Prayer in public schools...words of a Columbine victim's father.

Actually: It's was all God's will.. He was behind the killings and all death in the world...It's God's' will.....

Do one thing and good things will happen. Do another and bad things will happen.

People have been perpetuating the evil of idolatry for thousands of years so naturally it is Gods will that people should suffer the consequences...

If people really wanted blessings and a peaceful and prosperous society they should probably stop praying to false gods themselves instead of blaming every tragedy under the sun on everything and everyone except themselves.

Seriously, what do these people think? Holding hands and babbling to a false god, false according to their own holy book, makes them holy people and gives them some sort of invisible protection?

Yay! We're saved! Jesus loves me! Ra Ra Sis Boom Bah! We're number one!

How is some poor kid struggling to be sane, surrounded by of all of this confusion and absurdity not supposed to snap?

Its like confining a child to a madrassa chanting verses from the koran for 12 hours a day and by the time they are twelve they want to blow themselves would too.

Is that what you want for your children?
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What about the church shooting in TX. They were not praying hard enough.
Prayer will not stop a bullet.
However, a little soul searching by the perpetrators might prevent shootings.

This is the point.....the point that went over your head.
Sorry you are not making God the good character in this story. Of course Cain and Able had Adam and Eve for their parents.:rolleyes:
Then you have Jacob and Rebekah openly deceiving Isaac on his death bed, and then Rebekahs brother is a charlatan as well, but I guess Jacob deserved what he got.

The OT is a list of bad people who got ahead by being bad evil people.

I am not saying God is used as a good character. In their stories, ancient man used God as MacGuffin (a literary plot device to move the story along). This is not to say that the ancient view of God is that God, being the all powerful, was responsible for everything. However, their stories were about mankind's interactions and relationships with the all powerful--and what was learned in these encounters.

True, the Jews (representing all mankind) have a beautiful history of sincerely making laws which covered everything--only to break them and then shrug off their transgressions as God's will. I love it! Many of mankind seem to have this ingrained idea that things can only be done ONE way. Part of what Jacob and Esau's story teaches us is that God can manage any of our deviations that we then usually blame on God (or equally as often, credit ourselves with righteously following God's "real" will).

No wonder God has such a great sense of humor. His children keep Him laughing.

We should look for the universal truths in each story. They are there, and it makes both the Bible and God come alive.

I guess God has a better since of humor than me, I guess we should keep up the good work to keep him jolly, hate to see him when he's angry (might cause another global flood and kill everyone), well then there is the story of Job, but God was not angry with Job, it was a mere bet with Satan (Lucifer), of God testing Job and meanwhile enjoying it. Seems God has an ego problem.:) I know all these stories are on what not to do, because we will end up like Sodom and Gomorrah, or homeless and without food, or being prisoners and slaves in other countries, with all the people attending churches like Joel Olstens I am shocked that this is happening and why all Evangelical Christians are not rich and healthy. I am for Separation of Church and State.
I guess God has a better since of humor than me, I guess we should keep up the good work to keep him jolly, hate to see him when he's angry (might cause another global flood and kill everyone), well then there is the story of Job, but God was not angry with Job, it was a mere bet with Satan (Lucifer), of God testing Job and meanwhile enjoying it. Seems God has an ego problem.:) I know all these stories are on what not to do, because we will end up like Sodom and Gomorrah, or homeless and without food, or being prisoners and slaves in other countries, with all the people attending churches like Joel Olstens I am shocked that this is happening and why all Evangelical Christians are not rich and healthy. I am for Separation of Church and State.

I, too, am for separation of Church and State--but not for the elimination or the eclipse of either.

Modern man does not understand Biblical stories, and I feel that is a shame. All public schools should have a class of Literary Techniques of the Bible. Not only would students learn great spiritual lessons and inner wisdom, they would learn how to be great storytellers--which is quickly becoming a lost art.
I guess God has a better since of humor than me, I guess we should keep up the good work to keep him jolly, hate to see him when he's angry (might cause another global flood and kill everyone), well then there is the story of Job, but God was not angry with Job, it was a mere bet with Satan (Lucifer), of God testing Job and meanwhile enjoying it. Seems God has an ego problem.:) I know all these stories are on what not to do, because we will end up like Sodom and Gomorrah, or homeless and without food, or being prisoners and slaves in other countries, with all the people attending churches like Joel Olstens I am shocked that this is happening and why all Evangelical Christians are not rich and healthy. I am for Separation of Church and State.

I, too, am for separation of Church and State--but not for the elimination or the eclipse of either.

Modern man does not understand Biblical stories, and I feel that is a shame. All public schools should have a class of Literary Techniques of the Bible. Not only would students learn great spiritual lessons and inner wisdom, they would learn how to be great storytellers--which is quickly becoming a lost art.

Oh I believe in spiritual lessons, which I feel is the Church and parents duty not the teachers. Now I have nothing against theology class in HS which encompasses all religions, and the different beliefs.

According to the bible, if you do something bad you can come back in good graces with God, but that is also after you do something bad, many get reborn in prison and find God, but lose him again. I think we need to have another semi assault weapon ban like in 1994 that lasted for 10 years and then fell thought the cracks in 2004, at least only a few would be killed, not a whole slew of them. I do not believe school prayer is going to stop it. Mental health is the answer , and special ed for problem kids with specially trained teachers should be in every community school system. Now with Devos, public schools are going to go downhill and become all For Profit, like most in Mi where she is from.
Fifty years ago when prayer was in all places and at all times was used people were not nicer, the kids at school were not nice to each other and said the nastiest things they could conjure in their wee brains....The minority was the nice ones which were few....And this went on in churches, schools, work daily lives and it still goes on today with or without the fucking public display of God calling...
Oh I believe in spiritual lessons, which I feel is the Church and parents duty not the teachers. Now I have nothing against theology class in HS which encompasses all religions, and the different beliefs.

According to the bible, if you do something bad you can come back in good graces with God, but that is also after you do something bad, many get reborn in prison and find God, but lose him again. I think we need to have another semi assault weapon ban like in 1994 that lasted for 10 years and then fell thought the cracks in 2004, at least only a few would be killed, not a whole slew of them. I do not believe school prayer is going to stop it. Mental health is the answer , and special ed for problem kids with specially trained teachers should be in every community school system. Now with Devos, public schools are going to go downhill and become all For Profit, like most in Mi where she is from.

Spiritual health should be taught at home, but mental health should be taken care of in the schools. I will repeat what you said above:

Spiritual health should be taught at home, but mental health should be taken care of in the schools.

Humans need physical health, mental health, and spiritual health. It would be ridiculous to tell students all eating should be done at home. Equally ridiculous are some of the mental health issues foisted on schools, many of which should be dealt with in a home environment. Finally, we tell students that any spiritual issues are to be kept outside of school, and that it is perfectly alright if their parents don't care to address them at home, either. Neglect to feed a child, jail time, child is removed from that person's care. Don't send a child to school, also a civic offense, punishable by law. Neglect a child spiritually and half the nation applauds.

A child's physical, mental, and spiritual well-being should be where the child is. For a great part of the day, the child is at school.

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