Prayer in public schools...words of a Columbine victim's father.

The correlation is solid if the statements are correct. Was there more prayer in schools and was there more shootings in schools then.
The correlation is solid if the statements are correct. Was there more prayer in schools and was there more shootings in schools then.
The coincidence is obvious. The correlation is fantasy. You need an education.
We can blame God , because he preferred a animal sacrifice instead of one of harvest, kind of like being a bully and Cain got jealous. So God caused the jealousy. Instead of treating them both the same he preferred one over the other, parents should remember this.
A thief breaks into your house and steals valuables. Is the thief at fault? After all, he succeeded in what he set out to do. You are the one who failed to keep your house and valuables secure. In fact, you possessed something that beckoned to thieves in the first place. Would you now agree that you are the one at fault?

In fact, God did treat Cain and Abel the same. Abel, we are told, offered the best of his firstlings. Cain simply brought an offering. If your youngest brought you a fine lamb, while your eldest offered you a turnip would you be equally ecstatic over the turnip as the lamb? Or, would you give the turnip the appreciation due a turnip, and the lamb the appreciation due a lamb?

This is what the bible says:
Abel became a herder of flocks, and Cain a tiller of the ground.b] 3 In the course of time Cain brought an offering to the Lord from the fruit of the ground, 4 while Abel, for his part, brought the fatty portion[c] of the firstlings of his flock."> The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, 5 but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry and dejected. 6 Then the Lord said to Cain: Why are you angry? Why are you dejected? 7 If you act rightly, you will be accepted;[d] but if not, sin lies in wait at the door: its urge is for you, yet you can rule over it.
This is what the bible says so don't try and make it say anything else. Me I would not want the fat part of sheep, I'd rather veggies than fat.

God made Cain feel inadequate with his offering and made him jealous of his brother. Now you can say it was a test, but this is a story they say about jealousy, and who made Cain feel worthless and jealous, why God himself.

Of course this is just a story. No one was there to see or write this, and Moses certainty was not.
Remember God causes evil, the gentleman's bet in Job was an example of the OT bible God.
God also hardened Pharaohs heart.
The god of the OT was mainly the Hebrew tribal war God.
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The correlation is solid if the statements are correct. Was there more prayer in schools and was there more shootings in schools then.

And of course, they are not.

When I was in school, we had 2 doors and all windows open. 0 school shootings.

The whole time, the only incident was a kid stabbed himself to death in class.

Ofc, there was corporal punishment, and prayer was allowed in schools then.
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What did they think would happen when they removed God and discipline from children's lives? That they wouldn't be a bunch of out-of-control heathens? How did they come to such a conclusion?
What did they think would happen when they removed God and discipline from children's lives? That they wouldn't be a bunch of out-of-control heathens? How did they come to such a conclusion?

Look at what happens in every Progressive country: they eliminate G-d and poverty, despair, misery and mass murder soon follow.
What did they think would happen when they removed God and discipline from children's lives? That they wouldn't be a bunch of out-of-control heathens? How did they come to such a conclusion?

Often the overt religious commit unthinkable acts. Send you grandkids to parochial school, keep it out of Public schools.
What did they think would happen when they removed God and discipline from children's lives? That they wouldn't be a bunch of out-of-control heathens? How did they come to such a conclusion?

Often the overt religious commit unthinkable acts. Send you grandkids to parochial school, keep it out of Public schools.

Because being taught "Thou shalt not kill" should never be taught to children in public schools, amirite?

No, let's just teach them that murder is generally against the mores of many, but not all, societies instead. Yeah, that's the ticket.

What did they think would happen when they removed God and discipline from children's lives? That they wouldn't be a bunch of out-of-control heathens? How did they come to such a conclusion?

Look at what happens in every Progressive country: they eliminate G-d and poverty, despair, misery and mass murder soon follow.


You think that If no one was taught to believe in your ideas about God and children weren't beaten into submission at school, suddenly a belief in God would disappear and society would collapse? lol..

What if what people believe about God is false, like the belief that one unequalled God really is a coequal triplicate that became an edible man, or that the greatest prophet of God and perfect example of human holiness was a child rapist? Should that be taught in public school? Should anyone who resists the murder of their mind be expelled from school and singled out for a special education?

According to scripture setting aside the instruction in divine law and perpetuating false beliefs about God is what causes the self aggrandizing disintegration of society into corruption, chaos, and violence whether its taught in schools or at home. (Deut 28:15-68)

You can't blame that on guns, liberals, the media, the news, hollywood, rock and roll, video games, marijuana, gays, hippies, Jews, atheists, witches or the absence of compulsory prayer to false gods in public school.
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This is what the bible says so don't try and make it say anything else. Me I would not want the fat part of sheep, I'd rather veggies than fat.

What modern people are doing is trying to make the Bible a verbatim court report of what occurred. The account is a story that presents a life lesson. What happens when one person gives up the best they have to offer and another person does not? Or, it could be taken that both gave up their best. What happens when one prospers more than the other? Jealousy and envy are human emotions. They can be conquered. If they are not...what follows? Brother turns against brother.

God made Cain feel inadequate with his offering and made him jealous of his brother. Now you can say it was a test, but this is a story they say about jealousy, and who made Cain feel worthless and jealous, why God himself.

No. Cain saw Abel prospering and became jealous/envy as he saw Abel's prosperity as a blessing from God.

Of course this is just a story. No one was there to see or write this, and Moses certainty was not.

Remember God causes evil, the gentleman's bet in Job was an example of the OT bible God.

God also hardened Pharaohs heart.

The god of the OT was mainly the Hebrew tribal war God.

Remember, story! The rules of a good story are conflict and revelation of a lesson. The lesson in Job could not be presented in a story of Job struggling with natural disasters. As for Pharaoh's heart--also a natural phenomenon taking place right now between us. The more we debate, the more our hearts will harden to our own positions. What happens to humans when things are taken from them? What happens to humans when their hearts become hardened? Those are the lessons in the stories.

Mankind learned lessons they wanted to pass on, and they accomplished this in story form. Modern man is so blind the only thing they see in these stories is God being a jerk. As scripture later says, "Listen carefully, but you will not understand. Look intently, but you will not see."
This is what the bible says so don't try and make it say anything else. Me I would not want the fat part of sheep, I'd rather veggies than fat.

What modern people are doing is trying to make the Bible a verbatim court report of what occurred. The account is a story that presents a life lesson. What happens when one person gives up the best they have to offer and another person does not? Or, it could be taken that both gave up their best. What happens when one prospers more than the other? Jealousy and envy are human emotions. They can be conquered. If they are not...what follows? Brother turns against brother.

God made Cain feel inadequate with his offering and made him jealous of his brother. Now you can say it was a test, but this is a story they say about jealousy, and who made Cain feel worthless and jealous, why God himself.

No. Cain saw Abel prospering and became jealous/envy as he saw Abel's prosperity as a blessing from God.

Of course this is just a story. No one was there to see or write this, and Moses certainty was not.

Remember God causes evil, the gentleman's bet in Job was an example of the OT bible God.

God also hardened Pharaohs heart.

The god of the OT was mainly the Hebrew tribal war God.

Remember, story! The rules of a good story are conflict and revelation of a lesson. The lesson in Job could not be presented in a story of Job struggling with natural disasters. As for Pharaoh's heart--also a natural phenomenon taking place right now between us. The more we debate, the more our hearts will harden to our own positions. What happens to humans when things are taken from them? What happens to humans when their hearts become hardened? Those are the lessons in the stories.

Mankind learned lessons they wanted to pass on, and they accomplished this in story form. Modern man is so blind the only thing they see in these stories is God being a jerk. As scripture later says, "Listen carefully, but you will not understand. Look intently, but you will not see."

Sorry you are not making God the good character in this story. Of course Cain and Able had Adam and Eve for their parents.:rolleyes:
Then you have Jacob and Rebekah openly deceiving Isaac on his death bed, and then Rebekahs brother is a charlatan as well, but I guess Jacob deserved what he got.

The OT is a list of bad people who got ahead by being bad evil people.
The correlation is solid if the statements are correct. Was there more prayer in schools and was there more shootings in schools then.
The coincidence is obvious. The correlation is fantasy. You need an education.
Your coincidence fallacy is obvious.

The facts are there were more prayer in school and school shootings then.

Can't get around it. You need to study logic.
Actually: It's was all God's will.. He was behind the killings and all death in the world...It's God's' will.....
Praying to God to change what he has already decided is fruitless...
What did they think would happen when they removed God and discipline from children's lives? That they wouldn't be a bunch of out-of-control heathens? How did they come to such a conclusion?

Look at what happens in every Progressive country: they eliminate G-d and poverty, despair, misery and mass murder soon follow.


You think that If no one was taught to believe in your ideas about God and children weren't beaten into submission at school, suddenly a belief in God would disappear and society would collapse? lol..

What if what people believe about God is false, like the belief that one unequalled God really is a coequal triplicate that became an edible man, or that the greatest prophet of God and perfect example of human holiness was a child rapist? Should that be taught in public school? Should anyone who resists the murder of their mind be expelled from school and singled out for a special education?

According to scripture setting aside the instruction in divine law and perpetuating false beliefs about God is what causes the self aggrandizing disintegration of society into corruption, chaos, and violence whether its taught in schools or at home. (Deut 28:15-68)

You can't blame that on guns, liberals, the media, the news, hollywood, rock and roll, video games, marijuana, gays, hippies, Jews, atheists, witches or the absence of compulsory prayer to false gods in public school.

School shooting before 1964=-?

And post 1964=-?


List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia

^Some of these are suicides.
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Sorry you are not making God the good character in this story. Of course Cain and Able had Adam and Eve for their parents.:rolleyes:
Then you have Jacob and Rebekah openly deceiving Isaac on his death bed, and then Rebekahs brother is a charlatan as well, but I guess Jacob deserved what he got.

The OT is a list of bad people who got ahead by being bad evil people.

I am not saying God is used as a good character. In their stories, ancient man used God as MacGuffin (a literary plot device to move the story along). This is not to say that the ancient view of God is that God, being the all powerful, was responsible for everything. However, their stories were about mankind's interactions and relationships with the all powerful--and what was learned in these encounters.

True, the Jews (representing all mankind) have a beautiful history of sincerely making laws which covered everything--only to break them and then shrug off their transgressions as God's will. I love it! Many of mankind seem to have this ingrained idea that things can only be done ONE way. Part of what Jacob and Esau's story teaches us is that God can manage any of our deviations that we then usually blame on God (or equally as often, credit ourselves with righteously following God's "real" will).

No wonder God has such a great sense of humor. His children keep Him laughing.

We should look for the universal truths in each story. They are there, and it makes both the Bible and God come alive.

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