Preaching the gospel of Progressivism


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Mayor de Blasio Says Wealth Is ‘in the Wrong Hands,’ Pledges to Redistribute It

None do it better than New York Mayor Bill De Blasio as he spoke to an eager, filled to capacity, crowd.

“Here’s the truth, brothers and sisters, there’s plenty of money in the world. Plenty of money in this city,” the mayor said, flanked by screens with graphs of productivity outpacing compensation. “It’s just in the wrong hands!”

I here ya brother Bill! There is plenty of money to go round, all we need is for a righteous and fair person like you to redistribute it for us.

For the record, I scanned the audience behind Bill at the rally. I can also triumphantly gloat that there is an equal ratio of black to brown to white to Islamic mix within the audience. So not only is he a mastermind accountant and righteous judge, I can say with certainty that the only one that can be entrusted with our money, he is all about social equality and justice to boot.

And to think I've been lied to all these years by conservatives.

Who knew? All we ever needed or will need is brother Bill.

Naturally, I'm sure everyone that will come after will be really swell as well.
Progressivism also includes the War on Drugs yet you people support this progressive action against society.

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