Predictably, the left blame Bush for the disaster in France. Yeap.

Thanks for this post. This is incredible.!

Another sucker takes the bait.
Yes you fell for the newest "threat to the democracy and wholesome white living" argument like most fools.

You have to be an idiot to believe that Islam is not a threat to Western civilization.
You have to be an idiot to believe it is retard. Do you know how many people in the US practice Islam?

So what is your solution? To just let them keep immigrating until they out number us? That certainly is the best way to destroy America, or "fundamentally change it". Of course that is why progs support Islamists in the first place, it matches up with their own Agenda.
My solution to what? I dont have an issue with more Muslims. Why would I worry about them outnumbering "us". Hopefully America will experience fundamental change. I doubt it will be destroyed. Maybe the version you enjoy will be destroyed but I dont really care about that.

For those of us who were/have been against the massive military intervention in the Middle East, one of the primary reasons has been that our actions there would further net destabilize the region and vastly increase animosities. Those warnings were ignored, and even scoffed at.

I'm pretty sure we turned out to be right. I'd also guess that the terrorists have found it logistically easier to launch attacks in Europe than here.

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I dont have an issue with more Muslims. Why would I worry about them outnumbering "us". Hopefully America will experience fundamental change. I doubt it will be destroyed. Maybe the version you enjoy will be destroyed but I dont really care about that.

I'd think that this is the general opinion of the Left right now, good to see this honesty.

If "fundamental change" ends up destroying, his word, that's an acceptable cost.

I dont have an issue with more Muslims. Why would I worry about them outnumbering "us". Hopefully America will experience fundamental change. I doubt it will be destroyed. Maybe the version you enjoy will be destroyed but I dont really care about that.

I'd think that this is the general opinion of the Left right now, good to see this honesty.

If "fundamental change" ends up destroying, his word, that's an acceptable cost.

Depends on whats destroyed.
For those of us who were/have been against the massive military intervention in the Middle East, one of the primary reasons has been that our actions there would further net destabilize the region and vastly increase animosities. Those warnings were ignored, and even scoffed at.

I'm pretty sure we turned out to be right. I'd also guess that the terrorists have found it logistically easier to launch attacks in Europe than here.
I don't think it's logistics. Whether one was for or against the wars, I think the message is that the US will get a wild hair when threatened and do God knows what. I don't believe it's a coincidence that we haven't suffered another 9/11 attack.
For those of us who were/have been against the massive military intervention in the Middle East, one of the primary reasons has been that our actions there would further net destabilize the region and vastly increase animosities. Those warnings were ignored, and even scoffed at.

I'm pretty sure we turned out to be right. I'd also guess that the terrorists have found it logistically easier to launch attacks in Europe than here.
I don't think it's logistics. Whether one was for or against the wars, I think the message is that the US will get a wild hair when threatened and do God knows what. I don't believe it's a coincidence that we haven't suffered another 9/11 attack.

The FBI and the CIA have been sitting around doing nothing at all to prevent further attacks?
For those of us who were/have been against the massive military intervention in the Middle East, one of the primary reasons has been that our actions there would further net destabilize the region and vastly increase animosities. Those warnings were ignored, and even scoffed at.

I'm pretty sure we turned out to be right. I'd also guess that the terrorists have found it logistically easier to launch attacks in Europe than here.
I don't think it's logistics. Whether one was for or against the wars, I think the message is that the US will get a wild hair when threatened and do God knows what. I don't believe it's a coincidence that we haven't suffered another 9/11 attack.
No such thing as coincidence. All it takes is one Muslim here in the states to decide to do something. Since there are probably millions here I think it speaks to the fact that its the nut cases and not the religion. Just like it would not be fair to blame all christians for the nut case domestic terrorists we have here.
Lo and behold another Muslim saves people in France. He must have renounced his faith first then got it back afterwards.

Paris Shootings Muslim man who hid Jewish supermarket hostages from killer hailed hero - Mirror Online

Lassana Bathily is said to have shepherded terrified customers to safety in a chiller as the Islamic gunman took hold of the Hyper Cacher supermarket"

For those of us who were/have been against the massive military intervention in the Middle East, one of the primary reasons has been that our actions there would further net destabilize the region and vastly increase animosities. Those warnings were ignored, and even scoffed at.

I'm pretty sure we turned out to be right. I'd also guess that the terrorists have found it logistically easier to launch attacks in Europe than here.
I don't think it's logistics. Whether one was for or against the wars, I think the message is that the US will get a wild hair when threatened and do God knows what. I don't believe it's a coincidence that we haven't suffered another 9/11 attack.
The FBI and the CIA have been sitting around doing nothing at all to prevent further attacks?
Sure they have but it's impossible to stop everything, like the French massacre, for example. There was the Boston bombing but nothing on a 9/11 scale.
No such thing as coincidence. All it takes is one Muslim here in the states to decide to do something. Since there are probably millions here I think it speaks to the fact that its the nut cases and not the religion. Just like it would not be fair to blame all christians for the nut case domestic terrorists we have here.
If 9/11, the bombings and shootings were Christians you better goddamn believe there would be screaming bloody murder by the left but since it's Islam all we get is moral equivalence, relativism, let's be careful, blah blah blah. The hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
No such thing as coincidence. All it takes is one Muslim here in the states to decide to do something. Since there are probably millions here I think it speaks to the fact that its the nut cases and not the religion. Just like it would not be fair to blame all christians for the nut case domestic terrorists we have here.
If 9/11, the bombings and shootings were Christians you better goddamn believe there would be screaming bloody murder by the left but since it's Islam all we get is moral equivalence, relativism, let's be careful, blah blah blah. The hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
You mean like the screaming bloody murder on the RIght?

For those of us who were/have been against the massive military intervention in the Middle East, one of the primary reasons has been that our actions there would further net destabilize the region and vastly increase animosities. Those warnings were ignored, and even scoffed at.

I'm pretty sure we turned out to be right. I'd also guess that the terrorists have found it logistically easier to launch attacks in Europe than here.


For those of us who were/have been against the massive military intervention believe we should have minded our damn business back in 1941 and those poor misunderstood Japanese would never have had to get us into that ridiculous war. That socialist fellow in Germany would have saved the World from the evils of capitalism AND communism and we would never have had to support that capitalistic war monger state of Israel and that poor misunderstood Osama Bin Laden would never have had to attack the WTC- I'm pretty sure we turned out to be right. the War on Terrorism could have been averted back in the 1940s
Another sucker takes the bait.
Yes you fell for the newest "threat to the democracy and wholesome white living" argument like most fools.

You have to be an idiot to believe that Islam is not a threat to Western civilization.
You have to be an idiot to believe it is retard. Do you know how many people in the US practice Islam?

So what is your solution? To just let them keep immigrating until they out number us? That certainly is the best way to destroy America, or "fundamentally change it". Of course that is why progs support Islamists in the first place, it matches up with their own Agenda.
My solution to what? I dont have an issue with more Muslims. Why would I worry about them outnumbering "us". Hopefully America will experience fundamental change. I doubt it will be destroyed. Maybe the version you enjoy will be destroyed but I dont really care about that.

You may have an issue with them when they stone your sister to death for committing adultery.

For those of us who were/have been against the massive military intervention in the Middle East, one of the primary reasons has been that our actions there would further net destabilize the region and vastly increase animosities. Those warnings were ignored, and even scoffed at.

I'm pretty sure we turned out to be right. I'd also guess that the terrorists have found it logistically easier to launch attacks in Europe than here.


For those of us who were/have been against the massive military intervention believe we should have minded our damn business back in 1941 and those poor misunderstood Japanese would never have had to get us into that ridiculous war. That socialist fellow in Germany would have saved the World from the evils of capitalism AND communism and we would never have had to support that capitalistic war monger state of Israel and that poor misunderstood Osama Bin Laden would never have had to attack the WTC- I'm pretty sure we turned out to be right. the War on Terrorism could have been averted back in the 1940s

Diverting the topic to Hitler and the 1940's is fine, but it doesn't change the fact that we warned against all-out war and nation-building, and trillions of dollars and thousands of young American lives, limbs and minds later, the terrorism situation is more widespread and complicated than ever. As we predicted.

No such thing as coincidence. All it takes is one Muslim here in the states to decide to do something. Since there are probably millions here I think it speaks to the fact that its the nut cases and not the religion. Just like it would not be fair to blame all christians for the nut case domestic terrorists we have here.
If 9/11, the bombings and shootings were Christians you better goddamn believe there would be screaming bloody murder by the left but since it's Islam all we get is moral equivalence, relativism, let's be careful, blah blah blah. The hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
You mean like the screaming bloody murder on the RIght?
No, I was talking about liberal hypocrisy, can't you read? How is it hypocritical to warn people about Muslim extremists? It's still falling on some deaf ears. How many more examples would you need to see?
No such thing as coincidence. All it takes is one Muslim here in the states to decide to do something. Since there are probably millions here I think it speaks to the fact that its the nut cases and not the religion. Just like it would not be fair to blame all christians for the nut case domestic terrorists we have here.
If 9/11, the bombings and shootings were Christians you better goddamn believe there would be screaming bloody murder by the left but since it's Islam all we get is moral equivalence, relativism, let's be careful, blah blah blah. The hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
Why should I believe that? Just because you say so? :laugh:

There are plenty of nutcases that commit crimes in the name of christianity. Hell this country was founded and built on that principle.
No such thing as coincidence. All it takes is one Muslim here in the states to decide to do something. Since there are probably millions here I think it speaks to the fact that its the nut cases and not the religion. Just like it would not be fair to blame all christians for the nut case domestic terrorists we have here.
If 9/11, the bombings and shootings were Christians you better goddamn believe there would be screaming bloody murder by the left but since it's Islam all we get is moral equivalence, relativism, let's be careful, blah blah blah. The hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
Why should I believe that? Just because you say so? :laugh:

There are plenty of nutcases that commit crimes in the name of christianity. Hell this country was founded and built on that principle.
That's my point. The left cannot draw any distinctions. It's too hard. The right realizes that Christians aren't flying planes into buildings and causing the problems. The the left, a few dead at the hands of a Christian nut is the same as the many thousands at the hands of Muslims, sponsored by states and engaged in war all over the world.
No such thing as coincidence. All it takes is one Muslim here in the states to decide to do something. Since there are probably millions here I think it speaks to the fact that its the nut cases and not the religion. Just like it would not be fair to blame all christians for the nut case domestic terrorists we have here.
If 9/11, the bombings and shootings were Christians you better goddamn believe there would be screaming bloody murder by the left but since it's Islam all we get is moral equivalence, relativism, let's be careful, blah blah blah. The hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
Why should I believe that? Just because you say so? :laugh:

There are plenty of nutcases that commit crimes in the name of christianity. Hell this country was founded and built on that principle.
That's my point. The left cannot draw any distinctions. It's too hard. The right realizes that Christians aren't flying planes into buildings and causing the problems. The the left, a few dead at the hands of a Christian nut is the same as the many thousands at the hands of Muslims, sponsored by states and engaged in war all over the world.
Christians have killed way more that a few. They have wiped out civilizations. Dont you know your history?
No such thing as coincidence. All it takes is one Muslim here in the states to decide to do something. Since there are probably millions here I think it speaks to the fact that its the nut cases and not the religion. Just like it would not be fair to blame all christians for the nut case domestic terrorists we have here.
If 9/11, the bombings and shootings were Christians you better goddamn believe there would be screaming bloody murder by the left but since it's Islam all we get is moral equivalence, relativism, let's be careful, blah blah blah. The hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
Why should I believe that? Just because you say so? :laugh:

There are plenty of nutcases that commit crimes in the name of christianity. Hell this country was founded and built on that principle.
That's my point. The left cannot draw any distinctions. It's too hard. The right realizes that Christians aren't flying planes into buildings and causing the problems. The the left, a few dead at the hands of a Christian nut is the same as the many thousands at the hands of Muslims, sponsored by states and engaged in war all over the world.
Christians have killed way more that a few. They have wiped out civilizations. Dont you know your history?
Like I said, liberals cannot draw distinctions. The years 2014 and 1014 make no difference. It's all the same.

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