Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition

In case you haven't noticed or are firmly encased in bubble wrap, our second Civil War is now underway. The "protests" are increasing, not dying down, because nobody can figure out how to stop it. The old way is to mow down a couple hundred fools and leave their corpses to rot in the heat.....that smell is one you'll never forget. Short of that, maybe some dogs....nah, the media rodents would get hysterical if a German Shepherd lit into a looter...."how could they!?!" We could wait until all the stores are looted and there's nothing left to steal or until all the cities are on fire. OR, how about you boys with your AR-15s go out and stop it. The cops don't dare, the politicians couldn't care less as long as it ain't their neighborhoods. The communists love it, say nothing as it goes on, but are also in hiding from those they dream of as being "revolutionaries"....a fond distant memory of their antiwar days their leaders sent us to fight and then decided not to win. Seems pretty simple to will end when Americans have had enough and go total-vigilante. Don't think it can't happen....I'm just wondering why it hasn't happened already?


Hopefully they will all show up and vote out Republicans this November.

Some have taken to quoting MLK on riots as the "the language of the unheard," of the oppressed and downtrodden.

Specifically, he said:

“...riots are socially destructive and self-defeating. I'm still convinced that nonviolence is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom and justice. I feel that violence will only create more social problems than they will solve.”
Lest you think this is to deny the reality of brutal injustice that often feeds such a response, he finished these remarks with a bit of prescience:

“And as long as America postpones justice, we stand in the position of having these recurrences of violence and riots over and over again.”
You'll be thrilled when they confiscate your stocks and bank accounts to pay for reparations.
They won't take from my bank account. It'll be just like the stimulus we all got only you and I won't get anything. Only black people will. And no Ben Carson won't get a dime. He makes too much. Only blacks who make under 6 figures get reparations.

They only make up like 10% of our population. If we could send everyone a check because of corona that's proof we could easily pay blacks the reparations we owe them.

"We" owe blacks nothing. However, if it aids you in skewering yourself on your own sword of white guilt let Congress mail a shovel to every black American who feels they are owed something so they can then proceed to dig up all our slave owning ancestors and pillage their graves for whatever loot they can steal off those dusty corpses. While they're doing that, we will over watch those burial grounds and rightly protect our ancestor's graves with lethal force. A few grains of lead in reparations could go very far.
50 years of inter-generational welfare didn't cover the cost of being deprived of being murdered in an inter-tribal war?

One might expect a certain gratitude from a people who were one way or another given a hand in the construction of the greatest civilization to ever rise on the planet. We all through our ancestors have paid high and dire costs for tickets to participate in this great American experiment. Some of us have even paid blood in person. Civilization has no respect for ingrates.
America 2020: Both sides hate Mac.
Which is funny. Mac reminds me of the guy in "Office Space" who likes to play Gangsta Rap but makes sure his car door is locked when faced with a black man on the streets. As much as he wants to pretend he isn't a libturd because he is repulsed by SJW's like everyone else is, he still emboldens them by ignoring the blatant racism of the left while "exposing" what he believes to be any hint of racism on the right.

He will be one of the first to die.

In case you haven't noticed or are firmly encased in bubble wrap, our second Civil War is now underway. The "protests" are increasing, not dying down, because nobody can figure out how to stop it. The old way is to mow down a couple hundred fools and leave their corpses to rot in the heat.....that smell is one you'll never forget. Short of that, maybe some dogs....nah, the media rodents would get hysterical if a German Shepherd lit into a looter...."how could they!?!" We could wait until all the stores are looted and there's nothing left to steal or until all the cities are on fire. OR, how about you boys with your AR-15s go out and stop it. The cops don't dare, the politicians couldn't care less as long as it ain't their neighborhoods. The communists love it, say nothing as it goes on, but are also in hiding from those they dream of as being "revolutionaries"....a fond distant memory of their antiwar days their leaders sent us to fight and then decided not to win. Seems pretty simple to will end when Americans have had enough and go total-vigilante. Don't think it can't happen....I'm just wondering why it hasn't happened already?


Hopefully they will all show up and vote out Republicans this November.

Some have taken to quoting MLK on riots as the "the language of the unheard," of the oppressed and downtrodden.

Specifically, he said:

“...riots are socially destructive and self-defeating. I'm still convinced that nonviolence is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom and justice. I feel that violence will only create more social problems than they will solve.”
Lest you think this is to deny the reality of brutal injustice that often feeds such a response, he finished these remarks with a bit of prescience:

“And as long as America postpones justice, we stand in the position of having these recurrences of violence and riots over and over again.”
You'll be thrilled when they confiscate your stocks and bank accounts to pay for reparations.
They won't take from my bank account. It'll be just like the stimulus we all got only you and I won't get anything. Only black people will. And no Ben Carson won't get a dime. He makes too much. Only blacks who make under 6 figures get reparations.

They only make up like 10% of our population. If we could send everyone a check because of corona that's proof we could easily pay blacks the reparations we owe them.

"We" owe blacks nothing. However, if it aids you in skewering yourself on your own sword of white guilt let Congress mail a shovel to every black American who feels they are owed something so they can then proceed to dig up all our slave owning ancestors and pillage their graves for whatever loot they can steal off those dusty corpses. While they're doing that, we will over watch those burial grounds and rightly protect our ancestor's graves with lethal force. A few grains of lead in reparations could go very far.
50 years of inter-generational welfare didn't cover the cost of being deprived of being murdered in an inter-tribal war?

One might expect a certain gratitude from a people who were one way or another given a hand in the construction of the greatest civilization to ever rise on the planet. We all through our ancestors have paid high and dire costs for tickets to participate in this great American experiment. Some of us have even paid blood in person. Civilization has no respect for ingrates.
My parents worked in sweat shops and were paid enough to be just above starving.
Screw these irresponsible "Reparations" cretins.
There's too many to jail. The only solution is to put them down. Will the people we pay taxes to do it, or do we have to get it done ourselves?

If we have to do it ourselves, the politicians go right along with the lawless rioters. They did nothing to protect us/supported the rioters, after all.

One of the most beautiful sounds in the world is the sound of a gun shot ;)

It's the smell, really, in my case. Shivers and all that.

I will spend tomorrow morning at my gun club on the outdoor shooting range, yes the sound and smell are very beautiful. So I think I will be taking my Steyr SSG 69 down there tomorrow, sniper....sniper:

...$10K to every black who'd like to return to questions asked, no returns allowed. It would cost a lot but worth every penny in my opinion.
How much would it cost to put your racist ass on the next ice floe heading toward warmer waters?

Silly shit like this is just a distraction from real issues and possibly real efforts to improve things.

" How much would it cost to put your racist ass on the next ice floe heading toward warmer waters?"

If America shipped OUT 80% of the feral Blacks America would be better off, about 20% of Blacks are normal, the other 80% need to be shipped BACK to the land of their Ancestors ie. the African Continent. Again NOTHING racist about this, it's reality that they are feral and constant trouble, again I comment you do NOT have these problems with ANY other Ethnic group in America it's ONLY Blacks.
In case you haven't noticed or are firmly encased in bubble wrap, our second Civil War is now underway. The "protests" are increasing, not dying down, because nobody can figure out how to stop it. The old way is to mow down a couple hundred fools and leave their corpses to rot in the heat.....that smell is one you'll never forget. Short of that, maybe some dogs....nah, the media rodents would get hysterical if a German Shepherd lit into a looter...."how could they!?!" We could wait until all the stores are looted and there's nothing left to steal or until all the cities are on fire. OR, how about you boys with your AR-15s go out and stop it. The cops don't dare, the politicians couldn't care less as long as it ain't their neighborhoods. The communists love it, say nothing as it goes on, but are also in hiding from those they dream of as being "revolutionaries"....a fond distant memory of their antiwar days their leaders sent us to fight and then decided not to win. Seems pretty simple to will end when Americans have had enough and go total-vigilante. Don't think it can't happen....I'm just wondering why it hasn't happened already?


Hopefully they will all show up and vote out Republicans this November.

Some have taken to quoting MLK on riots as the "the language of the unheard," of the oppressed and downtrodden.

Specifically, he said:

“...riots are socially destructive and self-defeating. I'm still convinced that nonviolence is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom and justice. I feel that violence will only create more social problems than they will solve.”
Lest you think this is to deny the reality of brutal injustice that often feeds such a response, he finished these remarks with a bit of prescience:

“And as long as America postpones justice, we stand in the position of having these recurrences of violence and riots over and over again.”
You'll be thrilled when they confiscate your stocks and bank accounts to pay for reparations.
They won't take from my bank account. It'll be just like the stimulus we all got only you and I won't get anything. Only black people will. And no Ben Carson won't get a dime. He makes too much. Only blacks who make under 6 figures get reparations.

They only make up like 10% of our population. If we could send everyone a check because of corona that's proof we could easily pay blacks the reparations we owe them.

"We" owe blacks nothing. However, if it aids you in skewering yourself on your own sword of white guilt let Congress mail a shovel to every black American who feels they are owed something so they can then proceed to dig up all our slave owning ancestors and pillage their graves for whatever loot they can steal off those dusty corpses. While they're doing that, we will over watch those burial grounds and rightly protect our ancestor's graves with lethal force. A few grains of lead in reparations could go very far.
50 years of inter-generational welfare didn't cover the cost of being deprived of being murdered in an inter-tribal war?

One might expect a certain gratitude from a people who were one way or another given a hand in the construction of the greatest civilization to ever rise on the planet. We all through our ancestors have paid high and dire costs for tickets to participate in this great American experiment. Some of us have even paid blood in person. Civilization has no respect for ingrates.
My parents worked in sweat shops and were paid enough to be just above starving.
Screw these irresponsible "Reparations" cretins.

Thank you and them for their sacrifice. My grandparents survived the Depression years by doing whatever they could to earn a penny—from cutting hair, to mending shoes and from carving axe and hammer handles, to leasing out their land to local farmers for food and other raw materials in trade. Americans work and their work, no matter how hard or dismal, is the engine that runs this nation. There are no free rides, no free lunches; no substitute for carrying one's own weight on the civilizational train.
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There's too many to jail. The only solution is to put them down. Will the people we pay taxes to do it, or do we have to get it done ourselves?

If we have to do it ourselves, the politicians go right along with the lawless rioters. They did nothing to protect us/supported the rioters, after all.
Here's the problem looking at it from Trump's position as president. He recognizes that if he steps in over the objections of the Democrat politicians, that will give them more ammunition to voice against him, making him out to be the opponent of protesters that want to see change. He also recognizes that it IS the responsibility of the Democrat Mayors and Governors to take charge of local issues such as is going on, thus making him reluctant to....again....give them fodder to complain to the Democrat followers base about.
Thus, the Democrats are hoping for him to step in, to claim he is against reforms and would then go down the impeachment route again. The Democrats, especially the Marxists among them, are also hoping for a rebellion by the armed populace, justifying their demands for disarming civilians, as China and Biden have called for and ensuring that the nation would be indeed, divided and easier to conquer.
We're kind of "between a rock and a hard place, as the old saying goes."
Where would the military stand in an armed rebellion? That depends.....Do you recall the picture and story of that Air Force Cadet graduate that had his picture taken, holding up the inside of his cover (hat), depicting the words...."Communism will win.!" He was discharged for that. many pro-Communist personnel do we actually have in our military's ranks? We obviously don't know. One thing you can be sure of, the military would no doubt be itself, divided. A perfect time for China, North Korea and Russia to act against us.
My personal thought on how we should handle it...let the Civil War begin and hope for the best.
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If America shipped OUT 80% of the feral Blacks America would be better off, about 20% of Blacks are normal, the other 80% need to be shipped BACK to the land of their Ancestors ie. the African Continent. Again NOTHING racist about this, it's reality that they are feral and constant trouble, again I comment you do NOT have these problems with ANY other Ethnic group in America it's ONLY Blacks.
And you claim the above is not racist? At least have enough character to be honest if you don't have enough to be a decent human being.
There's too many to jail. The only solution is to put them down. Will the people we pay taxes to do it, or do we have to get it done ourselves?

If we have to do it ourselves, the politicians go right along with the lawless rioters. They did nothing to protect us/supported the rioters, after all.
Here's the problem looking at it from Trump's position as president. He recognizes that if he steps in over the objections of the Democrat politicians, that will give them more ammunition to voice against him, making him out to be the opponent of protesters that want to see change. He also recognizes that it IS the responsibility of the Democrat Mayors and Governors to take charge of local issues such as is going on, thus making him reluctant to....again....give them fodder to complain to the Democrat followers base about.
Thus, the Democrats are hoping for him to step in, to claim he is against reforms and would then go down the impeachment route again. The Democrats, especially the Marxists among them, are also hoping for a rebellion by the armed populace, justifying their demands for disarming civilians, as China and Biden have called for and ensuring that the nation would be indeed, divided and easier to conquer.
We're kind of "between a rock and a hard place, as the old saying goes."
Where would the military stand in an armed rebellion, that depends.....Do you recall the picture and story of that Air Force Cadet that had his picture taken, holding up the inside of his cover (hat), depicting the words...."Communism will win?!" He was discharged for that. many pro-Communist personnel do we actually have in our military's ranks? We obviously don't know. One thing you can be sure of, the military would no doubt be itself, divided. A perfect time for China, North Korea and Russia to act against us.
My personal thought on how we should handle it...let the Civil War begin and hope for the best.

While I agree with some of your sentiments in a general sense, our President is obligated to act in the best interests of all Americans regardless of whether on not doing so costs him the White House. We as a nation and people seem to have forgotten that "self" is not "god" and sometimes the needs of others outweigh our own fucking egos and public image.

As for your speculation about the military, as a guardsman I can share that, at least in my own unit and associated other ones, a divide does exist but mainly between younger soldiers and some officers, along very heated political opinions as to whether they would stand with or against "go" orders, when and if they come down.
And you claim the above is not racist? At least have enough character to be honest if you don't have enough to be a decent human being.
There's too many to jail. The only solution is to put them down. Will the people we pay taxes to do it, or do we have to get it done ourselves?

If we have to do it ourselves, the politicians go right along with the lawless rioters. They did nothing to protect us/supported the rioters, after all.
Here's the problem looking at it from Trump's position as president. He recognizes that if he steps in over the objections of the Democrat politicians, that will give them more ammunition to voice against him, making him out to be the opponent of protesters that want to see change. He also recognizes that it IS the responsibility of the Democrat Mayors and Governors to take charge of local issues such as is going on, thus making him reluctant to....again....give them fodder to complain to the Democrat followers base about.
Thus, the Democrats are hoping for him to step in, to claim he is against reforms and would then go down the impeachment route again. The Democrats, especially the Marxists among them, are also hoping for a rebellion by the armed populace, justifying their demands for disarming civilians, as China and Biden have called for and ensuring that the nation would be indeed, divided and easier to conquer.
We're kind of "between a rock and a hard place, as the old saying goes."
Where would the military stand in an armed rebellion? That depends.....Do you recall the picture and story of that Air Force Cadet graduate that had his picture taken, holding up the inside of his cover (hat), depicting the words...."Communism will win?!" He was discharged for that. many pro-Communist personnel do we actually have in our military's ranks? We obviously don't know. One thing you can be sure of, the military would no doubt be itself, divided. A perfect time for China, North Korea and Russia to act against us.
My personal thought on how we should handle it...let the Civil War begin and hope for the best.
99% of Americans know dip shit when it comes to who has authority over Municipalities, States and Federal jurisdictions.
I was one of them.

If America shipped OUT 80% of the feral Blacks America would be better off, about 20% of Blacks are normal, the other 80% need to be shipped BACK to the land of their Ancestors ie. the African Continent. Again NOTHING racist about this, it's reality that they are feral and constant trouble, again I comment you do NOT have these problems with ANY other Ethnic group in America it's ONLY Blacks.
And you claim the above is not racist? At least have enough character to be honest if you don't have enough to be a decent human being.

No it's not racist.
There's too many to jail. The only solution is to put them down. Will the people we pay taxes to do it, or do we have to get it done ourselves?

If we have to do it ourselves, the politicians go right along with the lawless rioters. They did nothing to protect us/supported the rioters, after all.
Here's the problem looking at it from Trump's position as president. He recognizes that if he steps in over the objections of the Democrat politicians, that will give them more ammunition to voice against him, making him out to be the opponent of protesters that want to see change. He also recognizes that it IS the responsibility of the Democrat Mayors and Governors to take charge of local issues such as is going on, thus making him reluctant to....again....give them fodder to complain to the Democrat followers base about.
Thus, the Democrats are hoping for him to step in, to claim he is against reforms and would then go down the impeachment route again. The Democrats, especially the Marxists among them, are also hoping for a rebellion by the armed populace, justifying their demands for disarming civilians, as China and Biden have called for and ensuring that the nation would be indeed, divided and easier to conquer.
We're kind of "between a rock and a hard place, as the old saying goes."
Where would the military stand in an armed rebellion, that depends.....Do you recall the picture and story of that Air Force Cadet that had his picture taken, holding up the inside of his cover (hat), depicting the words...."Communism will win?!" He was discharged for that. many pro-Communist personnel do we actually have in our military's ranks? We obviously don't know. One thing you can be sure of, the military would no doubt be itself, divided. A perfect time for China, North Korea and Russia to act against us.
My personal thought on how we should handle it...let the Civil War begin and hope for the best.

While I agree with some of your sentiments in a general sense, our President is obligated to act in the best interests of all Americans regardless of whether on not doing so costs him the White House. We as a nation and people seem to have forgotten that "self" is not "god" and sometimes the needs of others outweigh our own fucking egos and public image.

As for your speculation about the military, as a guardsman I can share that, at least in my own unit and associated other ones, a divide does exist but mainly between younger soldiers and some officers, along very heated political opinions as to whether they would stand with or against "go" orders, when and if they come down.
Trump doesn't realize that squashing these rioters will guarantee a win by the silent majority.
...$10K to every black who'd like to return to questions asked, no returns allowed. It would cost a lot but worth every penny in my opinion.
How much would it cost to put your racist ass on the next ice floe heading toward warmer waters?

Silly shit like this is just a distraction from real issues and possibly real efforts to improve things.

" How much would it cost to put your racist ass on the next ice floe heading toward warmer waters?"

If America shipped OUT 80% of the feral Blacks America would be better off, about 20% of Blacks are normal, the other 80% need to be shipped BACK to the land of their Ancestors ie. the African Continent. Again NOTHING racist about this, it's reality that they are feral and constant trouble, again I comment you do NOT have these problems with ANY other Ethnic group in America it's ONLY Blacks.
In a free republic, you can't send citizens away. That only happens with fascist dictators, like this guy.

Here in this country we put criminals in prison unless they live where democrats are in power.

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