Predict how long before????

Guy has not asked a reasonable question, and only is stumbling down a slippery slope of risible logic.
'Gun nuts', as you call them, have no desire to attack the government. Our only desire is that the government doesn't attack us.

Sending LEO or NG forces into the streets to round up all our newly outlawed weapons would CERTAINLY qualify as an attack.

Still fantasizing about the evil government

Let me ask this...

If you people who want to further restrict the 2nd Amendment get your way, and all semi-automatic rifles and handguns are outlawed, how are you proposing the get them?

Are you actually threatening the duly elected government of the United States?

If your semi-automatic handgun is ruled illegal you will be told to turn it in to your local police department. If you choose armed resistance, you will be arrested, lose your job, probably your house and your family will suffer

It is your choice, what is your priority? Your guns or your family?
Still fantasizing about the evil government

Let me ask this...

If you people who want to further restrict the 2nd Amendment get your way, and all semi-automatic rifles and handguns are outlawed, how are you proposing the get them?

Are you actually threatening the duly elected government of the United States?

If your semi-automatic handgun is ruled illegal you will be told to turn it in to your local police department. If you choose armed resistance, you will be arrested, lose your job, probably your house and your family will suffer

It is your choice, what is your priority? Your guns or your family?

In English that says "Abdicate your 2nd Amendment rights or face the wrath of government."
And I suppose you, and your anti gun cronies get to define for the rest of us, exactly what constitutes an assault rifle? How intellectual elitist of you.

ok, outlaw any and all automatic or semiautomatic fire arms.

with enough mature adults involved such a law is possible and satisfactory to the Constitution allowing the right to bear arms.

Again... Who are you to make that decision for others? I have many semi automatic firearms that I purchased legally, and I have no intention of arbitrarily handing them over to some bureaucracy simply because some of you think my guns are scary. I have committed no crime, and the Constitution protects my Rights. As adults, I would expect you to respect those Rights, and not let your emotions cloud your judgment every time a tragedy comes along. With Freedom sometimes we also get a bloody nose... We don't live in a perfectly safe World. Someone inevitably uses the First amendment to spew hate, just like lunatics sometimes shoot people. Sure we can curtail Freedom for a false sense of security, but people will still shoot, and people will still hate... I for one prefer to keep my Freedoms intact.

... and not let your emotions cloud your judgment every time a tragedy comes along.

that seems the basis for your staring a thread - "Predict how long before????" - the morning after a Tragedy.

the Tragedy is an obvious concern but only one of many considerations regarding gun control.

speed limits on highways is an expl. for the kinds of meaningful gun control legislation that a mature society someday will enact -

the Hotrodder hasn't a right to risk other peoples lives to satisfy a juvenile craving to exceed justifiable limits to an automobile - the same criteria should be applied to gun enthusiasts who everyday threaten other peoples lives by their uncontrolled use of a deadly weapon.
Still fantasizing about the evil government

Let me ask this...

If you people who want to further restrict the 2nd Amendment get your way, and all semi-automatic rifles and handguns are outlawed, how are you proposing the get them?

Are you actually threatening the duly elected government of the United States?

If your semi-automatic handgun is ruled illegal you will be told to turn it in to your local police department. If you choose armed resistance, you will be arrested, lose your job, probably your house and your family will suffer

It is your choice, what is your priority? Your guns or your family?

..........says the most naive asshole on the forum. The k00k left on this board...........its fascinating. I do envy them live a life in a perpetual state of fantasy is compelling on some level.

Fcuking dumbass..............there are tens of millions of gun owners s0n!!!:coffee: No REAL legislation is going to come down that initiates a civil war you fucking dummy. Some nut from an uber-far left district may want to bring it to the floor and there it dies. 100% certainty.

fcuking shitforbrains.:D:D
Says the dumbest person on the Board, and that is saying something when you have genuises like bigrenbc and crusaderfrank.

skooker, you are certifiably insane, without a doubt.

There have been reasonable gun bills in the past, and there will be reasonable ones in the future, and you will abide them.

Let me ask this...

If you people who want to further restrict the 2nd Amendment get your way, and all semi-automatic rifles and handguns are outlawed, how are you proposing the get them?

Are you actually threatening the duly elected government of the United States?

If your semi-automatic handgun is ruled illegal you will be told to turn it in to your local police department. If you choose armed resistance, you will be arrested, lose your job, probably your house and your family will suffer

It is your choice, what is your priority? Your guns or your family?
..........says the most naive asshole on the forum. The k00k left on this board...........its fascinating. I do envy them live a life in a perpetual state of fantasy is compelling on some level. Fcuking dumbass..............there are tens of millions of gun owners s0n!!!:coffee: No REAL legislation is going to come down that initiates a civil war you fucking dummy. Some nut from an uber-far left district may want to bring it to the floor and there it dies. 100% certainty. fcuking shitforbrains.:D:D
Let me ask this...

If you people who want to further restrict the 2nd Amendment get your way, and all semi-automatic rifles and handguns are outlawed, how are you proposing the get them?

Are you actually threatening the duly elected government of the United States?

If your semi-automatic handgun is ruled illegal you will be told to turn it in to your local police department. If you choose armed resistance, you will be arrested, lose your job, probably your house and your family will suffer

It is your choice, what is your priority? Your guns or your family?

In English that says "Abdicate your 2nd Amendment rights or face the wrath of government."

Could also be saying that in that case, the majority of Americans would not have elected a pro gun-control majority to congress if they had not believed in gun-control themselves.

Let me ask this...

If you people who want to further restrict the 2nd Amendment get your way, and all semi-automatic rifles and handguns are outlawed, how are you proposing the get them?

Are you actually threatening the duly elected government of the United States?

If your semi-automatic handgun is ruled illegal you will be told to turn it in to your local police department. If you choose armed resistance, you will be arrested, lose your job, probably your house and your family will suffer

It is your choice, what is your priority? Your guns or your family?

In English that says "Abdicate your 2nd Amendment rights or face the wrath of government."

They're not afraid of your small arms. If push came to shove in the world you imagine, they'll take you out with robots or smart bombs. Good luck.
The funniest thing about the "guns keep us free" crowd is that in their mind they feel they could hold off the feds with their little stash of guns in their three bedroom suburban fortress.

You really are delusional, man. If you actually read the words instead of spouting talking points you'd see those first 3 words. Most importantly the 3rd one. Just because you don't have the backbone to die for the greater good doesn't mean the rest of us should follow your sheepish example. In other words, I have NO expectation of holding off the brownshirts indefinitely, but I do expect they'd pay a price for their temerity.

If our Founders felt like you do we'd still be a province of England.

The Second Amendment pertains to the right of self-defense and the individual right to own a handgun pursuant to that defense. The Amendment enjoins jurisdictions from prohibiting ownership of firearms.

The Heller Court noted that the right was unrelated to ‘militia service’:

This comparison to the Declaration of Right would not make sense if the Second Amendment right was the right to use a gun in a militia, which was plainly not what the English right protected. As the Tennessee Supreme Court recognized 38 years after Story wrote his Commentaries, “[t]he passage from Story, shows clearly that this right was intended … and was guaranteed to, and to be exercised and enjoyed by the citizen as such, and not by him as a soldier, or in defense solely of his political rights.” Andrews v. State, 50Tenn. 165, 183 (1871). Story’s Commentaries also cite as support Tucker and Rawle, both of whom clearly viewed the right as unconnected to militia service. See 3 Story §1890, n. 2; §1891, n. 3. In addition, in a shorter 1840 work Story wrote: “One of the ordinary modes, by which tyrants accomplish their purposes without resistance, is, by disarming the people, and making it an offence to keep arms, and by substituting a regular army in the stead of a resort to the militia.” A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States §450 (reprinted in 1986).


The Amendment, therefore, was intended to protect an individual right and prohibit the disarming of citizens by the state; the notion of the Amendment authorizing an armed population to be always at the ready to rise up against a government perceived as ‘tyrannical’ is problematic at best, and does not comport with the current understanding of the Amendment.

Indeed, the idea of the government ‘fearful’ of an armed population and as some sort of ‘deterrent’ to government takings of property or persons is naïve and foolish.
Benjamin Franklin said:
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.

Naive and foolish?
That doesn't have to mean militarily, idiot. We as citizens have huge sway in the way our government operates. It's why politicians cater to constituents.

You don't see that in actual tyrannies.
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The funniest thing about the "guns keep us free" crowd is that in their mind they feel they could hold off the feds with their little stash of guns in their three bedroom suburban fortress.

You really are delusional, man. If you actually read the words instead of spouting talking points you'd see those first 3 words. Most importantly the 3rd one. Just because you don't have the backbone to die for the greater good doesn't mean the rest of us should follow your sheepish example. In other words, I have NO expectation of holding off the brownshirts indefinitely, but I do expect they'd pay a price for their temerity.

If our Founders felt like you do we'd still be a province of England.

The Second Amendment pertains to the right of self-defense and the individual right to own a handgun pursuant to that defense. The Amendment enjoins jurisdictions from prohibiting ownership of firearms.

The Heller Court noted that the right was unrelated to ‘militia service’:

This comparison to the Declaration of Right would not make sense if the Second Amendment right was the right to use a gun in a militia, which was plainly not what the English right protected. As the Tennessee Supreme Court recognized 38 years after Story wrote his Commentaries, “[t]he passage from Story, shows clearly that this right was intended … and was guaranteed to, and to be exercised and enjoyed by the citizen as such, and not by him as a soldier, or in defense solely of his political rights.” Andrews v. State, 50Tenn. 165, 183 (1871). Story’s Commentaries also cite as support Tucker and Rawle, both of whom clearly viewed the right as unconnected to militia service. See 3 Story §1890, n. 2; §1891, n. 3. In addition, in a shorter 1840 work Story wrote: “One of the ordinary modes, by which tyrants accomplish their purposes without resistance, is, by disarming the people, and making it an offence to keep arms, and by substituting a regular army in the stead of a resort to the militia.” A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States §450 (reprinted in 1986).


The Amendment, therefore, was intended to protect an individual right and prohibit the disarming of citizens by the state; the notion of the Amendment authorizing an armed population to be always at the ready to rise up against a government perceived as ‘tyrannical’ is problematic at best, and does not comport with the current understanding of the Amendment.

Indeed, the idea of the government ‘fearful’ of an armed population and as some sort of ‘deterrent’ to government takings of property or persons is naïve and foolish.

The militia consist of the PEOPLE.
The second amendment does not say
A well regulated militia by congress being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
It says
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
Now why would the founders put control of the militia in the hands of the government if the second amendment was supposed to prevent tyranny of the government?
That doesn't have to mean militarily, idiot. We as citizens have huge sway in the way our government operates. It's why politicians cater to constituents.

If you say so, Udder breath...

It's the truth. Or are you saying that the USA has always been a tyranny because our military could squash any civilian uprising? Modern military like ours will never fear the armaments of the civilian population. That doesn't mean we have a tyranny. If we had a military our own population could crush, we'd stand no chance in the world arena.
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How long before the Tragedy of the Batman Movie shooting will be twisted Politically into another Anti gun Campaign by the Democrats? I'm thinking Monday Morning the pro gun ban people will be in high gear. I think that they will use the weekend to plan their strike which will commence at 9AM Monday morning on all of those usual suspect shows. They will wait until the majority of people who aren't Democrats do what they do best... Go to WORK.

Not before you could exploit the event to create this thread.
That doesn't have to mean militarily, idiot. We as citizens have huge sway in the way our government operates. It's why politicians cater to constituents.

If you say so, Udder breath...

It's the truth. Or are you saying that the USA has always been a tyranny because our military could squash any civilian uprising? Modern military like ours will never fear the armaments of the civilian population. That doesn't mean we have a tyranny. If we had a military our own population could crush, we'd stand no chance in the world arena.

It is not our arms they fear, it is our rights.

That's why they keep trying to limit them.
If you say so, Udder breath...

It's the truth. Or are you saying that the USA has always been a tyranny because our military could squash any civilian uprising? Modern military like ours will never fear the armaments of the civilian population. That doesn't mean we have a tyranny. If we had a military our own population could crush, we'd stand no chance in the world arena.

It is not our arms they fear, it is our rights.

That's why they keep trying to limit them.

Oh fucking please.

Obama Administration has stayed away from gun rights.
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It's the truth. Or are you saying that the USA has always been a tyranny because our military could squash any civilian uprising? Modern military like ours will never fear the armaments of the civilian population. That doesn't mean we have a tyranny. If we had a military our own population could crush, we'd stand no chance in the world arena.

It is not our arms they fear, it is our rights.

That's why they keep trying to limit them.

Oh fucking please.

Obama Administration has stayed away from gun rights.

Stayed away from gun rights?? What planet are you on, anyway? The talking heads have been on restricting the 2nd Amendment since before Fast & Furious broke. Hell, the propaganda about gun violence in Mexico was the PURPOSE of it.

Hillary is in NY finishing up the UN Small Arms Treaty, which will NEVER be ratified, thank God.

And what makes you think I'm just talking about the current Bozo in the White House?

Obama signed the NDAA, Bush II signed the Patriot Act, seeing any similarities?

Wake up and smell the State...
Let me ask this...

If you people who want to further restrict the 2nd Amendment get your way, and all semi-automatic rifles and handguns are outlawed, how are you proposing the get them?

Are you actually threatening the duly elected government of the United States?

If your semi-automatic handgun is ruled illegal you will be told to turn it in to your local police department. If you choose armed resistance, you will be arrested, lose your job, probably your house and your family will suffer

It is your choice, what is your priority? Your guns or your family?

In English that says "Abdicate your 2nd Amendment rights or face the wrath of government."

Not at all

If some of your guns are ruled illegal and upheld by the courts, Constitutionally, you have no right to that particular weapon

If you choose to go the "From my cold dead fingers...." route you will be considered a criminal and treated accordingly

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