Power the U.S. With Solar Panels!

I don't think he's arguing to cut ourselves from the grid. He's arguing to put more and more solar into the grid. And wind and hydro and tidal and nuclear. Of course, that's what's been happening for quite a few years now. The growth of non-emitting energy technologies and the slow fade of fossil fuels is unstoppable. Of course, it should have begun 20 years earlier, but we get what we get. After all, you're not the only idiot running loose here. You'd think the Founding Fathers might have thought to put some sort of mental competency criteria on voting but ohhhhh no.
Non-emitting technologies? Wind turbines are not a technology. They are nothing more than the poorest, most expensive, things built. You cant even claim they provide electricity.

Tidal? A big joke. A huge joke. Anybody with half a brain knows that tidal energy is worthless.

Solar, we only have to cover the entire earth with solar panels, then, maybe we will have 5 minutes of energy.
Non-emitting technologies? Wind turbines are not a technology. They are nothing more than the poorest, most expensive, things built. You cant even claim they provide electricity.

Tidal? A big joke. A huge joke. Anybody with half a brain knows that tidal energy is worthless.

Solar, we only have to cover the entire earth with solar panels, then, maybe we will have 5 minutes of energy.
The biggest joke on this board is your boogey-man, frightened child characterizations of alternative energy technology.
Indeed so Reiny

yet those that really want it should consider the obvious Rx

IE> turn something the 'eff off!


Kill your A/C ...

When we add solar/wind ... we just use more energy ... we're not taking fossil fuel off-line ... there'll still be money for Hamas' rocket attacks no matter how much alternative power we use ...
Kill your A/C ...

When we add solar/wind ... we just use more energy ... we're not taking fossil fuel off-line ... there'll still be money for Hamas' rocket attacks no matter how much alternative power we use ...
Replacing fossil fuel power with solar and wind DOES reduce fossil fuel used. You've seen the data. What do you think is reducing US oil and coal consumption? Wishful thinking?
Alt energy is an expensive failure
By what measure? We are not suffering unsatisfied demand. Fossil fuel use is declining and alt energy capacity is rapidly growing. The cost per kwh for US consumers is coming down and emissions are falling. It looks like a complete success to me.
$20K for panels, $10K more for batteries.....when do the savings happen?

Also, what if the company you worked for had solar panels over their parking area.

They don't.

Whatever solar panels and storage batteries cost is something that should be handled by the government. It's like the fantasy of recycling. If it is something that the government expect people themselves to do, it will never happen. The governments of much smaller civilizations in the past were able to accomplish some pretty amazing feats. The Pyramids, The Great Wall of China, etc. etc .etc. Going solar as a nation would be absolutely nothing compared to those things. Also, I did a thread about the importance of the matter. It was called, "Our current mass extinction event." It disappeared. I can't even find it if I do a search for it. But I am told it got moved to some category I can't see.

Another point is that if you were to do those things yourself, the savings would start happening right away. It might take years to pay for itself. But it would. And you wouldn't be destroying the planet along the way.
Not needed? Would you want to heat your Chicago home over a long, cold winter with just solar and batteries?

I have no doubt that you could heat your home and do other things if you had enough solar panels. But in the event of any extra electricity being needed, that's what power transmission lines are for. To transmit electricity from areas where there is plenty of sunlight.
Oh, let's see. EV's destroy their tires in 8,000 miles, mine last a minimum of 55,000, so you have to buy tires 7 times to my one. OOOOOPS, there went your supposed savings on EVERYTHING else.

Add to that if you are in a wreck your EV gets totalled far more often then mine does.

A friend in carson city has a jeep gladiator and he got rear ended by a Tesla.

There was a mark on his bumper (he has an aftermarket steel rear bumper) while the Tesla was a write off.

No savings there!

Car tires are just car tires. I don't see what could make them wear down faster on an EV rather than a regular car. From what I hear, because of the batteries, EV's are heavier than a normal car. But I don't see that making much difference. Also, I don't see how repairing an EV would be any more expensive than repairing a regular car.
No, the snow doesn't fall off. Add to that a simple coating of dust lowers efficiency by 10% or so and you better keep them clean, bucko.

If you put a covering over them that was at a steep enough of an angle, the snow would fall off. As for them getting dusty, if it happens to a degree where it is a problem, clean them. What if they are on your roof and out of reach? Get one of those wide rectangular cloth sweepers that you see janitors using to sweep a floor. But have it on a really long pole. Put it on one of the solar panels and spray it with a garden hose. When it is wet, mop the panels with it. Use the garden hose to rinse off anything left over. Problem solved.

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