Predictably, the left blame Bush for the disaster in France. Yeap.

Appearing on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Thursday, David Rothkopf, CEO and editor of The FP Group, which publishes Foreign Policy magazine, warned against European authorities being too aggressive in fighting Islamic terrorism following the brutal attack in Paris: "I think we have to be just as worried about the reaction to the attack from nationalists, from right-wingers, from people who have sought to drive this wedge...between the Islamic communities and the mainstream communities in's very important that we recognize the value of restraint in response to these things." Moments later, he cited the Abu Ghraib prison scandal as a cause for the massacre: "You know, one of the reports has it that one of these guys who led this attack was radicalized by reading about Abu Ghraib, that prior to that he was not an extremist, and after that he moved into this vein of thought." -

See more at: Foreign Policy Editor Blames Paris Terror Attack on Abu Ghraib

David Rothkopf

"I think we have to be just as worried about the reaction to the attack from nationalists, from right-wingers, from people who have sought to drive this wedge...between the Islamic communities and the mainstream communities in's very important that we recognize the value of restraint in response to these things." -

Now, look at that face, the beady eyes, the big nose, the arrogant obnoxious know it all smile. You thinking what I am thinking?

Yeah, you are thinking what I am thinking.

Abu Ghraib, code phrase for Boooooosh and cheney.

Actually I was thinking how punchable his face looked.

Ha! :laugh:
How old are you anyways? Twelve?
Just because somebody says something that you disagree with, you want to punch them.:dunno:
View attachment 35743

Shit,I bet you have a punchable face as well. And where did I say I disagreed?
You really need to stop taking things so serious.....seriously.

Are you serious?

Yes I am...seriously.
Appearing on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Thursday, David Rothkopf, CEO and editor of The FP Group, which publishes Foreign Policy magazine, warned against European authorities being too aggressive in fighting Islamic terrorism following the brutal attack in Paris: "I think we have to be just as worried about the reaction to the attack from nationalists, from right-wingers, from people who have sought to drive this wedge...between the Islamic communities and the mainstream communities in's very important that we recognize the value of restraint in response to these things." Moments later, he cited the Abu Ghraib prison scandal as a cause for the massacre: "You know, one of the reports has it that one of these guys who led this attack was radicalized by reading about Abu Ghraib, that prior to that he was not an extremist, and after that he moved into this vein of thought." -

See more at: Foreign Policy Editor Blames Paris Terror Attack on Abu Ghraib

David Rothkopf

"I think we have to be just as worried about the reaction to the attack from nationalists, from right-wingers, from people who have sought to drive this wedge...between the Islamic communities and the mainstream communities in's very important that we recognize the value of restraint in response to these things." -

Now, look at that face, the beady eyes, the big nose, the arrogant obnoxious know it all smile. You thinking what I am thinking?

Yeah, you are thinking what I am thinking.

Abu Ghraib, code phrase for Boooooosh and cheney.

The lefties will not condemn Islam. The more attacks there are, the more they will defend the terrorists and blame "the right" for everything.
Appearing on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Thursday, David Rothkopf, CEO and editor of The FP Group, which publishes Foreign Policy magazine, warned against European authorities being too aggressive in fighting Islamic terrorism following the brutal attack in Paris: "I think we have to be just as worried about the reaction to the attack from nationalists, from right-wingers, from people who have sought to drive this wedge...between the Islamic communities and the mainstream communities in's very important that we recognize the value of restraint in response to these things." Moments later, he cited the Abu Ghraib prison scandal as a cause for the massacre: "You know, one of the reports has it that one of these guys who led this attack was radicalized by reading about Abu Ghraib, that prior to that he was not an extremist, and after that he moved into this vein of thought." -

See more at: Foreign Policy Editor Blames Paris Terror Attack on Abu Ghraib

David Rothkopf

"I think we have to be just as worried about the reaction to the attack from nationalists, from right-wingers, from people who have sought to drive this wedge...between the Islamic communities and the mainstream communities in's very important that we recognize the value of restraint in response to these things." -

Now, look at that face, the beady eyes, the big nose, the arrogant obnoxious know it all smile. You thinking what I am thinking?

Yeah, you are thinking what I am thinking.

Abu Ghraib, code phrase for Boooooosh and cheney.

The lefties will not condemn Islam. The more attacks there are, the more they will defend the terrorists and blame "the right" for everything.
I condemn stupid muslims and christians alike.
Appearing on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Thursday, David Rothkopf, CEO and editor of The FP Group, which publishes Foreign Policy magazine, warned against European authorities being too aggressive in fighting Islamic terrorism following the brutal attack in Paris: "I think we have to be just as worried about the reaction to the attack from nationalists, from right-wingers, from people who have sought to drive this wedge...between the Islamic communities and the mainstream communities in's very important that we recognize the value of restraint in response to these things." Moments later, he cited the Abu Ghraib prison scandal as a cause for the massacre: "You know, one of the reports has it that one of these guys who led this attack was radicalized by reading about Abu Ghraib, that prior to that he was not an extremist, and after that he moved into this vein of thought." -

See more at: Foreign Policy Editor Blames Paris Terror Attack on Abu Ghraib

David Rothkopf

"I think we have to be just as worried about the reaction to the attack from nationalists, from right-wingers, from people who have sought to drive this wedge...between the Islamic communities and the mainstream communities in's very important that we recognize the value of restraint in response to these things." -

Now, look at that face, the beady eyes, the big nose, the arrogant obnoxious know it all smile. You thinking what I am thinking?

Yeah, you are thinking what I am thinking.

Abu Ghraib, code phrase for Boooooosh and cheney.

Actually I was thinking how punchable his face looked.

Ha! :laugh:
How old are you anyways? Twelve?
Just because somebody says something that you disagree with, you want to punch them.:dunno:
View attachment 35743

Shit,I bet you have a punchable face as well. And where did I say I disagreed?
You really need to stop taking things so serious.....seriously.

Are you serious?

Yes I am...seriously.

I seriously don't know if I should take you seriously or not.
I guess it's Boooooosh's fault because up until then Muslims were such a peaceful bunch? Truth is, libs are more of a threat than radical Islam.
I guess it's Boooooosh's fault because up until then Muslims were such a peaceful bunch. Truth is, libs are more of a threat than radical Islam.
Bosh plays for the Miami Heat. He had nothing to do with this.
Remember who got blamed for the cops being killed in NYC? The protestors. For stirring up hate.

Shouldn't the cartoonists be blamed for the cop in Paris being killed, and the others?

After all, they were stirring up hate for years weren't they? ...putting RWnut thinking to the question...
Actually I was thinking how punchable his face looked.

Ha! :laugh:
How old are you anyways? Twelve?
Just because somebody says something that you disagree with, you want to punch them.:dunno:
View attachment 35743

Shit,I bet you have a punchable face as well. And where did I say I disagreed?
You really need to stop taking things so serious.....seriously.

Are you serious?

Yes I am...seriously.

I seriously don't know if I should take you seriously or not.

Thats probably a good idea...seriously.
Ha! :laugh:
How old are you anyways? Twelve?
Just because somebody says something that you disagree with, you want to punch them.:dunno:
View attachment 35743

Shit,I bet you have a punchable face as well. And where did I say I disagreed?
You really need to stop taking things so serious.....seriously.

Are you serious?

Yes I am...seriously.

I seriously don't know if I should take you seriously or not.

Thats probably a good idea...seriously.


Remember who got blamed for the cops being killed in NYC? The protestors. For stirring up hate.

Shouldn't the cartoonists be blamed for the cop in Paris being killed, and the others?

After all, they were stirring up hate for years weren't they? ...putting RWnut thinking to the question...
Who said it was the protesters? The blame was put on the people using the dimwits and fanning the flames of racism just because the skin color of the cop was white and the perp was black. It is a trumped up issue for political gain, the cartoonists don't need to invent the problems the Islamo-fascists are causing.
The lefties will not condemn Islam. The more attacks there are, the more they will defend the terrorists and blame "the right" for everything.

That's really would be like condemning all Christians for the acts of the Westboro Baptist Church. Do all conservatives have that "generalizing" problem?
The lefties will not condemn Islam. The more attacks there are, the more they will defend the terrorists and blame "the right" for everything.

That's really would be like condemning all Christians for the acts of the Westboro Baptist Church. Do all conservatives have that "generalizing" problem?
Yea, didn't the Westboro Baptist Church kill 16 innocent people in cold blood? See, Islam and Christianity are the SAME you bigoted Republican shitlords.
The lefties will not condemn Islam. The more attacks there are, the more they will defend the terrorists and blame "the right" for everything.

That's really would be like condemning all Christians for the acts of the Westboro Baptist Church. Do all conservatives have that "generalizing" problem?
Yea, didn't the Westboro Baptist Church kill 16 innocent people in cold blood?

No, but Timothy McVeigh did....

Religious beliefs and final conversion to Roman Catholicism
McVeigh was raised Roman Catholic.[91] During his childhood, he and his father attended Mass regularly.[92] McVeigh was confirmed at the Good Shepherd Church in Pendleton, New York, in 1985.[93] In a 1996 interview, McVeigh professed belief in "a God", although he said he had "sort of lost touch with" Catholicism and "I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs."[91] In McVeigh's 2002 biography American Terrorist, he stated that he did not believe in Hell and that science is his religion.[94][95] In June 2001, a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying himself as agnostic.[4] Before his execution, McVeigh took the Catholic sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

Also, how about the idiot who killed the abortion doctor?

See, Islam and Christianity are the SAME you bigoted Republican shitlords.

Islam and Christianity are not the same idiot, but you can find crazy radical people in any religion and to condemn all of them for the acts of some is insane, like you.
The lefties will not condemn Islam. The more attacks there are, the more they will defend the terrorists and blame "the right" for everything.

That's really would be like condemning all Christians for the acts of the Westboro Baptist Church. Do all conservatives have that "generalizing" problem?
Yea, didn't the Westboro Baptist Church kill 16 innocent people in cold blood?

No, but Timothy McVeigh did....

Religious beliefs and final conversion to Roman Catholicism
McVeigh was raised Roman Catholic.[91] During his childhood, he and his father attended Mass regularly.[92] McVeigh was confirmed at the Good Shepherd Church in Pendleton, New York, in 1985.[93] In a 1996 interview, McVeigh professed belief in "a God", although he said he had "sort of lost touch with" Catholicism and "I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs."[91] In McVeigh's 2002 biography American Terrorist, he stated that he did not believe in Hell and that science is his religion.[94][95] In June 2001, a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying himself as agnostic.[4] Before his execution, McVeigh took the Catholic sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
McVeigh killed those people in the name of Christianity? I wasn't aware. I know the muslim terrorists did, because they proclaimed, "muhammad is avenged, allah akbar" as they slaughtered innocents. Perhaps you can direct me to McVeigh's manifesto, or perhaps a recording of him being driven to his act of terrorism? That would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise, you have no comparison and your equivocation of Islam to Christianity is bunk.
The lefties will not condemn Islam. The more attacks there are, the more they will defend the terrorists and blame "the right" for everything.

That's really would be like condemning all Christians for the acts of the Westboro Baptist Church. Do all conservatives have that "generalizing" problem?

Christianity doesn't preach death to all who don't convert, Islam does. Assholes like Howard Dean who claim that these terror attacks aren't done by real Muslims, are lying. These are the real Islamists who follow their religion as the pedophile false prophet taught it.

If you can't make that distinction then you are an idiot.
Remember who got blamed for the cops being killed in NYC? The protestors. For stirring up hate.

Shouldn't the cartoonists be blamed for the cop in Paris being killed, and the others?

After all, they were stirring up hate for years weren't they? ...putting RWnut thinking to the question...

The cartoonist we're not calling for people to be killed. The thug protesters were.

Nice try though.
"Predictably, the left blame Bush for the disaster in France."

Predictably, the OP has composed yet another thread that fails as a straw man fallacy.

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