Powers of pardon need to be restricted.

Just read trump's attorneys claim that he CANNOT obstruct justice. Yup...the trumpster is ABOVE THE LAW.

HE IS KING! BOW TO YOUR ORANGE KING! Just hope his ire does not find you are order your hanging.

The man can DO NO WRONG
It is something that is a giant anachronism to our system. I’ve never understood why it is there to start with.

Good post.

It is part of the checks and balances system, giving the executive an override of both the judiciary and the legislature in specific instances.

Before trying to get rid of it, first people should try to see what would happen if it was removed.

It would make the Judiciary supreme over the executive in all situations.
So can Trump pardon anyone who may be tempted to testify against him?
It is something that is a giant anachronism to our system. I’ve never understood why it is there to start with.

Good post.

It is part of the checks and balances system, giving the executive an override of both the judiciary and the legislature in specific instances.

Before trying to get rid of it, first people should try to see what would happen if it was removed.

It would make the Judiciary supreme over the executive in all situations.
So can Trump pardon anyone who may be tempted to testify against him?

Yes. That is the answer; as distasteful and as repugnant to the judicial system as it is.

It’s been said by laymen and scholars alike….we get the government we deserve. So we have a President who looks to Kim Kardashin (sp?) for input on prison reform, convinced his followers that he can make a foreign government pay for something he wants to build here and…possibly most baffling…was elected to the highest political office in the land without any political experience outside of tweeting about politics.

Would it really surprise anyone if there are platoons of pardons issued? Not me.
Real Presidents wait until the end of their term...in most cases. trump hands pardons out like candy.

Everyone knows that he is sending a message to Manafort...Cohen....Flynn and others that committed criminal collusion with Moscow.

trump is a Leach on the US.

Ya know…it does uncover an interesting scenario

Lets say for the sake of argument that Trump is clean….knows he is clean and he did nothing wrong.

In other words, lets pretend that Trump is innocent (as hard as that may be) and that he is the little angel that his enablers say he is and that all of this is some sort of vendetta against poor old donald…

Why not issue a blanket pardon to former director Mueller, giving him license to violate any federal law to uncover dirt that Trump knows isn’t there…

That would send a message that he’s not afraid. Of course it would never get used, Mueller wouldn’t break the law but it would show how unworried he is about the investigation instead of the smear campaign, the lies, the shading of the truth, the sleaze, the rationalizations….
so he's guilty until proven innocent?

Trump? That is my opinion that he’s guilty.

The investigation continues.
$12 million dollars in direct costs.....untold amounts of wasted resources and expense.....and they still have no evidence of any Russian Collusion.
As long as the investigation continues you libs figure there's something to it.
But the moment it ends all of your hopes and dreams go up in smoke.

So what we have is an investigation that was started illegally over no crime according to federal statutes.....and all of it is only intended to keep guilty parties (Hillary and Obama and their administration) from being indicted for treason and espionage, as well as a long list of other crimes against the Constitution.

Again, you should tour with this material. Take Roseanne and Cosmo Kramer with you…birds of the feather.

So we have guilty pleas to no crimes? A new precedent in out legal system ladies and gentlemen!!!!

Hey, we also got the Ben-gotcha standard…this can and should go on for years.

Except Captain Mueller has already indicted several of the henchmen that private shin-splints enlisted as his Russian go-betweens.

More on the way.

The only thing that matters is that the truth is uncovered right? And we should give director Mueller as much time as he needs.

You do want the truth to come out…right?

Rhetorical question…you don’t need to try to find some integrity to answer
The only guilty pleas were to unrelated crimes.
The only reason they plead guilty was because Bob Mueller was threatening to charge them with more serious crimes.
They did the same thing to Dinesh De Souza.
It's a normal tactic when you're trying to flip witnesses and get them to testify against a prime target.

However, the so-called crime they're investigating is obstruction......problem with that is there is no crime to obstruct because collusion isn't illegal.
Ya know…it does uncover an interesting scenario

Lets say for the sake of argument that Trump is clean….knows he is clean and he did nothing wrong.

In other words, lets pretend that Trump is innocent (as hard as that may be) and that he is the little angel that his enablers say he is and that all of this is some sort of vendetta against poor old donald…

Why not issue a blanket pardon to former director Mueller, giving him license to violate any federal law to uncover dirt that Trump knows isn’t there…

That would send a message that he’s not afraid. Of course it would never get used, Mueller wouldn’t break the law but it would show how unworried he is about the investigation instead of the smear campaign, the lies, the shading of the truth, the sleaze, the rationalizations….
so he's guilty until proven innocent?

Trump? That is my opinion that he’s guilty.

The investigation continues.
$12 million dollars in direct costs.....untold amounts of wasted resources and expense.....and they still have no evidence of any Russian Collusion.
As long as the investigation continues you libs figure there's something to it.
But the moment it ends all of your hopes and dreams go up in smoke.

So what we have is an investigation that was started illegally over no crime according to federal statutes.....and all of it is only intended to keep guilty parties (Hillary and Obama and their administration) from being indicted for treason and espionage, as well as a long list of other crimes against the Constitution.

Again, you should tour with this material. Take Roseanne and Cosmo Kramer with you…birds of the feather.

So we have guilty pleas to no crimes? A new precedent in out legal system ladies and gentlemen!!!!

Hey, we also got the Ben-gotcha standard…this can and should go on for years.

Except Captain Mueller has already indicted several of the henchmen that private shin-splints enlisted as his Russian go-betweens.

More on the way.

The only thing that matters is that the truth is uncovered right? And we should give director Mueller as much time as he needs.

You do want the truth to come out…right?

Rhetorical question…you don’t need to try to find some integrity to answer
The only guilty pleas were to unrelated crimes.
The only reason they plead guilty was because Bob Mueller was threatening to charge them with more serious crimes.
They did the same thing to Dinesh De Souza.
It's a normal tactic when you're trying to flip witnesses and get them to testify against a prime target.

However, the so-called crime they're investigating is obstruction......problem with that is there is no crime to obstruct because collusion isn't illegal.

And if they were just common street thugs, your bitch ass would be saying "If they were not guilty, they wouldn't have said that they were." No usually what they ask for is immunity for their testimony. That a 3 star general plead guilty means that the investigation did it's job; uncovered criminal activity.

More on the way.

When you tell an investigator to "drop it" and then when he doesn't, you fire him.. you're obstructing justice.
Where was all that restriction shit when Democrats hadn't driven themselves out of office with their bullshit?

Fortunately that time is past and will likely remain in the past for minimum six more years.
Governors & presidents too often get carried away with this crap. Trump seems to be no different.

And I should give a crap, WHY? What's the chance anyone of them will offend again?

Ask Huckabee

Which one, and didn't you direct the OP more towards Trump with your last sentence?

After police killings, Huckabee defends clemency for suspect

And no. Maybe you should project less.
so he's guilty until proven innocent?

Trump? That is my opinion that he’s guilty.

The investigation continues.
$12 million dollars in direct costs.....untold amounts of wasted resources and expense.....and they still have no evidence of any Russian Collusion.
As long as the investigation continues you libs figure there's something to it.
But the moment it ends all of your hopes and dreams go up in smoke.

So what we have is an investigation that was started illegally over no crime according to federal statutes.....and all of it is only intended to keep guilty parties (Hillary and Obama and their administration) from being indicted for treason and espionage, as well as a long list of other crimes against the Constitution.

Again, you should tour with this material. Take Roseanne and Cosmo Kramer with you…birds of the feather.

So we have guilty pleas to no crimes? A new precedent in out legal system ladies and gentlemen!!!!

Hey, we also got the Ben-gotcha standard…this can and should go on for years.

Except Captain Mueller has already indicted several of the henchmen that private shin-splints enlisted as his Russian go-betweens.

More on the way.

The only thing that matters is that the truth is uncovered right? And we should give director Mueller as much time as he needs.

You do want the truth to come out…right?

Rhetorical question…you don’t need to try to find some integrity to answer
The only guilty pleas were to unrelated crimes.
The only reason they plead guilty was because Bob Mueller was threatening to charge them with more serious crimes.
They did the same thing to Dinesh De Souza.
It's a normal tactic when you're trying to flip witnesses and get them to testify against a prime target.

However, the so-called crime they're investigating is obstruction......problem with that is there is no crime to obstruct because collusion isn't illegal.

And if they were just common street thugs, your bitch ass would be saying "If they were not guilty, they wouldn't have said that they were." No usually what they ask for is immunity for their testimony. That a 3 star general plead guilty means that the investigation did it's job; uncovered criminal activity.

More on the way.

When you tell an investigator to "drop it" and then when he doesn't, you fire him.. you're obstructing justice.

The problem with your reasoning is Trump never told him that. According to Comey he asked Comey to give him a break. Your problem is you think anything Obama did was legal and everything Trump does or is accused of is a terrible crime.

And you claim the investigation did it's job.

Not exactly.
He plead guilty to a lessor crime because they threatened to not only throw him in prison but destroy his family.
The crime he plead guilty to was a process crime......in other words Mueller tricked him into breaking the law.
Last edited:
Where was all that restriction shit when Democrats hadn't driven themselves out of office with their bullshit?

Fortunately that time is past and will likely remain in the past for minimum six more years.

I, for one, have long been an opponent of the pardon. From 3/2/13...

Would you like to see this policy stopped?
This is probably the worst single thing of its sort in the Country. The idea that a President can just usurp the will of a judge or jury is craziness.

I would go further. There should be no Presidential Pardons, commuting of sentences etc...ever. How this crazy privilege of office survived all these years is a sad chapter of American history.
Instead, there should be a separate panel of the 3 most senior members of the Supreme Court who decide upon pardons commutations, etc...

If anything in both of those threads, the conservatives seemed to be (generally) loathing that Obama could pardon someone.
Trump? That is my opinion that he’s guilty.

The investigation continues.
$12 million dollars in direct costs.....untold amounts of wasted resources and expense.....and they still have no evidence of any Russian Collusion.
As long as the investigation continues you libs figure there's something to it.
But the moment it ends all of your hopes and dreams go up in smoke.

So what we have is an investigation that was started illegally over no crime according to federal statutes.....and all of it is only intended to keep guilty parties (Hillary and Obama and their administration) from being indicted for treason and espionage, as well as a long list of other crimes against the Constitution.

Again, you should tour with this material. Take Roseanne and Cosmo Kramer with you…birds of the feather.

So we have guilty pleas to no crimes? A new precedent in out legal system ladies and gentlemen!!!!

Hey, we also got the Ben-gotcha standard…this can and should go on for years.

Except Captain Mueller has already indicted several of the henchmen that private shin-splints enlisted as his Russian go-betweens.

More on the way.

The only thing that matters is that the truth is uncovered right? And we should give director Mueller as much time as he needs.

You do want the truth to come out…right?

Rhetorical question…you don’t need to try to find some integrity to answer
The only guilty pleas were to unrelated crimes.
The only reason they plead guilty was because Bob Mueller was threatening to charge them with more serious crimes.
They did the same thing to Dinesh De Souza.
It's a normal tactic when you're trying to flip witnesses and get them to testify against a prime target.

However, the so-called crime they're investigating is obstruction......problem with that is there is no crime to obstruct because collusion isn't illegal.

And if they were just common street thugs, your bitch ass would be saying "If they were not guilty, they wouldn't have said that they were." No usually what they ask for is immunity for their testimony. That a 3 star general plead guilty means that the investigation did it's job; uncovered criminal activity.

More on the way.

When you tell an investigator to "drop it" and then when he doesn't, you fire him.. you're obstructing justice.

The problem with your reasoning is Trump never tell him that. He asked Comey to give him a break.
And you claim the investigation did it's job.

Not exactly.
He plead guilty to a lessor crime because they threatened to not only throw him in prison but destroy his family.
The crime he plead guilty was a process crime......in other words Mueller tricked him into breaking the law.

Former FBI director's word vs. confirmed racist on a message board? I think I'll stick with the FBI director. Thanks.
Governors & presidents too often get carried away with this crap. Trump seems to be no different.

And I should give a crap, WHY? What's the chance anyone of them will offend again?

Ask Huckabee

Which one, and didn't you direct the OP more towards Trump with your last sentence?

After police killings, Huckabee defends clemency for suspect

And no. Maybe you should project less.

Yeah, don't ya love Monday morning QBs? LMAO Seems to me Huckabee has a better record on commutations than most parole boards when it comes to repeat offenses.

$12 million dollars in direct costs.....untold amounts of wasted resources and expense.....and they still have no evidence of any Russian Collusion.
As long as the investigation continues you libs figure there's something to it.
But the moment it ends all of your hopes and dreams go up in smoke.

So what we have is an investigation that was started illegally over no crime according to federal statutes.....and all of it is only intended to keep guilty parties (Hillary and Obama and their administration) from being indicted for treason and espionage, as well as a long list of other crimes against the Constitution.

Again, you should tour with this material. Take Roseanne and Cosmo Kramer with you…birds of the feather.

So we have guilty pleas to no crimes? A new precedent in out legal system ladies and gentlemen!!!!

Hey, we also got the Ben-gotcha standard…this can and should go on for years.

Except Captain Mueller has already indicted several of the henchmen that private shin-splints enlisted as his Russian go-betweens.

More on the way.

The only thing that matters is that the truth is uncovered right? And we should give director Mueller as much time as he needs.

You do want the truth to come out…right?

Rhetorical question…you don’t need to try to find some integrity to answer
The only guilty pleas were to unrelated crimes.
The only reason they plead guilty was because Bob Mueller was threatening to charge them with more serious crimes.
They did the same thing to Dinesh De Souza.
It's a normal tactic when you're trying to flip witnesses and get them to testify against a prime target.

However, the so-called crime they're investigating is obstruction......problem with that is there is no crime to obstruct because collusion isn't illegal.

And if they were just common street thugs, your bitch ass would be saying "If they were not guilty, they wouldn't have said that they were." No usually what they ask for is immunity for their testimony. That a 3 star general plead guilty means that the investigation did it's job; uncovered criminal activity.

More on the way.

When you tell an investigator to "drop it" and then when he doesn't, you fire him.. you're obstructing justice.

The problem with your reasoning is Trump never tell him that. He asked Comey to give him a break.
And you claim the investigation did it's job.

Not exactly.
He plead guilty to a lessor crime because they threatened to not only throw him in prison but destroy his family.
The crime he plead guilty was a process crime......in other words Mueller tricked him into breaking the law.

Former FBI director's word vs. confirmed racist on a message board? I think I'll stick with the FBI director. Thanks.
Former FBI Director who lied under oath before Congress.

Yeah....He's a liar and so are you.

He's going to prison once the I.G. releases his report.
America has always pressed other nations to free political prisoners.

Of course President Trump's having extended that policy to Americans in America does tend to get liberal panties all in a wad.........
What we have discovered is that many unelected judges are corrupt and biased so of course the pardon is an essential right of Governors and the Presidents who of course are elected officials.
Again, you should tour with this material. Take Roseanne and Cosmo Kramer with you…birds of the feather.

So we have guilty pleas to no crimes? A new precedent in out legal system ladies and gentlemen!!!!

Hey, we also got the Ben-gotcha standard…this can and should go on for years.

Except Captain Mueller has already indicted several of the henchmen that private shin-splints enlisted as his Russian go-betweens.

More on the way.

The only thing that matters is that the truth is uncovered right? And we should give director Mueller as much time as he needs.

You do want the truth to come out…right?

Rhetorical question…you don’t need to try to find some integrity to answer
The only guilty pleas were to unrelated crimes.
The only reason they plead guilty was because Bob Mueller was threatening to charge them with more serious crimes.
They did the same thing to Dinesh De Souza.
It's a normal tactic when you're trying to flip witnesses and get them to testify against a prime target.

However, the so-called crime they're investigating is obstruction......problem with that is there is no crime to obstruct because collusion isn't illegal.

And if they were just common street thugs, your bitch ass would be saying "If they were not guilty, they wouldn't have said that they were." No usually what they ask for is immunity for their testimony. That a 3 star general plead guilty means that the investigation did it's job; uncovered criminal activity.

More on the way.

When you tell an investigator to "drop it" and then when he doesn't, you fire him.. you're obstructing justice.

The problem with your reasoning is Trump never tell him that. He asked Comey to give him a break.
And you claim the investigation did it's job.

Not exactly.
He plead guilty to a lessor crime because they threatened to not only throw him in prison but destroy his family.
The crime he plead guilty was a process crime......in other words Mueller tricked him into breaking the law.

Former FBI director's word vs. confirmed racist on a message board? I think I'll stick with the FBI director. Thanks.
Former FBI Director who lied under oath before Congress.

Yeah....He's a liar and so are you.

He's going to prison once the I.G. releases his report.

Yeah...okay. :cuckoo:
seems to me that those being pardoned by TRUMP are good guys [see DeSouza]. At least the ones i have heard about . And speculation on Manafort and Flynn , also good guys as far as i know . Yeah though , mrobama did let a lot of common drug criminals back out on the street so i guess that Americans gotta put up with the good and the bad . I mean , if not The TRUMP , who gets to make the decisions , eh ??

Yeah, deplorable. Keep on suckin that bright Orange dick... You're doing fine.

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