Powers of pardon need to be restricted.

It is going to be awesome when Rod Blagojevich is pardoned. Hopefully he is interviewed by Hannity as to how Barry Hussaine Obama demanded he appoint Planet of the Apes Valerie Jarrett for Senate to replace Hussaine, he hesitated and was railroaded by an anti-American, Obama sympathizing judge.
Ya know…it does uncover an interesting scenario

Lets say for the sake of argument that Trump is clean….knows he is clean and he did nothing wrong.

In other words, lets pretend that Trump is innocent (as hard as that may be) and that he is the little angel that his enablers say he is and that all of this is some sort of vendetta against poor old donald…

Why not issue a blanket pardon to former director Mueller, giving him license to violate any federal law to uncover dirt that Trump knows isn’t there…

That would send a message that he’s not afraid. Of course it would never get used, Mueller wouldn’t break the law but it would show how unworried he is about the investigation instead of the smear campaign, the lies, the shading of the truth, the sleaze, the rationalizations….
so he's guilty until proven innocent?

Trump? That is my opinion that he’s guilty.

The investigation continues.
$12 million dollars in direct costs.....untold amounts of wasted resources and expense.....and they still have no evidence of any Russian Collusion.
As long as the investigation continues you libs figure there's something to it.
But the moment it ends all of your hopes and dreams go up in smoke.

So what we have is an investigation that was started illegally over no crime according to federal statutes.....and all of it is only intended to keep guilty parties (Hillary and Obama and their administration) from being indicted for treason and espionage, as well as a long list of other crimes against the Constitution.

Again, you should tour with this material. Take Roseanne and Cosmo Kramer with you…birds of the feather.

So we have guilty pleas to no crimes? A new precedent in out legal system ladies and gentlemen!!!!

Hey, we also got the Ben-gotcha standard…this can and should go on for years.

Except Captain Mueller has already indicted several of the henchmen that private shin-splints enlisted as his Russian go-betweens.

More on the way.

The only thing that matters is that the truth is uncovered right? And we should give director Mueller as much time as he needs.

You do want the truth to come out…right?

Rhetorical question…you don’t need to try to find some integrity to answer
The only guilty pleas were to unrelated crimes.
The only reason they plead guilty was because Bob Mueller was threatening to charge them with more serious crimes.
They did the same thing to Dinesh De Souza.
It's a normal tactic when you're trying to flip witnesses and get them to testify against a prime target.

However, the so-called crime they're investigating is obstruction......problem with that is there is no crime to obstruct because collusion isn't illegal.

Obstruction of Justice does not depend I'm whether there was a crime. The trump cam be obstructing justice even if there is ultimately no crime being investigating.
so he's guilty until proven innocent?

Trump? That is my opinion that he’s guilty.

The investigation continues.
$12 million dollars in direct costs.....untold amounts of wasted resources and expense.....and they still have no evidence of any Russian Collusion.
As long as the investigation continues you libs figure there's something to it.
But the moment it ends all of your hopes and dreams go up in smoke.

So what we have is an investigation that was started illegally over no crime according to federal statutes.....and all of it is only intended to keep guilty parties (Hillary and Obama and their administration) from being indicted for treason and espionage, as well as a long list of other crimes against the Constitution.

Again, you should tour with this material. Take Roseanne and Cosmo Kramer with you…birds of the feather.

So we have guilty pleas to no crimes? A new precedent in out legal system ladies and gentlemen!!!!

Hey, we also got the Ben-gotcha standard…this can and should go on for years.

Except Captain Mueller has already indicted several of the henchmen that private shin-splints enlisted as his Russian go-betweens.

More on the way.

The only thing that matters is that the truth is uncovered right? And we should give director Mueller as much time as he needs.

You do want the truth to come out…right?

Rhetorical question…you don’t need to try to find some integrity to answer
The only guilty pleas were to unrelated crimes.
The only reason they plead guilty was because Bob Mueller was threatening to charge them with more serious crimes.
They did the same thing to Dinesh De Souza.
It's a normal tactic when you're trying to flip witnesses and get them to testify against a prime target.

However, the so-called crime they're investigating is obstruction......problem with that is there is no crime to obstruct because collusion isn't illegal.

Obstruction of Justice does not depend I'm whether there was a crime. The trump cam be obstructing justice even if there is ultimately no crime being investigating.
Obstruction of Justice is the crime.
The only guilty pleas were to unrelated crimes.
The only reason they plead guilty was because Bob Mueller was threatening to charge them with more serious crimes.
They did the same thing to Dinesh De Souza.
It's a normal tactic when you're trying to flip witnesses and get them to testify against a prime target.

However, the so-called crime they're investigating is obstruction......problem with that is there is no crime to obstruct because collusion isn't illegal.

And if they were just common street thugs, your bitch ass would be saying "If they were not guilty, they wouldn't have said that they were." No usually what they ask for is immunity for their testimony. That a 3 star general plead guilty means that the investigation did it's job; uncovered criminal activity.

More on the way.

When you tell an investigator to "drop it" and then when he doesn't, you fire him.. you're obstructing justice.

The problem with your reasoning is Trump never tell him that. He asked Comey to give him a break.
And you claim the investigation did it's job.

Not exactly.
He plead guilty to a lessor crime because they threatened to not only throw him in prison but destroy his family.
The crime he plead guilty was a process crime......in other words Mueller tricked him into breaking the law.

Former FBI director's word vs. confirmed racist on a message board? I think I'll stick with the FBI director. Thanks.
Former FBI Director who lied under oath before Congress.

Yeah....He's a liar and so are you.

He's going to prison once the I.G. releases his report.

Yeah...okay. :cuckoo:
Lying to Congress is a felony.
Leaking classified information is a felony.
My guess is Comey and several others are involved in a criminal conspiracy to attack the president, and they're gonna be spending some time in jail.
This conspiracy goes straight to the Obama White House.
Hillary literally spilled the beans during the campaign.
She wasn't talking about the conspiracy to get Trump after the 2016 election, but about all of the crimes she and others have committed during the Obama Administration.
This is the reason Russian Collusion was invented in the first place:

Hillary Clinton: ‘If that f-ing bastard Trump wins, we all hang from nooses’
November 30, 2017 by IWB
Hillary Clinton: ‘If that f-ing bastard Trump wins, we all hang from nooses’ – Investment Watch Blog

I’ve read on the AltMedia that Hillary Clinton had an outburst, in which the pathological liar said probably the only truthful thing she’s ever said:

“If that fucking bastard [Donald Trump] wins, we all hang from nooses.”

So I did a search and found the source of that quote: Bill Still, of The Still Report videos on YouTube.
On his website, Still describes himself as:

A former newspaper editor and publisher. He has written for USA Today, The Saturday Evening Post, the Los Angeles Times Syndicate, OMNI magazine, and has also produced the syndicated radio program, Health News. He has written 22 books and two documentary videos.

According to Still, during last year’s presidential campaign at the Commander-In-Chief Forum on September 7, 2016, moderator Matt Lauer went “off script” and asked Hillary about her using an illegal, private email-server when she was secretary of state.
See “Hillary Clinton wore an ear phone at Commander-in-Chief Forum
According to Bill Still’s source — an unnamed “NBC associate producer of the forum” — Hillary was so enraged that, after the forum, she went into a ballistic melt-down, screaming at her staff, including a racist rant at Donna Brazile, calling Brazile a “buffalo” and “janitor”. Brazile recently turned against Hillary — now we know why.
This is the NBC associate producer’s account of what happened:

“Hillary proceeded to pick up a full glass of water and throw it at the face of the assistant, and the screaming started.
She was in a full meltdown and no one on her staff dared speak with her — she went kind of manic and did not have any control over herself at that point. How these people work with this woman is amazing to me. She really didn’t seem to care who heard any of it.
You really had to see this to believe it. She came apart — literally unglued. She is the most foul-mouthed woman I’ve ever heard. And that voice at screech level — awful!
She screamed she’d get that fucking Lauer fired for this. Referring to Donald Trump, Clinton said, ‘If that fucking bastard wins, we all hang from nooses! Lauer’s finished, and if I lose, it’s all on your heads for screwing this up.’
Her dozen or more aides were visibly disturbed and tried to calm her down when she started shaking uncontrollably as she screamed to get an executive at Comcast, the parent company of NBC Universal, on the phone. Then two rather large aides grabbed her and helped her walk to her car.”

February 4, 2016, in Charleston, SC.

Bill Still said:

“Matt Lauer was massively criticized for the rest of the week on air by the Clinton campaign and the rest of the MSM as having conducted ‘an unfair and partisan attack on Clinton’. Calls were made to The New York Times, The Washington Post, Huffington Post and Twitterexecutives, with orders to crush Matt Lauer. One staffer on the Clinton campaign told the NBC staff that they all fear Clinton’s wrath and uncontrollable outbursts, and one described Hillary as ‘an egotistical psychopath’.
Since Hillary does not allow any staff to have cell phones when she is in their presence, no footage is available.
Interim DNC chairman Donna Brazile, the first black woman to hold the position, was singled out by Hillary during the rant. She screamed at Donna, ‘I’m so sick of your face! You stare at the wall like a brain-dead buffalo, while letting that fucking Lauer get away with this! What are you good for, really? Get the fuck to work, janitoringthis mess, do I make myself clear?’
A female NBC executive said Donna Brazile looked at Mrs. Clinton and never flinched, which seemed to enrage Hillary all the more. The executive continued: ‘It was the most awful and terrible and racist display. Such a profane meltdown I have ever witnessed from anyone, and I will never forget it. That woman should never see the inside of the Oval Office, I can tell you that. She was unhinged and just continued to verbally abuse everyone. She was out of control.’”

According to Secret Service agents, Hillary Clinton is known for her utterly foul mouth, and for being rude to the agents who protect her with their lives, and dismissive of White House staffers. When she was first lady, she ordered everyone to not speak to her or look her in the eye if they encountered her in hallways. Staffers were said to hide behind curtains when they saw her.

Last edited:
Governors & presidents too often get carried away with this crap. Trump seems to be no different.

Get 3/4ths of the States, and a super majority of Congress to agree with you, and it will no longer be a problem.

If it really is a problem in the first place.

On the grand list of 'Disfunctional Governance Issues', pardons are trivial problems....compared to, like, bankrupting the public treasury. One off pardons are a dust mite in a tornado.
Trump? That is my opinion that he’s guilty.

The investigation continues.
$12 million dollars in direct costs.....untold amounts of wasted resources and expense.....and they still have no evidence of any Russian Collusion.
As long as the investigation continues you libs figure there's something to it.
But the moment it ends all of your hopes and dreams go up in smoke.

So what we have is an investigation that was started illegally over no crime according to federal statutes.....and all of it is only intended to keep guilty parties (Hillary and Obama and their administration) from being indicted for treason and espionage, as well as a long list of other crimes against the Constitution.

Again, you should tour with this material. Take Roseanne and Cosmo Kramer with you…birds of the feather.

So we have guilty pleas to no crimes? A new precedent in out legal system ladies and gentlemen!!!!

Hey, we also got the Ben-gotcha standard…this can and should go on for years.

Except Captain Mueller has already indicted several of the henchmen that private shin-splints enlisted as his Russian go-betweens.

More on the way.

The only thing that matters is that the truth is uncovered right? And we should give director Mueller as much time as he needs.

You do want the truth to come out…right?

Rhetorical question…you don’t need to try to find some integrity to answer
The only guilty pleas were to unrelated crimes.
The only reason they plead guilty was because Bob Mueller was threatening to charge them with more serious crimes.
They did the same thing to Dinesh De Souza.
It's a normal tactic when you're trying to flip witnesses and get them to testify against a prime target.

However, the so-called crime they're investigating is obstruction......problem with that is there is no crime to obstruct because collusion isn't illegal.

Obstruction of Justice does not depend I'm whether there was a crime. The trump cam be obstructing justice even if there is ultimately no crime being investigating.
Obstruction of Justice is the crime.
There is no crime to obstruct justice over. The investigation was based off of a lie.
Mueller's investigation is based off of false pretenses.
The creation of the special council was illegal to begin with.
And no sitting president can be indicted.
That's the law.

All of this is an attempt by the Democrats to take back Congress and impeach Trump over false charges.
If they are successful there will be alot of Democrats that will pay a massive price for their criminal acts.
so he's guilty until proven innocent?

Trump? That is my opinion that he’s guilty.

The investigation continues.
$12 million dollars in direct costs.....untold amounts of wasted resources and expense.....and they still have no evidence of any Russian Collusion.
As long as the investigation continues you libs figure there's something to it.
But the moment it ends all of your hopes and dreams go up in smoke.

So what we have is an investigation that was started illegally over no crime according to federal statutes.....and all of it is only intended to keep guilty parties (Hillary and Obama and their administration) from being indicted for treason and espionage, as well as a long list of other crimes against the Constitution.

Again, you should tour with this material. Take Roseanne and Cosmo Kramer with you…birds of the feather.

So we have guilty pleas to no crimes? A new precedent in out legal system ladies and gentlemen!!!!

Hey, we also got the Ben-gotcha standard…this can and should go on for years.

Except Captain Mueller has already indicted several of the henchmen that private shin-splints enlisted as his Russian go-betweens.

More on the way.

The only thing that matters is that the truth is uncovered right? And we should give director Mueller as much time as he needs.

You do want the truth to come out…right?

Rhetorical question…you don’t need to try to find some integrity to answer
The only guilty pleas were to unrelated crimes.
The only reason they plead guilty was because Bob Mueller was threatening to charge them with more serious crimes.
They did the same thing to Dinesh De Souza.
It's a normal tactic when you're trying to flip witnesses and get them to testify against a prime target.

However, the so-called crime they're investigating is obstruction......problem with that is there is no crime to obstruct because collusion isn't illegal.

Obstruction of Justice does not depend I'm whether there was a crime. The trump cam be obstructing justice even if there is ultimately no crime being investigating.
But there are laws against criminal conspiracy against the president.
Kids, it is important to keep in mind that every norm and standard Trump blows through is setting a precedent for the next Democratic President.
Yeah....and Obama followed the law to a T.
Not hardly.

Fact is, Trump has to follow the law or the press will have a field day with it.

Obama was constantly breaking the law, from abusing his authority, interference with investigations, to outright espionage.
And you have some nerve to complain about Trump.

Your problem is you think every God Damned thing Trump does is illegal regardless of the laws on the books.
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It is something that is a giant anachronism to our system. I’ve never understood why it is there to start with.

Good post.

It is part of the checks and balances system, giving the executive an override of both the judiciary and the legislature in specific instances.

Before trying to get rid of it, first people should try to see what would happen if it was removed.

It would make the Judiciary supreme over the executive in all situations.
it's a check over the Judicial System, however Congress's check on the Executive gives them the power to investigate 'abuses of power' and ultimately the power to impeach, for things that are not against the law, but the abuse of it.
It is something that is a giant anachronism to our system. I’ve never understood why it is there to start with.

Good post.

It is part of the checks and balances system, giving the executive an override of both the judiciary and the legislature in specific instances.

Before trying to get rid of it, first people should try to see what would happen if it was removed.

It would make the Judiciary supreme over the executive in all situations.
it's a check over the Judicial System, however Congress's check on the Executive gives them the power to investigate 'abuses of power' and ultimately the power to impeach, for things that are not against the law, but the abuse of it.
The problem here isn't an abuse of power by the president, but an abuse of power by Congress and the former president.
Slick Willy sold pardons. That and burial sites in Arlington.

Obama pardoned some pretty sleazy drug king pins and assholes that were Black.

Trump seems to be correcting a few of the political lynchings of the Obama administration.
It is something that is a giant anachronism to our system. I’ve never understood why it is there to start with.

Good post.

It is part of the checks and balances system, giving the executive an override of both the judiciary and the legislature in specific instances.

Before trying to get rid of it, first people should try to see what would happen if it was removed.

It would make the Judiciary supreme over the executive in all situations.
it's a check over the Judicial System, however Congress's check on the Executive gives them the power to investigate 'abuses of power' and ultimately the power to impeach, for things that are not against the law, but the abuse of it.
The problem here isn't an abuse of power by the president, but an abuse of power by Congress and the former president.


the ''Round up the usual suspects'' defense? Casablanca?

Major Strasser: [arriving too late to stop Victor Laszlo from escaping] What was the meaning of that phone call?

Captain Renault: [pointing to the plane] Victor Laszlo is on that plane.

Major Strasser: [after looking at the plane] Why do you stand here? Why don't you stop him?

Captain Renault: Ask Mr. Rick.

Rick: [sees Strasser begin to move toward the telephone, and draws a gun] Get away from that phone!

Major Strasser: I would advise you not to interfere.

Rick: I was willing to shoot Captain Renault and I'm willing to shoot you.

Major Strasser: [picks up the telephone] Hello?

Rick: Put that phone down!

Major Strasser: Get me the radio tower.


[Strasser draws a gun, he and Rick both fire simultaneously, Strasser falls mortally wounded, shortly afterward, some police arrive on the scene]

Captain Renault: Major Strasser's been shot.

[Renault looks at Rick, Rick gives him a look]

Captain Renault: Round up the usual suspects.

[the police pick up Major Strasser's body and leave, Renault looks over at Rick, who is smiling]

Kids, it is important to keep in mind that every norm and standard Trump blows through is setting a precedent for the next Democratic President.
This is a ridiculous statement considering the Obama presidency.

He spied on journalists & political enemies. He forced laws upon us with shady backroom deals. He weaponized the IRS. He traded terrorists for terrorist sympathizers.

The list is endless
Governors & presidents too often get carried away with this crap. Trump seems to be no different.

There is a HUGE Difference between who obongo pardoned

and what Trump is doing…

Trump is righting wrongs whereas obongo

was pardoning TERRORIST like himself, and unlike obongo,

Trump is doing it in the middle of his “FIRST TERM”

instead of his last days in office….

FLASHBACK: Obama Pardoned Terrorist FALN Leader Oscar Lopez Rivera

trump is signaling his accomplices that he has pardon power. The founders never thought a Criminal would be in the oval office.
Governors & presidents too often get carried away with this crap. Trump seems to be no different.

There is a HUGE Difference between who obongo pardoned

and what Trump is doing…

Trump is righting wrongs whereas obongo

was pardoning TERRORIST like himself, and unlike obongo,

Trump is doing it in the middle of his “FIRST TERM”

instead of his last days in office….

FLASHBACK: Obama Pardoned Terrorist FALN Leader Oscar Lopez Rivera

trump is signaling his accomplices that he has pardon power. The founders never thought a Criminal would be in the oval office.
The founders owned slaves. That is FAR WORSE than ANYTHING trump has ever done.

Go cry in a corner now idiot
It is part of the checks and balances system, giving the executive an override of both the judiciary and the legislature in specific instances.

Before trying to get rid of it, first people should try to see what would happen if it was removed.

It would make the Judiciary supreme over the executive in all situations.
....they already have checks and balances with the judges and appeals that can override juries

that is still the same branch, not a check or balance on a branch.
it is a check....the juries vote....then there are the appeals...the judges can override the juries....it is a check

An internal check, not an external check.
still a check ...it doesn't need an outside check---
the government has the outside checks .....
...plus the Senate/House/community alderman/cities/etc pass and enable/etc the laws..... that's an outside check

The whole purpose of "checks and balances" is that each branch can override the other in certain situations.

The power of pardon is a check on both the judiciaries and the legislatures of not just the federal government, but the State governments as well.

I didn't like some of the pardons Clinton and Obama gave out, but that didn't mean I wanted to end the power of pardons.
It is something that is a giant anachronism to our system. I’ve never understood why it is there to start with.

Good post.

It is part of the checks and balances system, giving the executive an override of both the judiciary and the legislature in specific instances.

Before trying to get rid of it, first people should try to see what would happen if it was removed.

It would make the Judiciary supreme over the executive in all situations.
But doesn’t this make the executive supreme?

I don’t have strong feelings either way on it, aaparently it was a legacy of the British.

In a very narrow way yes, but since the executive is also the easiest for the people to get out of office, (only one person, even if it would take 4 years) that is one balance.

And if the president issues a pardon so heinous and despicable, the legislature could always impeach him.

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