Powerful wealth inequality video


Some economic concepts in current use are based on his work:
The Pareto index is a measure of the inequality of income distribution.

He argued that in all countries and times, the distribution of income and wealth is highly skewed, with a few holding most of the wealth. He argued that all observed societies follow a regular logarithmic pattern:
1.log N = log A + m log x

where N is the number of people with wealth higher than x, and A and m are constants. Over the years, Pareto's Law has proved remarkably close to observed data.
The Pareto chart is a special type of histogram, used to view causes of a problem in order of severity from largest to smallest. It is a statistical tool that graphically demonstrates the Pareto principle or the 80-20 rule.
Pareto's law concerns the distribution of income.
The Pareto distribution is a probability distribution used, among other things, as a mathematical realization of Pareto's law.
Ophelimity is a measure of purely economic satisfaction.

Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube

So...what do we do about it? Something? Nothing? What?

15 July 1848 – 19 August 1923

that was when this man lived.

He was observing the industrial revolution people.

America has already proven that Good regulations and inforcement can change this.

The question is WHY does the republican party seek to go back to the industrial revolution?
so why do you people want to see a return of the industrial revolution?

It was a horrible time for MOST Human beings
Too funny, lazy old people and unmotivated Lefty's envious of everyone elses money.

You can't make this shit up.
If wealth was finite, we'd have a problem with wealth inequality.

Since it's not, there's really nothing to worry about. The only real problem with wealth inequality is the jealousy that ensues because of it.
The biggest problem is actually the Federal Reserve banks who charge us interest for printing our own money. They control interest, inflation, etc. We need to abolish the Federal Reserve because things cannot get back on the right track until we do.

I have a $20 in my hand, no one is charging me interest on it.
Do you pay interest on your FRNs? How much? Where do you mail the check?
why do they pretend that America can even survive such wealth disparity?

America has survived and even thrived with such wealth "disparities."

During the days of the so-called "robber barons," the economy boomed.
15 July 1848 – 19 August 1923

that was when this man lived.

He was observing the industrial revolution people.

America has already proven that Good regulations and inforcement can change this.

The question is WHY does the republican party seek to go back to the industrial revolution?

The industrial revolution is what made life better for everyone. It produced the wealth we all enjoy today, you witless git.
why do they pretend that America can even survive such wealth disparity?

America has survived and even thrived with such wealth "disparities."

During the days of the so-called "robber barons," the economy boomed.

Yeah, at the expense of worker safety and the environment. We had a permanent underclass, "company towns" where the workers were virtual slaves, small businesses were routinely crushed by giant monopolies, child labor, unfair pricing, workers shot down by company thugs. The list of the "benefits" of the Gilded Age are too long to mention here.

Why on earth would anyone even THINK about returning to those days?
In reality can you explain how a CEO's pay affects your life?

Other than pushing your envy and jealousy buttons.

Well, for one thing, the more he's paid, the less there is to pay you.

This is not true. Most CEOs make a good portion on their bonuses, meaning they have generated more business and revenue.
Thus their is more money available to pay me.

Say what? You don't really believe that, do you?
Throughout history it is proven time and time again that if the income gap in a society becomes too large instability follows. French Revolution and ancient Rome are two examples.
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You could CONFISCATE the Wealth of all of your terrible rich people and not solve our problems you idiot.

so why do you people want to see a return of the industrial revolution?

It was a horrible time for MOST Human beings
why do they pretend that America can even survive such wealth disparity?

America has survived and even thrived with such wealth "disparities."

During the days of the so-called "robber barons," the economy boomed.

Yeah, at the expense of worker safety and the environment. We had a permanent underclass, "company towns" where the workers were virtual slaves, small businesses were routinely crushed by giant monopolies, child labor, unfair pricing, workers shot down by company thugs. The list of the "benefits" of the Gilded Age are too long to mention here.

Why on earth would anyone even THINK about returning to those days?

Living conditions were worse prior to the industrial revolution. Why would people take factory jobs if it made them worse off? Liberals act as if some kind of paradise existed before the industrial revolution where everyone had free medical care, a rewarding job, and plenty of food to eat. The reality is that before the industrial revolution people worked like galley slaves from dawn until dusk, they often starved, and many of them died early from accidents and disease. They also had only one suit of clothes to wear, no plumbing or central heating, no anesthesia, no antibiotics, no electric lighting or even kerosene lighting and the cities were infested with flies because of all the horseshit lying in the street.

Yeah, the industrial revolution ruined all that!
Throughout history it is proven time and time again that if the income gap in a society becomes too large instability follows. French Revolution and ancient Rome are two examples.

Neither example proves your point, nitwit.

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