1. A can't afford a car of any kind.

2. That's what storage batteries are for.

3. Solar panels are usually mounted at an angel. At an angle, the snow would fall off. As for the other part, storage batteries. Also, what if the company you worked for had solar panels over their parking area. You could then charge your car at work.
Geez, how much money do I have to waste to get this "free electricity"?

Sure, it all isn't easy or cheap to do. But when the alternative is DEATH, it becomes easy and affordable.

How many nuclear reactors should we build to back up your unreliable solar?

When something is free, you aren't wasting anything.
1. A can't afford a car of any kind.

2. That's what storage batteries are for.

3. Solar panels are usually mounted at an angel. At an angle, the snow would fall off. As for the other part, storage batteries. Also, what if the company you worked for had solar panels over their parking area. You could then charge your car at work.

$20K for panels, $10K more for batteries.....when do the savings happen?

Also, what if the company you worked for had solar panels over their parking area.

They don't.
Sounds like your neighbors just need more solar panels. Now if you want to talk about a state where they wouldn't work well, I would say Alaska.
How much of their 13 acres would you suggest would be enough? LOL, maybe you should speak from a knowledgeable position. It is clear you don't.
Ah, the old lying ass scare tactic approach. How interesting. But I just looked it up. It would only cost around 4 to 7 trillion dollars to switch the entire U.S. to solar energy. Also, each year the U.S. spends over 2 billion dollars on imported oil. Along with 81 billion to protect oil producing countries. So after about 10 years, going solar would pay for itself in that regard. If we also switched to electric cars.
What a joke. The batteries alone would run into the low trillions.

You're not good with math are you.
Dream on buddy. Try NE WA in late Dec, Jan. and Feb. I've lived here for 11 years and the neighbors can't keep their batteries charged during that time and the cost of more solar panels and batteries has been ridiculous. LOL, solar might make it in the southwest, but in the northern tier states it is throwing money down the crapper.
Yup. I get three months of good charging, and two months of OK charging.

The rest of the year is intermittent at best. That's why I built such an over requirement system. I will get two, maybe three hours on a good day in the fall through winter where I will get any sort of charging at all. So I built an array that is three times what I need just to be able to get what is necessary. I have over 65,000 invested in batteries alone.
I don't live in a house. Also, I take it you are also against electric cars. Tell me, about how much do you spend on gasoline each month. I bet it comes out to a pretty penny. Just imagine if you didn't have to pay that each month. And what if you had solar panels to recharge it. Even more money saved. Also, any number of things can go wrong with an internal combustion engine or transmission. Though it rarely happens, when it does, it costs plenty to fix. With an electric car you don't have to worry about any of those expenses. Or antifreeze, oil change, or air or oil filter. Which means even more money saved.
Ohhhh, so you are a troll living under a bridge!

That explains a lot!
If so, what are you complaining about. Ed Begley Jr seems very satisfied with what according to you is 10 times worse than what you have.
Who said I am complaining?

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