Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition

In case you haven't noticed or are firmly encased in bubble wrap, our second Civil War is now underway. The "protests" are increasing, not dying down, because nobody can figure out how to stop it. The old way is to mow down a couple hundred fools and leave their corpses to rot in the heat.....that smell is one you'll never forget. Short of that, maybe some dogs....nah, the media rodents would get hysterical if a German Shepherd lit into a looter...."how could they!?!" We could wait until all the stores are looted and there's nothing left to steal or until all the cities are on fire. OR, how about you boys with your AR-15s go out and stop it. The cops don't dare, the politicians couldn't care less as long as it ain't their neighborhoods. The communists love it, say nothing as it goes on, but are also in hiding from those they dream of as being "revolutionaries"....a fond distant memory of their antiwar days their leaders sent us to fight and then decided not to win. Seems pretty simple to will end when Americans have had enough and go total-vigilante. Don't think it can't happen....I'm just wondering why it hasn't happened already?


Whether or not we patriotic, God fearing, family loving Americans are being led into a trap of violence by the radical left, "shit" is about to go down out there in the form of everyday law-abiding citizens applying the use of deadly force with biblical levels of extreme prejudice. Lest we forget, chaos in the streets benefits democratic party radical political cultists in whatever form it takes because Americans killing Americans ramps up the already ungodly pressure on our POTUS to take sweeping military action.

All of that cautionary crap being said, payback in some form is looming on the horizon over all our heads. Payback for cable news lying non-stop to disinform and befuddle us, payback for the mobs threatening and killing our fellow countrymen unchecked. Payback for the across the board assault on the American traditions and rule of law we all love and depend on for survival, and payback for the democrat and republican elected politicians who have either outright sanctioned violence against us and our property or who have stood by and let it all go down. Bittersweet will be that vengeance for when Americans raise the sword against fellow Americans no victory can taste good.

does thinking about murdering millions of people simply because they are not right wing fascist pieces of shit give you a hard on?

did you have an orgasm as you wrote that?
I'm only going to address the "right-wing Fascist" comment you made. Contrary to what left wing revisionists like to state about both Fascism and Nazism, they both had two core elements to them.
Oh, before I start on the two, just a reminder that the Nazi government was the: National SOCIALIST German Workers Party (and Stalin sent congratulatory communications to Hitler and Mussolini on their Socialist wins. He just didn't know that Hitler was convinced that non-Aryan nations were inferior to Aryans and envisioned Aryans conquering the world...there's always one that's got to try).
1. Both in Italy and Germany, those party leaders, wanted and ran on a large one political party system of government that would take control of all aspects of not only the government, but also private industry, its profits and the people not only siding with the government, but reporting those that don't. Such governments fall in part, in line with the Marxist/Leninist ideology....strict socialism.
2. Both in Italy and Germany, both governments wanted their large socialist governments to feed into their militaries, out of territorial expansionist ideologies. This is not far right-wing. This falls more in the line with military juntas.
3. Right wing and far right-wing ideologies are those concepts that insist on less governmental rule over businesses and less taxes on both the profit makers and the people, maintaining that the federal government should be very limited in its scope. The really pro-far right-wing populace believe that a federal governments role, should be limited to providing a defensive military for the nation as a whole, but not involving itself in peoples lives, rather, leaving such matters to the local states.
In case you haven't noticed or are firmly encased in bubble wrap, our second Civil War is now underway. The "protests" are increasing, not dying down, because nobody can figure out how to stop it. The old way is to mow down a couple hundred fools and leave their corpses to rot in the heat.....that smell is one you'll never forget. Short of that, maybe some dogs....nah, the media rodents would get hysterical if a German Shepherd lit into a looter...."how could they!?!" We could wait until all the stores are looted and there's nothing left to steal or until all the cities are on fire. OR, how about you boys with your AR-15s go out and stop it. The cops don't dare, the politicians couldn't care less as long as it ain't their neighborhoods. The communists love it, say nothing as it goes on, but are also in hiding from those they dream of as being "revolutionaries"....a fond distant memory of their antiwar days their leaders sent us to fight and then decided not to win. Seems pretty simple to will end when Americans have had enough and go total-vigilante. Don't think it can't happen....I'm just wondering why it hasn't happened already?

Because every place these ignorant Klansmen attack is democrat. Unfortunately, even the capital city of the entire country.
Ain't no klansman rioting and looting and burning liar. It's all democrat approved scum.
I use the term klansmen figuratively. These BLM klansmen are no less racist and terrorist than the KKK.
Something stupid it was programmed to parrot.
I'm only going to address the "right-wing Fascist" comment you made. Contrary to what left wing revisionists like to state about both Fascism and Nazism, they both had two core elements to them.
Oh, before I start on the two, just a reminder that the Nazi government was the: National SOCIALIST German Workers Party (and Stalin sent congratulatory communications to Hitler and Mussolini on their Socialist wins. He just didn't know that Hitler was convinced that non-Aryan nations were inferior to Aryans and envisioned Aryans conquering the world...there's always one that's got to try).
1. Both in Italy and Germany, those party leaders, wanted and ran on a large one political party system of government that would take control of all aspects of not only the government, but also private industry, its profits and the people not only siding with the government, but reporting those that don't. Such governments fall in part, in line with the Marxist/Leninist ideology....strict socialism.
2. Both in Italy and Germany, both governments wanted their large socialist governments to feed into their militaries, out of territorial expansionist ideologies. This is not far right-wing. This falls more in the line with military juntas.
3. Right wing and far right-wing ideologies are those concepts that insist on less governmental rule over businesses and less taxes on both the profit makers and the people, maintaining that the federal government should be very limited in its scope. The really pro-far right-wing populace believe that a federal governments role, should be limited to providing a defensive military for the nation as a whole, but not involving itself in peoples lives, rather, leaving such matters to the local states.

You have to realize you're literally arguing with a parrot. That sniveling piece of shit will never accept the fact that Nazi's, Fascist, Communists or democrats are rooted in the same marxist pile of dried up bullshit.

You might be able to pursued some of these utterly vacuous imbeciles to even listen to you on a person to person level if you were to discuss these issues over drinks in a calm environment, if they conclude it would be in their interest before the conversation takes place. By that I mean at a party where they're not emotionally driven to do anything but have fun, or with a chick that decides she wants to fuck you before the end of the night is over.

Otherwise you're not going to convince deliberately ignorant people to read something you write and conclude they were wrong. They have to first doubt something they believe, then they have to be taken by the hand and gently exposed to reality. They will never easily believe after decades of indoctrination that they're actually "right wingers" themselves, because they want to be able to use recreational drugs, they want to earn as much as possible in a job that that they're good at, they want to be able to walk the street without having to show ID to commissars, they want to be able to travel without all sorts of taxes and regulations that limit them, they want to be able to do shit in their own homes that other people believe to be deviant.

It's the leftist authoritarians that oppose freedom, unless it can be used to undermine traditions and morality.

Liberals don't support the legalization of pot because they believe in freedom. They want people stoned and lethargic. They want people dissatisfied and discontent at work, they want people to accept authority when it comes to wearing fuckin face masks, but rebel against authority when it comes to whatever trend is important to them. There is no consistency to them. In fact I guarantee you that if they ever get the sort of power they want, they will purge the planet of all blacks and dark skinned people regardless of their politics.

It's always conservatives who start this topic.

They're an easily agitated bunch. Yet they never actually do anything.
It's always conservatives who start this topic.

They're an easily agitated bunch. Yet they never actually do anything.
Come to our town, start your shit, You will not like it. If the police don't stop you we will.

Yea, yea. That's what you SAY but you don't actually DO anything.

The filth BLM and the Leftist filth supporting them SHOULD ALL go out into American Suburbs and Rural areas BECAUSE THAT'S when the attempted Marxist Insurrection ENDS. Those Suburbs and Rural areas will put the feral sub-animals down.
It's always conservatives who start this topic.

They're an easily agitated bunch. Yet they never actually do anything.
Come to our town, start your shit, You will not like it. If the police don't stop you we will.

Yea, yea. That's what you SAY but you don't actually DO anything.

The filth BLM and the Leftist filth supporting them SHOULD ALL go out into American Suburbs and Rural areas BECAUSE THAT'S when the attempted Marxist Insurrection ENDS. Those Suburbs and Rural areas will put the feral sub-animals down.

You won't do shit. Not a single thing.

Go take your meds and calm down.
In case you haven't noticed or are firmly encased in bubble wrap, our second Civil War is now underway. The "protests" are increasing, not dying down, because nobody can figure out how to stop it. The old way is to mow down a couple hundred fools and leave their corpses to rot in the heat.....that smell is one you'll never forget. Short of that, maybe some dogs....nah, the media rodents would get hysterical if a German Shepherd lit into a looter...."how could they!?!" We could wait until all the stores are looted and there's nothing left to steal or until all the cities are on fire. OR, how about you boys with your AR-15s go out and stop it. The cops don't dare, the politicians couldn't care less as long as it ain't their neighborhoods. The communists love it, say nothing as it goes on, but are also in hiding from those they dream of as being "revolutionaries"....a fond distant memory of their antiwar days their leaders sent us to fight and then decided not to win. Seems pretty simple to will end when Americans have had enough and go total-vigilante. Don't think it can't happen....I'm just wondering why it hasn't happened already?


That photo speaks volumes. No comment is needed.

We must do everything possible to avoid any violence between those dear sweet young gentlemen's ethnicity and the other ethnicities in this country,

Many people (including me) believe that social stability in this country will continue to worsen as the Euro-American population continues to shrink.

We can only hope that some future president will host a harmonious meeting with representatives of every ethnicity and come up with a PEACEFUL plan to divide up the country so that each ethnicity can live with people who share a common culture.
Again with this stupidity?
It's always conservatives who start this topic.

They're an easily agitated bunch. Yet they never actually do anything.
Come to our town, start your shit, You will not like it. If the police don't stop you we will.

Yea, yea. That's what you SAY but you don't actually DO anything.

The filth BLM and the Leftist filth supporting them SHOULD ALL go out into American Suburbs and Rural areas BECAUSE THAT'S when the attempted Marxist Insurrection ENDS. Those Suburbs and Rural areas will put the feral sub-animals down.

You won't do shit. Not a single thing.

Go take your meds and calm down.

Get OUT of the Democrat City Areas and go to Suburbs and Rural Areas, BLM and the Leftist filth are SCARED of doing that, that's why they stay in the City Areas that are in the control of the Democrats.

I'll tell you who should take their meds? The feral Blacks and by meds I'm not meaning their usual crap of Crack and Meth.
Come to red America douche, start tearing up shit, if the cops don't you we will.

View attachment 355546

Have you Transgendered yet?

View attachment 355548

Oh good. You can throw memes at people on the internet. But we both know you won't actually DO anything about this supposed civil war.

What have you done so far? Oh right, nothing.

" What have you done so far? Oh right, nothing."

I have been helping American Patriots organise from very far far away....and perhaps funding various things again from very far far away....

So what have you done? Any rioting? Any looting? Beat up any 92 year old women? Moved OUT of your basement?
Come to red America douche, start tearing up shit, if the cops don't you we will.

View attachment 355546

Have you Transgendered yet?

View attachment 355548

Oh good. You can throw memes at people on the internet. But we both know you won't actually DO anything about this supposed civil war.

What have you done so far? Oh right, nothing.

"You can throw memes at people on the internet."

You mean like YOU did:

^^^^ EXCEPT being a Leftist you CANNOT do Memes, ALL Leftist Memes's are CRAP. We Rightists have the best Memes, like this for an example:

The way it's going, it could bring on a resurgence of the klan. I didn't like them the 1st time around.

The Klan is all undercover FBI agents these days....RICO did it and is about to happen to BLM....They ain't the Panthers and soon they'll know it....the Panthers at least were somewhat good for the black inner-cities with food banks and free clinics. STill, when Cleaver, Rap Brown, (the pos who burned my city), and Stokely were put away, that was over.
Funny about that. Cleaver grew up and went Republican. Didn't Stokley get murdered? Hope so. Waste of air.
" What have you done so far? Oh right, nothing."

I have been helping American Patriots organise from very far far away....and perhaps funding various things again from very far far away....

So what have you done? Any rioting? Any looting? Beat up any 92 year old women? Moved OUT of your basement?

Translation: You haven't done shit.

You idiots claim there's a civil war and your contribution to it is throwing memes at people. Just like every other idiot fantasizing about a civil war.

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