Predictably, the left blame Bush for the disaster in France. Yeap.

If Ron Reagan would have dealt with this terrorist crap when it all got started under his watch we wouldn't have to be dealing with it today. But no, he had to go and encourage it and make it profitable for the terrorist. Worked out just great didn't it.

Dealt with it hell. He started it. Charlie Wilson, another dumbass Texas politician, almost single handedly got massive US funding for the Mujahidin, and St Ronald encouraged him. Without all that money and arms we gave the terrorists to get started, we wouldn't have the problems we have now.

ronald reagan recruited, armed and trained the mujahidin. reagan had them over to the white house and in the oval office. reagan proclaimed bin laden and his terrorists to be "great freedom fighters."

A lot of the problems we have today can be traced right back to reagan and the first bush and their actions in the 1980s.

That's on top of already giving arms, spare parts and technology to the terrorists who were holding our citizens as hostage.

ronald reagan was a traitor to America. He committed treason.

I won't say he was a traitor. Perhaps he was just ignorant, or maybe the Alzheimer's was kicking in, but he screwed up a lot of things that shouldn't have been screwed up.
Obama and the Dims can just enforce the law as they are legally obligated to do. Amnesty for illegal aliens is a separate issue, and the voters will never approve it.

Obama was overwhelmingly re-elected by Americans. His job is to make/change laws.....too bad Republicans in Congress spend the majority of their time looking for rabbits to chase instead of working with him.

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